The Porn Star Next Door - Cover

The Porn Star Next Door

Copyright© 2024 by Wolf

Chapter 24: Real Work

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 24: Real Work - New Ph.D., Doug Mallus, moves to a new city and finds a new neighbour, Sarah Carter (a.k.a. Candy Sweet) that just happens to be a sexy porn star trying to restart her life. They become friends and then lovers, and then their circle expands, plus various complications and problems arise in their lives. 24 chapters and about 120,000 words.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Romantic   Fiction   Celebrity   Incest   Group Sex  

Lindsay did not come straight home from the stop Jon’s yacht made in Cancun. She flew from there to Miami to connect with a week-long videoing gig where she made about ten-thousand dollars. Because she was newly featured on two different sites, her name and visual recognition had risen dramatically. She had to strike on a deal while the iron was hot.

Troy piloted the yacht back to Sarasota from Mexico by himself – about 500 miles. He made a long leg to Key West, stayed there for two days, and then came the rest of the way home. He was with us late Sunday afternoon, and met Lisa and Michael for the first time.

By that Sunday, Michael had fucked each of the women in our group except for Dot, who wouldn’t appear for another three weeks when the next swinger party would take place. Lisa was cycling through the men again, and was pleased that Troy offered a new bit of variety for her.

While we were having cocktails, Troy kind of surprised Sarah and me, when he quietly asked the two of us if we would mind if he asked Lindsay to marry him. We both sat kind of frozen and contemplated what that might imply.

I finally said, “Describe the next two years in your relationship to us.”

Troy wasn’t sure where to start. He said, “Well, Lindsay said something about moving up here to Sarasota for a job. I think Ross had something to do with that because I remember the two of them having some kind of talk while they walking down one of the beaches; it made me wonder. If she does, I assume that she’d live with me. If she needs to be with somebody while I go out for a trip, I thought that since she’d be living in town somewhere that she could rely on you and Sarah for her social life – maybe some of the others, too.” He shrugged.

I gestured to the others sitting around on the outside patio where we were having some wine, “And what about them – and her – and your interactions with everyone?”

Troy sat back, “Oh, you mean the sex stuff. I don’t see that changing at all. Lindsay likes the variety and doesn’t want to give that up. For that matter, you’ve all won me over. Maybe we need to curtail at some time in the future. I can’t see that far ahead. If Lindsay wants a child, I’m prepared to do that for her – to give Charlotte a sibling.”

“Does Charlotte know how what you’re proposing about Lindsay and you?”

He nodded. “I talked to her on the phone earlier today as I came up the Florida coast. I asked her not to say anything because I wanted to talk to the two of you first.”

Sarah asked, “What’s your timeline?”

Troy thought for a moment, “Well, first, I need to find a place for us to live. I thought I’d spend this week scouting the real estate market while Lindsay is working in Miami. If I find a home that I like, I can show her next weekend when she comes back here.”

I asked, “You don’t mind her continuing to work in pornography?”

He chuckled, “Not really. We had some long talks about it as we traveled alone. I guess I have some cuckold tendencies, or maybe it’s a stag-vixen thing, and she’s my vixen. In any case, making $2,000 a day is not to be sneezed at. We also acknowledged that she’ll want to stop someday or that her attractiveness in that industry will wane.

Sarah slowly asked, “What are you thinking of in terms of a home?”

Troy shrugged, “We’re to have that discussion tonight on the phone if there’s time. We just didn’t hit on that point. She had your mother’s list of all the things a couple is supposed to discuss and we went through a few of them. As for a home, I’m open to just about anything. I know that I don’t want a fixer-upper, other than some light work or painting to make it acceptable. While I’m handy around boats, I don’t want to be handy around a house except to change a lightbulb. That might make me think ‘condo’.”

Sarah said, “I have an idea for the two of you to consider. Why don’t you buy Doug’s condominium? You’ve been in it. It’s about three-thousand square feet with a fabulous view of the city and even part of the marina. You can even see Jon’s boat tied at its mooring, although that’s about a half-mile or more away.”

Troy looked interested. “Can you show me again?”

I nodded and the three of us walked next door to my place from Sarah’s apartment. We strolled through my unit as I gave a simple tour. Troy asked an occasional question. He also commented about liking the color scheme and the furniture, which I told him I’d mostly sell in whatever deal we could reach. He liked the idea of a ‘turn key’ purchase, and promised to talk to Lindsay.”

Later, after dinner, Troy came back from his cellphone chat with Lindsay and said three words to us: “We’ll take it. Just set your price. Just know that I didn’t tell Lindsay much except to say that you said we could live in it for a bit.”

Sarah teased me about always wanting to have a porn star next door, and I agreed. I reminded her that her sister was just as horny and available as she was.

We told the others who were lounging around with us what was in the wind. They loved the idea that still more of us would be taking over the building. Jon observed that the uptight bitch that had given Sarah such a hard time would have a second target for her outbursts. We all just shrugged. If such things happened and we were near, Ms. Nancy Murphy might get buried in some of her own medicine. More than Sarah, Lindsay was not one to take any shit off anybody.

Lisa and I made it through a complete five-day period without fucking at work. About the only reason was that there were multiple workers in and out of every part of the building all week doing some of the construction projects. Harold, our IT guru who had set up the computers, needed to do some last-minute updating of the software on our server and the clients. He also worked over the network.

As Harold worked, I conferred with him about the structure and function of the firewalls for AIA. He was well-informed about such protections and appreciated the ideas I had for active and reactive firewalls. We had a fully implemented and projected system in place by that Thursday. I asked enough about him to think that he might have a skill set that AIA could use. Of course, we had his contact information and I needed to see in more detail what we would be contending with.

While that was going on, I actually did some work on both projects AIA had been handed. I spent some effort learning about the Rogers’ Foundation, and their primary public target Doctors Without Borders and the concept of distributing medical diagnostic equipment to the relatively unskilled and untrained. If they wanted to develop real medical assistance that would spread to rural areas, I wasn’t sure that was the best place to start.

My other focus became NATO. I realized I only had a hazy idea about who or what the organization was. I started with Wikipedia and then kept delving deeper into the organization, including some of the member countries. I set myself a goal of discovering where and how they connected to the Internet, starting with their emails. From there, I could hopefully leapfrog to the mail server, and then into some of the main servers for the group. The NATO website provided a wealth of information, including that they hosted their own website in Europe. That gave me one edge to try in my white hat hacking endeavor.

Friday evening, Lisa and Michael joined all of us for cocktails, and then we walked downtown to the Sylva Grill for dinner. Troy joined us. I’d given him the key to my apartment even though we hadn’t concluded our sale. He had spent the day taking measurements and thinking about the things that he and Lindsay might want to change.

As we walked home from dinner, I aimed Lisa at Troy as a worthy subject of her affections. She’d only met him once briefly the prior weekend. I noted that Michael was busy putting the make on Charlotte again, and she seemed quite receptive to his advances.

Troy escorted Lisa next door to show her my apartment that he was buying. We’d gotten two assessments of both the unit and the furnishings I was selling, and reached an agreement on price. I was generous. Michael and Charlotte accompanied them, and we didn’t see them before we all went to bed. I knew that they stayed over because the next morning I could see Lisa’s car parked in a lot across the street from the condo when I looked out from the balcony the next morning. Sometime in the middle of the night, Charlotte slipped into bed beside me and went back to sleep.

Our group of runners congregated outside the condo at eight a.m., stretched and then set off for our long run. We did split into two groups partway along, and agreed to meet the others at The Station for breakfast. Sarah, Greg, Sandy ran twelve miles with me. Jon, Rachel, and Charlotte aimed for seven miles, so broke off early from the long run. Troy was resting.

By the time the twelve-mile group got to The Station, Troy, Lisa, and Michael were also there. The group had organized a long table for all of us along one side of the restaurant’s porch, so we all got to sit together.

Lisa surreptitiously caught my attention. She pointed at Troy, made a gross gesture to indicate fucking, and then gave me a thumbs-up signal. She liked the older man. I wonder whether they’d traded partners and he’d also gotten to fuck his daughter. Apparently, Michael had. He looked happy and so did Charlotte.

Troy’s phone buzzed with a text. He responded, and then told us, “That was from Lindsay. She just got on the commuter plane from Miami to come here. She’ll be with us for lunch.

I asked, “Did you tell Lindsay about buying my condo?”

He shook his head. “No, only about living there for a bit since you were mostly living in Sarah’s unit. I want the deal to be a surprise today. I also bought a ring, and sometime when we’re all taking a breather tonight, I wanted to propose to her. I heard the story of how you proposed to Sarah. That sounded about right to me.” He chuckled.

Months earlier, we’d had a group sex session. Sarah had just fucked Greg and I had just fucked Lindsay to end Round 1. Everyone was sitting around Sarah’s living room warming up for Round 2. I proposed to Sarah, she said yes, and I slipped a ring on her finger. She then went off and fucked Jon, and I think I concentrated on Sandy. I explained that just because we got engaged didn’t mean we wanted to change things too much in terms of our lifestyle.

Troy asked everyone not to mention his proposal that night or that he was buying my apartment. This would be an important day for Lindsay and for Troy, as it turned out.

Troy picked up Lindsay at the airport and brought her back to the condominium. He again explained to her that I was letting him use my apartment rather him having to run back and forth to the boat. The boat only had electricity or air conditioning on the hot muggy days we were enduring when the engine was running, gulping down expensive fuel, he explained. Lindsay had been in it and even in my bed, so it wasn’t that unusual. Everyone knew that since the wedding, I’d moved most of my stuff into Sarah’s apartment – now ‘our’ apartment.

Upon arrival, I presented Lindsay with a formal job offer letter that Lisa had helped prepare. Grace, my boss’ wife, had benchmarked starting salaries for new math majors that would be going into the type of work we did. I was told the 90th percentile in Florida would normally start at $63,000. Lindsay’s offer was for $85,000 pending a Top-Secret security clearance that was in process. The benefits were crazy, and she could take time off with without pay or as comp time and go do porn or anything else she wanted to do.

Lindsay read the long letter as we sat in my old living room. She asked, “Is this for real?”

“Yep, as real as we can make it. You got a prelim briefing about what AIA will be doing. I’m to play the role of boss and chief researcher. I need worker bees to help create results for our customers – lots of value add. This just closes the loop we started during our honeymoon trip.”

“I accept. Do I need to do anything special, like a reply letter?”

“In your case, no. Consider it done. You might give me a start date.”

“Graduation is going to be on May fourth. That’s a Saturday afternoon. I have a lot of friends finishing with me that I want to say goodbye to. Since I have no other work or reason to be in Miami, I could load up my car with my stuff and be up here about five hours later. I could start on Monday.”

“Done.” I noted that the fact that she’d need a place to stay didn’t appear to cross her radar screen at that point. This was playing nicely into Troy’s hands.

I left Troy and Lindsay, and went next door. I told Lisa that Lindsay had accepted the job offer, and we did a little high five. I never really had any doubt. I knew Lindsay had looked at some Miami companies but we topped their offer by some big bucks and lots of flexibility about her alternate career – which she hadn’t told them about, of course.

We actually barbecued some steaks on the common area grill near the condo’s pool. No one else was around. Other dishes had been made that day, so we had a great communal dinner.

As usual, the dress code around the condo as Saturday unfolded ranged from proper to highly improper. Sarah took to wearing her Wicked Weasel bathing suit that revealed every dimple and freckle on her body. Lindsay was still in what she traveled in – Bermuda shorts, flip-flops, and a nice scoop neck top.

After we cleaned up from dinner, Sarah pulled out her little ‘Match Up Kit’ – put all our names in various piles, and then started to arrange us. Sarah and Jon would start off together. I’d be with Lindsay. Mike matched up with Rachel. Lisa had Troy (again!). Sandy would join Michael and Rachel. Greg would join Sarah and Jon.

Sarah noted that creating some threesomes within our little group of happy fuckers was going to part of her standard ploy for all of us. “I want us all to get used to playing together nicely.”

I watched two of my best friends start to seduce my nearly naked wife. Her bathing suit disappeared immediately, as did the shorts and T’s the guys were wearing. She started to suck on the two of them, alternating from cock to cock. I think I’d seen that action in more than one of her videos.

Lindsay and I got busy making love, too. She really was going to be the best sister-in-law that a guy could ask for. I had that thought as she deep throated my cock, and then did some twerky kind of things with her throat and head as she turned back and forth and my dick felt some new kind of ecstasy that even Sarah hadn’t given to me. I almost came within the first minute of being in her mouth.

Lindsay pulled off, “Like that? Another girl taught me that just this week in our movie. She claimed that no guy could withstand her blowjob for more than a minute. I thought she’d learned her lesson well. I suggested that she teach Sarah and the other women.

Around us, the others were into some intense sexual things. As I was prone to do, I did check on our newbies – Michael and Lisa. Troy had Lisa on the dining room table, which put her twat at just the right level for him to drive back and forth into her hot body without needing to worry about angle of attack. O.M.G., I was using flying terminology to describe fucking.

Michael had Rachel riding his cock as he reclined on one end of the sofa, but I noted that he often looked over at his wife. Given their positions, he could probably see the actual penetration of Lisa’s body by Troy’s older cock. Lisa was obviously liking what was happening.

With as many people as we had in the room, only a few minutes later the noticeable orgasms started. Sarah started the landslide thanks to Jon paying attention to making sure that his partner came before he did. I was surprised that Rachel seemed to be next; Michael was doing his job.

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