The Porn Star Next Door - Cover

The Porn Star Next Door

Copyright© 2024 by Wolf

Chapter 13: Tiffany

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 13: Tiffany - New Ph.D., Doug Mallus, moves to a new city and finds a new neighbour, Sarah Carter (a.k.a. Candy Sweet) that just happens to be a sexy porn star trying to restart her life. They become friends and then lovers, and then their circle expands, plus various complications and problems arise in their lives. 24 chapters and about 120,000 words.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Romantic   Fiction   Celebrity   Incest   Group Sex  

After our two-hour workout on the bed, we were tired, and napped. Tiffany’s small naked body was on top of me with her head nestled in beside mine on a pillow. She was as nice as Sarahor Rachel to cuddle with and occasionally cooed softly when asleep. I was pleased beyond measure.

After napping and our playful showers, we initiated a Facetime call with Sarah. She responded with a big smile to see the two of us together – her most favorite people and naked, to boot. Sarah was naked and I noted that Jon and Rachel were in the background, also nude. They’d been having an erotic Sunday evening.

Tiffany effused about the airplane tour we’d gone on that morning and early afternoon, and then got started on me and how I was such a great listener and questioner, and how I now must know all there is to know about her. Sarah laughed and agreed that I had the same effect on her. I was blushing and trying to redirect the conversation.

I learned that the group at home had gone to the clothing-optional beach for a lunch picnic, gotten horny, made out like crazy while there including some orgasms, and then returned home to fuck away their horniness starting in the late afternoon. Tiff laughed and asked whether they’d all been successful, and Sarah said, “Of course not. We have plans for more after this call.”

I told my fiancée that I missed her, but that her surrogate in Las Vegas had already done a wonderfully credible job of welcoming me to the city and letting me know that I was held in great favor. After encouraging me to sample ‘all’ the delights of Vegas, Sarah and the others rang off.

Tiff and I spent an hour in the elaborate and well-equipped hotel gym. They had some torture machines there that I hadn’t seen before, but needed to try. They worked muscles that I didn’t know existed.

Tiff and I walked around the casino after cleaning up a second time and dressing. Neither of us were gamblers, but it was fun to watch: a true spectator sport. I was amazed at the gambling fever of some people. They couldn’t wait to lose their money. Of all the people we saw, only a couple out of hundreds were winning anything.

We held hands and often had our arms around each other. In some ways, I suspect that we looked like newlyweds. Eventually, we walked part of the strip and went in another hotel for dinner. We walked back to the hotel, and then explored all the interesting parts of each other’s bodies with an emphasis on orgasms. We went to sleep sticky and sated.

We checked into the A.I. conference Monday morning. We’d both pre-registered and paid, so for us the check-in was relatively fast. We got our badges. I had a special badge with my name and company in print, and a yellow ribbon that identified me as one of the speakers at the event.

I laughed when I turned and read Tiffany’s badge. Hers read, Tiffany Rose, Comp Sci Student UNLV, and beneath that it read, ‘Aide to Dr. Douglas Mallus’. I laughed and pointed, “Really?”

“I told you that I was glued to you for the week. This is one way that I can assure my access to anyplace that you need to go. You’re going to have one of the most popular talks at the convention, especially with the hammering some companies are taking with hacking and computer security. The combination is a natural.”

We roamed around. I met some people from my previous life in academia and introduced Tiffany to them. Each of them just about had their tongues lolling out the side of their mouths as they wondered how I had engaged such a young, beautiful, hot, and apparently smart woman as my assistant. She appeared to be super professional.

At the appointed time, about ten thousand of us went into the huge theater and heard the keynote address by Sam Alman, the CEO of Open A.I., probably the most important company in the A.I. industry that day.

We then started to attend the various breakout sessions. Luckily, we were able to go into even those that were oversubscribed because of my speaker’s status. Tiff got in as my aide simply by pointing to me and then her badge. Amazing. One session was SRO, and there were already 500 people in the room. I figured that I’d have about twenty people to listen to my talk; Tiffany disagreed.

After sitting most of the day, we walked back to the hotel at five o’clock, used the gym, cleaned up, had dinner, and then spent the evening in bed mostly with me exploring all those interesting nooks and crannies in Tiff’s magnificent but tiny body.

When I was in recovery mode, she took my laptop and called forth from the Internet one of her adult movies in which she played the part of a kidnapped housewife turned into a sex slave for a smooth and sexy mafia-type crime lord. The film was actually a love story as the lead characters fell for each other in a big way, despite the heavy dose of sex and light abuse in the plot line.

Tuesday, we ran early in the morning, and then did the conference thing again. Midday, I touched base with the program chairwoman about my talk, the audiovisual aids, and so on. Tiffany was by my side taking notes on her phone. The program woman just accepted her as part of my ‘entourage’. I laughed, because I had an entourage of one, and it was my first one ever.

I was surprised to discover that the conference committee had assigned me to a room capable of holding 1,000 people. I didn’t think my topic would inspire that many people to attend.

Wednesday, I found out how wrong I was. I was moved to another large space in the convention center, so that 2,000 people could attend my talk: ‘The use of A.I. in All Phases of Cyber-Security’. The room was full, and SRO around the edges. I started on time, spoke for fifty minutes and then did Q&A for forty minutes. Thankfully, there were ushers with microphones so that people asking questions could be heard. Tiffany was only a few feet away in the front row.

When the session ended, not by me but by one of conference coordinators, nowhere near all the questions had been discussed. Well over two-hundred people surged down the aisles to the edge of the raised stage where I’d been standing in the auditorium. They all wanted to talk to me, ask more questions, or even just get a business card. I’d given Tiffany a handful of my special cards and she was handing them out rapidly, urging people to contact me online with questions. Fortunately, I’d printed 1,000, the minimum order, but I never thought we’d use anywhere near that number.

I soon realized that another gsorgeous girl was there also handing out my cards. When I got close to her in the melee and read her nametag, she was Shay Tensen, Comp Sci Student UNLV, and also had the official moniker as ‘Aide to Dr. Douglas Mallus’.

Shay was also a looker: long frosted hair somewhere between brunette and blonde, five-foot-five, a figure that would make Playboy models envious, and a rack that probably deserved mention in Ripley’s Believe It or Not. She also had a beckoning smile that flashed my way several times, as I was doing my own bit of crowd management and business card distribution. At one point, she came over and almost had to shout over the din of the crowd around me, “I need more handout cards.” I got to my conference kit and gave her a fist full. More people had come up to join the throng.

Gradually and slowly, the crowd dissipated. I announced that I was refusing questions, except by email to my special website. Everyone that attended got a chance to note my web URL on the last slide that was still on the immense screen that had been behind me as I spoke and on six other large screens around the huge room. I finally excused myself from the last twenty or thirty people that just HAD to speak personally with me, collected Tiffany and Shay, and we left by one of the wide double-doors into the center’s hallways.

As we walked, I turned to Shay, “Thank you for your help. I assume you know Tiffany?”

“I do. We’re classmates and ... well, we’ve worked together occasionally.” I left that last comment alone for now, but I did wonder whether she was another porn star. I didn’t recognize her, but that didn’t mean anything. She certainly had the looks to be more than capable in that industry.

“Can I buy you both lunch?” I asked, and got nods and smiles in return.

As we walked out of the convention center building and towards the strip, both Tiffany and Shay lauded my talk, my speaking pace and style, my bearing, my moving around the stage to keep the talk lively, and even my lame jokes that the crowed seemed to love. I even had a couple of Dilbert cartoons in the presentation to lighten the load of the heavy content.

At one point, Tiffany stopped me and kissed me. “I just had to do that. You were so magnificent.”

Shay watched with a smile. As Tiff moved aside, I suddenly got kissed by Shay – a long, smouldering kiss, too. I like long, smouldering kisses. The water in some fountains near us started to boil.

I looked at Shay with surprise. She just smiled and we started walking again. I felt especially important and pumped up having two gorgeous ‘aides’ with me. As a trio and with our nametags showing, we attracted attention from others we walked past. I was sure it wasn’t me; it was the two of them – sharply and professionally dressed, and yet sexy to a fault.

Finally, we got to a café in a courtyard that Shay knew about. We ordered, and then I got to ask of Shay, “All right, what’s your story?”

She laughed, “You get right to the point, don’t you? Okay, in a nutshell, I mirrored Tiffany and Sarah helped me get my act together, too. I wasn’t quite as deep into the drug scene, but sure wasn’t doing anything to build a future for myself.” She stopped to see whether that would satisfy me. It didn’t. I gestured for her to keep going.

“Bored with high school in small Texas town, dropped out, came to Vegas to see what I could do to become famous, got recruited to work in porn settling for infamous, got on and then off of drugs thanks to Sarah, still work in the field ten years later and do some escorting, but ... and that’s a big but, I want to do what Sarah did and leave the field. I changed my college major to a STEM career and got interested in the computer stuff. Like Tiffany, I graduate in May – about eight months from now.”

Shay paused, and then added, “I wanted to be part of your welcoming committee at the hotel on Sunday, but I’d worked and had an escort job last week. I needed to get tested to be sure I remained STI free. I am, by the way.”

Tiff jumped in, “We’re good friends ... and share. I hope that it’s all right that I asked her to join us the rest of the week?”

I smiled and said, “Oh, yes. More than fine. My home situation demands lots of sharing and doubling or tripling, so I’m used to such situations.”

Shay said, “Sarah and Tiffany told me about your home group. I’m soooo envious. I’d love to live in a group like you have – the friendship, the loving, the open sex. I’m another girl that you can give the nymphomaniac label to.”

I redirected the talk back to Shay and her computer science background. Like Tiffany she was seven years, heading for eight, into a degree program based on taking courses part-time and doing some online work. She was a little vague about what she’d do after graduation.”

Tiff said, “I’m trying to talk her into coming to Sarasota with me. I’m sure we could get jobs there, and maybe even become members of your group of friends.” She looked hopeful.

“Perhaps at Cyber-Security Solutions, too,” I grinned and suggested. Both knew that was my work place. I’d briefly talked about my work midway through my morning talk. “As for hanging out with us, bring it on. I know you’d be welcome, especially since you both already know my next-door neighbor and fiancée Sarah.”

Shay said, “And Lindsay. She was part of our circle of friends before she got a contract to do a lot of films for an outfit in Miami.”

I mumbled with a smirk, “Porn stars stick together?”

Both of them laughed. Shay said, “Yeah. We’re kind of pariahs to many people. They think their shit doesn’t stink and that we’re lower than whale poop.”

I told about Sarah’s experiences at the condominium and at her place of work, before things calmed down. Tiffany already knew about the situations. Shay expressed her appreciation that things had turned around for her old mentor. “I guess I’ll just tough it out when the time comes.”

“Haven’t you been out on the town and been recognized around here?” I asked.

She nodded. “A couple of times, but around here nobody cares. This is Sin City, so it’s expected.”

After lunch we returned to the convention hall for the rest of the afternoon. I did get accosted a few of times in the hallways, but Tiff and Shay almost acted as my body guards. They both still had some of my business cards, and they’d intervene and thrust a card into the person’s hand, and tell them to do ‘it’ online, then block them from getting closer to me. I felt like a real celebrity.

That night, to my surprise, Shay and Tiffany took me to a real Las Vegas show, complete with partially nude show girls with dramatic headpieces that must have weighed forty pounds. The dancing and performances were stunning and memorable.

Even more memorable, was the loving the two of the gave me back at the hotel after the show. We worked hard and made each other have many orgasms and a lot of pleasure. Shay turned out to be a delight to be with sexually, although I expected nothing less. Tiff put on one of Shay’s videos at one point while I was in recovery mode. She was very convincing as a young woman that needed a special love potion so that she could fuck her many male friends.

Also, not much of surprise, Tiffany and Shay were highly sexual together. My time in recovery mode was spent either watching one of their online videos or watching the two of them bringing each other off repeatedly with every trick they knew. I had a short recovery. We ended very late, and after a check of which sessions we were scheduled to attend in the morning, opted to sleep in.

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