The Porn Star Next Door - Cover

The Porn Star Next Door

Copyright© 2024 by Wolf

Chapter 22: AIA and Lisa

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 22: AIA and Lisa - New Ph.D., Doug Mallus, moves to a new city and finds a new neighbour, Sarah Carter (a.k.a. Candy Sweet) that just happens to be a sexy porn star trying to restart her life. They become friends and then lovers, and then their circle expands, plus various complications and problems arise in their lives. 24 chapters and about 120,000 words.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Romantic   Fiction   Celebrity   Incest   Group Sex  

Ross and Lindsay were able to take a walk along the beach a little later, and I assumed it was for her brief inculcation into the world of intrigue that I’d just been sucked into. I wondered whether I could have said ‘No’. When they returned, she looked at me, nodded, and winked while retaining a serious look. I wondered how Ross could keep a serious discussion going with the barely clad porn star. He had more powers of concentration that I did, apparently.

The next person to walk with Ross was Sarah. She was topless and delightfully jiggling as she held Ross’ hand and they walked away. I looked at Grace but she seemed to be asleep. No one else in the group seemed to pay attention either. Greg had shifted to kitesurfing in the trade winds, and several of the others were snorkeling along a reef they’d found a couple of hundred feet offshore. There was other nudity lying about on our blankets. We were just dumb, oversexed tourists trying to get a tan.

I sat staring at the Caribbean Sea thinking about all that Ross had said. I had visions of getting a ridiculous and simple request, like ‘Hack into the Russian Ministry of Defense’, and then I’d have to come up with some results for how to do that and turn them over to somebody better equipped to understand what they’d find when they got in there electronically.

I also speculated that this was probably for the CIA. I didn’t know too many other ‘secret’ government organizations, but then, if I did, they wouldn’t be secret. As Ross had said, the hacking or attempts were also happening to agencies in our own government, and as I started to do this, somebody in some far-off land, would be trying to do the same thing to me – me specifically, or my new little company.

When Sarah got back from her stroll along the beach with Ross, she gave me a stink eye and then teased, “My sister, Tiffany Rose, and Shay Tensen, huh.” The way she said it made me laugh.

Just before we were going to leave the beach, my iPhone gave some serious vibrations to indicate that I had a message. I took a look and didn’t recognize the number. The message read: ‘Hi, Lisa Bell here. I thought you should see my public background before we meet. I hope we work well together. I’ve heard and read a lot of nice things about you. Also, congrats on your wedding. Enjoy your honeymoon. [heart] Lisa.’

There was a one-page resume PDF file attached. Lisa was college educated, appeared to be in her mid-thirties, had spent a year abroad in her junior year in Germany, and been in an AA position for a trucking company for the past twelve years. I bet! She did list a breadth of skills that I knew would be very handy in running a small office, plus she seemed exceptionally conversant with computers.

I showed Ross the text and file, and he just nodded. He said in a low tone so no one would hear, “You’ll like her – a lot.” I noted his emphasis on ‘a lot’.

Our honeymoon trip continued island hopping all the way to near Venezuela – Barbados, Grenada, and Trinidad and Tobago, being added to our stops. By then, we were all brown as berries with no tan lines. Everyone had fucked everyone else many times, too, and nudity was our normal mode of dress when out of port.

Based on the plan, most of us flew home from Port of Spain, via Miami. Troy and Lindsay continued the cruise turning north for the Dominican Republic, and then heading from there to Jamaica, the Cayman Islands, and Cancun, and then a straight shot for Florida, watching Cuba slip by off the starboard side. They’d be another two weeks unless they really wanted to hangout someplace.

Sarah and I held hands on the plane north. She asked, “Nervous?”

“Doubly so,” said. “I have a new wife to keep happy and apparently I’m to have a new job and my own company.”

She nodded, “Ross gave me the short version. I love you and will be supporting you every step of the way.”

In Miami, my parents headed straight for North Carolina. The rest of us filled a smaller jet for Sarasota. We all went home and to our own quarters. For some strange reason, no one needed to hang around for an evening of group sex.

The next day was a Monday. Ross and I went out to lunch, but didn’t talk about work. Instead, he took me to ‘my’ new office building. Although it was ‘mine’ it really belonged to ‘them’ – whoever ‘them’ was.

I briefly met Lisa, but Ross nearly pushed me into a small conference room outside my new office so we could talk. Ross explained, “This is a clean room; at least today it is. Lisa swept it this morning for bugs; she did the entire building. You’re not on anyone’s radar yet the way you would be at CSS.”

He then explained in some detail about what he wanted from AIA – my company – Artificial Intelligence Associates. I would somehow get briefed on what was known about a particular agency or company, probably in a foreign land. Using A.I., I would try a zillion ways to break through their firewall, possibly hiding behind the screen of IP addresses in other countries that led nowhere when back traced. Once I had a crack, I’d turn that over to my ‘contact’ and start on the next job.

My speculation from the weekend and morning about my modus operandi wasn’t too far off.

“What did you tell Lindsay and Sarah?”

“Just about that. No names, other than AIA and I did tell them about Lisa.”

“Anything I should know?”

“She’ll tell you. You’ll be each other’s alter-egos really. She’s also a good idea person. I’ll have your other people cleared in about two weeks unless they lived in Moscow or Beijing.”

“Do you need the contact information for any of them?”

Ross shook his head, “I already had it after you met them on your trip to Las Vegas.”

I held my hand up, “Before you leave, are we okay given what went on aboard the boat and on the islands? Is Grace cool with everything?”

He chuckled, “You mean, did I like watching you fuck my wife while I fucked yours for twenty-eight days. You betcha I did. I don’t think Grace is happier and I am, too. If anything is bothering her, it’s that she’s now home and not getting fucked five to ten times a day. She’ll be horny again by tomorrow, and you can ignore her until the swinger party. I assume you’ll be going?”

“Far as I know we’ll be there. I think Dot and Jim wanted to get back into their jobs up north, so they may skip the next one, but they were happy, too.”

We bumped fists and Ross left the conference room. He told me Lisa was going to give me a lift back to my car after we talked. I sat for a moment and took in the room, chairs, and such. Some good money had been poured into the place. Everything looked new and expensive. At least, we weren’t doing this on the cheap.

Lisa came into the room and we studied each other. She was a dish or a MILF. I said with authority, “Hi. I’m Doug Mallus. You can call me Most Omnipotent, Omniscient, Great and Unobsequious Master of the Universe, Doctor Douglas Anthony Mallus.”

Lisa burst out laughing. “Oh, we are going to get along just fine. I love a man with a sense of humor.”

“Tell me about the real Lisa and I’ll do likewise.”

Lisa was thin with great legs, thirty-four, married, no children – yet, red head that liked brushing up against ‘spy stuff’ for the ‘agency’. She was wearing three-inch heels that verged on sending the CFM message, and a summer dress that kind of clung to her luscious body. Her husband, Michael or Mike Adler, was a mechanical engineer working for – of all places – Jaycor, building boats. If he hadn’t met Sarah, he knew about her. Everyone in the company did. Lisa told me that he was on the ‘hunky’ side, but I’d hear more from Sarah later if she thought of him that way. Lisa suggested that I give her a heads-up about Michael.

Lisa liked being a jack-of-all-trades, but especially liked to tax her brain with challenges, many of which she thought were technical and computer science like. She knew more about me, because Ross had apparently given her access to an online dossier on me. Nice to know that I had one – not!

She asked in a teasing tone, “Besides being a nerd, how’d you get into a love affair with the porn star living next door to you – and then how’d you make the jump to living in a group of swingers?”

I teased, “You don’t have to hold back; you can ask me anything. I can already tell that I can’t hide anything from you. How much do you know, anyway?” At least she laughed again.

I went on, “I take people at face value without too much reliance on what other people say about them. When Sarah told me early in our relationship about her previous ten years or so, I probably shrugged. My response would have been, so what will that mean for you right here, right now? She was a pretty girl I’d been jogging with and getting friendly with. I liked her. I knew she was smart and personable.

“I also thought that she was way out of my league, even before my knowing about her porn career. There was nothing in what she told me that made me change my initial opinion that she was nice, friendly neighbor that I might even like to date. In fact, given that I often liked the underdog, I had even more reasons to like her. Over time we dated, liked each other more and more, and voila – I married her.

“As for the group thing, that kind of happened naturally. Unlike many couples, after we started to enjoy sex together, things only became more intense and more frequent. I realized I was a latent addict, just like she was. Given her porn background, she already knew she was hypersexual and we talked about that, too.

“I didn’t have a locked in model for a relationship that required monogamy or exclusivity. I hadn’t dated much, so our dating was all kind of new. Couple that with a driving need to really enjoy sex all the time and I guess we were ripe for when we met somebody else that was as horny as we were. Lindsay kind of kicked us into an even higher gear when she was suddenly available to me, and then Rachel came along, and then we met a few others that we quickly discovered were of a like mind.” I shrugged.

Lisa volunteered, “Sarah fascinates me, oh, and my husband really gets off thinking about her working down the hall from him in the admin area. I confess that we watched some her videos when I learned about you, her, and so on.”

“There may be more like Sarah in our lives. Did Ross tell you my nominees for employees here?”

“No. Should he?”

I recommended, Sarah’s sister, Lindsay – also known as Lexi Staxxx; Tiffany Rose – also known as Tiff Biss; and Shay Tensen – also known as Sofie Blue. You can guess what they do because they all have aliases.”

“Oh, my, God. They’re all porn stars – like Sarah?”

“Yep, but the three I names I gave Ross are also going to be fresh-out math and computer science graduates in four weeks; the latter two have a focus on A.I. There are a lot of ‘ifs’ in this situation. If I offer them a job, will they accept? Will they want to move to Sarasota? Will they want to give up what they’ve been doing? And then, closer to home, will you tolerate working with them? Just to let you know, they are nice civil young women that seem well-adjusted. They all had drug habits, but those are long gone. I’ve seen no obnoxious personality traits or bad habits in any of them.”

“Oh, Doug, I will try to work with them. I don’t care if they were shoveling horse shit someplace, so long as they do a good job and are nice to people.”

“I think I can assure that they’ll be nice. I’m betting on the ‘doing a good job’ part. I detected some creativity and brilliance in each of that that I hope translates into some great work in whatever we’ll be doing ... for the ‘agency’.” I snickered to myself that I was using that terminology, but didn’t know for sure who our real customer was.

We talked more, and I gave more of my history. Lisa seemed to know about our boat trip and the high level of debauchery that took place while cruising and at various ports of call. I suspected that she was a very good friend of Ross’ to know that level of detail so soon after we got back. Maybe the recordings were all in my dossier?

Lisa finally said, “God, if only I’d known you before all this and been at your wedding. I would have grabbed Michael and we would have gone on the whole honeymoon cruise with the rest of you.”

I kind of gawked at Lisa and she gave me a lecherous grin back. She shrugged and said, “What? I’m horny, too; especially after learning all about you and your friends. You are a walking and talking erotic story. You can bet that I’ll be asking you lots of questions about your life and lifestyle experiences.”

“Ooooooooo-kay,” I said very slowly. “Good to know. We’ll file that away under miscellaneous.”

I poked around the building a little, following Lisa as she gave a guided tour. We could comfortably fit about thirty or forty people in the small, stand-alone two-story building. I wondered what the future plans for this ‘covert’ operation really were. Also, I still didn’t feel like I was the CEO of anything. I told Lisa that and she laughed and patted my arm.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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