The King of Atlantis - Cover

The King of Atlantis

Copyright© 2020 by KKindle

Chapter 36

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 36 - Mark learns the ropes of being a king to billions. Join him and his crew on their adventure as they expand their universe and learn some secrets of life in the universe, while searching for the bastard Prince! This book picks up right where The Cowboy and the Aliens ended.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Hermaphrodite   Fiction   Science Fiction   Aliens   Space   Harem   Cream Pie   Fisting   Royalty  

Marnot was the closest member to Athos, being only 3 days in light drive away now that Cricket had upgraded the light engines on the Defender and other stationary ships. Marnot itself wasn’t actually a planet, but a good sized moon around a very large gas planet.

Marnot was very lush and humid, there were no large mountains or anything, just one big sea that covered most of the moon and two large island continents, which were primarily rainforests.

They called the dominant civilized species on both continents Tinks. Little beings that were like T’Soona, but shorter, they couldn’t fly and they didn’t wear clothes. They all looked unique and averaged about 75 centimetres tall, the tallest ones might reach 1 metre.

The other civilized creatures were little furry bear type things called Gerrs, but they barely met the description of civilized. They still built their houses in trees and were very much still a simple hunter gatherer type race. Their senator was named Tok, and he was a pleasant fellow, but had little to say and wasn’t interested in changing anything, and they wanted nothing from the Federation ... they just wanted things left as they were.

Most of the time was spent with the Tinks, who were also quite a simple species and about the only Federation technology the moon used was a miniature version of the lifts, construx, communications and drink dispensers. The Tinks were a social species and talked and travelled frequently to visit other colonies, but didn’t seem interested in leaving the planet or making many changes.

Senator Flora was an attractive woman, about average height. She had bright red hair, a trimmed red bush, and breasts that were not much more than pink nipples on slightly raised mounds.

She invited them to feast with them tonight, but everyone was having problems moving through the dense forest, especially Gyges and Rayven as their horns were constantly getting tangled in the branches and vines, that Maren took them back to the Poseidon and just left Mark to feast with the little people.

Mark felt very much like a giant as he couldn’t fit into any of their buildings, but fortunately they had an outdoor pavilion that had enough room for him to sit on the ground and take part in the feast which was more or less a selection of berries, fruits and vegetables.

Mark ate little, but he listened to the village chatter and watched the fun loving, easy-going people. After supper, the village elders told stories and everyone sat around to listen. After a little more than an hour of story time, they sent the children off to bed and most of the adults got up to go for a walk.

Senator Flora invited Mark to walk with them, so he followed her for about half a kilometre to this beautiful waterfall area and, while the waterfall was breathtaking, Mark’s attention was everywhere but, as the place had turned into a massive orgy.

Senator Flora’s nipples were puffing out slightly more and she had one hand between her legs. She looked at Mark and licked her lips seductively, “Care to join us?”

Mark’s cock was clearly straining his jeans, as she smiled, “Well, part of you wants to join us,” as she kissed and rubbed his erection through his pants. She then unbuttoned his jeans and pull his pants and underwear down, allowing his cock to spring free. She caught it with both hands before it hit her in the head.

She stared at his cock with both hands, “Wow, this looks like a challenge. Why don’t you strip off and lie back and I’ll take care of you?”

Mark removed the rest of his clothes and lay back on the shore with his feet and legs in the warm water.

Flora straddled his thighs while she stroked and sucked on the head of his cock. Amy, one of Flora’s advisors, whom Mark had met earlier, joined in by straddling Mark’s face.

Her pussy had a trimmed blonde strip, but otherwise bare, and was leaking the sweetest nectar. She tasted like a juicy peach. Mark couldn’t see, but when Amy said, “It will not fit,” he knew what Flora was doing as he felt something wet and slick rubbing the head of his cock followed by an incredible tightness around the head of his cock.

Flora gasped as she just held still, while she tried to get used to his size. Eventually she began little up and down movements, trying to go a little deeper each time. After a few centons, she let out a huge gasp as the head of his cock applied pressure against her cervix.

Seeing Flora impaled on Mark’s cock sent Amy into orgasm. She was a squirter and covered Mark’s face in succulent peach flavoured cum. She got off, kissed Mark and helped clean her cum off his face.

She then sat herself on Mark’s hand, where his finger just found its way into her pussy. Amy was short by their standards, at about 65cm tall, but she was a horny little vixen. Her breasts were pretty much just nipples on her chest, but she was so cute.

Now that Flora was fully impaled, she began using her legs to lift herself up and down on his cock, which still had a few inches that couldn’t fit inside. She was incredibly tight, but she had an incredible look of determination on her face.

As tight as she was, Mark knew he would not last very long. He didn’t think Flora was going to last much longer either, as she had now had a rhythm that felt good for both of them.

Neither of them saw Rose, a cute little brunette that Mark had also met earlier, come running over. She hugged Flora from behind, causing her to go deeper, pushing the head of Mark’s cock into her womb. Flora cried out, either in pain or orgasm at the intrusion, but the increased tightness caused Mark to cum deep in Flora’s tight little pussy.

Realizing what she had done, Amy was laughing as Rose was apologizing to Flora, who was now clearly in the throes of orgasm, oblivious to everything except the cock that was pumping hot cum deep inside her.

After a couple of centons, she came back to reality and acknowledged Rose, Amy and Mark. As much cum as he had pumped into her, none had leaked out because of how tight she was. As she extracted herself off of Mark’s cock, though, there was a torrent of cum that poured out of her bright pink pussy. Rose and Amy saw the copious amount of cum and licked it up as Flora lay her upper body on Mark’s chest and kissed him.

Flora just smiled between kisses and said, “Wow!”

Mark was also smiling, “Wow is the perfect descriptor for what just happened. Thank you, my lady!”

Flora had the biggest grin, “No, thank you, my King!” suddenly her eyes went wide as Rose and Amy both said, “Wow!”

The two girls, seeing how stretched out Flora’s pussy was, were taking turns shoving a fist into her and then withdrawing it to lick the cum off, then shoving it back in. Eventually Flora’s pussy got too sensitive, and she begged for them to stop.

The nightly orgies definitely weren’t marathon sessions as, by the time Rose had cleaned up their cum, they were the only ones left by the waterfall.

They all walked into the water and washed their bodies off and then collected Mark’s clothes and headed back toward the village.

When they returned to the village, Maren was waiting with a big smile on her face. “Looks like I missed all the fun!”

Flora looked at Mark, “Did you have fun, my King?”

“Definitely! It was the best party I’ve gone to in a long time!” as he squeezed Flora’s ass, causing all three girls to giggle.

“I see! My King, the Commander wants to get underway, so we must get going if we’re to keep your schedule,” Maren said with a sly grin.

Mark kneeled down, kissed all three girls and said, “Thank you for the wonderful evening, sadly duty calls and I must go, but I will definitely be back!”

They all blew him kisses as he and Maren turned to walk toward the shuttle, but just before they got to the shuttle, Mark noticed this big grin on Maren’s face and she seemed to be on the verge of giggling.

“What’s got you smiling so much?”

She giggled, “It sounds like the start of a joke ... a blonde, a brunette and a redhead were all having sex with the King...”

Mark laughed, “It sounds funny when you put it that way.”

“So did you fuck all of them?”

“No, just Senator Flora.”

“Wow, I’m amazed she could even get you inside her!”

“She was even tighter than T’Soona, but she was determined to get it in.”

When they got in the shuttle, Maren unzipped her jacket to reveal she wasn’t wearing anything underneath, “Since you’re already naked, would you fancy a quickie in a pussy you might fit inside of better?”

Mark smiled at the sexy looking bunny girl as he helped her remove the rest of her uniform.

When they eventually returned to the Poseidon, Mark immediately went to the bar and ordered a steak sandwich. He was starving, since he really had eaten little at the feast and then the extracurricular activities with Flora, Rose, Amy and then Maren had left him famished.

Adam joined him at the bar while he ate, and asked, “Where to now?”

“You know when I have to be back to Earth, so it’s your call! I’m up for stopping by any planets on the way back to Earth, as long as we’re back in time for the wedding.”

Suspecting Mark was going to say that, Adam pulled up a miniature star chart and showed the route back toward Earth. A little over 3 days in light travel away was a planet named Neptune, but not the Neptune from Earth’s Solar System. It was a small ocean planet with lots of islands scattered all over it. It was the home planet of the Aquarens, or merpeople, and one of the most popular vacation spots in the entire Federation.

“Sure we could swing by there, it doesn’t look too far out of the way,” then Mark noticed another planet in the same system and asked, “What’s that one?”

“That’s Hytros, we could also go that way, but they think little of the Federation. They’re a very arrogant race, kind of like the superpowers on Earth, but they control the entire planet. They are fairly advanced, but do have not have a space program that we know of. We do have an Explorer in their vicinity monitoring them, but that’s it.”

Mark thought about it and decided, “Neptune it is, we’ll eventually revisit Hytros, but it’s not on the priority list.”

Adam tapped his wrist comm and told the bridge to set a course for Neptune.

Mark finished his meal, and they retired to their quarters just to relax and play some board games. Despite all the technology, good old-fashioned board and card games were still quite popular. After a few games they started getting ready for bed, when the door buzzed.

Nyssia and Myrria had heard they were going to Neptune, so they made a point to visit Mark and Rayven.

Four days later they were in orbit around Neptune.

Neptune was about half the size of Earth and was almost completely ocean with ice at the polar poles. There were thousands upon thousands of islands scattered throughout the oceans, with the largest island being only about a third of the size of Atlantis, and featured the planet’s only spaceport.

Almost their entire civilization lived underwater, Neptune itself had very little in the way of surface animals, except birds, little lizards and a few insects. The seas were also fairly shallow, which is why there were so many islands.

Since most of the islands were uninhabited, Neptune was a very popular vacation destination with resorts owning their own islands. It was also quite a popular place for the wealthier people to have vacation homes or to retire, because just like the resorts, they owned their very own islands.

Maren, Mark, Gyges, Rayven, Myrria and Nyssia were all on the first shuttle out. After the thorough fucking they had given Mark and Rayven, Mark had promised them they could have two days with their families.

On the trip to the spaceport, Myrria and Nyssia kept teasing Mark, Rayven and Gyges. Nyssia gave Maren some coordinates and as they were approaching the location, the two blue beauties stood up and stripped off. Mark, Rayven and Gyges all started getting a bit uncomfortable as they seemed to have some swelling in their pants.

Myrria and Nyssia, of course, just teased them more, until Maren announced they were at the coordinates. Then the ramp opened with the shuttle hovering just above the water, as the girls walked out onto the ramp and dove into the water.

Maren then closed the ramp, hovered the ship a bit higher and then went into the back, smiling as she unzipped her jacket, again exposing that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. “I suspect you all have raging erections right now? Would you like me to take care of you?”

All three began removing their clothes as Maren finished stripping.

Being the king, Maren got down on her knees and started sucking Mark’s cock and stroking Rayven’s, as she sat next to Mark. Gyges knelt behind Maren and plunged his bull cock deep into the bunny and began fucking her with reckless abandon. It didn’t take long until he was cumming deep into her pussy.

As he withdrew himself, cum started leaking out onto the floor, Maren then got up positioned her pussy above Mark’s cock and lowered herself, Rayven then got behind her and slowly slid into her pussy right beside Mark’s.

It didn’t take but a minute or two of both cocks fucking in and out of her already cum filled cunt, before Mark and Rayven were both depositing their cum deep inside the bunny’s pussy.

While Maren was collecting herself after many orgasms, Rayven licked her pussy clean, eliciting a couple more small orgasms before her clit got too sensitive to touch.

After everyone had recovered from the impromptu gangbang, they got dressed and resumed their trip to the spaceport.

Oddly enough, the spaceport was a lot like the port on Atlantis. The terminal was a big 3-pointed isotoxal star building with the control tower and communications array on top of the central section. The difference being that all three sides were spaceports; they didn’t have any marine traffic on the shallow seas.

As they arrived, there were eight senators waiting for them. Seven were Aquaren and one was human. Mark got introduced to them by Senator Triton, who seemed to be the primary leader of the planet. The other six Aquaren senators were the leaders of each of the seven seas and lastly there was Senator Juliardi, a human female that looked like she was definitely up there in age. She was the elected senator for the residents and companies that owned or lived on the islands.

Mark was a bit leary of her, as she had a kind of rich heiress vibe to her. You know the kind? Where everything in the world has to revolve around them and everyone should be thankful that they are in her presence.

Once the introductions were done, Senator Triton escorted them to a very nice-looking hotel.

As they were getting checked into the hotel, Maren nudged Mark and nodded her head towards the elderly senator, and whispered, “You aren’t going to fuck that senator, are you?”

Mark laughed and whispered back, “Not planning on it! Besides, I think you got all the cum out of my balls earlier.”

“I’m pretty sure I could get more,” she said with a mischievous grin, as Mark pinched her ass.

After they got checked into their rooms, everyone met at a huge cabana by the pool. Maren, Rayven, and Gyges all went for a swim in the refreshing blue waters.

Senator Triton asked, “What brought you to Neptune today? Aren’t you getting married in a week?”

Mark explained, “Yes I am, but I’m trying to eventually visit all the federated planets. I’m sure you’ve heard that we just added another planet to the Federation and Neptune just happened to be between Athos and Earth.”

Senator Juliardi seemed upset, “So you won’t be staying long then?”

“We are only staying for two days on this trip. Although I’ve been told this is the place to come for a vacation. I’m not sure when I’ll actually get to take a vacation, but this will be where I come for it. Maybe we could come here for our honeymoon?”

Senator Triton said, “You and your companions must come to the feast tomorrow night then! That is the peak of our winter solstice.”

“Well, we can’t miss the winter solstice! Of course we’ll stay. We won’t be leaving until the next morning as two of our communications officers are from here, and I promised they could have two days with their families.”

Mark called Adam and told him about the winter solstice. It was one of the two big celebrations each yahren for each planet, so being in the security force and always travelling, if you had time to attend one on whatever planet you were near, you went!

All the planets had now had their security stations upgraded to Space Stations, and they had all received their Sentinels, which were manufacturing seeding ships and distributing them in different directions from there, so their explored universe was expanding rapidly in all directions.

With the Sentinel nearby, the Commander announced that everyone on the Poseidon had the option of going down to the surface tomorrow night for the big party.

For the next few centares, the senators and Mark talked about many things, including Earth, Atlantis, Athos, Sebastian, The Empire, and, of course, the wedding. Eventually, they started excusing themselves to retire to their homes as they all had big celebrations to host tomorrow night.

The celebration on Jewel though was the one to attend, since it was the biggest island on the planet, plus it was in Senator Triton’s sea and home to most of Senator Juliardi’s permanent residents. It was also the only spaceport and the major business hub for the planet.

Eventually, after all the senators had left, Mark and his crew went inside for a late meal and then to retire for the night. Since it was such a warm night, they all ended up sleeping on lounge chairs out on the balcony, just breathing in the salty ocean air.

The next morning they woke up, had showers and then went to breakfast. Senator Triton and his wife found them in the restaurant and invited them to visit his city for the day, to which they agreed.

The Aquarens often swam everywhere, unless it was a long distance, or if they had guests. Neptune had both the above ground lift system and an underwater train system similar to Atria. Upon joining the Federation and seeing the nicer housing systems, most of the Aquaren cities were now underwater domes on the ocean floor, which is probably where Atria got the idea, since Neptune had been in the Federation for hundreds of years before Atria.

The construction in those cities seemed more Earth-like than other places they had been in that they used apartment style housing complexes instead of individual standalone houses. The areas around the apartments though were in immaculate condition, unlike most apartment complexes on Earth. Because of the advanced recycling technology used throughout the Federation, there just wasn’t any trash or garbage to foul the air or spoil the sights. Speaking of sights, the underwater cities were primarily Aquaren and few people were clothed and they were all quite attractive and fit. Swimming does that to a body.

They spent the day wandering through a variety of markets and fantastically manicured gardens filled with flowers and plants. They built the cities in the shallower parts of the seas and the domes went nearly to the surface, so sunlight was the primary light source in the domes, which is what allowed their gardens to flourish.

Most of the restaurants they found in the city were seafood based, which Maren didn’t really care much for, but everyone else seemed to love it. After lunch, they checked out a bunch more shops and markets and then headed back to the hotel to rest and relax before the big festival that night.

On the way to the transit station they ran into Nyssia and Myrria, who were just about to head to the island also, so they shared a car.

The mermaids, of course, were naked, so as soon as the door closed they teased everyone. Mermaids were such flirts!

Maren laughed, “Here we go again!”

The two mermaids asked in unison, “What?”

Maren explained what happened when they dropped them off and how she got gang banged by all three of them.

Nyssia faked a pout, hugged Maren and said, “Awww we caused that? You poor girl!”

Myrria then added with a mischievous grin, “This time it’ll be one on one” as she stood up, moved to Mark and guided his mouth to her breast, which he happily sucked on.

Nyssia then did the same to Gyges, and Maren removed her clothes and did the same to Rayven.

The trip was only about 30 centons from the island, so they were all naked in no time and a quick orgy ensued.

By the time they reached the island, all were sated and there was cum all over the floor of the lift. It’s a good thing they reset themselves when they are vacated.

After the short walk to the hotel, they got a cabana and relaxed by the pool, sipping fruity, alcoholic slushy drinks with umbrellas in them.

Being the winter solstice, the sun went down early and it was dark before supper time. Just as the sun set, the place erupted with people, lights and music, as a parade seemed to form out of nowhere, complete with people in costume and even a few floats. The parade led to the sizeable area where the feast was to be held.

The feast itself was more like a huge potluck dinner, as every family seemed to bring something. The restaurants also donated lots of food. The feast, of course, featured a lot of seafood, although there were also lots of fruits and vegetables. So Maren was happy to eat her share of the veggies.

As the feast ended, the streets filled again with live music and dancing everywhere and there was also fireworks, which looked incredible with the reflections off the calm night sea.

Overall, it was quite the party. All had a fun time as the celebration went well into the wee centons of the morning, but eventually everyone went home.

The actual day of the winter solstice was in the middle of a two secton long holiday, so most people didn’t have to work the next day.

In the morning, it was the usual showers and breakfast, then it was back up to the Poseidon to return to Earth. Mark was looking forward to returning to see all the changes, since it had now been almost two sectares since they had left and now less than one sectar to the wedding.

Six days of workouts, sports and sex later, they were back in orbit around Earth and Maren soon had them underway. They were arriving fairly early in the morning, so Mark didn’t bother messaging anyone to say they were back, since they would likely still be sleeping.

As they were approaching Atlantis, it wasn’t until Maren said, “Whoa”, that everyone looked out the windows.

While they were away, Cricket had been giving him regular updates on how things were going on Atlantis, but it wasn’t until actually seeing it that it sunk in. Atlantis now sported a population of over 4 million people across more than 200 municipalities.

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