The Haunted Bells - Cover

The Haunted Bells

Copyright© 2024 by BiWriter

Chapter 4

Horror Sex Story: Chapter 4 - A sexy plumper takes a shortcut through the graveyard, only to be seduced by a mysterious figure. Over the next chapters her friends help her to escape the evil clutches of this ghostly apparition.

Caution: This Horror Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mind Control   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Horror   Humor   Paranormal   Ghost   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   BBW  

Part 1

Sue had been unable to sleep right ever since ... the incident as she thought of it. In the first few days since her eerie encounter, she tried to blot it out of her mind. All thoughts of sex were quickly banished from her mind. That all changed several days later.

She awoke, having relived the incident in her dreams. Half awake, and fully aroused, she let her hands wander over her body. Sue kicked off the sheets, exposing her naked body to the cool air in her bedroom. Her hands encircled her ample breasts, caressing and kneading them. She pulled one of her breasts to her mouth and sucked her nipple until it stood erect.

Her hands slid down her belly, reaching her shaved pubic region. With one hand she spread her pussy lips wide, exposing her clit. Her other hand began to finger her clitty, causing electric sparks to energize her loins. Faster and faster did her finger move over her privates, smearing her moisture all over her thighs. Her other hand returned to her breasts, massaging and pinching her nipples. Sue could almost feel herself being entered by ... him.

Her back arched and her ass came up off the bed as she came with a tremendous rush. Her cum literally gushed out of her cunt, soaking her hand, legs, ass, and the mattress underneath her. She was sucking her juices off her fingers when she realized what she was doing. Sue leaped out of bed, shaking.

Since that morning, she had been unable to stop thinking about ... the incident. At work she began slipping into the bathroom, touching herself, masturbating to the memory. Sue would get home from work, strip down and immediately begin masturbating. Soon she realized she would have to do something or else she’d never do anything except masturbate.

She formulated a plan. That evening when she got home from work, she dressed in the same outfit she wore when she met ... him. She put on her bra, then quickly sewed up the tear before donning her t-shirt. Since she’d lost her panties at the cemetery she just slipped on her shorts without underwear. This, of course, got her thinking about that night, and she was unable to resist slipping a few fingers into her shorts and fingering herself to a quick cum.

Fortified, she headed out the door and began walking to the graveyard.

Chapter 4: Part 2

Tim had been courting Clarisse ever since he saw met her at Joe’s Bar, immediately smitten by her plush body and cute face. Not to mention her giant F-cup tits! He was delighted to discover they both worked at the same place. How he’d missed her he never knew, he guessed it was just due to the huge number of folks that worked where they did.

They started small, first spending work breaks together, then moving up to lunches. They had swapped a lot of innuendo, and Tim was quite hopeful that he would soon be getting to know Clarisse a LOT better.

That evening Tim talked Clarisse into a walk. They strolled at a leisurely pace, headed towards the outskirts of town. During the walk they held hands and swapped tantalizing stories, teasing each other with sexual remarks. As Clarisse walked she jiggled nicely. Her low cut shirt was revealing a lot of ample cleavage, and her nipples stood out nicely through the thin fabric of her shirt. Tim had a bulge in his pants the whole time, and wasn’t sure if he wanted her to, or not to, notice it.

For her part, Clarisse had noticed Tim quite some time ago. She had spent many evenings with her hand between her legs, wishing it was Tim’s hard member instead. Tonight, she decided, she would not go to bed lonely. To help the odds, she decided to skip the bra. This allowed her large breasts to sway and jiggle under the thin material of her white cotton shirt. She also decided to leave her panties at home and just go with the slick nylon shorts. It was a bit cool for shorts, but she was hoping showing some leg would drive Tim crazy.

Their walk took them past the old church and cemetery. “Hey, neato.” Clarisse said, “I didn’t know this was out here.”

“Yeah, it’s been abandoned for quite a while. It used to be an old Episcopal church. Something happened back in the 50’s.”

“Really? I wonder what could have caused them to give up a building like this? It looks like it was real nice in it’s time.”

“Well, near as I can find out it was a pretty popular church. The last records I could find indicated it was still in use around July 1952. Something happened later that year, rumor has it around Halloween, but you know how those stories go. Anyway, after that a new church was built in town, and a new cemetery was created.”

“Wow, I’m impressed.” And she was. “You seem to know all about it.”

“Yeah well, I grew up not far from here. Mom found out I was playing over here in the graveyard one day, and absolutely freaked out. She forbade me from ever coming over here again. Naturally, I got curious, and over the years since then I’ve tried to find out why? What had happened here?”

Tim was staring intently at the building, the breeze ruffling his hair. “Well, what did happen?” Clarisse asked, entranced.

“That’s the odd part. I just can’t seem to find out. Most of the folks who were around at the time died quite a while back. One old geezer I talked with raved about ‘unleashing the pits of hell’ and ‘the walking dead’, but he didn’t strike me as real stable. Unfortunately the nurses kicked me out of the nursing home before I could find out more.”

“Well, didn’t you go back?”

“Of course, a few weeks later. It was pretty odd, no one in the home seemed to know anything about the old guy, they sort of vaguely remembered him and knew he’d been taken out by relatives or someone, but no one sure when or by who.”


Tim nodded in agreement. “Over the years there’s been lots of reports of strange stuff happening. You know, spooky voices, ghostly figures, the like, but nothing that has ever been substantiated.”

“Yeah, my friend Jeannie told me she heard bells, but there are no bells. At least, she said there weren’t.”

“I don’t know what she heard, but I can say for sure it wasn’t the bells. Back in 1972 a crew came in and took the bells out. They had planned to melt them down to make new ones for the city hall, but the truck kept breaking down every time they tried to take them to the foundry.”

“Wow, so what ever happened to them?”

“I finally tracked them down. They’re in an old warehouse on the other side of town. The original company that took the bells down stuck them there. They got bought out, then went out of business. The warehouse guy said they’d been sitting back there as long as he can remember, and he’s been there since the mid eighties. Not really sure who owns them, but I’ve actually laid my hands on them.”

“Oh wow, this is so totally cool.”

Tim laughed, glad that someone else shared his fascination in the old building. “Most folks think I’m nuts for being interested in it.”

“Oh no, this is neat. Show me around some!”

“OK, well, of course we’re standing here on the front stairs. Most of the papers you see tacked up here are demolition notices. Seems about every 12 or 15 years, someone decides to tear the old place down. Let’s see, here’s the last one, looks like 1987. Ah, here’s another for 1972. That’s probably the one that inspired them to take down the bells.”

“Hey,” she said excitedly, “here’s another notice, looks like a ... seizure notice for failure to pay taxes. Looks like nineteen sixty something, but I can’t make out the last number. Huh, I wonder why it’s never been torn down?”

“Not sure, I know in the 80’s there was a big historical movement. I suppose they might have made noises about it being a landmark or something. You want to see the insides?” Tim asked.

“Oh, er, I don’t know. It’s getting dark, maybe we should come back.”


“A little.” she admitted.

“Well, there’s still a little light, lets go to the graveyard. There’s some neat headstones I want you to see.” The couple moved to the side, and entered the squeaky gates.

Walking down the path, Tim impressed her with his knowledge of local history. He pointed out the headstones of past mayors, tombs of prominent businessmen, and even the final resting places for common everyday folk. Eventually they came to a headstone of low, thick marble. Over the entire plot a huge slab of the same dark granite laid.

“Wow, that’s an impressive one.” commented Clarisse. “Wonder who that is.”

“Jason Wolfe. Now, he’s a real interesting case. If I recall right, he’s supposed to be the reason the church burned down.”

“Burned down? Huh?” Clarisse was confused now, looking over at the church, then back to Tim. He laughed.

“No, not that building. Actually, several buildings have occupied this property over time, this one is the last of many. Before this one there was an older, but impressive wood structure. Built in the early 1800’s, it stood until it burned down in 1850.”

“What caused it to burn down? And where does this guy fit in?”

“No one is exactly sure why. All they know is his remains were found in the fire. It seems Wolfe here was in love with the pastors daughter. Story has it the pastor didn’t want his daughter to marry some poor immigrant farmer, and forbade them from seeing each other. The last time he was seen, he was leaving the local bar to go kidnap his lady and run off with her.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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