Hardoak Junction - Cover

Hardoak Junction

Copyright© 2024 by MaryS

Chapter 2: Pastor Polk

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 2: Pastor Polk - Hardoak Junction is the story of Marcella Plummer, a religious woman and her two kids on a search for a new site for the congregation for the First Baptist Church of Mysterious Revelation.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Anal Sex   Analingus   Oral Sex  

The slim blonde girl knelt before the tall man in black robes, and she looked up at him with her face aglow.

“Please help me find the right answer through prayer, Pastor!” she said. “Should I run off with Johnny and become his wife, or should I give him up so I can finish high school? He won’t wait for me. And I love him so much!”

Thaddeus Polk looked down at her, and a smile of seeming compassion wreathed his lean, almost gaunt face. His dark eyes burned fiercely. “Are you talking about Johnny Thomas?”

“Yes, Pastor.”

In the ten months he’d had been here getting his church started, he knew some of the locals. Fucking farmers. John Thomas, 30, was a local farmer who boasted that if he were married he’d keep his woman barefoot and pregnant.

“Are you a virgin, my child?” he asked, stroking her golden hair.

“Ooooh yes, Pastor!” Nancy Davis blushed.

“And how old are you?”

“I just turned fourteen.”

“You say you love Johnny, hmmm?”

“Very much!”

“But your parents don’t approve of him?”

“No,” she pouted. “They think he’s a good for nothing farmer.”

“Mmmm. We’ll pray together. Please shut your eyes.”

Nancy’s long, silky lashes dropped, and Thad stared at her innocent upturned face. She wore a skimpy summer dress that clung to the delicate hillocks on her chest. ‘She could be of use to the church leadership,’ he thought. ‘Need to make sure though.’

“Lord, give her a sign!” Thad intoned, continuing to look down at her. “Tell us how Nancy’s love should be tested, to see if it is real-for, if it is, she should marry Johnny, but, if it isn’t, she should let him go and support the church leadership. Lord, show her please!”

Thad kept one hand on Nancy’s soft, silken hair as he slipped his other hand through the front opening in his robes. He silently lowered his zipper. “Lord, she is waiting your sign!” he exclaimed, his tone trembling rapturously as he removed his long, limber penis from his pants. He fondled the smooth, rope like shape and felt the sensitive ridge of his bare cockhead.

Firmness came into his organ, thickening it and stretching it out. Its purplish snout poked through the flap in his loose-fitting outer garments and, as he continued stroking the shank, his knobby-ended wand assumed upthrust rigidity before the naive teenager’s face.

Her eyes remained shut.

“Yes, Lord!” Thaddeus cried, his voice vibrating with power. “Thank you, Lord! Amen!” He stroked the girl’s hair. “Nancy, you have your sign. You may open your eyes now, my child.”

Her lashes lifted slowly, and her blue eyes widened until they appeared about to pop. “Oooh, Pastor!” she cried. “Wh-what is that?” She was staring at his erection, just inches in front of her face.

“It is the sign you asked for, my dear. The Lord gave it to me. Have you ever seen such a thing before?”

“Why, yes, yes,” She blushed fiercely. “I’ve seen Johnny’s. I know it isn’t nice for an unmarried girl to look at a man’s thing, or to touch it, but I’m so in love with him that he showed me his, and I did touch it, b-but, Pastor, why are you showing me yours? Is that right?” She kept staring at his penis.

“I told you, Nancy, it is the Lord’s doing. He knows that you played with your boyfriend’s penis, so He felt it would not shock you if you saw mine. And He wants to find out if you feel differently about mine. Or does it fascinate you too, just like Johnny’s?”

“Well, I, oooh, Pastor, you’re making me so embarrassed!”

“Hush, my child!” he intoned, his cock sticking up very stiff before her and quivering with the lustful power that bulged its veins and tissue. “This is our Lord and savior’s doing, believe me.” He held his erection around its base and waggled it in front of her. “What do girls call this, besides a thing, I mean?”

“A cock?” the conservative, small town girl said shyly. “At least, that’s what Johnny calls his.”

“Very well. We’ll call it a cock. That’s a good, old-fashioned name for it. What do you think of my cock, Nancy?”

“It’s, it’s bigger than Johnny’s!” the blushing teenager said.

“Is it? Do you think it’s as good to look at?”

“Well, I don’t know. Johnny has a skin around the outside of his, which covers that knobby part, until I roll it back. Why don’t you have a skin like that on yours, Pastor?”

“Because it was cut off right after I was born. That’s called circumcision. Some males are circumcised and some are not. It makes little difference. Tell me how you like my cock, Nancy.”

“It’s, it’s long!” she said, still wide-eyed. “And it’s certainly very stiff! Oooh, my!”

“Do you want to touch it?”

She shifted her gaze just briefly to Pastor Thad’s face. “Wouldn’t that be wrong?”

“No. Our Lord and savior is asking you if you’re interested in my cock.”

“But Johnny wouldn’t like me to touch another man’s cock, I don’t think,” Nancy said.

“The Lord says you should do so, if it interests you.”

“Well, it does kind of interest me a little,” she said, staring right at it. “It’s sure a handsome, big old thing! It makes me feel funny to look at it.”

“Funny how, child?”

“Well, down between my legs, I’m getting, kind of warm.”

“You mean, in your cunt?”

“Ooooh, Pastor, should we really talk like that?” the girl asked.

“Why not? It’s an honest word that our Lord created.”

“Well, well, yes, my, my cunt is hot! It’s getting hotter! Oooh, wow!” She reached out and clutched the pastor’s naked prick.

“There!” he said vibrantly, and his hard-on throbbed in her grasp. “It feels good, doesn’t it?”


“Just like Johnny’s?”

“I guess so. Only bigger!”

“You mean Johnny just has a teeny-weeny little cock that you can hardly get a good hold on?”

“Well, it’s not so awfully little, but it’s sure not as long as yours! Wow!” The girl stroked her curled fingers up and down on his rod.

“You like mine, hmm?”


“Tilt it down toward you.”

Nancy tilted the preacher’s hard-on so that it pointed directly at her face.

“Is there anything else that you’d like to do with my cock, Nancy?”

“Oooh, I couldn’t even think about anything nasty like thaaaat!”

“Like what?” Thad asked gently.

“Like, fucking?” She looked up at him, her cheeks aglow. “Is it all right to say fucking, Pastor?”

“Of course, Nancy!” He smiled reassuringly and patted her hair once again. “But we don’t have to fuck, Nancy. In fact, the Lord wouldn’t let me fuck you.”

“Then what did you mean that we could do?” she asked him.

“There’s a way to have fun,” he said, “that’s kind of like fucking, but it isn’t a sin. Do you want me to tell you about it?” She nodded, and he gradually extended his fingers around the back of her blonde head. “You could lick my cock, Nancy,” he said. “That is, if you really want to.”

“Lick it?” she repeated, in obvious shock. “You, you mean, with my, tongue?”

“Of course, with your tongue!” he said with a soft chuckle. “How else would you lick a cock, hmmm?”

“But isn’t that nasty?”

“Oh, no. Not at all. I took a shower yesterday.”

“But you, oooh, this is embarrassing! You, you piss through your cock, don’t you, Pastor?”

“Of course. But I always shake it clean afterward. I’ll tell you if I get right down between your legs and lick your sweet little cunt, would you think it’s all right then to lick my pecker?”

“Oooh, Pastor, I think this is awfully wrong!”

“Shhh! You mustn’t question our Lord and savior! He has given us this test, don’t forget.”

“You wouldn’t mind, licking my cunt, even though I piss with it?” she asked.

“I wouldn’t mind it at all!” Thad said, his cock twitching in the young girl’s grasp.

“Well, then I, I guess, I could let you,” she said, looking shame-faced as she got to her feet, “if you say it’s all right.”

“It isn’t what I say,” Thad reminded her. “It’s what the Lord said to me.”

“Well, where, how?” Nancy seemed all aquiver as she looked about the minister’s study.

“Right there, on my desk,” he told her. “Lift your skirt up and sit right on your little panties.”

“But shouldn’t I take my, my panties off?” Nancy asked.

“I will do that,” Thad said.

She stepped tremblingly to his desk, turned around, and hiked her skirt. The preacher’s hard-on twitched again as he saw her slim golden thighs, which widened nicely at their tops. They were encircled by the elastics of white silken panties with pink and blue flowers on them.

She sat on her panty-seat on the edge of the pastor’s desk. “Ooooo, it’s cold!” she said, still blushing strongly.

“That’s only because your little ass is so warm,” Thad said, moving up to her. He ran his hands up the outside of her smooth, firm thighs, and he clutched her bikini pants. Gathering the silky undergarment in his large hands, he deftly tugged it out from underneath her bottom, down her pretty legs, and off. He dropped her panties on a chair and spread her knees wide apart.

“Ooooh, yesss!” he breathed softly as he stared at her girlish cunt.

Flossy tendrils of spun gold curled along the edges of her snug slit and thickened to form a cute little pelt just above. Thaddeus sank to his knees before her. “Now if you like what I do next, it will mean something,” he said.

“Wh-what will it mean, Pastor?” she asked innocently.

“Simply that you may not be as much in love with Johnny as you think you are because if you loved him alone, you wouldn’t want another man to lick you between the legs.”

“Ooooh, Pastor!” She bashfully shut her eyes.

He bent close, lifting her spread legs high into the air, and she had to prop herself on her arms, lest she fall over. He held her behind her cute knees, letting her lower legs dangle loose. Her loafers hung from her toes. First Thaddeus sniffed her cunt expertly. Yes! She smelled delightful, just like a young girl should. ‘The leadership will have with this one,’ Thad smiled.

The pastor stuck out his tongue, and he licked along one side of her honeypot, causing her to exclaim, “Ooooh!”

He raised his head. “What’s the matter?” he asked with a smile.

“It, it feels funny!”

“Good funny?”


Thad licked the other side of her young, fragrant cunt. She squirmed. He kept licking the outside of her until all her little hairs were plastered against the soft flesh. Then he poked his tongue at the center of her cunt and twisted, prying the snug lips apart. He tasted her inner tangy sweetness.

“Oooh, Pastor, you’re really making me feel funny now!” Nancy exclaimed. He licked up and down her slippery little slit, flapping his tongue across the tiny, rigid tip of her clitoris.

“Ooooh, oooh, oooh!” she cried, her bottom bouncing on the desk.

Thad had to hold her legs firmly to keep her from getting away from his licking caresses. He sank his tongue deeper into her now-very-moist cunt and circled the small mouth of her vaginal channel.

“Oooh, Pastor, wow!” she exclaimed. “I’m hotter than ever!”

“And so am I, darling!” he said, rising to his feet, his rigid cock bobbing springily. “Get down! Do for me what I did for you, that is, if you want to.”

“Ooooh, yesss, yesss! I do want to!”

She slid forward off the desk and landed on her knees in front of the black-robed man. She clutched his bristling cock. Her mouth opened eagerly as she pulled his big cock to her lips, and her pink little tongue leaped out.

The minister clenched his fists against the magnificent thrill that shook him as the innocent young girl began to lick the head of his prick.

She licked his cock-knob all over, going “uuhg” and “aaaahng”, and she flapped her tongue against the tip of his organ, making it bob up and down. “Ooooh, I like licking your cock!” she gigglingly cried.

“Now, suck it!” he commanded, and grasped her around the back of her head, pulling her forward.

His cock split her pretty, pink-lipped mouth, spreading it into a wide O as the rock hard shank of his penis became lodged between her lips. His glans pressed her cushiony, wet tongue.

Nancy’s eyes widened. Then she let her lashes drop. Her fair cheeks glowed as she began to suck on the long, tasty lollipop that the preacher had given her. He stroked his cock slowly in and out of her mouth, and she soon picked up the rhythm, moving counter to his thrusts. She heatedly sucked and swallowed, her lips moving claspingly along his shaft. She champed on his big, spongy knob. Juice leaked from the tip of his sucked penis and trickled down her gulping throat.

The man reached and unfastened the back of her dress, lowering the zipper. He unfastened her light bra. Pushing the dress and bra down her arms, he uncovered her firm, pink-pointed tits. He pinched her hard nipples and tugged at them while she sucked him with greater ardor.

He kept stroking his stiff penis into the lovely girl’s face. She gulped and slurped, going wild over her first taste of oral love.

What a blessing she will be for the church. Thad mused in the heat of his passion. She’ll start sucking the elders, then the deacons, maybe city officials, certainly the mayor, satisfying them all, while she saves her precious virginity. He’d have to come up with an amount the church could charge for her services. Who says I don’t do good?

He petted her blonde head, urging her on, and she lunged at his stiff prick with utter abandon. Her clasping lips stripped it, gliding rapidly up and down across the ridge of his cockhead.

His balls churned. He felt the heat rising from them. Through his twitching, lip encircled cock the fiery stream surged, and his glans ballooned blissfully against the girl’s lapping tongue.


Thad shot her mouth full of his bubbling, creamy sperm.

“AAAAWWWWGH!” she gagged, and tried to get away from him.

But he held her head firmly, with both hands. He kept twitching and spurting into her mouth, and she was forced to swallow down his jism as she gurgled helplessly.

Only after he had ejaculated all the sperm that his balls had manufactured did he release his hold on Nancy, and she rocked backward, releasing his drippy-wet organ. White goo dribbled down her chin. Her lips were foam-flecked.

“Aaaaawww!” she said. “Why did you do thaaaat?” She spat the sperm off her lips and wiped her mouth and chin with her hand. She gazed at him bleary-eyed.

He smiled benignly as his cock slumped. “That’s part of it,” he said. “When you suck a boy, you must always swallow what he gives you. And something else,” Thad added, lifting his slimy, soft penis by the stem, “you must lick him off afterward so that he doesn’t get his pants soiled. It is what all women do afterwards.”

“Ooooh, must I?” Nancy asked.

Thad smiled and nodded. “You’re not finished until you do.”

She bent obediently and swiped her tongue around his curved penis, bobbling its bluish head.

“The tip, also,” Thad told her, and she licked up the last bit of cream that oozed out. He pushed his penis back inside his robes and zipped up. Then he helped Nancy to her feet.

She seemed woozy. “I don’t know if I liked that or not,” she said. “I still feel funny.”

Thad guided her back onto the desk and knelt to fasten his moist lips around the tip of her diminutive ditty. He sucked and licked her clit-tip intensively until she bumped and cried, clutching him by the head.

“Now what do you think?” he asked, rising to his feet.

“I think it was, wonderful!” she exclaimed, still gasping.

“Then you don’t love Johnny. Let him go and forget him. The church leadership has a job for you, if you want it.” Thad opened his wallet and took out a fifty. “Here, take it for a job well done.”

Nancy looked at the bill. “Doesn’t that make me a whore?”

“No, child. Our Lord’s son, Jesus, associated with whores. He says it is okay to take the money.”

Nancy smiled and took the money.

“So are you interested in a job with the church? After school that is and during the summer?”

“Yes, I think so. I would have to ask my parents though.”

“You do that and let Leonard know.”

“Thank you, Pastor!” she cried, and turned to hurry from the room, pulling up her dress as she went. His study opened on an alley, and she was gone.

He would get with Leonard, the associate pastor, and have him offer the girl a job meeting with leadership and town elders. He figured that the men of the town had seen Nancy grow-up and now that she was of age, would be delighted in taking advantage of her, for a cost of course. What was more important than that?

Thaddeus picked up her posy-printed panties, which she had forgotten in her haste to leave. He pressed the delicate little garment to his face and inhaled the sweet, girlish scent that impregnated the silken fabric. He smiled.

‘Oh, Thaddeus, is there no end to your good works?’ he thought.

The android on the desk buzzed. He picked it up. Where in the hell was Hardoak Junction?

“Sister Marcella!” Thaddeus smilingly exclaimed as she ran with breast-bobbing eagerness to greet him at the front door of Jim Bob’s farmhouse.

The gray-haired man, who had opened the door, backed up and stared with ill disguised jealousy as Thad and Marcella clasped hands, looking warmly and deeply into each other’s eyes.

“I’m so glad you’ve come!” Marcella said.

“Your texted me at just the right moment,” the pastor replied. “Things are stable in Clarksville. It is time that we branched out.”

He glanced at Jim Bob. “I want to express my sincere thanks to you, sir, for granting shelter to this lady and her children. Uh,” he turned back to Marcella, “where are they, anyway?”

“Out playing,” she replied, her brown eyes aglow.

Fuck me! Was the message Thad read, and he knew that the time to do it was right away. Strike while the cunt is hot, had always been one of his prime mottoes.

“There is much for you and me to talk about,” he told Marcella as he entered the house and extended an arm around her waist, turning her away from the door.

“My room is right down the hall,” she said eagerly, and led the way.

“Hey now!” Jim Bob exclaimed. “I ain’t about to take in no more people!”

“Have no fear, my friend,” was Thad’s reply. “We shall both be moving out before nightfall.”

“Well, fuck!” Jim Bob murmured. He hadn’t wished to lose Marcella so soon.

She led the way into the small bedroom that she shared with her children. Thad followed and shut the door. She whirled next to the bed and, laughing, immediately pulled her dress up. She wore pink sleek panties and nothing else. Her large breasts bobbed.

“Marcella.” Thad said softly, but with the rich vibrance that accounted for much of his persuasive power-both in the pulpit and in the bedroom. He drew the buxom brunette into his arms. His hands spanned the bulging, panty clad roundness of her ass as their mouths fused wetly and hotly. Their tongues played. Thad’s pecker rose.

“Ooooh, Thad, wow, I’ve been wanting your big thing so much!” Marcella exclaimed as she sank to her knees in front of him.

“I presume you engaged in barter with this Jim Bob character?” he said as she unzipped his pants.

“Of course! I did just as you taught me, I listened to our Lord and savior’s guidance and followed it exactly. Jim Bob cooperated just as the Lord told me he would.” She pulled out Thad’s erection. “Oooh, but Jim Bob doesn’t have such a beautiful, long, stiff love wand as yours!” she rhapsodized as she stroked it, over-emphasizing what difference there was between their sexual attributes because she liked Thad so much.

He understood and patiently let her pull his plum-headed phallus to her mouth. She held his stiff organ around the trunk and waggled its bulging knob against her hotly licking tongue. Then she pursed her lips around the end of his cock and commenced sucking as she glided her mouth forward, her lips widening to encompass the fattest part of his glans and to lock into the groove behind his horny ridge. She licked his cockhead while she sucked it, her foxy eyes rolling upward.

Thad smiled benignly down at her as if to say, Very good, sister. She sucked him with eager plunges of her cock-hungry mouth. Her lips skidded wetly across the ridges formed by his bulgy blue veins. Her tongue cradled his cockhead, taking the dribbles of his pre-coital nectar, which she gulped down.

“Get on the bed and let me fuck you,” Thad directed.

Always obedient to her spiritual leader, Marcella drew back, letting his 8-inch wand flip to a high-standing thrust. She rose to her feet and lunged head-first across the bed, her abundant r ass cheeks shaking her expanded silk panties.

She remained on her belly, moaning softly and wriggling her bottom, while Thad quickly kicked free of his pants and shorts. Shirt-tails flapping, he sprang onto the bed astride her and began kissing down her back, following the lazy S of her spine to the top elastic of her panties, which he caught in his teeth.

“Ooooooh, yesssss!” Marcella hissed as his mouth pulled her panties down.

His tongue flogged the satiny, curved slopes of her ass crack until he reached the bunched panties at her crotch. Then he clutched her hips, boosting them into the air and forcing her to draw her knees forward. He grasped the passion-moistened center of her panties and wrenched them down her plump thighs, past her knees and off.

He moved forward between her quickly spread knees and speared his eager prick into her lippy, wet slit. He sank all the way in a single thrust, causing Marcella to groan and shiver with delight.

He began to fuck her, driving his love machine with the full power of his lithe, woman-pleasing hips. Reaching underneath her torso, he grasped the quivery big bulges on her chest and squeezed them as he rode her writhing, receptively bucking rump.

“Ooooooh, GOD!” Marcella cried. “I feel your power!”

Thad knew she was speaking to the Lord and not to him. But that was all right, because it was Thad’s power that she really felt.

‘Silly females!’ He thought. It was a benevolent condemnation, at worst, because he knew that without them he would be out of business and out of pleasure both. Their efforts kept his church in ready cash and most importantly his sex juices going.

He fucked Marcella faster and faster, pulling on her tits all the while, and she bawled like a breeding cow as she reached a mind-swirling climax. Her bottom bumped against Thad as he emptied into her body the spurting product of his inexhaustible balls.

“Yes, Lord, yessss, Lord!” Marcella moaned as she flattened out. “Oooooh, I love you, God!”

“And God loves you, Sister Marcella!” Thad said, licking into her ear.

“So, what’s our first move?” she asked as they lay side-by-side on the bed, their hands clasped, both looking up at the ceiling. Thad still wore his shirt and socks. His cock was limp.

“We must find a location, of course,” he said.

“To live!” Marcella asked. “Together!”

“No! Certainly not. That would scandalize the town before we have a chance to get established.”

“But you told Jim Bob.”

“I will give you the money to rent a place for yourself and the kids. I will take a room somewhere else.”

“Not with another woman!” Marcella exclaimed, sitting up. Her titties flopped.

Thad squinted up at her, his eyes glinting. “Anything I might do will be for the church and for Him. I am surprised at you, Sister Marcella, for not understanding that.”

“Well, I do understand, Thad,” she purred, snuggling down next to him. “But I thought that, now that we’re alone here together.” She nibbled moistly at his lips.

“Nothing has changed,” he said, moving her back a few inches. “I am very fond of you, Marcella. You are the first deaconess of the church and my most trusted worker for our Lord and savior. But His will comes first. Whatever He commands, I must do. And so must you.”

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean you have to get involved with other women.”

“Perhaps it does.”

“Oh.” Marcella turned onto her back and pouted.

“Never mind,” Thad said softly. “We will be very close.” His fingertips ruffled the fur on her cunt.

“What am I going to do?”

“I will tell you when the time is right. For now, get your things packed.” Thad hopped up from the bed. “Is there a bathroom in this place?”

“Yes. Across the hall.”

Thad smiled, and Marcella watched him leave the room, his cock and balls swaying heavily.

Luckily neither the farmer nor his wife was in the hall when he crossed it to the John. He stood in front of the commode and vigorously pissed.

A cool shower cleansed him and put him in fine fettle so that, when he returned to Marcella’s bedroom, with a towel wrapped about his lean form, his penis had returned to a state of near-turgidity, arching thickly and lengthily forward from his pendulous nuts.

She still lay on the bed, butt-naked, hoping no doubt for another romp. But he disappointed her, stepping immediately into his shorts.

“Is there a local newspaper?” he asked.

“I don’t know, Thad,” she replied, half-sulking.

“Well, if not, I’ll see a real estate broker. There must be some suitable hall available, that we can rent for Sunday mornings. Otherwise we will buy a tent and pitch it on a vacant lot. That will suffice until we can float a loan and build our own edifice.”

“Yes, Thad.”

He reached into his pants, after pulling them on, and brought out a large roll of bills. Peeling off four fifties, he tossed them to Marcella.

“That ought to handle a month’s rent and some food for you and the kiddies,” he said. “Incidentally, how are they?”

“Oh, just fine.”

“That sweet daughter of yours-what is her name again?”


“Ah, yes. Beth.” He stepped to a mirror and combed his black hair. “She’s about twelve-years-old, isn’t she?”

“You know old she is.”

“Mmmmm, fourteen. I never got to know your children well enough.”

Marcella watched him. “If the Lord needs my help in arranging for a hall to rent.”

“I will bear that in mind,” Thad said with a smile as he turned to face her. “Now, you had better get dressed and go out looking for a place to live. Then come back here and I will be in touch with you before nightfall.”

“Yes, Thad.”

He left the room and the house. He headed his car toward town.

Hardoak Junction wasn’t much of a place. It wasn’t one which Thad would have chosen. But he had to indulge the whims of those who worked for him, to some extent, and if Marcella felt it was the location which the Lord had pointed out to her, he would make the most of it.

Any town in the Bible-belt offered an opportunity, he had learned. He toured up and down the four-block stretch of Main Street, looking for a newspaper office. He found none. He stopped at the drug store and perused the stands in front of it. They bore city papers from Wichita, Topeka, and Kansas City. Hardoak Junction was without its own periodical, even a coupon paper. Thad smiled, newspapers in an internet age.

Thad’s next stop was a real estate office, which appeared to be the main, or perhaps the only, one in town. He opened the front door and walked in. The little office was deserted. Thad stood between two desks, one with papers on it and the other bare, and his nostrils flared. Like a wild animal sniffing the wind for evidence of possible prey, he detected something. It was not a smell, literally speaking, but an intuitive feeling.

Thad’s intuition, along certain lines, was highly developed. He stepped to an open doorway at the rear of the office and found he was looking into the living quarters of the real estate broker. He boldly walked through the kitchen and into the bedroom beyond, his intuition giving positive guidance.

Another door stood partly open, a shaft of light slanting out. Thad stepped to that doorway and pushed the panel open fully.

He stared at a woman who was seated on the toilet, her skirt pulled up around her middle, baring gartered stockings and pale thighs. Blue panties were wound about her knees. She gasped.

“Oh,” Thad smiled, “I beg your pardon!”

Just then a splash told him that the woman had deposited a turd into the toilet bowl. Blushing furiously, she quickly grasped the flush-handle and yanked it.

“How dare you walk in here!” she exclaimed, and pulled her dress down as far as she could. But the hem wouldn’t quite reach to her expanded brown stocking tops which were pulled into peaks by her garters. Her briefs remained exposed.

“Sorry,” Thad said easily, his confidence unshaken. “But the door to your apartment was open.”

“Well, get out!” she cried angrily as the toilet gurgled.

“Wouldn’t you rather have me help you?” Thad asked.


The woman wasn’t bad looking, though she was a bit older than Thad liked them pushing forty, he judged, with hair that was dyed jet-black, heavily made up eyes, and false lashes. She was the vamp of Hardoak Junction, he speculated-a widow or divorcee who had landed there in the hopes of using what was left of her physical appeal to charm the rubes into buying real estate from her.

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