The Porn Star Next Door - Cover

The Porn Star Next Door

Copyright© 2024 by Wolf

Chapter 10: Parents

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 10: Parents - New Ph.D., Doug Mallus, moves to a new city and finds a new neighbour, Sarah Carter (a.k.a. Candy Sweet) that just happens to be a sexy porn star trying to restart her life. They become friends and then lovers, and then their circle expands, plus various complications and problems arise in their lives. 24 chapters and about 120,000 words.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Romantic   Fiction   Celebrity   Incest   Group Sex  

Our friends in Sarasota were waiting with baited breath to find out how the visit with my parents had gone, and how they’d received the news that Sarah – my girl next door – was really the porn queen Candy Sweet.

Sarah had them in stitches as she talked about our visit, in particular being grilled by my mother while out shopping and then later random questions that showed that Candy Sweet’s videography was seriously on my mother’s mind. Lindsay got the same stories in a long Facetime call with Sarah on Tuesday night. We connected the computer on the call to our living TV and we had Lindsay life-size on the screen. Before the end of the call, she stripped down and jilled off with a mean looking dildo while Sarah and I fucked on the sofa for her viewing pleasure.

Lindsay suggested that my parents really wanted to play. She said, “I bet your dad would probably fuck a good-looking snake, but Sarah’s experiences really revived your mother’s sexuality. I bet they want to do something with the rest of us, too. Since you told all, they might take that as a kind of invitation to participate. Did I tell you that I liked older men ... and women?”

Sarah commented that she liked my father, and a snake was too far down the food chain for him. She said, “I do think he’d like to lay me down and make love to me. He got increasingly voyeuristic as the weekend went by. I just happened to wear some revealing outfits later in our visit and made him drool. He’s a boob man, but definitely liked my ass, too.”

Jon made the observation, “If all that sharing did have the impact that you project, then I think we’ll have them as visitors down here within a few weeks. They’ll come down, hoping that in some way, they’ll get sexually involved with us. The fact that both of them asked a lot of details about our current group sex situation reveals that to me. They’re horny for involvement, plus we know you are Doug, and the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.”

Sandy said as she looked at pictures of them that I’d taken over the weekend, “That wouldn’t be bad at all. They’re both so young looking, and you Doug even took a ten-mile run with your father. That’s outstanding and unusual for a man that age. I’m coming to see that your father is quite a man, and probably has lots of stamina and knows how to deliver excitement to a girl.” She gave me a lecherous grin. I could tell whether she was serious or teasing me.

Greg said with some sarcasm, “Yeah, having your parents fucking your fiancée and your friends isn’t weird at all.” We all laughed.

My parents trip to Sarasota to visit and ‘meet everyone’ was announced by them two weeks later much to my surprise. They were giving us two-weeks’ notice, at that. I remembered the various predictions that had been made, but had trouble believing that they’d come true. That said, I had to allow for all possibilities.

My parents’ desire to come got even more specific about a week before the visitation weekend. Mom called Sarah and they had a heart-to-heart talk one evening. Sarah came and reported to me that evening after the call ended. My mother hadn’t been able to talk to me about her hopes and fantasies, but felt she could discuss things like that with Sarah – or Candy Sweet.

Sarah explained in a surprised tone, “Doug, they actually want to play sexually with our group. Your mother isn’t too sure about being with you, but she has been so horny hearing about my past and our ‘Gang of Seven’, as she calls it, that she’s been beside herself and is so in heat that she can barely stand it. She wants to be involved. Your dad does, too. He definitely wants to see your mom with the other men, too. She’s sure that he wants me, too; although she said that if that was too weird that he’d find contentment with whoever else was around that was a willing female. He’s not into guys at all.”

“Well, we know we had a successful visit with them.” I laughed and did my eye roll thing. Internally, my gut did a twist. Fuck, my parents were sexual. Who knew?

Sarah went on, “Lindsay is coming that same weekend. She wants to ‘fuck your dad, and eat your cum out of your mom’s cunt’ – to quote her. She’s sure that we’ll all resonate well together, and she wants time on your cock, too. I think she really wants the father-son duo to add to her resume.”

I shrugged, “I can’t believe my parents are getting into this scene. They were always so staid and proper. Sure, they were liberal, but...”

“Your mom thinks that you won’t approve, and that’s why they came to me. I also set them up a schedule of Facetime calls with each of the others so that they know each other before they arrive here. You mom was so joyful that I’d act as a facilitator for them. With the video calls, after they arrive there won’t be the usual dance to break the ice or feel awkward with each other.”

“Are you ready for this?” I asked Sarah.

She grinned at me. “Remember? I’m the original nymphomaniac in this group. I have membership card number one. I knew it before any of you did, and I knew you had those leanings almost before you did. Now, surprise! Your mom and dad are also hypersexual. Where do you think you got that gene from?”

“The Sex Fairy?” I gestured around me as though there was a small Tinkerbelle flying around my head. That earned me a laugh from Sarah.

I was the butt of some jokes and overt sexual behavior the next two weeks. Sandy liked to pretend that I was Jim, my dad. “Oh, Jim, put your big cock inside my wet pussy.” “Oh, Jim, I love the taste of your cum.” “Oh, Jim, you eat pussy better than anybody – I love experienced men.” “Jim, do you like watching your wife fuck another man?”

Whenever Jon was nearby, regardless of his partner, they became Dot, my mother, and he made sure I could hear him. “Dot, your mature pussy is so snug and warm around my cock.” “Dot, I love how your hips rise up to meet the thrusts of my hard dick into your body.” “Oh, Dot, I’m so blessed to take you anal virginity.”

I kept my own counsel about what was going on, but I have to admit that all their efforts did soften me as to what to expect. That was probably their goal. I got so I really could imagine my mother being fucked or having sex next to me, or my father pounding into Sarah’s ripe cunt.

We were still considering what to really do with my parents when we had another embarrassing a perplexing incident happen, mainly to Jon but to all of us since we were there to support him.

The six of us walked to Main Street to dinner on Friday night at Patrick’s restaurant. The place was crowded as usual, and we weren’t the largest group there, but we did have a table in the corner near the main door that was five seats in a booth with a chair pulled up. For no special reason, I was in the one chair facing into the booth. Directly opposite me, blocked in by Sandy and Sarah on either side sat Jon. Greg was on one side of me and Rachel on the other.

We’d just ordered our drinks when a nice-looking woman close to our age marched up to the table and stood right beside me. For a moment, I thought she was one of the restaurant’s hostesses. She looked across the table at Jon, pointed at him, and screamed so that everybody in the restaurant heard her, “I DON’T WANT A DIVORCE.” On that note, she hurled what appeared to be the legal papers for the dissolution of a marriage across the table at him. They scattered and went everywhere on the table and in our laps. Jon looked stunned and sat with his mouth hanging open.

The woman, who I then realized was Julie, Jon’s soon-to-be ex-wife started in on a loud and random rant about how she loved him, how he should forgive her sexual indiscretions with her boss, how the other relationship was just sex, how they hadn’t done anything serious, and more and more.

As Julie stood there, she was waving her arms around and everyone in the restaurant had gone silent and watched her, if for no other reason than what she’d initially screamed out. The only other sounds in the restaurant besides Julie’s rants was some background music and some distant noise from the restaurant’s kitchen. Most of what she was saying was nonsensical to the other diners. She had a penetrating voice.

I looked at Jon and caught his attention since I was sitting right next to Julie also facing him. I mouthed to him as she carried on, “What do you want me to do?”

Jon looked worried and then I could see that he had an idea. He said to me as Julie continued to repeat her rant at him, “Restraining order in effect.”

I stood and tried to tower over Julie. She was about six inches shorter than me, even in her heels. I said firmly without touching her, “Miss, you are disturbing our dinner. Please leave.” I looked over at the maître d’ hoping for some intervention to make that happen, but he was frozen in place watching the unanticipated yet compelling scene unfolding in his restaurant.

I then said, “There is a restraining order against you in place, Julie. If you persist, we will have you arrested.” I was wondering whether such an order initiated in New York was valid in Florida, but the ploy might make her leave.

Julie glanced at me, and then ignored me/. She leaned around me slightly to see Jon, and went back on her harangue about leaving her and filing for an unnecessary divorce, which was not what she wanted. She kept waving her arms and shaking her finger at him – making physical contact with me to get me to move out of her way. We all knew the story, or at least Jon’s version of it. As Julie prattled on, the whole restaurant was learning the story, too. Julie didn’t seem to want to hold anything back in asking for forgiveness and restitution to the status as Jon’s loving and devoted but cheating wife.

Jon tried to talk calmly during her rant about contacting his attorney, then about violating the restraining order. He recommended that she leave before the police arrived.

While this was going on, Sarah had pulled her phone and called 9-1-1. Even though Julie could hear Sarah making the call, she ignored her and continued to talk loudly to Jon over the eight-foot distance. She probably missed what Sarah said because she was delivering her verbal onslaught to her husband. Either that or she thought that Sarah was only pretending to make the call. Jon kept holding his hand up in protest, and trying to get Julie to leave.

He did ask, “How did you find me?”

Julie grinned, “I sent you some kind of Apple Tag to your office and marked, ‘Personal – Please Forward’ on the package. I could track the package on my phone. It took me right to your office here in Sarasota only you were just leaving the building when the package got delivered – ta dah! I had just started to watch your office when I saw you leave the building, and I followed you here. I found you. No expensive private investigator or anything.” She grinned broadly and looked exceptionally proud of herself.

Jon said more directly to her, “Except you are violating the restraining order, which is in place to stop you stalking me and exactly these kinds of embarrassing situations.”

I watched through the restaurant’s window in front of me as a police car pulled up outside the restaurant with red and blue strobe lights blazing. A crowd started to gather looking into the restaurant at our booth. Two uniformed cops promptly came in and the maître d’ aimed them right over to our table. The opening line from one uniformed cop was, “What’s going on here?” The other held back with his hand on his taser.

Julie launched into her diatribe about Jon having her served divorce papers and her not wanting a separation because she loved him, etc. etc. The cops quickly got the picture of a disturbed woman making an unwanted confrontation.

I was still standing and said to the nearest officer, “Although I’m not involved, Jon is my friend.” I gestured across the table where Jon sat hemmed in by the others in our group. I said, “He has a restraining order against her. She tracked him down here from New York and created this scene. I think she’s a little bit crazy, after having listened to her for ten minutes.”

The officer nodded and said to Julie, “How about you step outside with us?” He used his ‘I’m in command’ tone with her. Everyone in the restaurant was silent and watching the show. The waitresses were frozen in place, too, and had stopped serving.

Julie frowned, “NO! I came here to reunite with my husband, Jon.” She pointed. “I won’t leave without him.”

Jon said, “Officers, I will come out with you, but I do not want to be with her in any manner. I am not responsible for her or her actions. Yes, there is a restraining order, although I don’t have a copy of it with me. I have a scanned copy on my cellphone, however.”

There was an exodus from the booth as Rachel, Greg, and Sarah moved so Jon could get out. Jon stood and presented business cards to each cop. One cop took Julie’s elbow and firmly steered her out the nearby front door onto the sidewalk. She kept looking back to be sure Jon was following them. Jon walked behind followed by the other cop. I noticed that both cops had the covers over their weapons undone. I followed the parade.

The others sat down again, and the noise level in the restaurant slowly returned to normal. I stopped by the maître d’ over and asked whether he wanted all of us to leave. He assured us that without the noisy interruptions from ‘that woman’ the rest of us were fine. Everyone at the table heard him, so we stayed. He had recognized our group as frequent patrons, which we were.

As I caught up with Jon and the others, he was telling both cops about the restraining order in New York, which apparently did have validity in Florida. There was reciprocity between states, especially because of domestic abuse cases. Jon had specifically requested that the injunction be valid under federal law, thereby making it valid in other states, including Florida since he knew he was moving there.

The policemen turned to Julie and asked if she would leave Jon alone and abide by the injunction. She frowned again, almost as though she couldn’t believe they weren’t siding with her on her desires, and reiterated her plea that she be rejoined with Jon. She even started on part of her rant, that her cheating wasn’t the type of thing in today’s world that deserved a divorce. What she expected to happen that evening was a little vague.

Jon said to me, “What should I do?”

I said so that the two policemen could hear, “She’s in violation. She should be arrested and detained, at least overnight.” I spoke like an attorney, although I was nothing more than a protective friend. Around us, a crowd was gathering.

One cop pleaded with Julie to leave the scene but she wouldn’t unless Jon went with her – to where we weren’t sure. Jon said that he wanted to rejoin his friends for a peaceful and uninterrupted dinner and didn’t want to be harassed. Julie was then firmly turned by one officer and placed in the back seat of the blue and white squad car blinking away at the curb. Somehow, she’d avoided being handcuffed. The small crowd that had gathered watched the scene.

Jon and one cop exchanged more information, including a snapshot of his new Florida driver’s license and an emailed copy of the restraining order. After that, the police car departed, and Jon and I were able to go back inside and join the others for dinner. Our dinners had arrived, but with covers over them to keep them warm.

Julie’s appearance, her rant, and her mental state were the discussion topics at dinner. We, along with Jon, all rated her as ‘bat-shit crazy’. The authority of the restraining order was also a topic.

While sitting in the restaurant booth after dinner, Jon texted his lawyer up north about what had happened and the violation of the injunction. A quick reply assured Jon of his peace and security, and that a call was about to be made to the local police to confirm the order and provide a detailed ‘official’ copy of the order.

Jon had been asked to go down to the police station the next morning and talk with a detective. I offered to go for support, but he waived me off. “I’ve had to do this in New York. This isn’t the first time that Julie crashed the restraining order. I just hope it’ll be the last.”

We’d just gotten home when Jon got a call from the police station. Julie asked the jailer to call so Jon could come and bail her out. He laughed and explained to the bailiff that he had no desire to see her out of jail. Jon speculated that she’d be released the next day on her own recognizance by a judge, and then, Jon expected, she’d repeat the confrontation in some way.

Jon came back from his visit at the police station and the Saturday morning arraignment court about lunch time. He summed up the encounter; “The judge ordered her to collect her belongings and to leave the state. A sheriff’s deputy was assigned to see that she did just that. Jon explained, “She had an ‘open jaw’ flight ticket back to New York in her purse. She has no other reason to be in this city other than to harass me and try to get me to take back her lying and cheating ass, which I won’t do.”

Sandy asked, “Can she use evidence that you’re intimate with us in any way to create a counter argument to the divorce.”

Jon shook his head. “No. New York is hard to get a divorce in, but I didn’t file only on the basis of adultery. I invoked irretrievable breakdown’ and submitted a lot of evidence about abandonment, although that was in the sexual part of our marriage. My lawyer built a pretty convincing case, along with some P.I. evidence. On all counts, I’ve done nothing to conflict or result in a denial of the divorce – and that’s whether she signs or not. I went over our relationships with my lawyer. What appears to be taking so long is the case load in the New York court system.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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