Not Yet - Cover

Not Yet

Copyright© 2024 by INtrinSicliValud

Chapter 12

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 12 - When Bobby playfully convinces his wife Lisa to tease the older widower, Pete, next door, neither realizes the fantasies about to be ignited. Nor the secrets soon to be revealed. Hers, those of the trim, muscular, well-endowed man, and the depth of Bobby’s desires.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Sharing   BDSM   Rough   Exhibitionism  

As I wobbled to my feet, his grin returned. With each tentative step towards the edge of the pool, my pulse sped faster. Gorgeous, his gray eyes watched every motion of my frame. Drawn to my doom, I walked nearer. Like the proverbial moth to a flame. With a gasp, I staggered to a faltering halt when his muscular frame climbed the steps, rising from the pool. Rivulets of glistening water slithered down each curving swell of his muscled chest and thick, tanned, roped arms.

The entire world blurred, and my heart thumped when water sluiced from the protruding crimson-tipped shaft as it surged from the waves. When I stumbled to a halt before him, my gaze flicked between the dripping apple-sized knob and his grinning face.

Grinning. Good. I pleased him.

“Spread for me, baby girl.” With his eyes locked on mine, that marvelous grin broadened. “Like you did in my basement, horny Lisa.”

Just as in his torture chamber, I obeyed. Cold air flooded my heated flesh when my fingers dug into the sides of my pelvis. Slipping on the sweat and sunscreen-slick skin, my nails sank deeper. The sight of my waiting entrance would please him even more.

“Wider.” That voice commanded. He hadn’t even looked down.

The blurring world spun, and I wavered when my fingertips sank further, pulling my aching pinkness taut. Rivulets became trickling streams down my shaking legs as my fingers slipped in my slick swollen folds. Chilly air shot inside, sending shivers along my—everything.

Only then did Pete lower his gaze. His grin was soon a broad smile.

“Such a beautiful pussy, baby girl. I bet it’s nice and tight, huh?”

Not for Bobby. A gasp fluttered from my lips at the abrupt thought.

When Pete stepped closer, his hand wrapped around his shaft, the world spun quicker. As my breathing raced, my gaze flicked across the trees and our yards. Oh God! We were out in the open. I was spread wide. For him. And he was—ready. More than ready. He’s going to ... Right there. What if Bobby returned?

So what if he did? I gulped. He’d practically given me to Pete, anyway. My skin ignited as flames roared up my cheeks.

At Pete’s large hand clamping my hip, a whimper fled my parting lips. With the heat of his rod approaching below, I locked my eyes on his glimmering gray pools. My God. He was going to do it. Right out there. Take me. With a moan I lurched towards him, but his fingers squeezed, holding me in place as...


With soft spongy flesh engulfing my proud clitoris, jolts of fire shot through me. In his steely grip, my body shook. Air pulsed from my mouth when I gazed at the full length of his thick, gleaming shaft prodding me. Its deep swollen slit, bisected, glided over my aching clit, slathering it with his glistening pre-cum.

“Now, baby girl.” Pete inched closer, pressing himself deep into the short-circuiting nerves around my core. “I’m going to ask you a very important question.” At the profound tone of his voice, my eyes flashed to his. “Are you ready?”

While he nudged and backed a millimeter at a time, stoking the roaring fires in my shuddering center, I struggled to form words. My mind was aflame. The entirety of my body was a shaking mass of electrified need. His brows narrowed. He was unhappy.

“Yes!” flew from my lips.

In the shudder that accompanied my response, my fingertips lost their grip on my slippery flesh. With warmth dribbling and sluicing down my trembling legs, my petals squelched. I needed. And God did a craving flare through me. As I surged forward, a desperate moan escaped. But once again, his enormous hand held me in place. Strong, thick fingers gouged deep into my hip.

“What does your pretty pussy crave, baby girl?”

Crave? What did he mean?

My head tilted as I flicked my eyes to the empty house once more. No, not Bobby. It didn’t crave him. Not anymore. What answer was Pete seeking? Oh, I realized. But I didn’t want to admit it. Or did I? No matter. Before I’d considered the consequences, words slithered free.

“I don’t know,” left my trembling lips while the powerful pulse from his engulfing tip thumped around my throbbing clit.

Pete’s eyes became cold embers. The grin vaporized. Oh, he was not pleased. Not at all.

“Do not make me ask again.” As I shook in his grip, Pete leaned nearer. His bulbous knob shoved into me. At the icy look in those iron-gray, piercing eyes beneath a knitted brow, my chest tightened. “If you lie to me again, I will punish you, baby girl.”

“A cock!” shot from my lips.

Once more I tried to thrust into him, but his strong clenching fingers held me fast. As my heart raced once again, his grin returned, and his eyebrows unfurled. Air puffed from my open lips when he raised the massive bulb along my abdomen, releasing my throbbing button to the chilly outdoors.

“Oh. Mmm, fuck.” I struggled for air as its heated dome rose along my skin. “Oh, oh, wha...?”

Shock after shock pulsed through my twisting frame as the taut, distended mass smeared me with our juices. As his fist drove it upwards, the blood-filled, swollen flesh seared my quivering skin until his warm solid chest mashed into my hardened points.

While his eyes bored into mine, between us he kept sliding his massive rod. To one side. Then the other. Slow. So slow. Like a meaty metronome. Me, on the other hand. Uncontrolled, my frame bucked, mashing my aching nipples into his steely chest. Each violent thrust sent more jolts to fan the gyres of need swirling higher in my shaking core.

“It’s a pity, baby girl. A real shame, but I’ve got company coming over.” He sighed with a slow shake of his head. “And I really don’t think you’re ready. Not yet. Nor Bobby boy.”

As my mind struggled to decipher his words, I lurched forward into—air.

With a widening smile on his face, Pete released my hip, turned, and walked away, pausing only to sweep his shorts over his shoulder.

While shaking like a leaf in a breeze and with my brain whirling, I could do nothing but moan as his shapely muscled back receded. Not ready? He’d smelled my readiness before getting into the pool. As I shifted my weight, my feet were stuck in tacky puddles on the concrete.

Just before reaching the grass, he stopped. That wondrous, broad, white-toothed smile still on his face, Pete looked over his shoulder. After catching my roaming gaze, he held my eyes prisoner with his own beaming gray lasers.

Whose cock, baby girl?”

All I could do was gulp, and the silence stretched on. At last, with only a nod, he turned away and marched home. Crushing the grass before him. Plowing through his yard like a force of nature. Beating each blade with his powerful stride. Meanwhile, all I did was shake. Every single nerve jangled within me. A massive wave, unfulfilled, wavered at the tippy top of my need. One after another, dribbles raced down my sticky legs. It was all I could do to focus on his receding tight body, surrounded by a blurry, dark haze, until it disappeared.

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