Megabucks Megafun - Cover

Megabucks Megafun

Copyright© 2024 by BiWriter

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A software developer becomes a millionaire. He discovers being wealthy opens up new, kinky outlets for his sexual urges.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Workplace   Sharing   Group Sex   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting  

Becoming a millionaire sure has changed my life, in more ways than one. The most surprising, and unexpected, was the enhancement to my sex life. You see, I write software, several years ago I came up with a new encryption algorithm. I won’t bore you with the technical details, but soon after I came up with it a huge software giant hired me to develop it for their operating system.

Well, just a few years later I now run a fairly large corporation and am loaded. My wife and I built a huge new house, and hired a small staff to take care of it, and us. It also had a nice affect on my wife Amy. She hired a personal trainer, lost a little weight, firmed up her big DDD cup tits, and her appetite for sex seemed to increase dramatically. We fucked like rabbits, having lots of fun sex.

Our first foray into the unusual came after we hired our maid, Esmeralda, or Ezzy as we called her. Ezzy was in her early 20’s, of Spanish descent. Her long black hair was kept in a knot, and her uniform revealed a nice set of tits. She was slightly thick in the waist, but had a great ass, big and round. Her long legs were accented by the dark hose she wore.

On the first morning my wife set the tone. Ezzy came in and sat our morning coffee on a side dresser. My wife kicked off the covers, and strode to the bathroom. Poor Ezzy’s eyes went wide! You see, my wife and I sleep in the nude, and that’s just how my wife got out of bed and strut her stuff.

My wife came out of the bathroom wearing a thin, short sleeve bathrobe that barely covered her, stopping at her crotch. Looking at me she said “Your turn John. Hurry before the coffee gets cold!” Well, what the hell. I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom with a huge piss hard on. Ezzy tried not to look like she was looking, but we could tell she was. I came out in my robe, and accepted my coffee from Ezzy.

Well, after about two months Ezzy became quite comfortable with seeing us naked. By that point we had even quit bothering with our robes, and took our coffee from here still nude. It wasn’t long after this before my wife took things to the next level. I awoke one morning with the sheets on the floor. Amy was between my legs, sucking my cock.

Upon seeing me wake up, she slid up and plopped down on me. My cock slid easily in her wet pussy, which told me she’d been doing some masturbating before I woke. I reached up and took a tit in each hand as I thrust my hips inside her. “Ungh, baby this feels really good, but Ezzy will be here any minute.” I cautioned.

“Exactly” Amy said with an wicked grin. “I’m counting on it.” We continued our fuck, and in just a few minutes my prediction came true. Ezzy walked in the door and froze.

“Oh! I’ll come back in just a minute.” she started to turn when my wife stopped her.

“It’s OK Ezzy, come on in! We’re almost done.” Ezzy stood in silence, watching us fuck. My wife shuddered, her back arched and she moaned “oh yesssss” as her pussy clamped down on my cock. This set me off, and I came hard filling her cunt with my spunk. My wife sat on me, breathing heavy, then turned to our maid. “Ezzy, be a dear and fetch us some towels, will you?”

Wordlessly Ezzy stepped into the bath, then came back with two towels. “Thanks” Amy said. She got off me, standing on the floor beside Ezzy. Spreading her legs she cleaned my cum out of her soaked crotch. I took the other towel from Ezzy, who was now staring at my crotch. As I was cleaning up, my wife snapped Ezzy from her trance. “Thanks, you’re a sweetie. Now, how about some coffee?”

Ezzy seemed to take it in stride, as this performance repeated it self many more times. (I suspect the nice raise we gave her helped her take it in stride too!) She’d come in with our coffee, see we were having sex, go get us some towels, then stand beside the bed and watch until we were done.

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