Human Resources - Bisexual Edition - Cover

Human Resources - Bisexual Edition

Copyright© 2024 by Snekguy

Chapter 19: Performance Review

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 19: Performance Review - An ice miner from the barren moon of Ganymede gets the break of a lifetime when a UN job placement program relocates him to Valbara – a lush paradise planet with fresh air, clean water, and no need for pressure suits. He soon realizes that navigating the local culture and office politics will be a challenge. The aliens are small reptilian creatures with strange social behaviors whose females outnumber males by 7-1, and he finds himself the unwitting focus of attention in the workplace.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/Ma   Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Workplace   Science Fiction   Aliens   Space   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Oriental Male   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Size   Slow  

After a few minutes of lounging, he noticed that Paza was watching him with her unwavering stare, those violet eyes piercing through the gloom of the dimly-lit bedroom.

“She’s waiting for her turn,” Ipal explained with a grin, noting where he was looking.

“I didn’t think she was into me that way,” he replied. “I kind of assumed that she’d be focused on Yemi tonight.”

“You assumed wrong,” Ipal chuckled. “I think her patience has run its course, and you look ready to go another round.”

Paza rose to her feet and began to unbutton her vest, tossing it aside with a confidence that made Steven’s heart start to race. She reached down to pull off her shorts, then planted her hands on her wide hips, looking him up and down expectantly. She had a similar build to Ezi but with an ocean-green coloration that faded to beige on her underbelly, forming a narrow strip that guided his gaze down between her toned thighs. She was subtly larger and stockier than Ezi or Mima, her muscles well-defined beneath her shining scales, her bust somewhere between those of her two friends.

“Uh, where do you want me?” Steven asked sheepishly.

“On your back,” she replied without missing a beat.

He lowered himself to the mattress dutifully, his mind swimming with the words that she had spoken to him during their brief heart-to-heart in the restaurant that one evening. Paza didn’t see him as househusband material, and she wasn’t as invested in their relationship as her flockmates were, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t make efficient use of him. There was something predatory about the way she was looking at him, like he was a meal, and she was evaluating where best to start.

She approached, placing a hand on his chest to push him down onto his back, planting her clawed feet to either side of his hips. She barely weighed sixty pounds wet, but he could still feel her weight shifting the soft mattress, his member pulsing as he watched a little bead of anticipation seep down her inner thigh. She was aroused, then – she just had a strange way of showing affection.

Her tail reached down to hook around the nearest blanket, giving his cock a quick rub down before she proceeded. The remnants of his romp with Yemi were still present. Seemingly satisfied that he was clean, that same tail coiled around his shaft, keeping it in place as she crouched over him. She lay a hand on his chest, her breasts wobbling gently as she repositioned herself, using her tail to maneuver his member towards her drooling loins. She sighed as she rubbed his glans between her lips, wetting it with her slippery fluids, the pleats of her velvet flesh caressing him.

Steven rose up to offer her a kiss, but she placed her scaly hand over his mouth, forcing him back down to the bed.

“No,” she grumbled, flashing pink and red feathers at him. “I told you – I’m not licking your mouth. It’s unsanitary.” He tried to reply, but she kept her hand in place, muffling his voice. “Enough of your jibes and jokes.” Steven lurched as he felt the sheath on her forearm begin to slowly wind around his neck, growing like a vine until it had a firm yet gentle grip. “I like my males quiet and cooperative – I don’t care if Earth’nay culture deems that acceptable or not. This bedroom is my domain until sunrise.”

“Yeah, she’s traditional like that,” Ipal snickered as she took a swig from her bottle. “I’d do what she says if I were you.”

“Yeah, alright,” Steven mumbled as Paza removed her hand from his mouth. She caressed his red cheek, testing the texture of his skin, suddenly showing more tenderness. “You can be the boss for a while ... if that’s what you want.”

“Keep calling me Boss,” she added, allowing herself a flutter of aroused pink. “I like how that sounds. Perhaps I shouldn’t reinforce the idea that I’m about to fuck my secretary – it could be unprofessional – but I have to admit that it has a certain allure. You’re efficient, you work hard – it’s something that I admire about you. You show me the proper courtesy and respect at the office, and I want that here. It rouses something in me.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” he said as she lowered herself down.

Having seen Ezi and Yemi blaze the trail, she was a little more confident, but his size still gave her pause. Her tight, silken walls stretched like elastic to accommodate him, her body clenching and fighting him for every inch in spite of how slick she was. It didn’t feel any different from what he had experienced with Ezi – her warm flesh pouring around his shaft like liquid muscle, the wrinkles and delightful imperfections of her depths caressing his skin on a sheen of her fluids.

Yet, there was something about Paza’s demeanor that made it a totally different experience. Where Ezi had been shy and almost virginal, trembling with his every touch, Paza brought that same detached efficiency she displayed in the workplace to the bedroom. There was no wasted time, and she knew exactly what she wanted. She had probably planned out every moment of their encounter three days prior.

With a snarl and a flush of determined red, she pushed past the resistance, using her weight to slide him past that cruel ring of muscle at her entrance. She took him to the hilt in one smooth motion, slamming down into his lap, the two of them gasping together as the sensory overload rocked them. She started to move her hips, stirring him around inside her as Ezi had done initially, keeping a hand on his chest to steady herself as she peered down at him. The desire in her violet eyes was joined by satisfaction, like she was happy to finally have him where he belonged – beneath her. The pink in her feathers was joined by more crimson, perhaps a sign of dominance.

“Fuck, are you alright?” Steven asked as another sway of her hips took him by surprise. “It took Ezi a little while to get used to this.”

“I know my limits,” she replied, giving him another flutter of red that was accompanied by a ruthless thrust. “The question is – do you know yours?”

“Maybe next time we do this, we’ll both start fresh,” he replied as she made a maddening circle around his buried shaft. “Then, we’ll see who can go further.”

“How presumptuous that you’re already thinking about the second time,” Paza replied with a smirk.

“You’re telling me you’re not planning for the fourth and fifth?” he asked.

“I thought I told you to be silent,” she replied, the flush of pink in her feathers betraying her. She gave him another punishing sway that sent his head spinning, the ceaseless massage of her innermost muscles all that he could focus on, each squeeze and ripple sending tingling pleasure washing through him. It hadn’t been that long ago that he’d made a mess of Yemi, and he was still sensitive. It wasn’t a fair fight at all.

“You got it, Boss,” he muttered.

Paza threw back her head, gazing vacantly at the ceiling as her spine stiffened, her tail standing as straight as a rod. She had pressed his glans against her clitoris – Steven could feel it, the fleshy little bud sandwiched between his cock and the roof of her passage. She had more discipline than her sisters, only allowing herself a brief flash of color, but the way that she sank back down like a deflating balloon told him everything that he needed to know.

“I can feel your heartbeat,” she sighed, her claws leaving pink trails on his skin as her composure slipped. “It’s making you throb...”

She seemed to be admiring him now, running her scaly fingers across his chest, testing the firmness of his muscles and tracing the contours of his body as she found a slow and mesmerizing pace. She swayed and gyrated as she straddled him, letting her weight bounce him into the mattress, the soft base of her tail brushing his balls as it trailed down between his legs.

“Our males spend so much time polishing and waxing their scales to get a chest as smooth as yours,” she mused, her pink tongue emerging to wet her lips lasciviously. “The nipples are ... strange, but one expects some quirks when dealing with aliens.”

“Can I touch you?” Steven asked, his lust starting to get the better of him. Her sculpted body was swaying atop him like a snake enraptured by a charmer’s flute, the muscles in her core more chiseled and defined than Ezi’s wiry frame or Mima’s soft paunch. The light above them was dim, catching the droplets of moisture that clung to her scales to make them glitter, casting shadows beneath her abs when they tensed. Her ample breasts – at least by Valbaran standards – bounced against her torso with her every thrust.

“I suppose it’s only fair,” she replied, sitting up a little straighter. “You have my permission.”

He slid a hand up her taut belly, starting at her navel, then letting the channel that her six-pack carved into her midriff guide his fingers higher. They firmed up when he touched them, seeming to bulge from beneath her scales, her insides gripping him more tightly.

“She likes to work out,” Ipal explained, taking another swig from her bottle as she watched. “It’s how she blows off steam.”

“At least until now,” Mima added with a wry chuckle. Yemi was still lying in her arms, his eyes wide as he watched their encounter play out. “I have a feeling that she might have just discovered another, more satisfying outlet for her frustrations.”

Steven reached her chest, covering one of her breasts, feeling her supple fat conform to the shape of his hand like he was leaving an imprint in a ball of wet clay. She was fuller than Ezi, but not covered in down like Mima, the texture of her fine scales irresistible.

She sighed as he kneaded, gripping him tighter, pushing back and forth to grind her sweet spot against his glans like she was riding a horse. Her tail began to coil around his right leg, holding onto him to give her more leverage, the appendage pulling him into her. She could barely accommodate him, her depths objecting to his presence with each spine-tingling contraction, but it didn’t deter her.

“A tail is fine when there are no boys around, but I like this more,” Ezi sighed as she watched the pair fuck from her nest of pillows.

“It has an ... odd shape to it,” Paza said, her feathers flickering as she looped her hips in a teasing figure of eight. “It’s hot – full of blood. At the right angle, though...” She leaned back a little, laying a hand on her mound as she ground against his member, perhaps remembering where his glans had bulged Yemi’s belly. “Right there,” she growled, a shiver passing through her.

Steven slid a hand down to her hips, gripping them as he encouraged her to go faster, his diminutive partner holding him with her thighs and her powerful tail as she upped her pace. She didn’t seem to want to do it the way humans did – Valbarans preferred to just bury their partner and try to stimulate their sweet spot. For a human man, it was unbearable teasing, Steven’s every instinct demanding that he roll her onto her back and pound her into the bedding as he had Yemi.

“Are you holding on?” she asked, noting his grimace. “You seem distracted.”

“Y-yeah,” he grunted, lying back into the sheets as she stirred him around inside her. She had such a tight hold on him – both inside and out – that she was able to dictate their pace with alarming ease. Steven wasn’t quite overpowered, but he felt that it wouldn’t have been difficult for her to just lock him in place and have her way with him, regardless of her small size. Those muscles were like steel cables.

“Good. I didn’t give you permission to finish yet.”

“You might get a bad performance review if you’re not careful,” Mima joked.

Paza,” Ipal whined, crawling across the sheets with her bottle in hand. “I’m tired of waiting. Can I join in? Surely there’s room for one more?”

“Fine, fine,” Paza sighed with a flutter of pink. “You’re so impatient.”

“I’m honestly surprised that she waited this long,” Mima added.

“What do you mean by room for one more?” Steven asked suspiciously. His question was soon answered as Ipal hurriedly shed her clothes, tearing off her vest and her shorts like the opportunity might pass her by. She was a little unsteady, perhaps tipsy from the wine.

“Finally,” she giggled, swinging a leg over Steven’s head. “I’ve been throwing my tail in your face for days, big guy. I was starting to worry that you’d never get the picture.”

Steven lurched as she sat down on his chest, blocking Paza from view with her bright pink headdress, her silky thighs cradling his head. Her scales were a verdant spinach that faded to a strip of beige on what they referred to as the underside, those softer scales cradling his burning cheeks, the springy muscle tangible beneath her memory foam flesh. It reminded him of the neck pillows that they sometimes gave out on flights between the Jovian moons. Her weight was tangible but not quite enough to be too uncomfortable, her long tail draping itself over his stomach.

Her build was similar to Ezi’s, though she was a tad taller than her flockmate, her figure just as sinewy and athletic. Her modest breasts jiggled as she adjusted her position, shifting her weight, her loins hovering only a couple of inches from his chin. She was already soaked thanks to the show they’d been putting on, her rosy flesh contrasting with the light tan of her lips, his mouth starting to water at the mere sight of it. If the Valbarans had any imperfections, he wasn’t aware of them, their bodies seeming inhumanly perfect to his novice eyes.

“Fuck, you look like you could have been carved out of a block of jade,” he sighed, momentarily overcome by Paza’s incessant teasing. “You’re beautiful.”

“W-what?” Ipal giggled, his compliment taking her off guard. She flashed pink and yellow, covering her mouth with the hand that wasn’t holding a bottle as she stifled a laugh. “You say the strangest things, Eath’nay. How about we put that agile tongue of yours to better use? You have to be thirsty after all this exertion...”

She upended the bottle between her breasts, letting a glug of the red liquid pour down her scales, forming shining rivulets as it followed the indent of her abs and flowed past her navel. He was already waiting for it, joining his lips to hers, a trill of pleasure and amusement escaping her as she felt his tongue graze her vulva. The fruity taste of the wine blended with the more sordid flavor of her loins, some of it spilling down his chin, but he was too swept up in the moment to care.

He rose higher, licking some of the residue from the scales beneath her belly, feeling her tremble with each stroke of his tongue.

“I want what you gave Mima,” she began, her voice wavering with anticipation now. “Will you do that for me, too? It looked wonderful.”

He crawled back down, kissing her inner thigh and sending another shiver of anticipation coursing through her. As much as he wanted to turn things around on her, it was hard to maintain any kind of stoicism with Paza gyrating in his lap, the fact that he couldn’t see her anymore only serving to heighten the sensations that she was subjecting him to. Ipal cooed happily as he buried his face between her legs, some of that sticky, sweet residue still clinging to her satin folds. She leaned back a little, glancing down at him as he began to mouth and lick, her bosom rising and falling rapidly along with her heaving chest. She was wired – she had been watching them all evening, biding her time until she could find an opening like a lioness waiting for her turn to eat from the kill. One hand shot to her chest, cradling one of her breasts as she began to knead and squeeze it rhythmically, the other darting down to delve into his hair. Her stroking encouraged him, her dull claws trailing across his scalp, the alien seeming to enjoy the texture.

“Was he this... warm when you had your turn, Mima?” she sighed. She was starting to sway in time with the lazy motions of his tongue, more drunk on pleasure than her wine now.

“Isn’t it delightful?” Mima chuckled from her seat in the cushions nearby. “Two of us can go at once – that must please you, Paza. It’s a more efficient form of lovemaking.”

“How are you doing back there?” Ipal asked, glancing over her shoulder.

Fine,” Paza grumbled, the tone of her voice suggesting that she was a little more overcome than she would like to admit. “He is ... large, but no moreso than I can handle...”

She gave him another cruel sway of her hips, driving his shaft into her tender walls, those fierce muscles never slackening their hold on him.

“Oh, I think he liked that,” Ipal giggled. “I felt him falter. Fuck him harder, Paza.”

He began to protest, but Ipal let herself slide a little lower, sandwiching his face between her thighs and muffling his voice with her loins.

“No, no,” she chided as she flushed pink with desire. “I’ve waited days to see you on your back like this. Keep going.”

He lifted his hands as he resumed his work, sliding them up her thighs, feeling her squirm as he sank his fingers into her welcoming flesh. A little higher, he cupped her rear, filling his hands. Just like Ezi and Yemi, her ass was toned and firm, his thumb dipping into the little dimple of muscle on her cheek.

“Ah!” she yelped, shifting her weight as he gave her a gentle slap. His hand clapped against her scales, sending a beautiful ripple spreading through her fat. “Is that part of Earth’nay courtship? Don’t answer that,” she added, her tone sly as she gripped his hair to tug him closer. “Keep licking...”

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