The Porn Star Next Door - Cover

The Porn Star Next Door

Copyright© 2024 by Wolf

Chapter 17: Hall Passes

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 17: Hall Passes - New Ph.D., Doug Mallus, moves to a new city and finds a new neighbour, Sarah Carter (a.k.a. Candy Sweet) that just happens to be a sexy porn star trying to restart her life. They become friends and then lovers, and then their circle expands, plus various complications and problems arise in their lives. 24 chapters and about 120,000 words.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Romantic   Fiction   Celebrity   Incest   Group Sex  

We had a small ceremony over breakfast on Sunday morning, where I presented Sarah with her coupon book of ‘Hall Passes’, with love from her fiancé. She laughed, and told me that she doubted that there’d be any ‘opportunity’ at the two seminars she was going to in the coming week in Arlington, Virginia. She said, “The other attendees are all accountant nerds, just like I’ve become.” She said that the published schedule for the two seminars didn’t allow for any free time and there was likely to be some evening study assignments. She would not have time off except for dinner and maybe in the evenings.

Since the seminar started with registration at eight-a.m. on Monday morning for a nine-a.m. start, she flew north to D.C. that afternoon. I took advantage of her absence and went out to the airport and took a long flying lesson.

Sarah called in mid-evening after she’d checked into the hotel to tell me she loved me. Since Charlotte was naked, freshly fucked, and in bed with me, she also got a dose of telephone love from my fiancée. She also got instructions to love me some more. We complied after the call ended.

Monday morning, shortly after I got to work, I got two photos texted to me from Sarah’s phone. The first, she’d taken in a mirror as she apparently was leaving her room that morning. She was conservatively dressed in slacks and a short-sleeve top. Under one arm she had her combination purse and portfolio so she could take notes. She had a light sweater, too.

Despite her conservative and professional outfit, she looked sexy. I realized that she couldn’t hide it, except maybe in a Halloween gorilla suit. The slacks fit snug around her bubble butt, and even with her silk blouse, one could see that she was quite busty with curves in all the right places leading to her trim waist. Lastly, she had a face that you wanted to kiss. She had her hair in a ponytail.

The other picture she’d taken in the seminar room, probably as the first session started. The class was apparently sitting in big ‘U’, with about thirty students – ten or so on each side of the ‘U’. Sarah seemed to be sitting on one of the sides looking across the open space at men on the other side past a table with a computer projector. There were a few other women in the seminar.

Mid-afternoon, I got another text picture. A new speaker was at the front of the room pointing up at a slide full of a spreadsheet entitled ‘401k Tax Implications’. Sarah’s one-word message to accompany the photo was ‘Boring!’ At least, she made me laugh.

At four-thirty, I got an all-caps message: ‘OH, SHIT. I’VE BEEN MADE!’

A few minutes later, she wrote: ‘Guy sitting opposite me studied me all day. Knew me from some place, but couldn’t figure out where until a few minutes ago. He looked at me, broke into a grin, pointed so that nobody else could see, but he let me know he’d figured it out. I think he may have told his buddy next to him. I guess I have some damage control to do.’

I texted back, ‘Tough it out. You can always leave. How about polite confrontation? Remember, I’m here with lots of love for you along with your other friends.’

Sarah replied, “Today’s sessions end in ten minutes. Small welcome reception. We’ll see. I love you and thank you being supportive.’

I left work and connected with some of our group for drinks and dinner at Gecko’s, as we’d arranged the night before. As we ended dinner, I got another text from Sarah: ‘Will be using Hall Pass #1 tonight. Does it matter how many men are involved?’

I got a chuckle out the predictable response. She was dealing with her recognition by fucking the man or men who recognized her into silence. I sent back, ‘One hall pass per man but be safe. 143.’ The ‘143’ was short-hand for I love you.

Around ten-thirty, after I had been sexually sated by Sandy, Rachel, and Charlotte, I got a last text for the night: ‘Wow. Two guys just made my evening something memorable. Will share details when I call tomorrow. How about noon-thirty? I’ll be on lunch break. Some pics follow.’

Another text followed with three pictures: Sarah giving blowjobs to two men as she knelt nude between them holding their cocks just in front of her mouth, Sarah apparently being spit roasted atop a king-size bed, and Sarah lying in an exhausted state with cum leaking from her pussy and splattered around her face – one unidentified male lay next to her also exhausted with an arm across his forehead. I guess she ensured their silence. They may never speak again.

I slept with Charlotte. Rachel went off to be with Jon, and Greg and Sandy went home to again make love together. The next morning was ‘normal’ except that Sarah wasn’t around. I wondered whether she had to do a walk of shame through the hotel to get to her own room or whether that was her room in the photos.

I made sure to be free and alone at twelve-thirty. Sarah called and explained, “The two guys, Louis and nickname Tweed recognized me as they sat opposite. I guess my brand recognition is stronger than I thought. They were actually close-mouthed about their discovery, but I liked them and decided to hang out for dinner with them. We three left the hotel, got drinks and dinner nearby, and flirted like crazy. The flirting led to kisses and a lot of touching, confessions about being a real porn star, horny all the time, and then the subsequent M-M-F threesome the night before. I’m going to use Hall Passes # 3 and 4 tonight and do it again. We’ll have more time since we can skip some of the ‘will you/won’t you’ dance they went through with me last night.”

“No condoms, I noticed,” I said.

“They had paper. Well, scans of their paper on their phones. It made it more fun, since I did, too. You know I hate latex unless it’s necessary.”

I learned more about Louis and Tweed who were both with some division of GE, and got a few words about the seminar. Sarah did think she was learning some important new stuff, but she said the first session on Monday had been painfully boring since she already knew the material. I also shared what had gone on the night before and got her blessings to do even more, especially with Charlotte. Sarah got explicit about wanting Charlotte in our bed all the time.

Tuesday morning, Lindsay called me and asked whether I had Troy’s contact number. I didn’t, so I gave her Charlotte’s number, which I had. She told me that she wanted him to come to Miami that day for the rest of the week and weekend. She was doing a movie and wanted him to be able to see her in action. I left her to it. I wondered whether Troy was up for seeing her get slammed repeatedly in a sex film. Also, I read between the lines about her wanting him to see her – no secrets.

Charlotte was in my kitchen when I got home wearing an apron, a smile, and some CFM shoes. She’d made us dinner. I noted the candles on the table and the dim lighting – a very romantic setting.

I did everything that I could to make the evening perfect for Charlotte. That apparently included making love before and after the delicious dinner she’d prepared, and during those sessions delivering lots of oral, tactile, and penile stimulation that made her orgasm repeatedly.

Over dinner, Charlotte revealed that Troy had already flown to Miami as soon as he could get a flight. She agreed with me that he was quite smitten with Lindsay, and vice versa. She thought they were both really enjoying what she called ‘age gap sex’, too.

Sarah sent one picture of her being spit roasted by her two accountant friends early in the evening. A mirror was involved. There was no text. The photo explained the arc of her evening and what else was going on in her life.

Wednesday morning, I left early and took another flying lesson. According to my flight instructor, I just needed to take my solo long-distance round-robin flight and I’d then be ready for my flight with an FAA-certified examiner. I booked a plane for Saturday morning, and we agreed on what the legs of my flight would be. I’d find some time before then to do all the flight planning that I’d have to show him before taking off.

I worked a little later than usual to partly compensate for my morning activity, and then met the rest of our circle for dinner. We congregated in my condo and had pizza delivered. After the pizza there was a lot of sex. Great combination.

We were also motivated by one of Sarah’s porno videos that I popped into the DVD player. Charlotte was really heated watching my fiancée fucking and sucking her way through muscular eight men. She soon had us all doing similar things, although there were only six of us.

I got to talk to Jon and pushed forward the idea of Rachel moving in with him. He lit up and liked the idea. He also made sure that I wasn’t possessive of his love interest since she’d spent the last several months living with Sarah and me. I physically turned him in her direction and gave a small push. Only a few minutes later, it had been fully agreed that she’d move from Sarah’s to Jon’s condo.

Sarah’s second seminar was just two days: Thursday and Friday. Her two new friends-with-benefits from GE had left after the last Wednesday session, so she was back to being a SWF when she went to dinner in the hotel.

Sarah texted during dinner, ‘There’s a great live combo playing in the bar. Should I go??? You know what’ll happen.’

I responded, ‘If you want to get hit on a zillion times and maybe use Hall Pass #5 and 6, by all means go. You know the scene and your limitations better than I do. Love, me.’

I got the full report on her lunch break on Friday. My wanton fiancée got laid again last night with a nice guy she picked up in the lounge. His ability to dance seemed to be a deciding factor in her seduction. I made note to tune up my own abilities in that area. Only as they were parting company that morning, did she reveal that she had an alter-ego named Candy Sweet. The older man was blown away.

Sarah arrived home from D.C. Friday about eleven p.m. Most of the sex had been concluded for the evening, but I did save enough gas in my tank to enjoy some reclamation sex while the others in our group watched us. I love spectator sports.

Saturday, I flew my round robin flight from Sarasota, to Naples, to Okeechobee and back home, avoiding some of the restricted military air space in the center of the state by doing a dog-leg around it. I got my logbook signed by someone at the flight schools at the two remote airports, as I’d been told. I was ready for my flight test. I’d already taken the written test and scored ninety-eight.

I booked the FAA flight test for two-week’s time. I’d get one or two more practice sessions in before then.

Troy didn’t reappear until Monday evening. To our surprise, Lindsay was with him, and the two of them were all but glued together at the hip. The fact that they had fallen in love and didn’t care who else knew was obvious. They were cute and cloyingly clingy with each other. Occasionally, they’d call each other Darling or Honey. We learned they’d already been out to Jon’s boat to leave some of her luggage there and get the Zodiac in the water for their commute to shore or back to the boat.

They’d also fucked since it had been a few hours since they’d last done that in her Miami flat. Troy said, “I wish that I had more stamina, but as I age, I think I’m slowing down. I need to plan out my orgasms. There are lots of other things I can do to make Lindsay happy, but she does like fucking a lot – and so do I.” I wondered if that was TMI.

Sarah asked her sister whether she and Troy were going to have an open relationship and share themselves with the rest of us, or whether they were going ‘exclusive’. They both looked surprised.

Lindsay firmly said, “We’re going for open right now – like all of you. Heck, Troy spent the week and even part of Saturday watching me get fucked eight ways from Sunday by the guys in my videos. He was even enlisted as one of the cocks in a gangbang scene, and there was another girl named Dee in the scene, so he got a two-fer that day. Dee even came home with us to fuck some more. I made sure he got to fuck her a lot.”

Lindsay turned to me and giggled, “And I will always want to fuck my sister’s fiancé or husband, so you better be sure I’m on your dance card tonight.” I just nodded my acknowledgement. She then turned to the rest of the group and added, “And that goes for all of you. I love all of you and want to keep enjoying sex and making love with everyone.”

Sarah asked Troy, “Are you sure you’re all right with this? I’m guessing that you were pretty conservative up until you ran into this group.”

“No, I’m good – very good with it,” Troy insisted. “Besides, I want Lindsay to be happy. She’ll continue to work doing adult stuff – she likes that, and I think it’s kind of cool. That, plus she’s given me free reign to still be with Charlotte and any of you and really anybody else. She even said she might introduce me to some of her other co-stars, like Dee. She really liked me, too, and we did have a bunch of sex together since last Thursday when we met. God, I wish I were twenty again. Dee was hot, too.”

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