A Bad Portal - Cover

A Bad Portal

Copyright© 2024 by Gnome De Ploom

Chapter 7

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Khurick is a Wizard and troubleshooter for an unnamed god. He visits worlds to fix things at his God's direction. On arrival on a new mission, he has to figure out what his mission entails. This story is a three-part Sword and Sorcery saga. Part 1 begins based loosely on the planet Chaos from the Damsels In Distress universe. Planet Chaos only provides the fundamental backdrop for Part 1. It is a non-canon Damsel's story. 21 chapters - Semiweekly

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft   Mult   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   High Fantasy   Science Fiction   Aliens   Extra Sensory Perception   Magic   Group Sex   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   White Female   First   Masturbation   Pregnancy   Big Breasts   Small Breasts  

When they got ready to bread the six fish fillets, I stopped them. I added some dry yellow curry powder to one batch of batter. I added smoked pepper to another and rosemary to the third.

After much discussion, it seemed nobody wanted to try the smoked pepper, so I was the only one who would eat it. I asked them to go ahead and bread some of the catfish with the smoked pepper spice. I’d eat it. They commenced cooking the fish, with them cooking the pepper at the very last.

When Sarah went outside with the guts, head, and tail in a bowl. I saw Sally follow her out with great interest. Sarah dumped the fish guts and parts at the base of one of the grapevines. As she walked off, my familiar, Sally, was squawking to beat hell and picking through the fish pieces. A few other crows arrived because they had heard Sally’s invitation to dine.

I was finishing my meal when Sally came swooping in and up into the rafters. I looked up and saw the telltale straw sticking out from a nest where two beams were joined. Hmm.

As I drank a cup of my Blue Daisy root, I had to laugh to myself. Why go through the effort of cleaning, salting, and smoking fish? I have caught fish a few times here. When I wanted to stow them away, I put them in null as I’d usually done. I’m overthinking things and making it too hard on myself. If I took fresh live fish to Logan, the butcher, I am sure he would be more than happy to take them off my hands.

Let him clean them and process them. Then, he would know more about how they were handled. He would have to know by now I am a wizard. Pulling things from out of null should be simple. I had the beginnings of a good business model.

“My women, I am going out to catch a lot of fish. I will be in when I have at least a dozen.”

I went down to the stream, pulled out the fly rig, and put on a popper. I started casting and and searching for a bass. I eventually caught one. Bass seemed to be less interested since the sun was going down. I put my bass in a synthetic bin in null. I would use that bin for holding my fish. I put away that popper and the fly rig.

It all came to a crashing halt; it was my woman. The three showed up, and their constant chattering brought my fishing to a complete halt. They could not get the idea in their heads that fish could hear them.

I set up my closed-face rod and reel and waited for the sun to go down more. Riley and Laura went in as soon as the evening bugs came out. They don’t bother me because I set a shield spell. Sarah stayed with me, and I chanted a spell so the bugs left her alone, too. Sarah could be quiet by herself. There is no way three women could simply zip it.

Once again, I conjured up a globe light and sent it out over the water. I used a rubber redworm lure and cast it out past the light. On the second cast, I hooked a fish. I caught two more fish before Sarah asked if she could try.

I spent the next hour teaching her how to operate the rod and reel. I moved the globe light around, so we got plenty of action. She picked it up because I was patient with her.

We had fun, and I teased her a lot. Every chance I had, I got behind her and ran my hands in the armholes of her new shift. I knew just how much pressure I needed to use to keep her from spontaneously orgasming and then screaming into the night.

Every chance she got, she would sneak her little fingers past the buttons on my rustic, fake farmer pants. She has a way of petting my cock that had me ripe for a good fucking right here on the bank of the stream.

She could not work the globe light or add things to null, but she certainly enjoyed catching fish. We stopped at six more. I had no idea how many the butcher could sell. I also was worried if I brought too many, it would undervalue them. I was not busting my butt for a pinch or two. Done right, the scarcity of fresh fish should attract a small, yet steady lucrative market.

We went indoors, and I decided we needed a treat. I got the big pan with a lid out, put a couple of dollops of lard in the pan, and set it to cook. When the oil was liquid and bubbly enough, I dropped in a handful of the colored flint corn. I put the lid on as I heard the mixture sizzle, and the corn began to hiss loudly.

Soon, the sound and smell of popping corn was in the air. It began making a louder noise as the kernels started to blast themselves open. The women were worried about what I was doing. A man in the kitchen, what witchcraft is this?

When the corn got down to a slow number of pops, I pulled it from the fire. I poured it into a big bowl and immediately added salt. I ate a small handful, and it was great. The lard was almost as tasty as butter.

I took a medium-sized bowl of popcorn for myself. I sat on a couch and nibbled at my snack. The three loved the popcorn. It didn’t hurt that they rubbed their titties or hips on me every time they reached for a handful. They could not be bothered with getting their own, they stole mine.

I knew this was one plant I needed to plant. I could sell it in half-kilogram bags. The issue was more than the growing or harvesting; it was the packaging. It had to remain absolutely dry. Any humidity would affect its quality and ability to last. My corn is kept in null. No humidity or moisture there.

It’s something to think about.

I managed to tell them I was going to the butcher shop tomorrow. That prompted a long conversation. I said I was going to go there directly from here. I took the three of them outside to show them. I opened a portal just to the side of the stream and stepped through to the other side of the stream.

I stepped back to our side. That resulted in a hundred more questions. I explained there were time constraints. I could not take a big animal through. I could only hold it open for seconds at most because the longer I held it open, the faster it drained my core. There was no way we could all go. At best, two of these women could get through safely.

This problem was because these three women together, were unruly and generally argumentative. At times, they feel the need to prattle on endlessly. I could march a squad of soldiers through. Yet, I doubted I could herd these three bone-headed females through.

I planned to leave in the morning; I’d visit the butcher and conduct my business. I would then spend the night in town so I was rested enough to return the following morning. Who needs to mention the plethora of lusty-willing females I have in town?

I did not go into detail. I could pop into town and come back an hour or so later. There’s this lovely redhead ... Plus, I needed a little space. The last few days these three yacking constantly like a flock of magpies had me on edge. They had pretty seriously got on my nerves at the stream last night.

I knew I needed to adopt a sterner way of speaking to them. I fish so that I can settle my nerves, they had ruined that. I had always loved to fish. It’s a great way to meditate. No women! Sarah, maybe, but not three of them!

I lay down with Riley, and the girls went upstairs to sleep. We cuddled for a while. Riley’s steady breathing lulled me to sleep. I usually stay up longer, but the women had seriously frazzled me. I woke because Sally was gently rubbing herself on me.

I whispered to her, “Morning sweetheart. How are you?”

She did a little trill in her throat and rubbed her head on me.

Riley moved and said, “You two lovers done yet?”

I bit my tongue. At least Sally knows when I need peace and quiet.

I took my folded clothes, spelled them clean, and put them away. I pulled out a nicer outfit. Black slacks, light blue button-up shirt, dark brown dress socks, and cordovan lace-up shoes. If they all know I’m a wizard, fuck it, I may as well wear what I like.

I kissed a pissed-off Riley and decided to leave her with something to remember. I carefully rolled her bare nipples to start her orgasm. Her knees began to sag apart in welcome. I drew a rectangle in the air, quietly said the portal incantation, and stepped into Holly and my house in Foxtown.

I sensed Holly and took a few steps to the sitting room.

She was standing at a window with a curtain pulled back enough to see out. I took in her visage. She had bought something new and nice. She has on a diaphanous short nightgown. It is simple and barely comes past her bum.

I looked at her legs and ass. What a splendid-looking woman. She is undoubtedly a Damsel from Cassandra. She’s several steps higher up the beauty meter than the three gals at the homestead.

I thought about Holly. She was going to be long-lived like me. Riley, Laura, and Sarah are short-lived people. We had a derogatory term for short-lived people on Rukac; we called them Temporary Help.

When you are long-lived, having friends or family that are short-lived is a tribulation. You have a rough emotional time when they get old and frail, and later on, they die. There is only one easy solution when you have outlived many of them. You stop making friends with short-lived people.

This situation insulates you emotionally but has its issues. Some long-lived people tend to look down their noses at the short-lived. They have their semi-secret society. They have their inimitable way of saying things. I did not like anyone that got that way. They lost some of their humanity.

I had one positive thing to think of: I was not going to be here long enough for that to happen. Surely, my lord, Rukac, will move me back home or on to another world.

Holly now, she was here for the long haul.

I whispered, “Honey, I’m home.”

She turned and smiled and ran to me. She jumped with her legs around me and ground herself onto my growing member.

I kissed her, and she filled my mouth with her tongue as she made up for the short absence we’d had.

I cupped her ass cheeks as she slid down my front. I felt every square millimeter of her half-naked body as she slid down. My shirt and slacks were very fine, and by the time her feet were on the floor, she had aroused me fully.

“How long...”

“Need to see the butcher and come back...”

“You need to leave now...”



I followed her naked and pink buns into the kitchen. The scamp had not pulled her nighty back down. She knew she was showing her sweet buns to me. On every step, one butt cheek would rise higher. Then, as it came down, the other cheek rose and did the same tantalizing thing. She put on a kettle.

Bank Manager Heeso Bepho

“Hello, mother?”

“Yes, Sweety, how are you?”

“Good, good. Listen, that new equipment you had installed here has registered a a portal opening a day’s ride north of us. Most likely at the Wizards farm. I just had another movement minutes ago. Someone ported into town; I am sure it’s the Wizard again.”

She said, “I checked the rules. There are no rules that specifically cover him or his situation. He can move from place to place legally. The big restriction is coming from other affiliated worlds indirectly to Chaos. Others are sneaking off Chaos or stealing our tech. He has no hero ring and is not a citizen of Earth, Cassandra, or even Chaos. He’s outside our area of responsibility unless he breaks a law.”

“I don’t want to mention him to the Powers that be. They are all idiots and likely to create a lot more havoc than he ever would. Think of the endless meetings I would have to put up with. I saw your vids of him. He appears to be judicious and moral. We’ll keep an eye on him for now. We still may need him some time. The politics up here are getting crazy.”

He said, “Most times, I’m glad I’m down here.”

She said, “I have other problems down there. We currently have two slavery rings and a band of pirates.”

He said, “Maybe we can use this Wizard. He said he’s a troubleshooter. He specialized in handling men that needed removing.

Mother said, “I will review your tapes again and get back to you on that.”

“OK, mother. I am just letting you know what’s happening. I agree with what you say. Love you.

“Love you too, honey.”

Khurick I did not get my tea. Holly crawled into my lap as soon as I sat down. She’d trapped my cock so she got up and pulled my trousers down. Her nighty melted away when my trousers did. I motioned that she should sit on the divan. I crawled between her legs for a taste.

Holly is tasty, as can be. I soon had her legs draped over my shoulders as I knelt on a rug, licking her center. After working her over a bit, I manhandled her tits which made her start quivering and whining. At the right moment, I moved upright and pressed my cock directly into her sloppy, red, welcoming hot pussy. I pushed hard and fast as I rolled her nipples.

She attempted to chop my cock off with her pussy as she screamed my name and clamped down hard on me.

I plunged all the way inside her until I’d moved up against her cervix. Her muscular machinations prompted me to fill her to the brim immediately.

I knew for the first time in decades someone had stolen my heart. I love Holly. The red hair, proud tits, and pink complexion are all perfect, but I like her inside her head and heart. That’s what counts. She’s a good person and so sweet.

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