The Porn Star Next Door - Cover

The Porn Star Next Door

Copyright© 2024 by Wolf

Chapter 18: Party

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 18: Party - New Ph.D., Doug Mallus, moves to a new city and finds a new neighbour, Sarah Carter (a.k.a. Candy Sweet) that just happens to be a sexy porn star trying to restart her life. They become friends and then lovers, and then their circle expands, plus various complications and problems arise in their lives. 24 chapters and about 120,000 words.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Romantic   Fiction   Celebrity   Incest   Group Sex  

Despite Lindsay being in town that weekend, she mostly wasn’t seen. Sarah, Charlotte, and I spent a quiet week together in the evenings and rarely saw her – or Troy, for that matter. Rachel and Jon were bonding now that she’d moved into his condo. Greg and Sandy seemed busy, so it was just us – our new throuple.

We each knew that Saturday evening our group was going to be attending the Swinger Party that we’d been invited to enjoy: an evening of sex with other people – strangers, basically. We each had arranged to be tested so we’d have fresh results when we attended. Had to be proper to be welcomed.

I talked to Troy about the evening and whether he wanted to attend. Lindsay was with us and told him about her experiences and observations about a month earlier. After some discussion about the pros and cons, he decided to attend.

Later, when Lindsay wasn’t around, Troy told me that he’d always wanted to go to a swinger’s event, but never had the opportunity. He was quite pleased that we’d all agreed to go to at least one of the parties.

Charlotte was not only ready but also eager to attend. Further, she’d considered how Sarah had fucked three strangers while away at her seminars, and decided that she wanted to see what that was like. She lusted after the opportunity to be a ‘plaything’ at a swinger’s party, where more than half the men would be new partners that she’d never met before. We assured her that because of her age and size, she’d be really popular. She even started calling herself a ‘spinner’.

I touched based with Ross, my boss at work, who was fundamentally the sponsor of combining our groups for at least one party. I got the details about the location and recorded our conversation where he described some of the people that he was sure would be there. Later, I’d play his ten minute talk to the others in our own group so they’d have at least the same familiarity that I did about who was attending.

My own preparation for the gathering was secured further when Alice Conway, one of the women from our accounting staff that I’d seen nearly naked at Ross’ after-party, came by my office. “Hi Doug. I just wanted to be sure you were coming to the party on Saturday at Devon Rogers’ home. I especially wanted to ask that you find me early in the evening. I’ve kind of had my eye on you and ... well, I’d like to get together with you. I promise it won’t make things weird here at work.”

I smiled, quite flattered with the invitation from such a nice looking woman. “Thank you, Alice. It’s nice to be wanted, but how can you be sure it won’t make things awkward between us at work?”

She shook her head. “You need to compartmentalize. I’m good at that, and so is my boyfriend, who’ll be there, too. Tammy can do that, too, and maybe all of us that attend. We’ve been doing the parties for about two years, and love them. Plus, you should know that I’ve also fucked Clint and Michael, and we get together from time to time, party or not, and working together isn’t weird at all. You could ask them.”

Clint and Michael, the men she indicated, worked in my development group. Ross had mentioned that they’d be there with their wives, but I didn’t really start to make the full circle of connections until Alice’s remark.

I nodded at the pretty woman. “I guess that I’ll learn a new skill with your help – compartmentalizing things. I look forward to seeing you at the party and after-party, and I may need your help afterwards.”

Alice filled in something that Ross forgot. “This time there’ll be no children around in the early hours of things, so there aren’t two parts to our get together. When you arrive at five o’clock, things can get started as soon as anybody is ready to hook-up. When this has been the case before, most people do wait until after dinner.”

I took a picture of Alice to share with my friends that evening. She even lifted up her skirt to show me her thong in a teasing gesture just as I took the picture. My friends got a charge out of seeing her naughtiness at work. Sarah was all for me ‘planking’ the mysterious Alice from Accounting. She said, “Us accountants have to stick together. We all belong to a secret sex clan. Maybe I’ll clean up her twat after you’re through.”

Devon Roger’s home was not just large, it was immense; even spectacular. Devon was the CEO of a company named Florida Sugar, that owned and cultivated over two-hundred-thousand acres of land in the central part of the state to raise and process sugar cane. I expected him to be an older gray-haired man, but found instead a vibrant and fun-loving mid-forties man that was hail-fellow-well-met. He was actually a ‘junior’ and had taken over when his much older father had wanted to return to Switzerland with what Ross called his ‘bimbo nymphomaniac wife’. Dad was on the board and still held controlling interest, but junior ran the show and had a lot of the benefits.

Dev’s wife Crystal greeted us, and she was the cheerleader type that wanted everybody to be happy. I think our group intrigued her. She said that Ross had told her all that he knew. She was very cordial and welcoming and encouraged us to help ourselves to ‘everything’ and ‘everybody’. I also had the feeling talking to her that she belonged to Mensa and was smarter than Einstein. She ran a foundation of some kind, I learned.

Our group had agreed to break apart and avoid clustering together for the party. Thus, after being shown the bar, we each tended to head to a different subgroup of people already at the mixer. I saw Alice, and went and joined her and a couple she introduced: Jack and Jill (no kidding) Amos. We did the ‘where you work – who you know’ game for a bit. Alice helped and I liked them. Another couple arrived and joined us, too. They were Betsy and Carl Miner, and also friendly and cordial. I was liking this group.

I realized that by hanging out with the group, I’d get great insight into the Sarasota community and the local companies, and not just bout after bout of unrestrained sex. Sarah brought a man over to me and enthusiastically introduced me to Darren Tolbert. Dar was two years older than me, and had graduated in comp sci from Colorado, and he specialized in artificial intelligence. He was working for a national consulting firm, currently for a Tampa firm redesigning their whole business based on the new technology. He couldn’t say a lot about his specific work for the company, but I got the high-level gist of it. I told him about what I was doing and we really resonated.

Sarah eventually told us that we’d had enough shop talk for one evening, and started to lead Dar away, but not before we’d swapped business cards. I always carried a few in my wallet. Now, with this group, I resolved to carry more. This was a superb networking environment.

I turned my attention back to Alice and then her side kick from work, Tammy Roberts, who joined us. Alice’s husband drifted away as food got set up out for a buffet style dinner. I noted that the whole meal was catered. I went for some miniature lamb chops, some chicken satay, and two skewers of iced shrimp and spicy cocktail sauce. Lots of protein; I figured I’d need it.

Instead of talking about work, I asked Alice and Tam what they did for fun – besides coming to swinger parties? That got a laugh. Alice had discovered that she could sing, and had started to take voice lessons and was even thinking of getting some kind of band together with her as the lead singer.

Tam was getting deeper into photography, and just starting to specialize in dramatic pictures of people. She talked about using various backgrounds and special lighting. She said the only problem was that everything seemed so expensive. Alice agreed that voice and band things had the same problem.

I told them about my main hobby of flying and how I’d just gotten my license, and was now starting to work on my instrument rating.

Over dinner the three of us small talked about books they were reading and TV shows they recommended. They were astounded that I watched so little television. I kept probing about each of the women and learned more and more about them. I learned that both of them were still postponing starting a family with their partner until they were older and more established. We talked about the pros and cons of that decision, and they had thoughtful answers to my questions.

The Rogers had booked an ice cream and cookie truck to come and park in their back yard to serve dessert. The bells rang and people gathered around the truck like kids in the old days. I got an ice cream sandwich, Alice a cone, and Tam a dish of fudge ice cream. We all talked about how we’d need to exercise hard to work off the calories.

After we were through and the truck had departed, I realized that the catering crew had also policed away the many dinner dishes and disappeared. There was then only one remaining agenda item – sex.

I asked Alice, “I’m sure I know what starts next, but how do things get started? Is there a bell or whistle? Does somebody say something or do we wait for the hostess to wave a flag?”

She laughed. “No. We’re each on our own. How do you start in your group?”

I leaned over and planted a long and sensuous kiss on Alice’s lips. After thirty seconds, I felt and heard her moan into the kiss. She threw her arm around my neck and pulled me closer. Thirty seconds after that we separated. She said, “That’s a pretty good way to start.” She turned me slightly and said, “Kiss Tammy, too.” I did.

Alice led Tam and me upstairs. I noted that we were not the first to climb to find a bedroom. I noted that some couples and threesomes had already started. I saw Sandy with a man I didn’t know in one room, and they were both stripping away their clothes. Further on, I saw my father with our hostess. In the next bedroom, Dot was about to engage with a man I met earlier only I couldn’t remember his name.

Alice, Tam, and I went in an empty bedroom. The bed had been prepared so that there was only a nice sheeted surface to use. No blankets or top sheet. There were a few pillows, and on the bedside table a collection of washcloths, small towels, condoms, and sex lube. This group planned ahead.

Tam turned and kissed me hard again, grinding her mons into my thigh. I positioned her so that Alice could use my other thigh, as well. We made out together, and I realized that the two of them were mutually friendly that way.

Over the next half-hour, the three of us stripped away the clothes of the other two, and succumbed to my brand of extensive foreplay, that involved lots of female orgasms primarily due to oral activity. Since we’d left the bedroom door open, I noted that some of the other partiers would stop and look in and watch as I did creative things to both women. I was glad that I had some previous experience and had become engaged to the porn star next door.

I found myself making a few value judgments about the other men in the new group based on what the two women said as I worked on them. While the other gentlemen were hospitable and friendly and seemed competent in their jobs, I had started to think that they weren’t too sensitive to the needs of their female partners, at least to Alice and Tammy. The two young women were moaning and saying things that led me to think that their having orgasms during an evening like this was really unique. “Oh, God, Doug, you’re the best. I never cum like this, even at these parties,” was a typical comment.

I was having fun dishing out the orgasms. I loved finger and oral play, and my two partners tasted comparable to the finest of rare wines. I also layered on some of the dirty talk that Sarah often used when we were together. At one point, I got kind of rough with Alice’s small tits, and she claimed that I made her orgasm just from the breast play.

I had been switching back and forth between the two young women, and then I had an idea. I had just started to munch on Alice’s pussy again, and Tammy had sat back on the bed to watch. I shook my head and pulled Tammy so her head was right beside me. I gestured at Alice’s wet snatch and said to her, “Eat that pussy!”

Tam balked. “I’ve never done that – never touched another woman’s pussy.”

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