MILF Master - Cover

MILF Master

Copyright© 2024 by Kmaster3000

Chapter 5

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 5 - I dominate a submissive curvy older woman.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Daughter   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Light Bond   Spanking   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  

I discretely tugged at the collar of my shirt, but apparently not discretely enough because Catherine slapped my hand away. I swear that woman has eyes in the back of her head.

“Stop that, I don’t want to have to knot your tie again.” She snapped without looking at me while she bent down and resumed her struggle to buckle the ankle strap of her shoe.

“Yes dear.” I sighed, then knelt and swatted her hands away so I could fasten the tiny clasp for her. I looked up at her, not an angle I was used to seeing her from but I appreciated the view anyway. She was wearing a tight black cocktail dress, some stretchy velvet material that hugged her thighs, hips and hourglass cinched waist to flare out around her huge tits. Just above the cups that transitioned teasingly over her bust from fabric to lace was a sheer black material that covered her broad shoulders and ran down her well toned arms. A black velvet collar wrapped around her throat with a cream cameo dangling from it just above the rift valley of flesh that was her cleavage. Her long dark hair hung down her back, looking somehow both natural as well as perfectly managed and her makeup was my favorite version of ‘business slutty’.

I grunted as I levered myself upright, sliding my fingers teasingly up her leg and worming them under the tight hem of her skirt. She slapped me again. “Stop that. If you muss me up, I will never go down on you again.”

“Yes Mam.” I replied in a contrite voice.

She sighed in exasperation. “I can’t take you anywhere.”

‘Anywhere’ was a gala dinner and award event where she was up for ‘Female Business Owner of the Year’ And she was as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

I tried once again. “You know, I could always stay here. I need to finish...”

“No!” she snapped forcefully. “That bitch Desirée Miller keeps talking about her ‘new man’ and I am not going to stand there and listen to her without my own piece of arm candy.” “New.” She snorted, “hell he’s at least 50 and no where near as cute as you are.”

“Arm candy am I?” I asked in an insulted tone, and she smiled that sheepish grin that she gives whenever she was trying to apologize for something she had deliberately done to work me up.

“Oh dear, you know what I mean.” She said in a cloying tone as she tugged on my jacket lapel. “If you behave, I promise to go down on you during the drive back.”

“Deal.” I replied, slapping her on the ass then tugging her in for a kiss. In those heels she was a bit taller than I was and I tilted my neck up, lips reaching for hers.

She yelped and pushed back. “Don’t you dare mess up this makeup, do you know how much it cost?”

“No idea, which is why I tried.” I replied, moving around her to open the door. “Now let’s go, we don’t want to be more than fashionably late.”

We pulled up to the conference center and I reluctantly handed the keys to the valet. One benefit of going out with Catherine to these things was she let me drive and her Audi was a sweet ride. I opened her door and offered her my hand as she slid out of the seat. Damn, how could a woman that big wearing that dress and those heels still move like a ballet dancer? I stood back as she rose to her full height, chin held high and possessively hooked her arm through mine. It was weird, she guided me through the crowds like a running back dodging the secondary but never seemed to hurry and always managed to make eye contact or brief conversation without actually stopping. This was not my world, ask me to carry two pints through a crowd during overtime and it’s no problem but here I may as well have been on a leash. I was grateful when we found our table and she deposited me like a toddler at a daycare before moving off to mingle. I ordered my scotch, tugged at my collar (and got away with it) and sat back to enjoy the view.

Three agonizing hours later I was guiding a more than slightly drunk but very happy Catherine back to the valet stand and handing in my tag. She had won her award, showed me off like a prize dog at Westminster, and consumed at least 3 large glasses of wine. Her hand kept slipping out of my arm to grab my ass and I was struggling to get her out of here with her dignity intact. Finally the valet arrived with the car and I guided her into the passenger seat, taking her award and putting it in the back before she hit herself in the face with it. A few minutes later and we were on the road headed home.

“As I remember, I promised you a blowjob if you were a good boy.” Catherine purred in a slightly slurred voice.

“Yes you did, but...” I replied until she cut me off.

“But nothing, give me that cock.” She unbuckled her seat belt and struggled to arrange herself in the passenger seat.

I don’t know if you have ever received road head from a large drunk woman while driving a fairly compact luxury sports car, but it is an awkward and uncomfortably dangerous experience. Knowing that there was no way of stopping her without hurting her feelings, I slid my seat back as far as I could and raised the steering wheel to its maximum. She managed to knock the car into neutral with her tits and I barely got it back into gear before the engine blew but she didn’t notice. She was too busy struggling with the small zipper on my dress pants while trying to get her legs up onto the passenger seat, not easy with the heels she was wearing. Eventually she got settled into position and got to work, her mouth wrapping around my semi-hard, completely ignorant of its surroundings, cock.

“Mmmmmmmmm” she moaned as she pushed her face down into my lap.

“Unnnggghhhh” I grunted as I tried to keep one hand on the wheel and the other on the shifter while she worked her magic. I’m not denying it felt good, but my appreciation of her efforts was somewhat lessened by the nighttime traffic and struggle to keep my foot on the gas. Fortunately we didn’t have far to go and the traffic was light so I settled in to enjoy it as best I could.

I pulled the car into the drive and keyed the garage door opener. Catherine was still bobbing her head as best she could in the tight confines of my lap when I pulled into the garage and closed the door behind us.

“We’re home baby.” I murmured, stroking her hair while she worked her head in a slow circle, her lips tight around my shaft and her tongue sliding up and down its rigid length.

“Already?” she sighed, slowly sliding up off of my prick and pushing back to look at me with lust filled eyes. “Let’s get inside and finish what we started.”

I pushed my door open and levered myself out of the drivers seat, careful not to hit the steering wheel with my erect cock. I quickly moved around the car to open her door and help her out. She was far from graceful this time as she struggled to back out of the car still on her hands and knees. She stumbled on her heels and I steadied her and led her around the front of the car toward the door to the house. Once we reached the front bumper I spun her around and pushed her down on the hood, she squealed in surprise.

“No, not inside, right here.” I growled, one hand holding her by the back of the neck while the other tugged at the hem of her dress.

“No!” she yelped. “No Tim, not here. Please, let’s go inside and let me slip into something else.” She tried to push herself up and there was a desperate tone to her voice, I knew exactly what she was worried about.

I slapped her ass hard and she squealed in pain and surprise. “No. I spent the night in this stupid monkey suit for you, now you have to do what I want.” I grabbed her wrists, tugging them behind her back. Holding them in one hand I pulled off my tie with more than a little satisfaction and wrapped it around her wrists, binding them with the thick silk garment.

“No, please, please Tim. Not like this, not here.” She whimpered as she struggled to push herself up. Another slap on her ass froze her in place.

“Stay right there, don’t fucking move.” I said in a quiet commanding voice, then slid my hands slowly over her hips and down her legs to the hem of her skirt. She whimpered as I slid the soft elastic material up to reveal why she was so reluctant. There were no lace panties or thong beneath that dress but instead the ugliest set of control top underwear that money could by. I had heard her grunting as she struggled to get them on and knew that she hated being seen in anything but her best which is why she spent so much on corsets and body shaping lingerie.

I grabbed the waistband, which was actually halfway up her torso and tugged. Her feet skidded on the concrete as the tight material reluctantly rolled down off of her waist and over her hips. She gave a choked sob of embarrassment and shame at being seen like this but fuck. We have been living together for almost a year and she still got changed in her closet. Shit, we haven’t even showered together because she was ashamed of her body and it was about time she got over it.

I rolled the thick material down her legs, grabbing her ankles and tugging her feet free. The ankle straps on her heels kept her shoes on, then I ran my tongue up the back of her leg as I rose.

“Oooohhhhhhh” she gasped when she felt me kiss the hollow of her knee. I nibbled at the back of her thigh, feeling her muscles flex under her tanning bed bronzed skin. I slid my hand up between her legs until my fingers gently brushed her pussy.

“Mmmmmmmm” she moaned, wiggling her ass as I gently sawed my hand back and forth between her legs. I felt her labia get moist, well moister and her knees flexed as she tried to push her cunt against my stroking fingers.

“No, no, no.” I murmured, pulling my hand away and earning a whimper of frustration from her. “You were a very bad girl tonight. I saw you looking at all of those other men, especially that bitch Desirée’s. Shit you were practically throwing yourself at him.”

“No, no, no I wasn’t. I was just trying to...” she moaned.

“You were flirting like a whore on a streetcorner is what you were doing. Weren’t you? You practically shoved his face in your tits.” I growled as I bit at her ass cheek.

“No, it wasn’t ... That slut Desiree was showing him off like he was royalty, so I just ... Aaaaahhhhhhh.”

I had pulled her ass cheeks apart and slid my tongue up into her snatch. She squirmed helplessly in my grasp as I pushed her hips hard against the front of the car. Her heels scraped on the concrete floor and her manicured nails gleamed in the harsh light as she flexed her bound hands.

I ran my tongue along her slit, nudging it between her pussy lips while a finger probed her cunt. I nudged the tip in and wiggled it slowly, eliciting another moan of frustrated pleasure. She squirmed on the polished hood of the car, her thighs rubbing against the grill as she tugged weakly against the silk tie that bound her wrists.

“Oh god, oh fuck that feels good.” She moaned. I nudged my finger in deeper to the second knuckle and her pussy clenched around it with desperate force. “Please, please,” she whimpered, unable to articulate what she wanted but desperate for more.

“Yes, oh fuck yes.” She gasped as I slid a second finger into her hot wet snatch. My tongue continued to tease the bottom of her cunt and the sensitive area between her pussy and her asshole while I slowly worked my fingers in and out, only the tip of course. She whimpered and writhed under the torture of pleasure until I had her almost ready to burst.

“Oh god Tim, fuck me. Oh fuck me please.” She whimpered, her breath steaming the gleaming hood of the car.

“Fuck you, why should I do that?” I replied, pulling my fingers out of her to gently rub them along her pussy lips. She groaned pitifully and tried to push her hips down on my hand but a sharp slap on her ass stopped that. “You were flirting with every man there while I sat at that table like an abandoned dog. Why shouldn’t I leave you here right now just like you left me?”

She practically sobbed in frustration. “Oh Tim, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’ll do anything, anything just please fuck me.”

“Anything?” I said in a sinister tone.

“Yes anything. Please, please shove that cock in me.” She whined in reply as she tried to look back at me. Her eyes were wide and desperate and her breath came in ragged gasps.

I stood up, wiping the pussy juice off of my chin then I pulled her up to her feet spun her around and lay her back down on the hood. She spread her legs and rolled her shoulders making her tits sway seductively in the lacy confines of her dress. I pulled off my belt and slid my pants down, stepping free and kicking them toward a corner. She struggled to lift her head and see over her tits as eyes slid down my chest to where my cock stood at rigid attention. She practically licked her lips as I stroked it.

“You want me to fuck you with this?”

“Yes, oh please yes. Shove that cock inside me, fuck me please fuck me.” She gasped in reply.

I shuffled forward, sliding the tip of my cock over her well lubricated cunt lips. She moaned then bit her lip, desperate for my manhood but afraid of earning more teasing by sounding too eager. I nudged the head of my shaft into her hole, her labia parting easily as it welcomed it in.

“Oooohhhhhh, mmmmmmmm” she moaned. Her eyes slid shut and she arched her neck in pleasure when she felt my cock slide inside her.

I lifted her legs, my hands sliding up her thick calves and over the slick leather straps of her shoes until I grabbed a heel in each hand and spread her legs wide. She grunted in surprise, then worked her hips up and down bobbing her pussy around my penetrating rod. I moved my own hips back and forth, sliding my cock in and out of her with a slow steady rhythm that got her even more worked up.

“Oh fuck, fuck me hard baby, fuck me hard.” She moaned.

“Fuck you hard?” I asked. “You mean fuck you like the cheap whore you were acting like all night?”

“Yes, oh please yes. Fuck me like a whore, your whore. Fuck me like you own me.” She replied in a moan. “I’m your whore, I’ll do anything, anything.”

I leg go of one leg and grabbed a handful to tit, squeezing it hard and feeling the stiff nipple in my palm. She gasped in shock then moaned again as my hand groped her tender flesh.

“Oh yes, yes baby.” She gasped while her body writhed under my hand. “Punish me with that cock, show me who my real master is. Take me like a cheap slut and fuck me.”

I gave her what she wanted and the car’s sport tuned suspension bounced beneath her as I drove my prick hard and deep into her desperate body. I timed my rhythm with the bouncing car and she wailed in ecstasy each time my cock bottomed out inside her hot tight pussy. I let go of her other leg, leaning forward to grab two handfuls of her incredible tits groping them through the sheer material of her dress. She hooked her legs around me, pulling me tight into her as I felt her pussy start to twitch with the beginnings of her orgasm.

“Oh god, oh god baby, I’m, I’m cumming. Oh fuck I’m cummmiiinnnngggg” she wailed. Her powerful legs locked around my hips trapping me tight while she rocked her snatch up and down. Her ecstatic moans along with the feel of her cunt desperately milking at my cock did it for me.

“Nnnngggghhhhh” I groaned as I blew my load inside her.

“Aaaaahhhhh” she gasped when she felt the hot cum spray out of my cock. Her pussy still worked on my prick as her orgasm continued, like a hungry calf sucking the last of the milk from a teat. I grunted as the last spurts of jizz oozed from my prick then stifled a gasp when her legs finally released the vice grip on my waist.

I slowly slid free and lifted her up off of the car, I had no idea what semen and pussy juice would do to the finish but I didn’t want to find out. She staggered on unsteady legs and I wrapped my arms around her to hold her stable.

“As I recall, you promised me anything, didn’t you.” I whispered in her ear.

She smiled mischievously, then leaned forward to kiss me. Her tongue slid out to flick over my lips. “Yes, yes I did.” She murmured. “What is thy wish my master?”

“4 center field tickets to the game next weekend.” I replied.

She stiffened and her teasing tongue disappeared, then she gave a long sigh. “Do I have to come?”

“No, you can stay right here.” I replied, leaning in to kiss her stiff unresponsive mouth. I held it there for a few moments then she softened and kissed me back.

“Your wish is my command, master.” She said sarcastically.

Two days later and I sat on the sofa trying to concentrate on the show I was watching. It was Friday, Kate and Catherine were at lunch but I expected them back at any moment. It had been a long couple of days since the original discussion and I had made a point not to try to bring anything up, this had to be Catherine’s decision.

My ears perked up at the sound of a car pulling into the drive, then my dick followed suit when I heard the garage door opener kick on. Alright, showtime I thought to myself and pulled the lightweight balaclava over my head then grabbed the BB pistol I had bought. The door to the garage opened and Kate and Catherine stepped through, both looking around in of nervous expectation.

“Hands up.” I snapped and they jumped and yelped in fright. They had no idea how this was going to go down and being surprised by a masked man in your kitchen causes a natural reaction for anyone.

“Who are you, what do you want?” Kate stammered.

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