A Bad Portal - Cover

A Bad Portal

Copyright© 2024 by Gnome De Ploom

Chapter 10

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Khurick is a Wizard and troubleshooter for an unnamed god. He visits worlds to fix things at his God's direction. On arrival on a new mission, he has to figure out what his mission entails. This story is a three-part Sword and Sorcery saga. Part 1 begins based loosely on the planet Chaos from the Damsels In Distress universe. Planet Chaos only provides the fundamental backdrop for Part 1. It is a non-canon Damsel's story. 21 chapters - Semiweekly

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft   Mult   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   High Fantasy   Science Fiction   Aliens   Extra Sensory Perception   Magic   Group Sex   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   White Female   First   Masturbation   Pregnancy   Big Breasts   Small Breasts  

I did not know it at the time, but I was being inescapably adopted by both Emma’s and Kayley’s families. I became their chosen male figurehead. Eventually, I would become quasi quasi-husband to them as the girls got older. Emma’s youngest, Francis, 4 at the time, was the last of my women. Eventually, I initiated all of them by the age of 14 or 15. Most hung on as my mates.,

I have women coming out of my ears. I have very compliant women willing to do anything for me. I had wealth and a large stable of willing females.

Over many years, many babies were born.

One day at Holly’s house. I found I had a message from the bank manager to meet.

After making love with Holly for a while, I eventually went to see the banker the following day. Only I did it after a good night’s sleep-in with Holly, lots of lovemaking, and a hearty breakfast.

In his office, he shook my hand. I thought, ‘OK, here comes the bad part.’

After we settled down, he started the conversation.

The Bank Manager said, “During one of our discussions, you mentioned you were a troubleshooter. My head office and I had wondered what that entails. We have some serious trouble, slavery. The next town over, Burlsky, has been taken over by slavers. It’s 4 days west of here by horse. We are worried it will spread if not stopped now.”

He continued, “How quickly slavery can spread is what alarms us about slavery. It tends to seed other pockets of slavery in other places. It’s too lucrative and easy for lazy men. Too many of these local men are susceptible to its temptation. Sex and power for their minds.”

I knew he was referring to the Chaosian men; they were dumb-ass dicks.

I said, “Well if I were to travel there, I’m not sure my old wagon and horses could make the trip and back. Plus, I would be spending weeks on the road.”

He said, “We know you can portal. Can’t you portal there?”

I said, “Portal where” I have never been there. Would you have me portal myself into a tree or inside a mountain? I must clearly see the destination clearly in my mind before I dare open or step into a portal.”

A small bell rang.

He said, “Pardon me.”

He opened a drawer and took out a wafer-thin something. He held it to his left ear and listened for a bit, then said, “Yes, mother?”

After a pause, he said, “I’ll do that, bye, mother.”

He said, “We have a bank in Burlsky. If I could show you a live image of the inside of the bank, can you port directly to that?”

I said, “Easily. Once there I can return to anywhere here in Foxtown that I have been to before.”

He said, “I wish I could do that.”

I said, “It is not without its hazards and pains. It took me decades to learn how.”

He said, “When would you like to go there?”

I said, “How about right now, send word to my Holly and Emma Burns that I may be a day or seven. I won’t know until I have snooped around a bit.”

I felt the happy feeling in my belly telling me Loditte was pleased. He had let me get my covey of pretty birds to keep me entertained and happily drained and rejuvenated. This was my mission here on Chaos.

It was time for me to go to work.

The manager hit a switch, and an old computer monitor folded up from inside his desk. He typed for a minute and then rotated the monitor so I could see.

He asked, “Will that work?”

I said, “Perfect.”

I put on a guise ring, selected a hard-case asshole look, and opened a portal into the Burlsky bank. At the time, there was only the teller there. He jumped when I stepped into the room.

I held my forefinger near my lips. I said, “Shh, mum’s the word, Mr. Teller.”

I walked out onto a wooden sidewalk. Two toughs were nearby and gave me the evil eye.

I laughed, “Come ahead, I could use some pocket money.”

They turned away and slunk off. They get to live another day.

My priest-given rules of engagement meant I could kill to protect myself or innocent people. No marauding around and killing Willy-Nilly. I walked around looking at things. The first bad sign was, that I saw no women on the street and few local men.

A day in town, and I had learned the women were all out at a farm. A big farm. Several farms and ranches had been taken over and combined into one big property.

I set out in the direction of the farm. I went behind some bushes and removed my clothes and put on a glide suit from null. It’s a smooth, satiny synthetic. It’s sky blue on the front. If you look up looking for one, it’s perfectly camouflaged with the sky.

I moved near an old tree that has an open side where something took some of it in the past. I opened a portal to a bare branch. I put my hand on the trunk and stepped out onto the branch gingerly; it held me easily.

I stayed there a while looking. I had to get up the gumption to jump off. I spelled the wind so it would always blow from straight ahead of me. The wind would supply the lift to the glide suit’s wings.

It wasn’t truly flying at first. The wind pushed me backward slowly until I could claw myself higher into the sky. Then, I begin gliding forward.

A flying suit was a whole other way to fly. I was no good at that. It drains your core quickly since it uses magic to power it. I preferred the fun of gliding. It takes less effort.

I jumped towards the wind, and as I left my branch, I unfurled my glide wings. I turned slowly toward where I wanted to go. I glided along above the trees at a slow rate, getting used to gliding again. I gained altitude.

I sure could have used this when I first arrived. It would have saved me a long walk. Unfortunately, there were no tall trees out on the prairie. I needed a spot to jump from so I could glide. Spelling the wind to blow from the ground would just blow me this way and that.

I could levitate up, but I never got the hang of gliding from a fixed spot in the air. The moment the wind started, I could be blown sideways or upside down. I needed to move in a direction before I had control; jumping from heights did that well. It also required minimum effort.

I scouted from above the trees for a while. I mapped what I saw from the air. Five farms. One wheat, farm, one smaller place for vegetables. One for hogs, one small place for chickens, and a cattle ranch. They maybe had some kind of co-op going. The hog farmer could trade for a side of beef. Or several chickens processed over weeks.

The cattle ranch had a bigger house and barn. That’s where the action was.

At dusk, “I cast a shadow. I didn’t become a shadow; I sent forth a small piece of my immediate shadow. I could move the shadow from place to place, observing and listening. Myself, I was up a tree sitting on a cushion. I had cast an illusion I was an extra branch in the tree.

I spent two days reconnoitering and listening. The five senior slavers tended to eat together at night. They used that time to confer on how things were, and make plans. I watched and waited. I had changed into my wizard robes. They are warded and contain physical and magical shields. I am completely safe in it amongst these buffoons.

I saw my chance. The five were alone at the table, and the women were all in the kitchen momentarily. I ported in and put up a shield over the doorway. I spelled the women to sleep where they were. I threw a light bomb into the dining room. They are silent, and the men become momentarily blind. I stepped into the room and put them to sleep.

I put synthetic cuffs and leg manacles on each man. Tomorrow, I will hold court. I ported the five slaver supervisors to a bedroom. I put a shield inside the room as a containment. They were going nowhere, and there was no rescue.

I returned to the kitchen and woke the sleeping women. After a lot of chattering, they finally got me some pork and beans and a hot tea. I did get some buttered crunchy bread. After I ate, I had them heat water, so I had my favorite bitter drink.

One of the gals seemed to hover over me a lot. She’s uncommonly lovely. At one point, she slid into my lap and began kissing me deeply. She panted and wiggled a great deal while she kissed me. I knew I was fucked when she called me her hero.

I said, “What’s your name, darling?’

She said, “I’m Delta Cook, I am actually a chef, not a cook.”

The word chef said it all. Chaos does not have chefs. I had a genuinely distressed Damsel here.

I asked, “Are you a Damsel, by chance?”

She paused, kissing my neck long enough to mumble, “Umm-hmm.”

I said, “Sorry, I am NOT a hero, darling.”

“What? You’re not? You rescued me; you must be my hero.”

I said, “No. Unfortunately for you, I am a wizard sent by a higher power to stop the slavery here. I live outside the whole Cassandra, Crossroads, Chaos, Earth thing. If you and I ‘Do the deed,’ you will likely be stuck here for the rest of your life. I will take you to Foxtown and we can check in there as to your status and what you should do. Tonight, no hanky-panky for you, sweet darling.”


She got up and went to talk to the other kitchen ladies. In a little bit, I was headed for bed. I was just getting down to my skin when two giggling women came into my room.

The older one said, Master, “Mistress Cook sent us in to comfort you.”

I said, “You are?”

She said, “My name is Blondy for obvious reasons.” She pointed to the other one and said, “She’s called Junior. She’s my daughter and calling her Blondy Junior got too confusing, so we just call her Junior now.”

I asked, “How old is Junior?”

“She just turned 16. I’m 27.”

They had removed their sleeping clothes. Neither was a true blonde. They were gingers, blondish with a touch of orange added. Both had little hair below. Junior was almost bald where it counted. Junior’s tits fit in her small hands. Blondy was larger up top, but only by a little. Both had a light creamy coloring with sprinkles of light-colored freckles everywhere.

Both have cone-shaped areolas that come to a sharp point. Their combined areola nipples are soft and squishy at the tips. Momma was on me like a cat on a mouse. As she fucked me, I made a few changes.

Her labia became bare. I ported the loose hair outside. I tightened up her cunt. I made her tits firmer. I did my nipple modification. I brought her gapped teeth at the front together. I fucked her for some time. I did not cum in her. She’s fertile and too ready right now. She may already be pregnant for all I know. It takes a day or so for their hormones to change over.

I let Blondy fuck me for quite a while. She was rather lazy. So, feeling kind of ‘meh,’ I went along with her, yet without much spirit. Not every fuck is a beautiful woman that knows how and loves to fuck. She was above average in looks, but not very passionate at all.

When she ran down and became tired, her daughter, Junior, took over.

Junior is more excited and wants to fuck. She’s less worldly and enjoys me a lot more. I fixed a twisted tooth in her smile and did the nipple mod. She didn’t need anything else. Her labia are still bare.

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