The Porn Star Next Door - Cover

The Porn Star Next Door

Copyright© 2024 by Wolf

Chapter 14: To Party or Not?

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 14: To Party or Not? - New Ph.D., Doug Mallus, moves to a new city and finds a new neighbour, Sarah Carter (a.k.a. Candy Sweet) that just happens to be a sexy porn star trying to restart her life. They become friends and then lovers, and then their circle expands, plus various complications and problems arise in their lives. 24 chapters and about 120,000 words.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Romantic   Fiction   Celebrity   Incest   Group Sex  

A little over two weeks later, Sarah, Lindsay, and I parked on the suburban street and made our way to the party at the large house that Ross, Grace, and their kids lived in. There were at least three dozen other cars already parked nearby, so I knew we weren’t the first, and probably not the last.

A sign on the front door said to Enter and go through the house and out to the rear patio. We did, and once on the patio promptly got welcomed by Ross. He was the most relaxed I’d ever seen him, and was super cordial to Sarah and Lindsay. I speculated again, that he’d been watching some of their online videos. He certainly gave both of them a heavy scan when they weren’t looking.

The patio, backyard, and pool were crowded with people from the company and a few neighbors, and around ten children. I recognized about half of the adults, and as we started to mill around, I prepared to do a few introductions. I had not met everyone at CSS, but this would be a comfortable opportunity to do so.

I’d barely started, when a shapely brunette about Ross’ age interrupted us. “You’re Doug, Sarah, and Lindsay?” We nodded. “I’m Grace, Ross’ wife. I want to welcome you and make sure that you know your way about the place. I think I’ve met everyone, so please let me take you around to meet folks.”

Grace latched onto my arm and Sarah’s and started leading us around. She made sure Lindsay was with us. Occasionally, she’d point out someone or some of the children, telling us who they belonged to, including her own. She emphasized that ALL the children would be gone by eight o’clock. She laughed and said, “Then the real fun will begin at the After-Party.”

I know that the three of us perked up on that statement. I wondered what the difference was between the fun we were currently having, and the ‘real fun’ that would commence later. It sure sounded more adult, if not ‘X’ rated.

In a private aside, Sarah whispered to me, “Swingers?”

I shrugged. I’d never had any indication that Ross was into anything but work. This really was my first opportunity to be ‘social’ with him. He rarely even mentioned his family, although he did have the de rigueur picture of Grace and their two kids on his office bookcase.

After the round for introductions and to get drinks, the three of us hung out with some of the other people from the product development group – the group that I worked in. We had some good laughs and, if the cookout was to be a team-building event, it succeeded as we forged deeper relationships with each other and met spouses and girlfriends. Of course, no one knew that my next-door neighbor was a porn star.

Grace kept circulating and making sure that ‘shop talk’ was minimized, and that the wives and-or children were included as equals in the whole activity. I thought she was doing a great job as the perfect hostess.

Ross and couple of the other senior staff ran the large barbecue, initially serving up food for the hungry little monsters, and then for the adults. There seemed to be dozens of side dishes, and a wide selection of food. We were well fed, and the open bar sure helped keep everyone in the mood.

Ross did go out of his way at one point to talk exclusively with Sarah and Lindsay. I listened in, but it was all small talk, some of it about Sarah’s new job at Jaycor. They had a few common friends through that connection.

By seven-thirty, the barbecue dinner was over, including a wonderful sheet cake with the kind of sugary icing on it that made me go back for thirds. I was sure that the children that sampled the cake would be on a sugar high until their next birthday. I was also probably going to be on a sugar high for the coming week.

Many folks had left, and I noticed the disappearance of the children. Grace passed by and I asked about her own children. She grinned and said, “Oh, they left to go on sleepovers with some of the other kids that they know – the ones with more conservative parents. They won’t be home until after lunch tomorrow. We’ll have all night now for the adult fun – or until we all drop.”

There was that more specific reference to ‘adult fun’. I was sure that something sexual was expected or planned.

I was even more sure, when about fifteen minutes later, after even more people had departed, two women strolled by the table in only their bikini bottoms. I recognized them from the company’s admin office – Alice Conway and Tammy Roberts. I thought they were both hot before seeing them nearly naked. I saw them in a new light, however.

Lindsay looked excited. “You know, I’m kind of glad that under my shorts and blouse I have on that sexy, see-through bikini.” On that note, along with the few other women remaining at the party, she went topless. I noted that our hostess, Grace, had also gotten down to a very brief bikini bottom.

Sarah looked at me and said, “Decision time. I have a suggestion, however.”

“Go,” I said.

“I think it would be advisable to leave. Sure, there’ll be some adult fun around here, but I think the counter to that will be some weirdness at your office – more than what will already be there because you know what will be going on. Also, I’m guessing that this adult party isn’t a one off. By not attending now, we’ll be in even greater demand for the next event, whenever that is. We’ll get more information to process as to whether to attend or not. Lastly, since Ross knows I’m Candy Sweet, and he knows about Lexi Staxxx, I image we’d have targets painted on our bodies.” She left it at that.

“Should we say goodbye?” was my only question. Sarah was more worldly than I was by a long shot. If she saw some potential ‘weirdness’, then I was having none of it.

Sarah said in a low tone, “I think we should slip out without a big do. You and I, for sure, will be asked to stay. As I said, from the looks I’ve been getting; Ross would like to fuck me silly.” She turned to her sister and said, “Lindsay, you could stay if you want.”

Lindsay grinned and said, “I think I will. I’ll report back. My guess is that I won’t be home until tomorrow morning some time at the earliest. Ross was giving me the same leering looks. For that matter, he’s no slouch, so I think we’ll have some fun. I think Grace and I might get it on, too. She even commented about seeing one of my videos when we got to really talking candidly with each other.”

Sarah went inside, as though she was going to go to the bathroom. I followed about two minutes later, but not before I saw one couple start to fuck on one of the chaises in the shadows of the pool deck. I’d already met his wife, and the woman he was engaging with wasn’t her. I met Sarah at the car, and we slowly drove out of the neighborhood. There were only a few cars left at that point.

Lindsay arrived home about eleven on Sunday morning in an Uber. She shimmied her way into my arms and kissed me. She said, “I have been wonderfully fucked almost all night long, and that has made me horny for you.”

I speculated, “Are you safe?”

“I think so. My first partner made me show my test on my iPhone, and he did likewise. He said everyone at the after-the-party was supposed to have clean results, and that they’d never had a problem. They do a swinger thing once a month. He was disappointed that you left, and especially Sarah – and he didn’t even know you were Candy Sweet. I didn’t tell him either.”

“What about Ross?”

“He got me second. Nice guy and very satisfying. We spent the night together after fucking twice and then again in the middle of the night. I did some other guy, Hank, this morning for a couple of turns. He said he worked with you.”

I rolled my eyes. “Hank was two offices down the row from mine and another brilliant software engineer with a graduate comp sci degree.”

“Did they know you were a porn star?” I asked.

“Only Ross. He didn’t make a big thing of it, but he seemed to get a kick out of calling me Lexi instead of Lindsay. He also said that he’d been looking forward to being with Sarah or rather Candy, but he guessed that opportunity had passed, at least for that night.”

Lindsay suddenly looked chagrined. “I did say something to Ross that you may not like. I said something about us having ‘other people that we played with’, and the context was obviously sexual. He asked if I fucked you, Doug, and I guess I’d had too much to drink, because I just gave him a confirming grin. I hope I didn’t get you in trouble in some way.”

I shook my head. “It’s okay, Lindsay. What he’ll want is for us to come and join his swingers group.”

“Yeah, it was obvious that almost all the people at the after-party had been together before; that they were regulars, even at Ross and Grace’s house. At one point, in the midst of a big group fuck orgy in their living room, I counted eighteen people. The group was pretty balanced between genders.”

I chuckled, “So, you had a good time?”

Lindsay finally smiled again. “Yeah, I did. I’d love to go back, too. The sex was great plus they were all nice people and the atmosphere was cool, too. No one got their nose out of joint about anything.”

“Sounds like you should come back in four weeks,” Sarah said hopefully. She liked having Lindsay visit, and I certainly did. She knew that I always liked to playfully compare one sister with the other, too. I had fun teasing them over meaningless differences between them.

Monday, I headed into the office as usual, but I expected that Ross would say something about Sarah and our sneaky departure from his party. I wasn’t disappointed about my conjecture when Ross stopped in about eleven-a.m. and asked whether I could join him for lunch at Ocean Pizza. I agreed.

At lunch, I let Ross take the lead in the conversation. On the drive over, I had thanked him and Grace for their hospitality and the great party. My remarks were genuine. I elaborated about how we needed more team-building events like that. I figured that might give him a segue into what he wanted to talk about.

After we’d ordered, Ross checked to make sure we had some privacy before he started. “Grace and I were sorry that you and Sarah decided to leave our party so early. We were exceptionally pleased that Lindsay stayed over.”

“Well, we were a little surprised at the direction the party took around eight o’clock. We had a few concerns that we thought we ought to address before we just jumped in.”

I kept going, “For one, I worried about things getting weird at the office. I noted that some of the people staying for the after-party worked at CSS. I’m still trying to think about how I would feel if I’d been with their wives, or how they’d feel working with me and trying to be all professional. Alice and Tammy in admin sure looked hot and very appealing, but would it be weird when I had to work with them about something, perhaps after we’d spent time together?”

Ross nodded. “I can appreciate that. My first encounters with swingers also came about in a work-related group. I had a lot of the same kind of questions.”

I teased, “I guess it makes sexual harassment claims a delicate subject?”

“I hope not,” Ross chuckled with an eye roll. “I think those of us in the group compartmentalize pretty well. Even my talking to you like this is outside of the work compartment.”

I said, “My other concern was about how some of my regular friends might see Sarah or my sudden involvement with a group of swingers that they don’t know anything about. We are in a nice place that I wouldn’t want to upset.”

Our drinks arrived before Ross continued. “Lindsay said that you already have a group that you are intimate with. I will keep that confidence, but please think about our group invitation as well. If you and your friends are up for it, I invite all of you to our next gathering in about four weeks. I understand there are eight or nine of you depending on visitors, plus Lindsay. If everyone attends one of our sessions from our group, there are thirty-five people there, but that’s never happened. Our numbers are more likely to be in the low twenties. Some show up quarterly, some less frequently than that. We have one extra man whose wife dropped out for various reasons. The women appreciate the extra effort, so to speak. He is not a stalker.”

I commented, “Thirty people is getting to be a lot of bodies – if everyone shows up.”

“But think of the variety that we offer each other,” Ross replied with a short laugh.

I asked, “How often do you test?”

“We’re on the honor system. The rule is if you have any extra-marital sex outside our group during the month, you should get tested within a week of our gathering and then stay pure. So, for instance, if your crew joined us, we’d hope that you’d all show up with clean results, and then you’d only need to be tested if one of you ventured outside your or our tribe.”

“Lindsay did mention something like that, and said you hadn’t had a bad experience.”

Ross knocked on the wooden table with his knuckles.

“Do you have a protocol for who couples with whom?” I asked.

“It’s pretty casual. We move from house to house, but not everyone is in a position to host. The host and hostess kind of get first picks, but even that’s not a strict occurrence and it’s done kind of surreptitiously. Given Sarah and Lindsay’s looks, they’d certainly be popular picks. If people discover their backgrounds, they’d have all the men and some of the women lined up.”

“The other women in our small group, Sandy, and Dot, if she can attend, are also stunning women. Dot is on the mature side, I should add.”

“Is one of them your out of towner? Lindsay mentioned that one couple lived a goodly distance away and was only flying in every month or two.”

“Yes; they’re from North Carolina. Another question; how’s your group feel about incest?”

Ross shrugged, “No big deal. We have some in our group and nobody cares, even seeing them enjoying sex together. Everyone is an adult and no one is being coerced into something they might otherwise not want.”

“Drugs?” I asked.

“Never, except for some recreational marijuana occasionally, and even then, only a few might indulge. We do drink, but keep an eye on each other. The men especially moderate that lest it impair their performance stamina.”

“Kinky stuff?” I questioned.

“Ross shrugged. “Hard to answer. We’ve done some gangbangs, but they’re done with gentleness and just right amount of aggressiveness to make the woman happy and to allow her to think something really slutty is going on. I guess it is, isn’t it.

“We do seem to have a rule about women setting the tone for our get-togethers. We’ve done some light B&D and S&M, some cuckolding, but it’s really role playing and theater and not for real. We sometimes have one couple put on a show for the others. We sometimes have a sybian or sex swing, but that depends on whose house we’re at.”

“Are you usually all together?”

“No, some couples or threesomes or small groups might go off to one of the bedrooms, while others do stay in sight of each other. The group that stays together often swaps partners on the fly, so to speak.”

I nodded, “We’ve been mostly all-together when we’ve had one of our mini orgies. No one has ever actually stated a rule or preference about that. I should ask.”

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