Human Resources - Bisexual Edition - Cover

Human Resources - Bisexual Edition

Copyright© 2024 by Snekguy

Chapter 22: All’s Well

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 22: All’s Well - An ice miner from the barren moon of Ganymede gets the break of a lifetime when a UN job placement program relocates him to Valbara – a lush paradise planet with fresh air, clean water, and no need for pressure suits. He soon realizes that navigating the local culture and office politics will be a challenge. The aliens are small reptilian creatures with strange social behaviors whose females outnumber males by 7-1, and he finds himself the unwitting focus of attention in the workplace.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/Ma   Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Workplace   Science Fiction   Aliens   Space   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Oriental Male   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Size   Slow  

“I have to say – the view sure is nice,” Steven said.

He was standing beside the wall-length window in their new private office, his hands clasped neatly behind his back as he gazed out through the glass, the adjacent building rising up before him like a sheer cliff face made of glass and carbcrete. The street was so far below him that it made him dizzy to look down, but he was slowly growing accustomed to the vertigo. He could adapt to any situation, after all.

The flock was already settling in, each of them having chosen their preferred desk, holographic displays flaring to life as they logged into their terminals. The tables were curving and organic, made from some kind of imitation wood, polished so smooth that he could see the hazy reflection of the holograms floating above them. If he looked carefully, he could pick out the tiny emitters that were recessed beneath little panes of glass so as not to break up the flush surface.

There was plush carpeting on the floor, their very own vending machine against the far wall, and even a side room with a larger conference table for meetings and calls with clients. There would be plenty of those in their future, and Steven would be acting as the primary liaison between the company and their human clients.

“We’re moving up in the world,” Ipal said as she took a seat on a padded stool.

“Literally,” Steven added. “I’m glad Yemi put up some ladders for me.”

“Here’s your chair,” Mima said, gesturing to a seat in front of one of the desks. It was of a similar style to the one Yemi had printed for him, but this one had the same padded cushions as their stools.

“Damn,” he chuckled, lowering himself into it. He shifted his weight, hearing the faux leather creak. “I guess the executive suite really does come with a lot of perks.”

“We asked them to make it for you,” Ezi said with a flutter of pleased green. “It’s a gift, kind of. You’re half the reason we’re here, after all.”

“You give me too much credit,” he replied with a wave of his hand. “It was you guys who actually wrote the program that won the contract. Thanks, though.”

“Yeah, but your presentation certainly made an impact,” Mima insisted.

“Well, we’re a flock now, right?” Steven continued. “It was a team effort.”

“That it was,” Mima said with another surge of green plumage.

“The only problem is that we have to wear these fancy clothes all the time now,” Ezi muttered as she tugged at her skirt.

“You’ll get used to it,” Steven replied. “Damn, the desk is even at the right height for me.”

“I expect that the company will be hiring more stray Earth’nay after your performance,” Ipal said as she watched him sweep his hands across its smooth surface. “Might as well get the specs on file so we can print more when the time comes.”

“You’re still our secretary, even if you’ve moved to a private office,” Paza added. She was sitting on the edge of his desk, her arms and legs crossed, her tail dangling off it.

“Oh, I know,” he replied with a grin. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, Boss. Someone needs to take care of you girls and make sure you’re fed and watered.”

They were interrupted by a buzz at the door, Steven rising from his seat to walk over and open it with the touch of a panel. He was surprised to see Lotl walk into the suite, her flockmates filing in behind her, each one looking just as surly as the last. She seemed even surlier when she saw the flock sitting in their padded chairs wearing their fitted suits, suppressing a flutter of irritated red.

“Hey, Lotl,” Steven began as she glanced up at him. “What brings you here?”

“We’re reporting to our new project supervisors as requested,” she grumbled. “My flock has been reassigned to work under yours in a support capacity.”

“Your flock has some skilled programmers,” Ipal said with a flutter of acknowledgment. “We’re glad to have you onboard.”

“I’d almost forgotten that we would be moving to a supervisory role,” Steven said. “I guess that means we’re going to be managing a few different teams.”

“The scale of the project necessitates it,” Tilli explained.

“The UNN is buying a lot of turrets,” Ipal added.

“Thank you, Lotl,” Mima said as she gave her colleague a salute of respectful red. “We’re still setting up, but we’ll have some assignments ready for your flock before lunch. Feel free to relax until then.”

Lotl bowed her head, turning to the door. It must sting to know that her flock had been next in line for this promotion – and this office, especially after her interactions with Steven and Ipal. She seemed to be taking it fairly well, all things considered. She paused on her way out, turning to glance up at him.

“By the way, congratulations on your promotion, Mister Zheng.”

“Thanks,” Steven said, watching the bobbing aliens file back out into the office complex.

“Wow, she is mad,” Ezi cackled once the door had closed behind them.

“Her flock are good programmers, though,” Mima chided. “They’ll be an asset to the project, so let’s give her the benefit of the doubt. I’m sure she’s learned her lesson by now.”

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