Human Resources - Hetero Edition - Cover

Human Resources - Hetero Edition

Copyright© 2024 by Snekguy

Chapter 20: Watertight

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 20: Watertight - An ice miner from the barren moon of Ganymede gets the break of a lifetime when a UN job placement program relocates him to Valbara – a lush paradise planet with fresh air, clean water, and no need for pressure suits. He soon realizes that navigating the local culture and office politics will be a challenge. The aliens are small reptilian creatures with strange social behaviors whose females outnumber males by 7-1, and he finds himself the unwitting focus of attention in the workplace.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Science Fiction   Aliens   Space   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Oriental Male   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Size   Slow  

Once they had finished eating and they were done with their documentary, they decided to take a bath. Mima especially needed to clean her feathers after their encounter in the kitchen. Heading outside naked was a very strange feeling, but Steven kept reminding himself that these little estates were landscaped with privacy in mind, the carefully sculpted hills and strategically placed trees shielding them from any passers-by. It was somewhat of a necessity when your washroom was in the garden.

They crossed the blue-green grass and sank into the water, which was always kept at a comfortable temperature, the little stream that fed it trickling gently. There were so many little sounds – the rustling of branches in the breeze, the soft splashing of the water, the chirping of birdsong. There was life everywhere he looked.

He immersed himself up to his chest, the flock marveling at him, prompting him to give them a confused look.

“What?” he asked.

“You sink,” Ipal explained. “I remember on the boat you said that you had dense bones, but seeing it is no less strange.”

Steven noticed that the aliens were all floating on the water’s surface, some lying on their backs while others bobbed waist-deep, using their long tails to balance themselves. He reached for Ezi, who was nearest, putting a hand on her shoulder and trying to push her down. She was remarkably buoyant, bobbing back up again like a pool toy as she laughed at him. She exhaled, emptying her air sacks, and only then did she sink deeper.

There were tiered areas of the pool where the Valbarans could more comfortably sit, letting them relax at the water’s edge, Steven having to lie further back to immerse himself up to his neck. He dunked his head under the water, brushing his wet hair out of his face as he surfaced, seeing the Valbarans sifting through the little wicker basket of soaps.

“Your favorite isn’t here, Mima,” Ipal said as she rummaged through the bottles.

“This one looks alright,” Tilli added, brandishing a container. “Xo’cotl fruit scent.”

“It’ll do until we get home,” Mima replied. The pair waded over to her, taking up position to her left and right as she sat in the chest-high water, Ipal popping the cap and upending some of the fragrant gel into her hand. “You should join us, Steven,” Mima added as she gave him a sly glance. “After all, if you’re going to be our male, you’re going to need to learn sooner or later. Communal bathing is an important part of belonging to a flock.”

Belonging. The word made his heart flutter for some reason, and he shuffled a little closer in the water, watching as Ipal began to rub the gel into Mima’s downy coat. It quickly created a lather, Ipal spreading the foamy substance across her flockmate’s shoulder and down her arm, Mima lifting it to help her along. On her right, Tilli was following suit, rubbing the shampoo into her neck.

She looked like a princess being tended by her servants, but this was probably the most efficient way to go about it, and he had no doubt that she would return the favor. She lifted herself a little higher, resting her elbows on the grassy bank, her breasts rising above the suds that were floating on the water’s surface.

“Come,” she said, beckoning to Steven. “You’re the one who made such a mess of me, after all. It’s only fitting that you should help clean me.”

He waded closer, holding out a cupped hand as Ipal offered the soap bottle to him, pouring a glob of it into his palm. He brought his soapy hands to Mima’s chest, rubbing the slick gel into her feathers, using his fingers to comb through the soft down as he might a human’s hair. His fingertips slid against the smooth scales beneath, Mima arching her back at his touch, always so wonderfully receptive. It was an excellent pretense to fill his hands with her incomparably soft flesh, Steven weighing her breasts in his hands. He began to knead gently, the shampoo making her wonderfully slippery, her nipples growing firmer as her supple fat bulged between his fingers.

“That dough is in there pretty good,” she sighed, pushing out her chest to encourage his squeezing. “I do appreciate how... thorough you’re being.”

“I feel just terrible about getting you so dirty,” he replied.

“I’m sure you do,” she snickered, no longer able to keep the amused yellow out of her feathers.

After lingering on her chest for far longer than was necessary, he roamed lower, spreading the white foam down her torso as he went. Her belly was just as soft and inviting, Mima squirming in the water as he squeezed it, Steven using the pretense of washing away the residue from their prior encounter as an excuse to toy with her. She seemed to have accepted her fate now, making no more comments about how much he enjoyed the fullness of her figure.

He slid beneath the surface as he mapped out her thighs with his fingers, the warmth of her loins contrasting with the comparatively cooler water, the soap making his digits glide against the satin folds of her vulva.

“As much as I’d love to float here and let you have your way with me again, I really do need to get clean,” she chuckled as she turned in the water to put her back to him. “Keep going...”

He spread more soap across her back, moving down her spine, feeling her body tense and relax at his touch. The aliens had claws, and even as dull as they were, they couldn’t massage the gel into her fur in the way that he could. Mima closed her eyes and began to sway, the green and pink in her feathers letting him know what she was feeling, another tremor tickling her as he pressed his digits into the base of her spine.

“Mmm, not bad,” she murmured as her tail curled into a spiral beneath the water. “We’re discovering more and more novel uses for our Earth’nay as time passes.”

He moved down her narrow waist to the flare of her hips, spreading the suds across her cheeks, never letting an opportunity pass him by.

“I can’t help but feel like you’re making up for lost time,” she purred, rolling her hips as he sank his fingers into her cushiony flesh. “You don’t need to hurry, you know. We have all day to take things as slowly and as indulgently as you want.”

“Now that we’re together, you can have us any time you like,” Ipal added as she lounged nearby.

“And vice versa,” Ezi added. She was off to their right, standing waist-deep in the water as she shampooed the feathers on Paza’s head.

Ipal exhaled, sinking into the pool until only her eyes were above the water, pushing herself along with her tail like a crocodile. Steven felt her take a handful of his butt, Mima chuckling as he lurched.

“Communal bathing includes you, you know,” Ipal said as she glanced up at him. “I think we’ll need all hands on deck. There’s a lot of ground to cover.”

She took his hand, leading him over to the shallower area of the pool, Mima taking the other as he passed her. They guided him over to the water’s edge, the sloping silt beneath his feet creating a depth where he could sit and they could stand to reach him more easily. He sank down, the water rising just above his navel, the flock wading and swimming their way over to surround him.

“I’m perfectly capable of washing myself, you know,” he mumbled as he watched them pass around the soap bottle.

“Do you want us to stop?” Ezi chuckled.

“Well, I didn’t say that,” he muttered as he watched her rub her hands together to create a bubbling lather.

Mima was behind him, and he felt her soft breasts squash against his back as she leaned in, starting to spread the cool gel across his shoulders. It was a lot of distance for her little hands to move, but she kept close, almost using her fluffy body as a living loofah. He felt himself sag when she reached his neck, her gentle hands gliding on his wet skin, applying pressure in a kind of pleasant massage.

Tilli went for his head, starting to rub the foam into his hair, her claws trailing across his scalp. Having one’s hair washed felt incredible regardless of the circumstances, but surrounded by his lovers, he could really enjoy it.

Ipal and Ezi lifted an arm each, coating his skin in the soap, Ipal spiraling her sheaths around his forearm to help spread it further. He had remarked on the softness of their scales before, somehow just as smooth as human skin, the absence of any hairs or imperfections giving them a silky texture. Combined with the layer of slippery soap, it was downright decadent, his brain fizzing and popping as his attention jumped between the different sensations that assailed him.

Ipal trailed her claws down his wrist, Ezi rubbed his bicep, Tilli massaged his scalp, Mima traced his spine with her fingers – it was impossible to focus on any one thing. Only Paza was missing, but she soon appeared in front of him, standing waist-deep in the water, her chiseled figure and perky breasts glistening wet. She drew closer, planting her feet to either side of his hips as though she intended to mount him again, but she extended a hand in a silent request for the bottle instead.

She filled her hands with soap, leaning over to coat his chest, her rubbing motions making her bust sway back and forth. Her snout was only an inch from his face, close enough that he could have reached out to kiss her, but he didn’t dare push his luck with Paza. If she wanted him, she would take him, and there would be nothing ambiguous about it.

“Damn, they didn’t say anything about a spa day in that UN brochure,” he sighed as Mima caressed his neck with her soapy hands.

“A flock is expected to take good care of their male,” Ipal said, a tingle of pleasure shooting up his arm as she stroked his palm. “If we’re going to enjoy you, we have to keep you in pristine condition.”

“Washing your hair is like washing Quiqui,” Tilli giggled.

“You guys won’t need to go back and feed her?” Steven asked.

“No, she has a food dispenser,” Tilli replied. “She’ll be fine for a day or two.”

Steven leaned back a little as Paza trailed her way down his torso, her hands sliding on the contours of his lean figure. It might be his imagination, but he sensed that she was lingering, enjoying the texture of his skin and the tensing of his muscles more than she would like to admit. Perhaps their encounter the night prior had given her a better appreciation for him, or at least of what he could provide for her. Even if she never really fell in love with him the way some of her flockmates had, he was an attractive male full of vigor, and she had plenty of uses for him. If he wanted tenderness and affection, he could go to Mima. He kind of liked Paza’s more aggressive attitude. Upon reflection, he could have a different flavor of woman every day of the working week if he wanted, and all of them on the weekend.

“You’ll have to stand up if we’re going to reach the rest of you,” Ezi cooed, giving him a pat on the arm.

He climbed to his feet, the water sloughing off him, standing knee-high in the pool. Paza leaned back as his conspicuous erection almost hit her in the nose, planting her hands on her cocked hips and lifting her head to narrow her eyes at him.

“What?” he asked sheepishly. “This whole communal bathing thing wasn’t my idea.”

“Give me the soap,” she sighed, extending her hand. Ipal passed it to her, and she coated her hands with a fresh glob, starting to pump them up and down his shaft. Her grip was tight, the texture of her scaly palms luxuriant against his skin, gliding in the slimy gel. Even with two hands, she couldn’t encompass his shaft completely, her fingers not quite able to close around it.

“Whoa, slow down,” he grunted as his knees began to grow weak.

“I can still smell Mima on you,” she grumbled, though the pink flush in her feathers contrasted with her disapproving tone. After what he’d learned the night before, he no longer needed to ask how she recognized the scent so easily.

Ipal and Ezi began to coat his hips and thighs, their hands wandering, Steven flinching when they neared his erogenous zones. The already intoxicatingly indulgent massage was taking on a far more sexual tone now, the Valbarans just as eager to get their hands on him. Mima was behind him, and he could hear her chuckling as she covered his butt in suds.

“We really should get you some nice shorts to wear,” she purred.

“I don’t think I could pull those off,” he grunted, faltering as Paza circled his glans with her finger.

“That’s what we’re here for,” Ipal giggled, sliding her hand between his legs to cradle his balls in her soapy hand.

He might have the stamina of several male Valbarans combined, but at this rate, even he was going to have an empty tank before the day was through. The flock was ravenous.

It was a struggle just to stand up as Paza’s deft hands slid up and down his length, glistening ropes of the gooey soap sagging from his pulsing shaft, her eyes focused on his member intently. She peeled back his foreskin, rubbing his glans with her thumb, honing in on where he was most receptive to her touch.

“So big and strong, yet so easy,” she hissed as she looked up at him with streaks of crimson in her pink feathers. “I could bring you to your knees with a single finger if I wanted to.”

“And I could toss you over my shoulder like a rucksack, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”

Paza gripped his glans in her thumb and forefinger, giving it a squeeze that made him double over as she smirked at him.

“I think he’s clean enough,” she said, turning her eyes to Ipal. “Are you going to take your turn, or will you keep us waiting all morning?”

“If you think you can take him,” Ezi added with a chuckle.

“If Tilli could do it, I think I can,” Ipal replied. Steven turned to face her, his cock still throbbing from their teasing, and she took it in her hand. She led him over to the edge of the pool, the rest of the flock crowding around to watch, boxing the pair in.

“You’re a little bigger than Tilli,” Steven began as she waded into the shallows, slowly rising from the water. “I don’t imagine you’d have that much trouble.”

“We’ll find out soon enough,” she cooed, planting her hands on the grassy bank. She leaned over, resting her upper body on the shore, raising her butt out of the pool as she presented herself to him. The water level rose to her upper thighs, just barely reaching her loins, a strand of conspicuously stringier fluid drooping from her swollen lips. She was soaking wet in more ways than one, her damp scales shining in the sunlight, accentuating every muscle and curve as though she had been polished like a fancy sports car. His eyes followed the indent of her spine, moving down to the two perfect dimples above the base of her tail, her wide hips leading into her round cheeks. They were so firm and springy that he could have bounced a lug nut off them.

She glanced over her shoulder, giving him a flash of pink feathers, then lifted her tail. Mima had seemed embarrassed by the gesture, but Ipal was wanton, waving the appendage back and forth as if to say come hither. She used its fat base to slap her ass, making her flesh jiggle invitingly, the rest of the flock snickering behind him.

“Come on, big guy,” she chimed. “You’ve made me wait long enough.”

He was an old hat by this point, wading closer, the sloping bottom of the pool putting him at a very comfortable height relative to her. Just as he had with Mima in the kitchen, he reached out to take her wide hips in his hands, sliding his cock between her cheeks. Where Mima’s coat was fluffy and her figure was full and plump, Ipal was leaner, her scales as smooth as satin. She felt even smoother while wet, Steven letting his hand slide from the small of her back to her ass, finding rubbery muscle beneath the thin layer of squishy fat. The Valbarans were bottom-heavy, and Ipal was no exception to that rule, arching her spine as he dug his fingertips into her cheek. He pushed his cock lower, sliding it down to her vulva, her warm flesh brushing against it.

“No,” she warned, prompting him to pull back. “Guess again.”

“Oh,” Steven muttered, trailing off as she grinned back at him. “You mean...”

“Our boys have two of these,” Mima said, sidling up beside him. She reached out to grip his shaft, weighing it in her hand. “Some girls take them one at a time, some like the extra girth of having both at once, while others split the difference.”

“Two shuttles, two hangars – you get the idea,” Ezi said with a mischievous grin.

“Ipal likes it this way,” Mima added, sliding her fingers along his soapy shaft. “So, unless you have any objections...”

“No, I’ve just ... never done this before,” he muttered as Mima guided his member higher.

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