The Porn Star Next Door - Cover

The Porn Star Next Door

Copyright© 2024 by Wolf

Chapter 21: Wedding. Honeymoon. New Job

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 21: Wedding. Honeymoon. New Job - New Ph.D., Doug Mallus, moves to a new city and finds a new neighbour, Sarah Carter (a.k.a. Candy Sweet) that just happens to be a sexy porn star trying to restart her life. They become friends and then lovers, and then their circle expands, plus various complications and problems arise in their lives. 24 chapters and about 120,000 words.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Romantic   Fiction   Celebrity   Incest   Group Sex  

Chapter 21: Wedding. Honeymoon. New Job

After talking with Jon, we decided that we would hold both the wedding and reception on the yacht. Given the square footage of the various decks and lounges, that meant that we could have up to sixty people attend.

After the ceremony and party, the boat would then set sail for a four-week trip that would include visits to many of the pleasure spas along the Caribbean archipelago. The people staying on for the trip would, of course, include Sarah and me – the bride and groom. Charlotte our other lover would be with us, along with my parents Jim and Dot. Jon, the yacht’s owner, and his new live-in girlfriend Rachel were next on the list, along with Greg and Sandy, the brother-sister pair. Troy would be captain, assisted by my soon-to-be new sister-in-law Lindsay. Lastly, and somewhat unexpectedly, my boss at CSS, Ross and his wife Grace would be there, together with the very rich Devon, his daughter Nikki, and his trophy wife Crystal, who was anything but a bimbo.

Jon was quite openly wooing Devon and some of his billions into his investment firm. Ross and some of his family money were also being courted. Further at stake were some of the investment funds for the Rogers Foundation that Crystal ran and that Grace worked at – more billions. Jon planned a full-court press on this voyage.

I had never known that Ross also had that kind of family money, since he and Grace lived an upscale but not lavish lifestyle – the way the Rogers did. Jon explained that was the difference between several billion and several hundred million. I later asked Ross why he still worked, and he shrugged and said, “Old habits die hard.”

Lastly, I learned that Jon was also in that stratosphere of the very rich. He just said that he was in the same ballpark that Ross was in, as far as money was concerned, and I already had a feel for that dollar figure – nine digits to the left of the decimal point. I asked him why he worked and he grinned and said, “Challenge, and realize that I didn’t have any of this money until about two years ago. I was well off, but I had no idea what was being held in trust for me until my fortieth birthday.”

Sarah and I lined up a New Age minister that would help us have a nice non-religious but spiritual wedding ceremony. We sat over a couple of nights and even wrote our vows to each other. Of course, in the writing, we were actually talking about and making those pledges to each other. Saying them at the ceremony would just be for show. In many ways, we already felt married. Our lovemaking went through the roof.

The women in our circle went with Sarah as she got fitted for a wedding dress. Of course, I wasn’t allowed to see even a hint of it. I merely went to a tuxedo rental place nearby, and then bought some new black shoes. A friend of Sarah’s knew a ‘cool’ DJ that we signed up. We coordinated with Jon for a caterer. They’d actually set up much of their equipment on the dock where the boat would be docked, and their staff would then serve up a buffet on both lower and upper decks. That had to be coodinated with the marina and resulted invitations to a couple of other boat people in the marina who’d be inconvenienced for that day. Charlotte found a friend that was a photographer and videographer, and we liked her work. I teased Sarah that she should be used to the photos and videos being taken. That earned me a poke in the ribs.

We didn’t do printed invitations. All the people we wanted with us were friends that we saw frequently; many of them were from work or were neighbors. We asked them personally, face-to-face.

My parents were ecstatic that we’d finally decided to move from engaged to married. They hustled around home to be sure the motel was covered with a reliable manager, and that mom’s legal work was in good hands for the weeks that she’d be away on the trip of a lifetime with the rest of us.

Over the weeks and even at the swinger party, Grace, Crystal, and Nikki wanted some of my time for some knock-your-socks-off-sex, but I begged off and told them that they had to wait until we were under sail on the large yacht for our honeymoon cruise. Although frustrated, they said that they understood. I promised they’d be more than satisified by the end of our cruise.

Three weeks before the wedding was our second swinger party with the group that Ross had introduced to us. We were at another nice house, just not as lavish as the Ross’. Alice and Tammy begged me to be with them, so I accommodated their requests in the middle of the evening. I pushed them some more and got them tribbing to orgasm.

My parents had flown south for the party. They made themselves useful by doing super-cleaning of Sarah’s and my condo, and helping us think about what we wanted to take on the cruise in terms of clothing, cosmetics, and so on.

Lindsay came up from Miami and stayed to help her sister. She instantly was with Troy, and only then did I learn from her sister how serious the two of them had become. They were in love, were a team, and were accepting of each other’s lifestyles and background. Sarah said that Troy got off about having a porn star as a girlfriend. I understood that perfectly.

Everybody flew in a few days before the wedding to help or just hang around. We didn’t do a rehearsal, but we did have a cookout the night before at Devon and Crystal Rogers’ home, for which we were grateful. Almost all of our sixty guests and members of the party showed up for the catered event. Quite purposefully, because there were so many not in our lifestyle, we kept things nonsexual. We also didn’t prolong the evening. Sarah was able to slip away and express her gratitude to Devon for being host to our pre-wedding day event.

On the next day, a Saturday, at eleven a.m., I stood on the upper deck in view of everyone. The minister was with me, and so was my dad – my best man. After we were in place, some recorded music started that was the processional.

From below deck, Lindsay appeared in a long, flowing pastel blue gown. She came up the short flight of stairs to the upper deck and took up her position as the matron of honor. Greg was right there to help her up the steps.

We all heard a gasp as Sarah appeared below us. She was a picture of the purest form of beauty that any of us had seen. She wore an ankle length, strapless, white gown with multiple veils that trailed out behind her in the light wind. Perhaps the best part of her ‘look’ was the joyous smile that graced her face. I don’t know that I’d ever seen her happier.

Jon appeared next to her as planned and helped her up the steps to the upper deck. I beamed brighter than the sun at her. As Sarah reached my level, she looked at me and mouthed, ‘I love you’. I nodded and blew her a kiss. That exchange evoked some laughter in the crowd around us.

We came together as a couple in front of the minister and a microphone so all could hear us. We recited our vows and pledges to each other, the minister said a few words, and three minutes after that we were both married. We turned and our minister ‘presented’ Mr. and Mrs. Doug Mallus to the group amid a lot of applause and cheeering. (Sarah wanted to make the name change in lieu of all the other options she could assume. I even offered to change my last name to Carter, but she didn’t care for that option either.)

Champagne appeared and suddenly we had a wedding reception in full swing. The party lasted all afternoon, and guests started to fade away around four o’clock on. We got a pile of wedding presents, which was pleasing but also embarrassing since Sarah and I were pretty well off financially – her especially. Somehow, they made it back to our condominium after we made sure we could contact each person with a thank you note while we were on honeymoon.

We declared the party at an end at six p.m. The caterers collected the gear that was on the boat, and that enabled us to set sail, so to speak (we were a yacht, not a sailboat!). In my earlier talk with Troy, I knew that overnight we’d be going to the east coast of Florida across the Okeechobee Waterway or canal, rather than down and around the southern tip of Florida. Troy had brought on another pilot to handle that part of the voyage since he’d not run that cross-state course before, plus there were a couple of locks to be traversed that were new to him.

We untied and were underway on our Honeymoon Voyage by about nine p.m. The first leg of the voyage was a fast and smooth ride down to Fort Myers, where we’d pick up the canal across the middle of the state’s peninsula.

Since we still had a ‘muggle’ on board – the temporary pilot who was not involved in any of our sexual activity, we kept activities in the public spaces pretty tame. About the time we got to Fort Myers, Sarah, Charlotte and I went to bed in the forward cabin, which we’d designated the Honeymoon Suite.

Charlotte made sure that Sarah and I properly consummated our marriage before joining in. Her joining in seemed to involve a lot of cleaning up of Sarah and getting me ready for another round, this time while Charlotte sat on my face and I ate her pussy.

We slept after that, and I was mildly aware of a couple of times in the night when I think we were traversing a lock. When we awoke, it was because the drone of the boat’s motor had stopped. We were positioned to refuel at some marina, but it was recommended that we all disembark before that, ‘just in case’. Troy got us up and moving. We were at the Sunset Bay Marina in Stuart, Florida.

The day was sparkling, and there was a coffee bar at the marina. The fifteen of us arrived en masse at the coffee place and created quite a stir and a panic among the small staff that wanted to serve us promptly. Troy grabbed coffee for himself and the pilot, and returned to oversee the refueling. We were underway again ninety minutes later. We exited the Stuart waterways into the Atlantic Ocean, and headed southeast towards Nassau. The weather, wind, and seas favored our voyage.

Our destination was Freeport in the Bahamas. We were there in five hours, and had followed Troy’s directions so that we easily cleared customs after a brief inspection. The plan was to depart there the next evening.

Before you could say ‘Bikini’, most of us went ashore at the marina and started our tour of the small town of Freeport. We were lucky in that two of the large tour boats had collected the last of their passengers and left that morning, and the others wouldn’t be there for another day or so. We did touristy things in Freeport, bought souvenirs, and postponed the trip to the great beaches for the next day.

Troy and Charlotte had arranged for a catered dinner to be brought aboard the yacht, so we had a late seafood supper aboard at two long tables that got arranged in the air conditioned lounge on the yacht. Charlotte was again trying to play the role of stewardess despite our protests. That night I again spent with Sarah – my new wife – and Charlotte, only Char got more cock time.

After dinner there was a concerted effort by all of us to clear and clean-up from the meal. As the living room-dining area returned to its pristine condition, futons and other cushions appeared, from where I couldn’t tell. Lights were dimmed, the background music was changed to something sexier, and some candles were lit. The place was turned into the kind of place where you’d hold an orgy, if one were to hold an orgy – like we were.

A half-hour later, there was an orgy in process. There was some overflow out of the living room onto the back deck since it was a beautiful warm night. I felt certain that if any other boats passed nearby or even just turned some binoculars on our ship, that our wanton behavior could easily be observed.

Everyone was naked or close to it, and no one was with their ‘usual’ partner. I watched as Sarah and my father celebrated our union. This, instead of a groom’s-father-bride dance at a larger reception with a band.

I hadn’t planned which partner I’d be with, and thought I’d see what happened. Crystal’s hot body surrounded me with love and kisses almost as soon as she thought she saw an opening. We helped each other shed the few clothes we wore by then, and then I was giving her orgasms.

Devon and Lindsay were together next to us. He looked especially pleased to be with the smart porn star. Jon was with Ross’ wife Grace. Ross had Charlotte stretched out on a futon. Troy was with Rachel. There were other combinations around the room and outside. There was a little bit of everything sexual that you could think of – just about. I chuckled and wondered what we’d be like at the end of a twenty-eight-day cruise.

The next day we went ashore, found a popular place for brunch, and then got three taxis to take us to a great but isolated beach, with an inducement to come back in four hours and pick us up. I tore three one-hundred-dollar bills in half, and gave half of each one to one of the taxi drivers. They’d get the other half when they returned. That worked pretty well. One driver just went about a quarter-mile down the road to the beach and parked in a shady spot for the duration of our beach time. He didn’t want us sneaking off with our halves of the bills.

The beach wasn’t a nude beach, but it may as well have been. Most of the bathing suits were Wicked Weasels, and then most of the tops got shed once we’d set up our beach encampment. The sand felt pristine and wonderful, and better than that at the Sarasota beaches, and then there was the alluring color of the water.

The yacht left the Bahamas after dinner and started motoring towards the Turks and Caicos Islands. Troy arranged with all of us to have two people on ‘watch’ at a time for two-hour shifts. The boat was on autopilot, and he and his female companion of the night were either fucking or sleeping close by in case we felt there was any problem. Often, his partner was Lindsay. Troy gave us careful instruction about what we should be doing when ‘on duty’.

The trip to T&C took a full day. We were still underway when everyone got up the next morning. Nudity and ‘Free Use’ sex became the order of the day as we cruised along, skirting many of the lesser-known islands in the archipelago. We did make a refueling stop in the morning, and then got into Turtle Cove about eight p.m., just as the sun was going down. We’d put on some clothes and stopped the blatant and open sex as we neared the marina there.

Troy got us checked in with the harbor master and a customs check. We disembarked and the boat got refueled. We ended up eating at the Mango Reef restaurant, and in the process learned about the scuba diving and snorkeling on the nearby offshore reefs. That became the favored activity for the next day. Troy also found us a place where we could pick up some additional snorkel gear or rent scuba gear for our outing at some of the various reefs just offshore of the Providenciales part of the islands.

We stayed late at dinner, talking and even doing some dancing in the bar area. Since most of us had fucked a good part of the day, we weren’t sexually motivated to get back to the boat. The other boats in the marina were equally quiet when we went to bed.

‘The missus and I’ went with everyone else to shop and then try out our new snorkeling gear at Shoal Reef. We hired a guide for our first day as human fish. For one, I was amazed at how degraded some of the coral was. The guide, a young man about twenty, explained that most of the damage had happened over the past seven years, probably due to warmer seas. He expected all the reefs to suffer and be ‘dead’ by 2035. He seemed knowledgeable and glum about the impact of climate change on the area. The scene was frightening in some ways. I knew we were only seeing the tip of a climate-change iceberg.

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