Human Resources - Bisexual Edition - Cover

Human Resources - Bisexual Edition

Copyright© 2024 by Snekguy

Chapter 17: Feather and Scale

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 17: Feather and Scale - An ice miner from the barren moon of Ganymede gets the break of a lifetime when a UN job placement program relocates him to Valbara – a lush paradise planet with fresh air, clean water, and no need for pressure suits. He soon realizes that navigating the local culture and office politics will be a challenge. The aliens are small reptilian creatures with strange social behaviors whose females outnumber males by 7-1, and he finds himself the unwitting focus of attention in the workplace.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/Ma   Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Workplace   Science Fiction   Aliens   Space   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Oriental Male   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Size   Slow  

All that remained was a short walk down a dirt path before they arrived at Steven’s property, and he scanned his phone at the door, his heart racing as it opened. They piled inside, Mima and Ezi sticking close to him as Paza, Ipal, and Tilli flopped down onto his couch. Yemi stood near the entrance, glancing around with uncertainty. This was his first visit.

“You guys want anything more to drink?” Steven asked hesitantly. For all his posturing back at the lounge, the reality of what was about to go down was starting to dawn on him. He’d know that it was coming for days, but he didn’t really know what to expect. He’d never been with five partners at once, never mind aliens, and he was beginning to wish that he’d dared to browse more of Joseph’s forum. Then there was Yemi – what did the flock have in mind for him?

“We’ve had enough to drink,” Paza replied.

“We don’t want refreshments,” Mima snickered, tugging at the sleeve of his suit.

“So, how does this work?” Steven mumbled as he glanced at the expectant aliens.

“Didn’t learn anything from your crazy girlfriends?” Ipal added as she watched him with a smirk.

“Certainly not how to deal with five of you, no,” he admitted.

“Why don’t you ... come over here,” Mima began as she guided him towards the couch by the arm. “Get comfortable,” she continued, easing him down onto the cushions as Ipal and Tilli shuffled aside to give him more space. “And let us take care of you?”

“I guess the flock usually takes the lead?” Steven asked. “Makes sense...”

Paza beckoned for Yemi to approach with a flutter of feathers, and he took a seat beside her, the pair sitting apart from the rest of the flock just as they had at the lounge. Perhaps she was intending to have Yemi all to herself. Steven was a little unsure about having Yemi in the same room while the act transpired, but if nobody else seemed to think it was a problem, maybe he shouldn’t either.

When in Rome...

The little male looked as happy as ever, his feathers stained pink. Paza was all over him already, wasting no time, the little male trilling softly as she slid a hand up his thigh. She leaned close, pressing her snout into the nape of his neck and peppering his throat with little nibbles and licks.

“Just lie back,” Ipal said, easing Steven into the pillows as she crawled into his lap. “And let us take care of everything.”

“Kind of a ... nice change of pace,” he mumbled as she began to spread his suit jacket open. Mima snuck in to his right and helped her flockmate along, pulling off the jacket and passing it to Tilli, who folded it neatly before placing it on the coffee table.

Next came his shirt, Ipal popping open the buttons one by one, the rest of the flock leaning in to get a look as she peeled it open. She dragged a claw down to his belt, giggling to herself as she made him flinch, then tried to figure out the buckle. After a moment of fumbling, that was open too, Mima reaching in to help with the zipper on his pants.

“I don’t think this is a two-person job,” Steven commented as they opened his fly, exposing his shorts. “Hey, did you guys do any research on this? I know you don’t like surprises.”

“We know what it looks like,” Ezi declared, kneeling on the couch just behind Ipal as she watched intently. Her feathers flushed pink, and she began to stammer. “I-I mean, uh, we may have looked at some ... preparatory material beforehand.”

“We watched some Earth’nay porn,” Ipal explained, making Ezi flutter with embarrassment again. “There’s some of it leaking onto the intranet. Krell porn, too – that was something to see.”

“Well, now you’re making me feel inadequate,” he joked.

“Not to worry – I’m perfectly happy with the present position of my organs,” Ipal chuckled as she reached down to stroke the growing bulge in his briefs. “I think this should work out just fine...”

He lurched when she gave the bulge a squeeze, teasing him as she tried to map its shape beneath the fabric. Her flockmates were crowding him to get a better view, five pairs of violet eyes fixed intently on his groin. Yemi didn’t seem to know where to look.

“He’s everted,” Ezi mused.

“They don’t evert,” Mima explained. “At least, they don’t call it that. It’s called erecting.”

“There’s really only one?” Tilli asked, sliding down to the carpet to get a better view.

“It’s, uh ... still swelling,” Ipal said with a flutter of yellow, her chuckling taking on a more nervous tone as she appraised his tented shorts. “Shouldn’t it have stopped by now?”

Mima hooked her fingers around his waistband and tugged it down, Steven wincing as it caught on his erection for a moment. When she succeeded, his member bounced free, Ipal flinching away like it was a snake about to leap out and strike her. The aliens peered at his organ as it throbbed in the air, their eyes wide, their feathers a blend of surprised yellow and aroused pink.

“It looks bigger in person,” Ipal mumbled.

“Maybe you should find some new positions for those organs after all,” Paza scoffed from her seat on the couch, pausing her petting session with Yemi to get a look. The male’s gaze followed hers, lingering on Steven’s member, his feathers showing even more surprised yellow than the flock. Unlike them, he hadn’t been expecting it.

“That is not gonna fit – it’s almost the size of my forearm,” Ipal marveled as she gave his shaft a prod.

“Plenty of people have done it,” Mima added with a feather flutter equivalent to a shrug. “If they figured it out, so can we.”

“If we’re done with the physical examination, this isn’t really the kind of romantic mood I was hoping for,” Steven complained.

“Let’s take a more intimate look,” Mima cooed, taking his shaft in her hand. She couldn’t quite close her small fingers around it, but she began to stroke, her cool scales like a soothing balm against his warm skin. She traced its veins, squeezing gently, admiring the way that he twitched and swelled in response. “You’re so hot!” she marveled. “I feel as though it’s going to burn me.”

“What’s this part?” Ipal asked, cupping his balls and making him flinch. “They’re a little furry.”

“Careful with those,” he warned, a pulse of pleasure rocking him as she cradled them in her hands. “They’re very sensitive.”

“External gonads,” Mima explained confidently. “Their body temperature is so high that they need to be on the outside.”

“Definitely the least sexy way I’ve heard someone refer to them,” he grumbled, grunting as Mima slid her hand up to his tip. Her scales were so smooth and flush that there was very little friction, creating an oddly pleasant sensation, as though someone was stroking him with a soft leather glove.

Ipal joined in, gripping him a little further down his length, seeming to test his firmness.

“It’s so hard,” she mused, her feathers putting her arousal on display. “Our boys are a little more flexible...”

“Should we do like in the videos?” Ipal asked as she turned to Mima.

“I suppose,” Mima replied.

Mima drew her hand back, letting Ipal take up position on the carpet between Steven’s legs, her scaly snout brushing against his shaft. He watched, his breath catching in his throat as she extended her pink tongue, dragging it up his length. He could feel her warm breath on his skin – see the way that her eyelids fluttered and her feathers pulsed pink like the beating of a heart. She gave him a few lingering kisses, her soft lips pressing against the underside of his glans, Ipal letting it throb against her nose.

The shape of her jaws was so different from those of a human, but she did her best to mimic what she must have seen in those videos, lifting herself a little higher and angling her face down so that she could slide him into her mouth. She couldn’t suck in the way that a human could, and Steven was wary of those sharp little teeth, but his apprehension melted away as he felt his member rub against the ribbed texture of her palate. Her tongue soon joined it, swirling around the unfamiliar organ as though trying to map out its shape, droplets of her saliva dribbling down his shaft.

“Does it feel good?” Tilli asked, tearing her gaze away from the sight to look him in the eyes.

“Y-yeah,” he sighed, faltering as she felt Ipal’s tapered tongue snake beneath his foreskin. Mima reached down to cradle his balls, massaging them gently, resting against his torso as she watched her flockmate work.

“I think he’s enjoying himself,” she purred, lifting her head to glance up at Steven. She craned her neck, inviting him to lean down to meet her in a kiss, the delicate little ribbon of her tongue probing his mouth even as Ipal’s painted his manhood.

Ezi crept in from his left to sit beside him, awash with pink as she watched the display, clearly wanting to be more involved. She had snuck a hand beneath the tight shorts that she was wearing, rubbing gently under the black fabric, her breathing growing heavier. Steven took the liberty of curling an arm around her, taking a handful of her ass as he drew her closer, her feathers going haywire for a moment.

“How about now?” Mima asked as she pulled away, her voice laden with desire. “Is this more like the romantic encounter you were imagining?”

“We’re getting there,” he replied.

“Okay, I don’t really know what to do with this,” Ipal said as she let his member slide from her mouth. It glistened in the soft light of the living room, the first inch or two shining with her saliva. She was breathing almost as heavily as Ezi was, her little chest rising and falling rapidly beneath her fancy vest. “There’s like ... a skin part.”

Steven reached down and pulled it back to expose his glans, Ipal tilting her head.

“S’alright,” he said, placing his hand on her scaly forehead. “It’s supposed to do that.”

He gently guided her back down, little tremors of pleasure making him throb against the roof of her mouth as she resumed her doting licking. She focused her efforts on his newly exposed tip, sensing that he was more tender there, her agile tongue drawing shapes on his flesh. It felt like someone was dragging a wet ribbon of silk across it. Ipal was clumsy, but just like with kissing, she was learning alarmingly quickly.

Mima watched the whole while, her eyelids drooping and her feathers full of desire, gently stroking his balls as her flockmate worked. Steven felt something strange, glancing down past Ipal’s bobbing head to see that one of Mima’s tentacle-like arm sheaths was sliding across his sack. It was fully prehensile and coated in soft, fluffy feathers, slithering around his anatomy like a snake.

“Do you like that?” Mima cooed. “Do my feathers feel good against your skin?”

“Yeah,” he sighed, enjoying the pleasant sensations that were assailing him. There was a flash of pink, and the muscular sheath split open, rosy feathers fanning out. It was such a strange sight – a furry serpent opening up like someone was cutting it with an invisible knife, feathers erupting from within even as it coiled around his balls. She released her hold on him, then used those delicate vanes to tease him, brushing them lightly against his sack. It was like being tickled with a feather duster, the unexpected sensation making him squirm.

“How about this?” she giggled, enjoying his reaction.

“I guess you guys have a lot of tools at your disposal,” he replied, wincing as she dragged those soft feathers against his inner thighs. She juggled his balls in her smooth, scaly palm, alternating between stroking him with her downy fur and glancing his skin with those long display feathers.

Ezi was still sticking close to his left, her hand buried in her shorts, her scaly eyelids fluttering as she pleasured herself to the scene. Sensing her need, Steven moved his hand from her butt, sliding his fingers beneath her elastic waistband. Her eyes snapped open as he groped her bare cheek, the clinging fabric fighting against him. Her scales were as smooth as silk, only adding to the soft, springy texture that was already so inviting. He moved below her tail, feeling his way around blindly, her haywire feather display letting him know when he was close to the mark.

Guided by a palpable warmth, he slid his digits between her legs, her inner thighs already wet and slippery. She snapped her jaws shut and flared pink when he brushed something puffy and hot, the flush scales giving way to delicate folds of damp flesh. With his hand down the back of her shorts, he probed her lips with his middle finger, feeling her lithe frame tense at only the barest touch. She was swollen and needy, all of her bottled-up desires coming to a head, the little alien practically panting as she buried her long face in his chest.

With only a little resistance, he slid his finger inside her, burying it up to the first joint. Walls of wet, satin muscle clamped down on it with surprising force, halting his progress with a throbbing clench. To say that she was tight was an understatement – her small frame, coupled with her toned muscles, gave her a grip like iron.

“God damn,” he chuckled as she nuzzled his bare chest, her headdress tickling his face. “Can I have my finger back, or are you keeping it?”

She pushed out her butt in reply, relaxing a little, driving him another inch deeper. Her insides were pressing around his digit so tightly that he could feel every little twitch and ripple – even the rapid beating of her heart. When he tried to curl it inside her, those narrow walls fought back, Ezi grinding against his hand in response. She swung her leg over his thigh, wrapping her arm around his stomach as far as it would reach, slowly rocking her hips as he began to move.

“She’s been looking forward to this for so long,” Mima purred as she watched the two. “She’s far too proud to say it, but she’s been aching for you ever since that first kiss. We’ve never seen her in such a state before.”

He brought his other hand to Ezi’s chin and lifted her face. She couldn’t look him in the eyes without blinking, which he knew to be a Valbaran show of affection, but she pursed her lips in anticipation all the same. Steven locked her in another passionate embrace, every stroke of their tongues imbued with their newly-kindled desire, her blend of clumsiness and eagerness endearing. For all her bluster, she was almost virginal in the way that she quivered at his touch, more drunk on him than any of the substances they’d partaken in that evening. All the while, she pushed back against his hand in a desperate bid to sink that finger deeper, arcs of pleasure shooting up her spine as she ground his digit against her tender depths.

Ipal was taking a break to give her jaws a rest, watching the two make out as she stroked Steven’s shaft with her hand, her scales sliding against his skin on a sheen of her saliva. Mima was still stroking his balls, the stimulation keeping him eager. They shared his manhood between them, pumping their fists up and down his length, two pairs of soft lips and two questing tongues passing him back and forth like the hose from a hookah.

“Do all males get this kind of treatment?” he sighed when Ezi broke off, her claws digging into his stomach as she gripped him fiercely.

“You have a little more surface area for us to work with,” Mima chuckled. “But, yes.”

“Then, I dunno how the hell any of your boys play hard to get for any length of time. Yemi must be a fucking monk to say no to this for as long as he did.”

“The responsibility of satisfying five or more females can be daunting to some,” Mima replied as she planted a kiss on his pulsing member. “We might exhaust the poor boy with our appetites. Fortunately, his burden is shared tonight.”

She turned to spare the male a sly smile. Yemi was watching intently, his flat chest rising and falling rapidly with his hastening breath, his feathers rosy and prominent. Paza had an arm hooked around his waist, her legs crossed idly as she observed from her seat, far more composed than her wide-eyed neighbor. Steven might have felt uncomfortable if Feng or another human friend had taken Yemi’s place, just spectating as the flock explored him, but Yemi was just so alien that he barely registered as male. Maybe it was because of his species, maybe it was his more feminine appearance and mannerisms, or maybe it was a combination of those things. Either way, Steven found that he didn’t mind his presence.

“Will you make love to Ezi while we watch?” Tilli asked.

Steven turned his head to see that she had climbed up onto the back of the couch and was perched beside his shoulder like some kind of voyeuristic parrot.

“When did you get up there, you little gremlin?”

“I want to see better,” she replied.

“Well, I suppose if you insist,” he said sarcastically.

“Ezi,” Mima chimed, her voice seeming to wake her counterpart from her stupor. “Do you feel up to it, or would you rather he finished you like this? You do seem rather comfortable...”

“I-I want to try it,” she replied, her voice dripping with anticipation at the prospect. Steven withdrew his hand from her shorts, her grip strong enough that it was a challenge, and she rose to a sitting position on the couch beside him as she tried to collect herself.

Before she could proceed, Paza snuck up behind her, finally electing to participate. She wrapped her hands around Ezi’s vest, groping her chest through the finely patterned fabric, leaning her head on her flockmate’s shoulder. Her sea-green scales contrasted with Ezi’s tan, just as the hints of red in her feathers contrasted with Ezi’s yellows.

“He hasn’t even seen one of us naked yet,” she said, whispering into Ezi’s ear. “Why don’t we sate his curiosity?”

Paza began to unbutton Ezi’s top, her pace slow and teasing, watching Steven’s expression to gauge his reaction as though she was unwrapping a gift for him. Ezi’s feathers were filled with arousal and embarrassment, but while she squirmed in her flockmate’s grasp, she never tried to pull away. Her pace agonizingly slow, Paza opened the final button, spreading the vest open. Beneath it, Ezi wore something that resembled a tube top, the black band of elastic fabric covering her chest.

The vest slid off her narrow shoulders, then Ezi raised her arms, allowing Paza to lift the tube top over her head and toss it aside. It was a bit of a struggle to get it past her flared headdress. Steven found his gaze drawn to her breasts magnetically. He shouldn’t be so surprised – he had seen the hints of them beneath those loose tunics, and he had seen the figures of the swimsuit-wearing women on the boat tour with little left to the imagination. Still, he admired them as they bounced free of the compressing tube top, forming two perfect little handfuls.

They were far more shapely than would have been true for a human woman with a comparable cup size, forming pert, round teardrops that quivered softly as Ezi moved. Her flesh was springy and firm enough to maintain that wonderfully full shape, a pair of erect, pink nipples protruding between the fine scales. Her rich tan coloration faded to a lighter beige on her underbelly, painting a trail from her neck to her waist before vanishing beneath her shorts, creating a two-tone look on her chest.

As if to demonstrate their softness, Paza cupped them in her hands, giving them a squeeze that made Ezi’s supple flesh bulge between her fingers like putty. She kneaded, Ezi gasping as Paza pinched her nipples gently between her digits, her boobs springing back to their original shape when she relented.

Paza guided her closer so that Steven could reach, and he wasted no time, covering one of her breasts with his hand. It almost seemed perfectly sized to fill his palm, the scales of her underbelly – and her chest by extension – even smoother and silkier than those of her face or hands. It was easily the equal of human skin. The tissue was dense and firm, providing a delightful resistance, her fat doughy and plush. He could feel that hard nipple digging into his palm. Ezi gasped as he squeezed, pushing out her chest in invitation, her long tail coiling around Paza’s waist.

Steven drew Ezi closer, Paza releasing her with a satisfied smile on her face, settling back onto the couch to join the flustered Yemi. The pair watched from their seat, Paza’s lips whispering in the male’s ear, her hand vanishing beneath the hem of his tight shorts.

Ipal and Mima drew back in turn, giving the pair more space. Ezi straddled his thigh, her shorts soaked through, Steven doubling over to reach her. He planted a kiss on her neck, feeling her shiver, her legs gripping him like a vise. He moved lower, and she leaned back to help him along, watching him with her jaw hanging agape as he crawled down her chest. Steven lifted one of her breasts to his mouth, drawing on her nipple and circling it with his tongue. Ezi delved her hands into his hair in turn, stinging his scalp as she took desperate handfuls, but he was too enamored to pay it much mind.

As he sucked and licked, he slid a hand down the curve of her narrow waist, relishing the texture of her scales. She was a little damp, the moisture making her slick to the touch, and he reminded himself that they didn’t sweat. It must just be the pervasive humidity in the air. Her taut belly was packed with wiry muscle, the contours of her chiseled abs impossible to ignore. Steven traced them with his thumb, feeling them flex at his touch, growing even more defined beneath the soft lights. She was like a coiled spring, all wiry sinew, yet her fat settled in the most enticing of places.

“Are you fucking her or eating her?” Ipal snickered, sitting on the coffee table nearby as she watched.

“Earth’nay seem to love using their mouths when they make love,” Tilli mused, peering at them from her perch on the backrest.

Mima was to his right, lounging on the couch at his side, seeming almost as enamored by the show as Ezi was.

“Can you kiss me like that, or will my feathers get in the way?”

“I’m sure he’ll find a way to improvise,” Ipal added.

Steven’s hand roamed down to her shorts, tugging at the tight fabric, but he couldn’t get them off in her present position. Ezi stood on shaky legs, allowing him to peel the garment off her, exposing more of her tawny sales. Her beige underbelly continued between her legs and down her inner thighs, Steven’s eyes wandering lower to find a pair of puffy lips, flushed subtly pink and glistening with arousal. As he dragged down her shorts, they remained joined by a shining strand, the fabric soaked with her excitement. Her anatomy didn’t seem outwardly different from that of a human woman, save that her labia were covered in those same fine scales as her underside.

She lifted a leg to let him pull off the shorts, then the other, Steven tossing them aside. He reached up to take her by the hips, guiding her into his lap. Ezi gripped the collar of his open shirt with her hands as she lowered herself down, glancing between her thighs like she was preparing to land a shuttle. Her prehensile tail snaked forward to coil around the base of his cock, guiding it as she pressed its tip against her opening.

Steven watched her cushiony lips spread apart to expose shining, pink flesh, Ezi hesitating as she let him throb against her silken folds.

“You can do it!” Mima whispered in encouragement.

“Don’t be scared,” Tilli added.

Steven sat back on the couch, letting her set her own pace, though the urge to thrust into her was hard to resist. He could feel the heat of her loins on his glans, a bead of her juices sliding down his shaft like a droplet of dew.

Summoning the courage to proceed, she lowered herself down further, the pair wincing in tandem as they overcame some initial resistance. A little ring of muscle stretched over Steven’s head, those same tight, clenching walls that he had felt with his fingers now engulfing his member. He could feel her body fighting to accommodate him, almost like it was trying to reject him, adhering to his every contour like a latex glove. One inch, then another – Ezi’s feathers doing that beautiful haywire thing again as her insides struggled around his shaft. If she hadn’t been so slick and ready, they might not even have fit together.

“Wow, she’s actually taking it,” Paza chuckled. “I’m impressed.”

As she lowered herself another inch, her legs trembling, Ezi let out a stifled trill that made Steven’s heart flutter. She had reached about halfway down his shaft where it was thickest, the extra girth giving her pause. A little further, and he could feel himself bottoming out, filling her completely. There was no part of her narrow passage that wasn’t in contact with him now, those hot, slippery muscles teasing him with little tremors and ripples. There was something in her deepest reaches, like a little fleshy bud pressing into his glans, Ezi having to lock her legs to save from falling over as he squashed it against the roof of her tunnel.

“A-are you alright?” he gasped, grimacing as her walls sealed around him like a tightening noose.

Fine,” she groaned, batting her eyes at him with a flutter of random colors.

“An Earth’nay clitoris is on the outside,” Ipal explained, watching with a blend of desire and surprise that was reflected in her plumage. “Ours is on the inside, and I’m guessing you just crushed it like a fish egg.”

“And that’s good?” he asked, reaching out to steady his crouching partner.

“Oh yeah,” Ipal giggled as she wet her lips.

“I-I can take a little m-more,” Ezi stammered as she let herself drop. She elicited a stifled gasp of pleasure and surprise from Steven, sinking another couple of inches, her elastic insides stretching to accommodate him in the absence of any space left to fill. She settled into his lap, her toned thighs spread wide to straddle him, her long tail trailing down between his legs and off the edge of the couch. She collapsed onto him, shivering as she buried her face in his chest, still holding his collar in her fists as though it was the only thing keeping her moored. That tight ring of muscle at her entrance was gripping his base so tightly that he worried it was going to cut off his circulation.

“Oh fuck,” he grunted as he threw his head back. “That should not have worked.”

“Ezi is very determined,” Paza chuckled, moving her lips away from Yemi’s slender neck for a moment. “You should hear the way she’s been talking about you when you’re not around.”

“Don’t tell him that!” Ezi complained, shuddering as the distraction made her shift her weight a little.

“Ezi, darling,” Paza began with a sarcastic laugh. “He’s wearing you like a sock. The time for playing coy is far behind us.”

Steven wrapped his arms around Ezi, holding her close, the two of them panting together as they tried to get used to the exquisite discomfort of being joined.

“Don’t hold me too tightly,” she sighed, Steven loosening his grip a little. “We can’t breathe if you stop our chests from expanding.”

“Oh, sorry,” he mumbled. They must be more like birds than mammals in that way. He elected to run his hand down her back instead, tracing the wonderful channel that her muscles cut unto her spine, the moisture on her scales letting his skin glide against them. He reached the base of her tail, its texture very similar to that of her thighs, feeling her twitch and clench as he probed it.

She muttered something in her own language that made her flockmates laugh and flush pink, but Steven wasn’t privy to the joke.

“I want to start moving,” she whined, her musical voice wavering. “Just ... stay still, okay?”

Steven lay his hands on her wide hips as she began to make slow circles, keeping him buried inside her, grinding his shaft against her tight walls. She remained in that position, never rising or falling, just stirring as she reveled in this new feeling of fullness. It was wonderful to watch the sculpted muscles shift and flex beneath her shining scales, the way that her body reflected the light accentuating her movements, making her shimmer like one of the dancers on the stage.

Just like the male at the lounge, her motions were fluid and sensual, each rock of her hips and slow, teasing figure of eight imbued with carnal need. Her lids drooped, her feathers fluttering, Ezi so engrossed in these new sensations that she almost seemed to forget where she was. Her toned midriff rippled in beautiful waves, the springy cushion of her ass resting on his thighs, her perky breasts quivering each time she punctuated her leisurely dance with a more percussive thrust. Steven wanted to compliment her – to tell her that the hypnotic way she moved was the equal of any concert performer, but he feared she might interpret it the wrong way. Their ideas of masculine and feminine were very different.

All he could do was lie back and revel in the pleasure that assailed him, experiencing every subtle motion of her body, from the swaying of her hips to the twitches of her innermost muscles. He could feel that little bud rubbing against his glans, like it was itchy and she was trying to scratch it.

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