Not Yet - Cover

Not Yet

Copyright© 2024 by INtrinSicliValud

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - When Bobby playfully convinces his wife Lisa to tease the older widower, Pete, next door, neither realizes the fantasies about to be ignited. Nor the secrets soon to be revealed. Hers, those of the trim, muscular, well-endowed man, and the depth of Bobby’s desires.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Sharing   BDSM   Rough   Exhibitionism  

It was almost a week before I caught another glimpse of Pete. Not that I’d been checking. Not that often. I mean, it was only neighborly to check for him. But I hadn’t spotted him since the pool.

He was an early riser. I knew that from, uh, not stalking him. And, um, one morning, while I was passing our upstairs bathroom window, I spotted him. Again shirtless, his tanned shoulders rippled in the slanting sunbeams as he worked in the yard below. Snip by snip, he was edging, shaping, driving the rosebushes into the shape he desired. He was so focused. His motions measured. Forceful. Incisive.

Even through the closed window, each snip of Pete’s powerful shearing was sending tingles through me. Right after applying my makeup, I was still readying for work; and only wore a black lace bra and panties. After a quick glance into the darkened bedroom where Bobby lay sleeping, I sank my teeth into my lower lip and returned to inspect Pete’s glistening form.

My hand lifted. No, I shouldn’t. That had been one tease. With lots of good whiskey. And the scorching sun. Oh, and a persuasive, but drunken husband goading me. This was different. I couldn’t do this. My fingers pulled away. As time wobbled, my mind rubber-banded.

At the soft thunk when my shaking digits unlatched and eased the window open, I jolted. At the motion’s muffled screech, my breathing staggered. Though it wasn’t loud, it was noisy enough. In a daze, even as Pete’s head tilted upwards, I pushed it wider. So that he could see me. Well, from his angle, at least my lace-covered chest. With heat racing up my skin to sear my cheeks and ears, I trembled.

But I held myself still, letting his glimmering gray eyes drift over me. Again.

And once more, Pete remained stoic, releasing only the slightest of tight grins before returning to his yard work. Snip. Snip. Although I couldn’t see his shorts from here, he had to be hard. He must be. With my heart pounding, that thought lingered within me until he turned, broad glossy tanned shoulders back and head high, to trudge away. The snips had stopped. He was done. The rose bushes looked gorgeous. Well-shaped. No, perfectly formed. A craftsman. A talent.

“Hey, hon. Good morning,” Bobby’s sleepy words broke my reverie as he stumbled past, heading for the commode. “Watcha lookin’ at?”

“Huh? Oh, um, uh, nothing.” My pulse racing, I pulled the window shut and risked one last glance at Pete’s disappearing silhouette before turning to flash a smile at Bobby. “It’s such a nice day. I just wanted some fresh air.”

After Bobby’s nod and grunt, I slipped away to dress and head for work.

Once I’d arrived at the building, time slithered to a halt as I sat in the car, staring at the parking garage wall. With my heart hammering, my fingers squeaked on the leather steering wheel. What the hell kind of game was I playing? And why? Well, I knew why. There was a raw attraction to Pete. But I loved Bobby. A lot. Kinks and all, he was sweet and kind. And he tried his best.

While entering the office, I kept repeating, “sweet and kind” under my breath. And I was still murmuring the words when I swept in behind my desk. A sigh slipped from me. At least, no one had noticed the squelching that had become louder with each shaky step.

As my pulse rate lowered, I turned to the computer. My fingers hovered over the keyboard. It would be okay. Everything was normal. Only a quaint morning fantasy. Nothing more. And my boobs had been covered. After what Pete had seen at the pool, where was the harm? I’d simply been a bit horny from Bobby’s late-night attempts. As usual.


Pete’s gray eyes gleamed up at me from my darkened monitor. The mantra blipped away. The calm vaporized as my heart thumped. And the thing was. The eyes? They weren’t from when he’d inspected me in the pool. No, it was from earlier. When I’d presented myself to him—again. They looked up at me, glittering in the sunlight. With my mind whirling, I struggled to focus.

The morning dragged.

“Hey there, Mrs. Lawson.” At the melodious yet wavering voice, I sighed while looking up at the young intern, Jake. “Do you wanna get a coffee?”

He was cute. With those pretty sapphire eyes, in a fitted, powder-blue shirt, and custom-tailored navy trousers, his athletic body leaned on the doorframe. A brilliant smile graced his face.

“No, uh, no thanks, Jake. Not today.”

Oof. The speed with which the smile disappeared? You’d think I’d kicked his puppy. With a drawn-out heavy breath and slumping shoulders, he turned away. Cute, yes. But not subtle. He’d miss his peeks into my blouse on our usual daily walk to the café. It was fun to tease him, but those eyes. Not Jake’s, but Pete’s gray lasers. They wouldn’t let me wander. Not just yet. Yet?

All day long, as I struggled to work, Pete’s visage continued to appear. Challenging me? How could I get those silent, unblinking eyes to react? Then again, did I really want Pete to ... What? And what would I do to get a reaction?

For the rest of the day, I pondered that last question. That night, when I flung my leg over Bobby to straddle him, he was wide-eyed. Over the years, I’d let him start our “lovemaking” sessions, since it usually made no difference, but...

Now I had the gray pools and...

When Bobby opened his mouth to speak, I placed the fingers of one hand across his lips as I grasped his root in the other. “Shh.” I forced a smile. “I need this, babe.”

With a winding groan matching his moan, I dropped, taking him into my slippery, desperate pussy in a single swift motion. Impaled on his rod, I gazed into Bobby’s white-rimmed green eyes. Amazement. Shock. Hunger. After shifting my hips, I clawed at his chest when his hands found my waist.

So far, unexpected but normal. Me riding Bobby. Everything was fine.

Except not so much. It wasn’t only Pete’s ghostly eyes watching as I rose, the liquid slurp of my dribbling need echoing amidst Bobby’s rapid breaths and my whimpers. No, it was the impressive, silhouetted tube in the shorts as he lifted from the pool. With a groaning cry, I sank to splat on Bobby’s pelvis before leaping upwards once more.

Pete’s sodden shorts disappeared. My way overstimulated imagination took over. Taut crimson skin. Wrapped in thick veins. Deep purple helm. Pulsing. Enormous balls. So full.

“Oh, fuck!” tore from my lips at the image of Pete’s massive, thick rod, glimmering in the sunlight. “Oh. Mm-hmm, fuck. Oh, yes, baby”

Deep into his skin, my nails sank as I raced up and down like a machine, pumping my husband’s pole, staring into his eyes, but seeing...

“Oh, God. Oh, fuck.” I rocked faster, feeling Bobby push upwards with his hips as hands slipped along my waist. Again and again. Taut and full. Pete’s enormous hard-on. Looming over me. Above my open lips. Pete’s smile. My tongue reaching. His wink. The taste of salty sweat. And more. “Uh, uh, oh. Oh, fuck, I’m coming!”

When I screamed while shuddering atop him, Bobby also shook and cried out. Even as he spurted into me, I collapsed into his arms. As I trembled, he wrapped me tight. But the machine kept running; my hips were still grinding into his pelvis. Hungering for more. Much, much more.

Those shimmering gray eyes. And that swollen, full mast.

Despite Bobby’s hands skimming my body and his lips trying to find mine, I slipped to one side and gnawed at a pillow. Blackness took me as both images wobbled in and out of my swirling mind.

The next morning, with fat raindrops pelting the bathroom window, I kept glancing at the shaped rosebushes. Perhaps Pete would arrive, dripping with glistening water. His eyes would gleam as he stared up at me. While leaning against the frame, a sigh escaped me as I pressed on my panties. Only a single fingertip. And only once—well, maybe twice—before turning away to shimmy into a brown leather skirt.

All the way to work, the weather remained horrendous. Ever-louder thunder shook the office as I arrived. After riding Bobby, I was in a little better condition that morning. Pete’s eyes had dimmed. No wink. No smile. Weird?

When Jake popped his smiling head in at his usual time, I turned him down. No way was I going into the rain in a thin ivory V-necked blouse. It would disappear. Which I’m sure by his lingering gaze before he’d tromped away, he’d looked forward to seeing. Teasing was one thing, pneumonia another.

In the daily afternoon meeting, I took pity on the poor guy. After lowering myself into a swivel seat beside him, I flashed him a grin. Jake actually trembled. As much as Bobby and I played my husband’s fantasy game in bed, I’d done nothing but give Jake the occasional peek of my bra.

Once the lights dimmed and the first speaker began, I stared into space for a long time while holding myself taut. This would be something new. With my heartbeat thundering, I sank teeth into the corner of my lower lip. Could I? Before I knew it, the chair rotated until my thigh nudged Jake’s. It was subtle. Not forceful at all. But it was enough; Jake sucked in air.

When his leg pressed back, I had to hold in a chuckle as he shifted in his seat. With all the nonchalance the trembling man could muster, he snuck an arm across his lap to adjust his trousers. That was fun. As the presentations droned on, I eased my leg up and down. Which got the cutest soft whimpers from Jake.

And that was even more entertaining. The whole time, I held in giggles. God, I hadn’t giggled in ages.

By the last speaker’s concluding remarks, Jake’s cheeks were bright red, and his tongue kept flicking over his lips. Poor boy. As the lights came up, I stood. At my sudden absence, his thigh lurched outwards, and he groaned in surprise. Yes, he’d been pressing back a little. I paused, grinning down at him. His gaze flicked to my tight leather skirt just before him.

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