Dusty Series: 3 Missions - Cover

Dusty Series: 3 Missions

Copyright© 2024 by Kris Me

Chapter 26

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 26 - Dusty Carmichael works for UNSEC as an MP and a Detective with her partner and husband, James. In January of 2098, they were reassigned from their jobs on Luna to a special task force. There is also a secret to their success. They are not ordinary people anymore. This story covers their adventures investigating a crime syndicate that spanned more than one solar system. As per usual, Dusty’s curiosity got her and James into trouble. Her dad often joked that ‘Trouble’ was her middle name.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Romantic   Slavery   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Hermaphrodite   High Fantasy   Science Fiction   Aliens   Extra Sensory Perception   Space   Magic   Sharing   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Interracial   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   Transformation  

The next two weeks were a bit of a blur for Ricky.

He was kept busy trying to fix the electrical system that had been haphazardly installed. It actually took him some time to realise that they were being given drugs to keep them docile and under control. The men were also being given drugs in their evening meals to make them horny.

With Tarsia lost to him, he didn’t buck the system. He screwed whoever ended up in his tent with him. He was happy that Manny was one of the women who had been selected for his attention.

He wasn’t happy when she stopped being put in his tent. He was even less happy when he found out that Rupert had taken a fancy to her, and she was now in Rupert’s bed with his wife.

Then he saw her. He had been sent to fix the lighting in Rupert’s cabin in the old freighter, and she was naked in Rupert’s bed. The joy of being so close to his wife had caused his heart to flutter.

The pain when he realised that she had been selected to be bred by Rupert was almost overwhelming. This pain was further compounded when he tried to approach her, and she looked straight through him with dulled eyes.

He could see that she had been drugged. Rupert was off the planet, high-jacking another ship at the time, so security got a bit lax in his absence.

Ricky had gone to kiss Tarsia, and he tried to tell her how happy he was that she was alive as he stroked her face. However, she had simply told him to piss off in a lacklustre voice.

When he refused to leave, she told him she wasn’t his wife anymore because she belonged to Rupert now. He was so angry that he had stripped off his clothes and tried to use sex to remind her that she was his wife.

At first, she fought him, but once his cock was embedded in her, she had stopped fighting and acted more like his loving wife. They had both cried when they cuddled after they had consummated their reunion.

It was at this point that Ricky had taken in the bruises and this just upset him again. Tarsia’s insistence that they didn’t matter didn’t make him feel any better. When she then told him to leave and to get out of her bed, he argued.

Her telling him not to come to her again was like a kick in the guts. She insisted that he was to stay away from her and that she was Rupert’s wife now, not his. It was only the noise of a ship landing that got him to leave.

As the months progressed, he visited her when he could. She’d let him fuck her, but she refused to run away with him. Where would they go on this planet anyway? It was when he found her vomiting in the yard that his world changed again. He had gone to help her, but she pushed him away.

Rupert had seen Ricky with Tarsia, and he went to find out what was going on. He was not the sort of man who liked to share what he claimed as his. He pulled Ricky away from Tarsia, and Ricky turned on him and cussed him for getting his wife pregnant.

Rupert smashed his fist into Ricky’s face and knocked him down. He then started kicking Ricky and laughed at him as he took delight in telling him what a sweet fuck his wife was. That he couldn’t wait to see her belly big with his child.

The beating only stopped when Rupert screamed. Rupert was as surprised as the rest of the people who had crowded around to see a small-bladed paring knife sticking out of his side.

When he realised that it was Tarsia who had stabbed him, he backhanded her and knocked her down. He screamed at his people to put Ricky in the hole and to lock Tarsia in his room while Whitney patched him up.

Rupert was not a happy man.

Ricky spent a week in the hole.

The hole was one and a half metres square and 3m deep. A steel grate with 10cm square holes was placed over the top. Ricky was sure he would have lost his sanity if it weren’t for the drugs he received in his once-a-day meals.

Towards the end of his confinement, he became aware of a disturbance. They had new people in the compound that had arrived a month before. They were a group that had been heading to the Europa.

One of the big blonde men was screaming at Rupert and his crew about raping his daughters. Rupert shot the man, and then all hell broke loose.

Ricky had cringed in his hole as mayhem reigned supreme above him. He had no idea how many shots were fired, but the riot was soon put down. He didn’t get fed that night.

He was hauled out of the hole late the next morning and put on grave-digging duties. For the months that followed, he kept his opinions to himself. He did what he was told to do, fucked whomever he was told to.

He sucked up to Rupert and his crew and stayed away from his wife. Not that he saw her because, as far as he knew, she was locked in Rupert’s cabin. He did learn that Rupert had beaten her and that he was still fucking her.

When Cara gave him the job of supervising the drugs to be put into the meals, he tried to limit the drugs going to the children and the pregnant women. He didn’t realise that Whitney was cutting the drugs so that the prisoners were not as heavily drugged until he heard the big fight between her and Rupert.

He then got told to double the doses again. Reluctantly, he did have to increase the doses to keep the people more docile and alleviate Rupert’s suspicions and paranoia.

He did this until Cara and Reni stopped supervising his actions again. Fucking and sucking up to the two female pirates gave him a lot more freedom. He was as worried as Whitney was by the prisoners’ behaviours.

He had seen what Napper did to the people back on Earth in his neighbourhood. It was one of the reasons he had wanted to get Tarsia away from Earth. He had not wanted to bring his children up in an area where drugs were the norm rather than the exception.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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