MILF Master - Cover

MILF Master

Copyright© 2024 by Kmaster3000

Chapter 3

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 3 - I dominate a submissive curvy older woman.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Daughter   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Light Bond   Spanking   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  

Catherine and I were sitting on the sofa binging the latest season of some series I had been following. Normally she had her shows and I had mine but lately she had been asking what I was doing and if she could join me. Also she had been extra nice lately, making my lunch and preparing some of my favorite meals for dinner. All of this was making me nervous because it was usually a precursor to some type of renovation or bright idea she had. Not that I really cared, she had the money to do whatever she wanted but she kept thinking she needed my permission and the bigger the work up the bigger the ask. I just let her do her thing and acted suitably grumpy but eventually supportive when she finally came out and told me. It also led to some great sex after so that was the motivation to my method acting.

“Tim, do you remember last week when Kim saw us then we talked about it?” she asked in a soft voice.

“Yeah. That could have been bad, but I’m glad that you two talked it out and she seems alright with everything.” I replied, idly running my fingers along her upper arm while she was snuggled up against me.

“Well, after you left for work we talked some more and she want’s to try it out. Try some of the things we do, find out what it feels like.”

“Good for her, glad that she is open minded enough to try it. You did a good job with her.” I replied, turning to kiss her on the tip of her nose. “Did you give her some ideas where to look? Chat rooms, websites, maybe we could take her to a club.”

Catherine squirmed a bit, “Well, the thing is we both want her to try this with someone she knows and trusts first. Not some stranger in a club wearing a mask or that awkward ‘feeling out’ stage with her next partner.” She paused the looked up at me while patting my chest with her hand. “We think you should be the one.”

“What the fuck!” I blurted, jerking back in surprise. Well, maybe not total surprise because there had been the signs but having Catherine ask me to teach her daughter the literal ropes was still a bit much for me to take in.

“Baby, please. I know it sounds weird but, well there are a lot of dangerous and just creepy people out there. I don’t want her trying this out on her own and getting hurt, or worse.” Catherine continued quickly. “She trusts you, and so do I.”

“That’s not the point. We are together and have a pretty good thing going here, I don’t want to mess it up by, well with this. This isn’t some bad plot porno where the director yells ‘cut’ and we all walk off of the set. This is our life, and I don’t want to take any chances with it.”

I know what you are thinking, ‘What the fuck are you doing! She is asking you to tie up and probably fuck her daughter!’ Well, Catherine has a shit ton of baggage that we have been slowly unpacking. The last thing I want to do is screw things up by making her jealous of her own daughter and I.

I had pulled my arm from around her shoulders as she pushed herself back on the sofa. She looked at me with those big brown eyes and I could see tears glinting at the corner while she bit at her lip. “You don’t see it do you, you don’t see how perfect you are.” She said with a tight voice. “You are trying to talk me out of this when any other man would be jumping at the chance. That is why we both trust you to do the right thing.”

Fuck. If I refused and anything happened to Kate, Catherine would never forgive me. She already blamed herself for everything that Kate had gone through with that asshole ex of hers. She was determined that her daughter would not have the life of abuse that she had experienced.

“Alright, I’ll do it. No. We will do it, together. Understand?” I said with a sigh and she squealed with glee and threw herself at me wrapping her arms around my neck and planting a kiss on my lips. I pushed her off, holding her hands while making firm eye contact.

“Cath, we will need to agree on some safe words and boundaries.” I told her.

“Of course, I already told Kate about these. We can discuss it when she comes over.”

“No, not for her, for you.” I continued. “I need to be sure that you are alright with what we, what I will be doing. I don’t want Kate to think you are protecting her but I also don’t want to cross any lines between us, understand?”

For the next half hour we discussed exactly what we would do, and if the boundaries got pushed what the signal to pull back would be. Catherine was excited, almost creepily so. She had struggled to be a good mother to her daughter which was hard given how controlling and abusive her husband had been. Now she saw a chance to pass on some womanly wisdom to her child, even if it involved cuffs and gags instead of makeup and girl talk.

It was Friday evening when the doorbell rang and Catherine rushed to open it. I swirled the ice in my drink as she led Kate into the living room. They were both acting like nervous teenagers on their first double date while I was trying to keep my face stern and the anticipation out of my voice. Sure, I was scared as shit about how this might go wrong a dozen different ways, but until then I was going to be living a fantasy straight out of Penthouse Forum. Both of them were wearing their workout clothes, I had insisted that this first session be focused on the bondage and they dress for comfort and flexibility.

Catherine had on her black leggings and a loose crop top sweatshirt that hung off of one shoulder. Her large mature breasts pushed against the draping fabric giving me a glimpse of the deep cleavage created by the constricting material of her sports bra. Kate on the other hand had on some rose-pink booty shorts and a matching sports bra with multiple narrow straps that crisscrossed her back. Her hair was up in a high ponytail and she had on muted but clearly present makeup with gloss shining on her lips. She looked like someone ready to make an Instagram workout video. If this is what she wore to the gym then there must be a lot of people there cursing at their spotters.

“Take a seat.” I told them, waving to the sofa. They sat, awkwardly trying to figure out whether to sit together or apart, cross their legs or keep them together and where to put their hands. I almost laughed at how difficult they were making something that was so natural. Finally they settled in, beside but not touching each other with their feet flat on the floor and hands on their knees.

“Kate, you asked for this and your mother convinced me to agree but I want to make sure you understand what you are getting into.”

She nodded. “I want to try out the BDSM lifestyle, and the best way to do it is with someone you know and trust. That person is you.”

I leaned forward resting my forearms on my knees as I set my glass on the coffee table. “I’m glad that you trust me with this, now let’s go over some of the rules.” For the next few minutes we discussed things like safe words, settling on the basic ‘Red/Yellow/Green’ and that Catherine would demonstrate everything before Kate tried it. She was nervous, but eager and admitted to having watched a lot of videos over the previous week.

We started simple, using leather cuffs to bind their wrists first in front then behind them. Kate laughed nervously when I fastened the cuffs together, tugging at her bonds causing the metal links to rattle.

“Are you alright?” I asked and she nodded in reply. “Good, remember if you want things to slow down or need some time just say Yellow.”

“I remember. Green.” She replied.

“Good girl.” I told her as I patted her on the shoulder. I felt a small shiver in response and filed it away for later. We went through some of the more simple bondage positions until I had them both lying on the floor in a hogtie. Kate was a smaller version of her mother. She didn’t have the mature bust or hips that gave Catherine that curvy MILF figure but she was far from lean and skinny. Her tits were a firm C cup to her mom’s double D’s and her ass reflected the firm sexiness of youthful energy where Catherine fought for every inch off her hips. Both of them had smooth tanned skin and adorable round faces, Kate was cherubic while her mother was the sculpted elegance of a renaissance painting.

“How are you doing?” I asked as I squatted in front of them.

Kate strained her neck to look up at me, her cheeks were flushed and I appreciated the look down he sports bra that the angle afforded me. “This is cool, I feel kinda sexy but I am not feeling as turned on as I think I should.”

“I can fix that for you. Don’t go anywhere.” I replied and headed up to the bedroom. I came back down with a pair of massage wands, the big kind that plugged into the wall. Catherine gave an excited “Oooohhhh” while Kate looked on with a mix of curiosity and nervousness.

I plugged the wands into an extension cord I had already secreted under the sofa then rolled Catherine up on one hip to position the wand between her legs. I turned it on to a low setting and settled her crotch down on the now buzzing head.

“Mmmmmmm” she purred like a cat being stroked in a warm sunbeam, her hips wiggling slightly to position herself better. “I wondered what was in that package you wouldn’t let me open.”

“You mean the one I had to hide to keep you from snooping. Seriously, you are worse than a kid at Christmas.” I replied, slapping her sharply on her spandex clad ass then pushing her hips down firmly against the wand. “Now, no more interruptions.”

I pulled a knotted length of cloth from my pocket and pushed it between her teeth. She groaned as I tied the cleave gag tightly behind her head, her eyes looking up at me sensually through long lashes.

I left her to marinate and turned my attention to Kate who had been watching with unconcealed excitement. I held the wand before her face, turning the setting dial up then back down slowly through the various speeds.

“One of the biggest things about being on the receiving end of bondage is the helplessness, the subservience to the dom. Any pleasure you receive is only because I chose to give it to you.” I waved the wand toward Catherine who was moaning quietly as her own vibrator did it’s work on her crotch.

“Your mom is a brat. She likes to challenge me, find ways to annoy me so that I have to punish her and then either through that punishment or after she finds her pleasure.” I tugged the wand from its position in her crotch and left it lying between her knees. She squawked in surprise and frustration, glaring at me with angry eyes.

“Oh, it’s still there, you just have to work to find it. Maybe that will teach you not to pry into other people’s affairs.

“Aye ate oooo.” She grumbled through the cloth in her mouth as she squirmed in her hogtie, trying to push herself back on the floor to find the still buzzing knob of the vibrator.

I chuckled before turning my attention back to Kate. “Now, you don’t come across as a brat, at least not yet. I think you are a good person who is trying to make other people happy, often to the detriment of yourself. But with bondage, and especially with roleplay you can’t be all giving. As the sub, you need to set the boundaries or else the Dom will keep pushing and maybe push too far. Understand?”

She nodded awkwardly, trying to keep eye contact from her position on the floor. “I get it.”

“Alright, good girl.” I murmured as I stroked her face. She sighed, pressing her cheek into my hand. Just as I thought, she got off on praise especially from men. Not surprising given her childhood. I nudged the vibrator between her legs, holding it in place while she wiggled into position then flicked it on.

“Ooooohhhhhh” she sighed, her hands flexing in her cuffs. “What about a gag, don’t I get one too?”

“Not yet, lets take things slow the first time.” I replied as I rose to my feet.

“But I didn’t say yellow or red, I thought that the sub set the boundaries.” She said in a cheeky voice.

I crouched down and flicked her nose lightly. “Don’t get pushy there little girl, you are starting to sound like your mother.”

“Well then maybe you should shut me up then.” She replied with a smug smile.

“I am not giving you a gag because if I did you wouldn’t be able to use any safe words.” I told her in a firm no nonsense voice.

“Oh, I didn’t think of that.” She said almost apologetically. “Sorry, I guess this is why you need to have an experienced person in charge.”

“That’s right, but if you really want to try it there are ways around that. Open your mouth.”

She complied, her pink lips pulling back from her white teeth as I pushed the knotted cloth into her mouth. I flicked her ponytail aside and tied the gag firmly in place. She chewed on the fabric, testing the feeling as she quietly mumbled and grunted.

I reached into a drawer and pulled out the TV remote. I removed one of the batteries and held it where she could see it. “I am going to put this in your hand. Drop it if you want me to stop whatever I am doing. This is only a Red/Green cue which is why I was reluctant to use it this early, understood.”

She nodded and opened her hand for me to place the battery in her palm. She closed her fist around it and I took the opportunity to reach down between her legs and nudge the vibrator up a setting. She gave a small moan, her eyes sliding closed as she savored the sensation of pleasure mixed with helplessness.

“Good girls get rewarded, bad girls get punished.” I told her, patting her on the head as I tugged the massage wand out from between Catherine’s legs again. “That’s the way of the world. I think you are a good girl who want’s to be a bad girl. You be you Kate, your mom and I are proud of you already.”

Her sigh contrasted nicely with Catherines frustrated grunts as she struggled to find the vibrator again. I sat back, watching both women as they squirmed on the carpet. Their eyes closed as they chewed on the gags in their mouths, enjoying the feelings between their legs.

I enjoyed the show for a while, these two beautiful women hogtied and gagged at my feet. Their muffled moans and groans accompanying the subtle musky smell of their love juices as the wiggled their crotches on the vibrators that hummed along steadily. Occasionally I would see Catherine glance over at Kate, she had squirmed back when I had pulled her wand away and was able to clearly see her daughter as she writhed in her bonds. Kate was too lost in her own sensation, gently tugging at her cuffs and chewing on the now damp gag between her teeth as her thighs clenched the massage wand tightly against her pussy.

My cock was uncomfortably stiff in my pants so I unbuckled my belt and slid it free, stroking it as I watched mother and daughter enjoying their shared moments. Catherine grunted and I looked over at her. Her eyes were glued to the shaft grasped loosely in my hand and she mumbled through her gag.

“Meeze, meeze et eee uck ooo.”

I smiled and patted my leg, without further urging she squirmed her way across the carpet until I was able to reach down and lift her to her knees. I reached behind, unclipping her wrist from her ankle cuffs then releasing her ankle restraints so she could kneel more comfortably. She was rubbing her cheek against my erect shaft when I pulled the gag from her mouth.

“Oh god, I am so fucking horny right now.” She gasped. “You could drown a small child in my pussy.”

“Well, that was crude.” I exclaimed.

She didn’t respond, her mouth was already wrapped around my prick as she slurped noisily. Her hands were still bound behind her back but that didn’t seem to affect her performance at all. She ran her lips up and down the sides of my shaft, her tongue licking hungrily at the thick veiny member. She took the head between her lips, sucking hard as she forced her face down until her nose brushed against my pelvis.

“EEee ooooo. Eeeze, eee ooooo.” I heard in a whining tone from the floor. Both Catherine and I stopped and looked down at where Kate was watching us with pleading eyes as she tried to mumble around the gag in her mouth.

“Eeeze, eeezzeee.” She whimpered, inching her way awkwardly across the carpet toward us.

I glanced down at Catherine. “This is your call, it was your idea. How far does this go?”

She looked at me, then down at the lust filled pleading eyes of her daughter. Some drool fell from her chin and her sports bra had been tugged down as she crawled over the carpet, exposing one breast and hard nipple.

“Alright, but only if I am here, understood?” Catherine said.

Both Kate and I nodded, then I leaned over and unfastened her wrist restraints. “Help her up. You can undo her hogtie, but she stays cuffed.”

Catherine pulled Kate to her knees and soon both of them were kneeling between my wide spread legs. Catherine used her now free hands to stroke my cock while Kate looked on with a mixture of nervousness and eagerness, waiting for some guidance.

“Kate, your mom says that you can join us but only when she is present. Do you accept this condition?” I asked.

“Yes, yes I do.” She replied breathlessly.

“Alright then let’s see what you can do. Catherine, put my cock in her mouth.”

Catherine hesitated for a moment, then with a small stiffening of her shoulders took Kate by the back of the neck and pushed her firmly down on my prick. Kate complied and the head of my cock slid easily into her warm mouth. “Mmmmmmmmm” she moaned as she slowly slid her face down my shaft just as her mother had done moments before.

“Ooooohhhh, that’s a good girl, you are a very good girl.” I murmured, laying back into the sofa and pushing my hips forward slightly.

“Mmmm hmmmm” she groaned in reply, sliding back up until her pink lips kissed the head of my prick then taking it deep into her mouth again. She bobbed her head up and down on my cock, her tongue sliding along the bottom of the shaft while she sucked with impressive force. I put my hand on the top of her head, gently stroking her hair as I moaned in response to her skill.

“My turn.” Catherine said in a slightly jealous voice, pulling Kate off of my shaft by her ponytail and taking it possessively in her own mouth. Kate whimpered in disappointment but made up for it by shuffling down and flicking her tongue over my ball sack. There wasn’t much room down there with Catherine’s huge tits but Kate didn’t seem to mind, pushing her way in and taking one of my balls in her mouth as she sucked gently.

I grabbed Catherine by the hair, much more firmly than I had done to Kate but it was what she liked. She moaned around the cock that filled her mouth as I forced her head down on the shaft then pulled it up just before she began to gag. One of her hands came up to rest on my thigh, her nails digging in as she struggled to hold my prick as deep in her as she could. I noticed that her other hand draped over Kate’s shoulder, holding her daughter firmly in place between her tit and my thigh while she licked and sucked on my balls.

Catherine worked hard on my cock, almost as if she wanted to prove to her daughter that she was still head of the house. I wanted to disabuse both of them of the notion that they had anything to compete over before it got messy. I took both of them by the hair and pulled them up to their knees, making soft popping sounds when my cock and balls left their mouths. I rose and pulled them to their feet, Kate struggling in her unfamiliar bondage but soon they were standing side by side.

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