Two Brothers, Their Sister and One Pissed-off Mom - Cover

Two Brothers, Their Sister and One Pissed-off Mom

Copyright© 2024 by DDMarshall

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Sharon Kingsley, mother of three, was fed up with deceitful men and their broken promises. As she expressed it to her children, her solution was, “That’s it. No more men. No more sex. I’m just going to frig myself.” For such a lovely and passionate woman, a very sensible answer to her problem… Right?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

Three weeks had gone by, and School vacation had started the week before. It was Grace’s turn to stay around the house and keep an eye on Billy. No matter how often Billy told his mother he could stay home alone, she insisted that Grace and Tim take turns keeping an eye on him while she was at work. Sharon couldn’t afford to pay for a sitter five days a week.

Grace was talking to her boyfriend, Johnny, on her phone while Billy sat on the floor watching TV. Grace covered the phone with her hand and tapped Billy on the shoulder. “Do you mind if Johnny comes over? Maybe he will play X-box with you.”

Billy just shrugged and went back to watching TV. Billy heard Grace tell Johnny it was okay to come over, but he had to leave before their mother came home. 20 minutes later, the doorbell rang, and Grace let Johnny in. They kissed and held hands as they walked back to the living room and sat on the couch. Johnny started pawing Grace as soon as they started making out.

Twenty minutes later, Billy’s TV program was over. He turned and saw Johnny had his hand on Grace’s breast and was kissing her. Grace saw Billy looking, pushed Johnny’s hand away, sat up, and straightened her clothes.

Billy figured it was a good time to ask if Johnny wanted to play Minecraft. Billy thought he was pretty good at the game, so he issued a challenge. “Hey, Johnny, do you think you can beat me at Minecraft?”

Johnny practically snarled at Billy, “Why don’t you get lost so I can fuck your horny sister.”

Grace took offense to that, “Johnny, for Crist’s sake, all he wants is to play a few games on the X-box with you. You can do that, can’t you?”

Johnny pushed Grace back onto the couch and got on top of her, “Why would I want to play Minecraft when I have this hard-on that wants to fuck you? Come on, let’s go to your mom’s room and do it. Or do you want to do it right here in front of your little shit of a brother?”

Grace started pounding her fists on his back and trying to push him off her. “Stop it, Johnny, you’re hurting me.”

Billy certainly didn’t like the way Johnny was treating his sister.

“Stop being a bitch, Grace. I know you invited me over so that I would fuck you again.” Grace was still struggling as Johnny held her down with one hand while trying to undo his jeans and get his cock out.

Billy left the room and went to the closet in his bedroom. He took out his aluminum baseball bat and went back to the living room. Grace was crying as she struggled with Johnny. Johnny was still on top of her and had his hand up her skirt, trying to pull her panties down.

Billy stood by the couch with his feet spread in his best baseball-hitting stance and said in his most threatening voice that still squeaked when he was angry. “Let go of my sister or I will have to (squeak) hurrrrt you.”

Johnny got off of Grace and Billy thought, Man, that was easy.

Johnny stood up and faced Billy. He took Billy’s bat away from him and grabbed him by the front of his shirt. Johnny backed Billy up against the wall. Grace was screaming, “Leave him alone.”

Red-faced with anger, Johnny shook Billy, “Were you going to hit me with this, you little turd?”

Billy nodded. Johnny had stopped hurting his sister, and that’s all he cared about.

“Well, shit-head, guess what? I’m going to stick your head in the toilet, piss on it, flush it and then come out and fuck your sister in the ass. What do you think of that?”

Billy smiled as an arm wrapped around Johnny’s throat. The bat disappeared from Johnny’s hand. Billy heard his brother’s voice, “Let go of him. Now!

Johnny’s eyes were wide open in shock, and they glazed over as he let go of Billy’s shirt. Tim handed Billy his bat. “Here you go, squirt. Don’t lose it this time.”

Johnny started to choke and whimper, “No, no, don’t let him hit me. I’m sorry. Let me go; you’re choking me.”

While telling him his fate, Tim bent Johnny over in a headlock as he walked him toward the door “If you ever come near my sister or the squirt again, I will cut your balls off. Open the door, squirt.”

Billy opened the door, and Tim threw Johnny out.

Grace ran over to Billy, held him at arm’s length, and asked, “Are you okay, Billy? You know you saved me.”

Tim was smiling down at Billy as Billy’s chest swelled up, and then his ears felt hot with embarrassment as Grace hugged him and kept kissing me. “I’m okay, Sis. I’m okay. Did he hurt you?”

Grace stopped kissing Billy, “Mostly my pride. I didn’t think Johnny was like that. I’m sorry I invited him over. I’m going to do just like Mom from now on and just frig myself. Boyfriends suck.”

“Does this mean we can have ice cream?” Billy asked.

Grace had a big smile on her face as she hugged Billy again and said: “Whatever you want, my little hero.”

And that’s how their mother found them a half-hour later—devouring the last of her ice cream stash.

“Well, I guess I missed something. What are you celebrating?” Sharon asked.

Billy decided to fill his mother in on the highlights, “Grace broke up with Johnny, and Tim threw him out of the house after I saved Grace.” Billy smiled proudly at his mom as he took a spoonful of ice cream. Billy didn’t think telling his mother Tim saved him was important.

Mom crossed her arms. “Well, which one of you is going to give me the details of what went on in my house?”

“I’m sorry, Mom. I thought Johnny would come over, and we would talk and make out on the couch and play X-box with Billy.” Grace replied.

Billy thought he would fill in one of the details. “He wanted to fuck her, but she wouldn’t let him, and he got angry.”

“Ouch.” Grace gave Billy a head slap. Billy guessed the hero worship was over. “Oops. Sorry, Sis.”

Mom looked surprised but not shocked, “He thought he could fuck you? Have you gone all the way with Johnny?”

Grace broke eye contact with her mother and looked down at the table, “Only once, and I made him use a condom. It wasn’t that great.”

Billy was surprised. They never practiced that.

Their Mother didn’t sound as angry as Billy thought she would be. Sharon said in almost a whisper, “It never is the first time.” Sounding more upbeat, Sharon thought she should commend Grace for being smart enough to use a condom, “Well, it’s a good thing you are on the pill, and you took some of your mother’s advice. You’re not planning on seeing him again, are you?”

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