A Bad Portal - Cover

A Bad Portal

Copyright© 2024 by Gnome De Ploom

Chapter 3

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Khurick is a Wizard and troubleshooter for an unnamed god. He visits worlds to fix things at his God's direction. On arrival on a new mission, he has to figure out what his mission entails. This story is a three-part Sword and Sorcery saga. Part 1 begins based loosely on the planet Chaos from the Damsels In Distress universe. Planet Chaos only provides the fundamental backdrop for Part 1. It is a non-canon Damsel's story. 21 chapters - Semiweekly

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft   Mult   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   High Fantasy   Science Fiction   Aliens   Extra Sensory Perception   Magic   Group Sex   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   White Female   First   Masturbation   Pregnancy   Big Breasts   Small Breasts  

Riley’s 15 y.o. Daughter Sarah said, “He fucked Laura last night, I want to try that too.”

Riley said, “He did, did he?”

Sarah said, “Oh yes. Laura’s eyes rolled into the back of her head. I was worried until I heard her sigh.”

Riley said, “Fuck, Khurick. You and I need to have a talk.”

I laughed out loud at her popular refrain, “Laura is not fertile right now. So you can quit worrying about her, Mom.”

She said, “But I’m all they have.”

I said, “Not so. I decided you three are My women now. I found you, so I’m keeping all of you. However, I am not interested in having a bunch of screaming babies. They scream and run around smelling of sour milk and baby crap. Not now, at least. I am here, and that’s it.”

I knew the three would soon agree. It wasn’t even up for discussion. This is different from my home world of Rukac. Chaos is a rough world and women did as they were told.

Riley humbly replied, “Yes, sir.”

Sarah nodded.

I began by pulling the fish out of null.

Riley said, “What the fuck is that?”

I said, “Oh, did I forget to mention I am a wizard?”

They both said, “Yes.”

I handed the fish to Sarah.

I said, “I know I mentioned it to Laura yesterday. That’s how I took care of the two goons so promptly and also how I healed you.”

Riley said, “No wonder my pussy, is in such good shape. I thought it was that sticky stuff you rubbed on me. I remembered that stuff. It was so soothing and took the pain right away.”

I pulled a potted aloe plant out of null and handed it to her. I said, “This is what I used; it needs lots of sunlight and very little water once a week.”

She set it down and crawled into my lap. She felt so warm and cuddly in my lap. I sensed she was happy now. Sarah put her arms around us, and we enjoyed a moment together.

I said, “Where’s Laura?”

Sarah said, “Her turn with the sheep. Let me cook up the fish. I’ll take her share to her later.”

She moved to the fireplace and started to get it going. I enjoyed the view of her developing kitty-cat from behind. I uttered a fire spell, and the wood caught immediately.

She jumped back. She took the fish to the counter and cleaned them quickly. The guts and heads went into a bowl. She got a frying pan out and greased it with lard. She dipped the fish in flour and soon had them frying.

Fried fish and water are distant from my idea of a great meal. The fish were delicious. Water is for bathing.

I put on a pan of water and as soon as it was hot, I added a small spoonful of Blue Daisy root. I strained the liquid through a cloth and had my first cup of wake-me-up in days. Riley hated it. Good, more for me, although I had seeds for this particular plant. It’s hardy and grows like a weed. The root is dried and ground fine. The leaves are edible. This is the tastiest version of chicory there is.

Riley sat comfortably in my lap. We had never put our clothes on, so she sat with me buried in her delicate folds. We didn’t screw. We just cuddled companionably. I softened inside her, but we stayed that way while we talked. I could go either way. I could tell my cock to get stiff or soften and slide out.

She said she needed to make a run to town. The local town was called Foxtown. It was started by a man with the last name of Fox. Riley needed to bring a rundlet of wine (an 18-gallon cask) and two lambs to town. This was how she bought other things for the homestead.

We talked and made plans to travel to town. Eventually, Riley showed me the dugout shack where the wine was stored in a deep rustic cellar. The only grapes that grew well here are a white variety. The wine is typically blended in water and consumed as watered wine.

It has to sit a full day before you can drink the watered wine. That time allows the wine to make the water safe to drink. They did not know about bacteria and parasites that grew in rivers and lakes. They just knew what to do to make the water safe to drink.

The big problem was the sheep. The women take two sheep into town at a time. Two sheep at a time are too challenging to herd. They tend to wander away aimlessly, looking for grass.

Riley showed me the little horse cart they use for the wine. Riley has a wagon, too, but with only one very old nag, the cart is at that nag’s limit already.

I went and looked over my new horse spoils. The two of them were abused and could use a good feed.

When I mentioned the horses, Riley said, “I barely have enough feed for my nag.”

I said, “I’ll buy more feed in town. I have money.”

She said, “You do?”

I said, “I certainly do.” I pulled out a bag with ten, one-quarter gold coins from null. I had hundreds more bags of them. I had ten coins inside each bag. Jedidiah’s memories told me that according to the local standards, I was the equivalent of a multi-millionaire.

Riley said, “Holy crap. Would-ja just look at those. Those are so pretty. One of those coins would buy a large team of good horses, a nice freight wagon, and 50 chickens. Let’s look at the wagon. We’ll feed the horses up today, and they should have little trouble making it as far as town. They can feed them there for the return trip.”

I saw how she had to go to town, which quickly became how ‘I’ needed to go to town. I do need to break my Rukac based gold coins into something people could use here.

I used a handcart to bring up a rundlet of wine from the dugout cellar. We were getting ready for the trip into town. I floated the rundlet into the wagon.

Laura helped me get the two sheep she’d selected. I put them to sleep and loaded them on the tail end of the wagon behind the rundlet of wine. I used an incantation on the wagon to strengthen it. It had seen better days.

After kissing Riley and Sarah goodbye, Laura and I headed off for town.

If you have crossed miles of arid land, you understand the monotony of our chore. Here we are riding an inflexible wagon seat, incessant dust from the horses walking with clouds of hungry biting insects. I did set a barrier for the bugs as well as put out a shield to protect us.

We headed down the road, Laura driving. My mind wandered to the past.

I had started out as a young man as an Elemental Witch. My mother and aunt taught me. This is where my fondness for growing things came from. I learned about herbs, rubs, lotions, and powders. Not to mention the essential headache powders, powders for a sour stomach. Add powders that were sprinkled on a wound to halt infection.

Later, a scrub witch who had bedded me taught me all that she knew of magic. After a year and a half with her, I moved on to learn more from other witches she recommended to further my abilities. Mostly, they were female witches. Female witches are an incredibly horny lot, and I learned much about the female body from them.

Eventually, a Loditte Brother came across me and introduced me to one of the so-called ‘unnamed gods. Loditte, the god of storms and lightning, later became my master. I attended a Loditte seminary and studied there for 15 years. I eventually earned the rank of lightning mage. I was not an everyday cleric or practitioner per se. I became Loditte’s right-hand man.

I had become a magic practitioner and troubleshooter. At times, I was called upon by the priests to remove evildoers. A thing I was pleased to do. After all, someone needs to take out the trash. I received many blessings from my work. As I grew and studied, Loditte added more abilities and blessings onto me.

I worked hard afterward for many years while I constructed my core. My core, Loditte willing, is how I power my ability as a wizard. It also provides me with abilities to protect me and prolong my life almost indefinitely.

My home world of Rukac is an advanced civilization. Best of all, Rukac has magic. Magic was granted to its inhabitants by the 13 gods. The people there have a sense of right and wrong.

Right and wrong is something that is missing here on Chaos. How apt the name this place is called; Chaos. It’s a world of throw-back human people. So far, I have been underwhelmed by the local men.

Laura and I pulled into town in the late afternoon. We took the sheep right to the butcher shop. He gave Laura money for the sheep. We took the wine rundlet to the inn, where she got paid for the wine, and we made arrangements to spend the night. We ate bread-loaf trenchers with pork and white bean stew in it. It had a few vegetables, too. Tasty but pretty plain fare.

We drank the ale. It was soapy tasting and strong. The wine was quite expensive here, so we sipped our suds. One moron did not see a weapon on my person and thought he could steal Laura. I conjured a big bludgeon from null and cracked his skull open.

His friend stood up, so I set my blue lightening to running as a halo of sparks around my head. It was its crackling that dissuaded any further disturbances. A swamper removed the dead guy. The dead guy did not look worthy of my searching him for booty. I have melted down better weapons than what he carried.

We were shown to our room. It was extremely filthy and had three kinds of bugs in the bed alone. I pulled a light bomb from null, set it to go off, threw it into the room, and shut the door on it.

After I saw the light under the door flash and then go out, I went in. I used an incantation to suck all the dead critters and loose dirt out through the window. The room was all bright and clean looking now. Light can do that if you know the way of it.

By the time the door was shut, young Laura had stripped herself naked. I removed my clothes and folded them. I used the cleaning spell on our clothes and on us. I lay on the bed, and Laura was soon beside me, wanting to fuck right away.

Laura is shorter than the day is long. I estimate her at just under 1.48 meters, or 4 foot 9. I am a hair shy of two meters tall, or 6 foot 5. This may give you an understanding of why women wanted me, but they all wanted me on the bottom. They did not want me on top as I weighed 111 kilos or 245 pounds.

No, this was not some woman-superior bullshit. It has to do with the ability of a woman to breathe while I am on top of her. If I relax on top of a woman after sex, they simply cannot breathe. One looks up at me and knows this instinctively. I don’t even try to get on top. The male dominant position does not work well unless we are doing it doggy style.

Not long after embracing me, Laura climbed on top. My cock would not go in her. She’s not wet enough. I reversed her so she was near my face, and I licked her until she decided she wanted to try the big sausage again.

After fucking me three times, I’d come twice, and the girl passed out from her efforts. I got up to pee and get some water. As I turned back, I put a mage light up over her and saw the raw redness of her inner lips.

I cast a healing spell that lightened her inside color. I loved the now light pink shade. I changed her areolas to a dark pink shade, set them as permanent, and made the nipples a cherry red color. I relaxed her body so she could rest easy.

Just before sunrise, I heard Laura making the characteristic high-frequency peeing sound a girl makes on the chamberpot. She hopped off and right on top of me. She was feeling frisky again. I should have left her pussy aching.

I spelled the urine from her crotch.

I said, “Did you see your nipples this morning?”

She looked down and saw them, “Did you do that? That’s a very adorable shade, isn’t it? I’ll be proud to carry these for you, master. Is this where I get my first baby?”

“Mmm, no! I told you I’m not looking forward to sour milk and poop smells. I’m a lot older than I look. I have already had several children. My youngest children are your mother’s age.”

She asked, “How old are you?”

(I’m 138, but I kept that to myself. )

I said, “Never you mind. I’m old enough to know I should put off having children until I feel like our lives are more stable. A few years, maybe more.”


I said, “You want to replace me with dirty diapers and aching nipples? Don’t be in such a hurry. Your pussy would ache for months after giving birth, don’t be in such a hurry. What are you thinking?”

“Babies are so cute.”

I said, “BAH! So are mountain lions when they are young. All babies are cute. It takes years of hard work to raise children. Are you going to make my morning? If not, I could go find another more entertaining girl.”

I continued, “See, my big issue is this is not my first time with a woman. It’s all fun and games until a baby arrives; then, I may as well sit in a corner and take care of my needs myself. Everything becomes about the baby. Screw that!

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