Aiden Ascending - Cover

Aiden Ascending

Copyright© 2024 by INtrinSicliValud

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - The sequel to “Aiden and the Ring” finds Aiden alone and distraught. Twelve years after the events of the first story, he’s suffered loss and betrayal. While trying to restart his life at a new job in a strange city, he’s struggling. And the ring continues to weigh on him. While he’s gained confidence in his own ability to wield it, it’s scared of something.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mind Control   Reluctant   Fiction   BDSM   Spanking   Harem  

After several more days of “going through the motions” in the office, Aiden looked up at the night sky. No, that wasn’t fair. Not anymore. It’d become far more than simple repetition. While at first reticent, others had come to acknowledge him. A sigh slid from his pursed lips as he once again soaked in the hot tub after his laps. Wispy steam wafted on the humid night air.

“Fuck me if I haven’t actually learned about this damned company,” he murmured before taking a long sip from a tumbler of whiskey.

Even as a yawn faded from his lips, a grin appeared. There was at least one bright spot. Anytime Eva saw him, she’d flashed a smile. When the ring warmed, Aiden’s gaze shifted. Peering beyond the steaming waters swirling around him, he sought the wall safe in his apartment.

“Yeah, maybe,” he whispered. “Maybe.”

At laughter and a familiar woman’s squeal from the pool, he glanced at the well-lit, glittering blue water. Anna and Rory were moving along the far side of the pool deck toward a pair of chairs. Both were giggling and swaying as Rory filled two glasses from another bottle, this time larger.

Aiden’s pulse raced when Anna slipped from a multi-colored cover-up. After a quick shake of shimmery long hair, she pranced to her husband. The tiniest, black, triangular strips strained to hold her chest as she moved. A flash of Gina at the lake house, where their story had begun, sent his heartbeat skyrocketing. At the surge of energy pumping from the ring, Aiden held in a chuckle. It remembered as well.

And from far away, a powerful thrum of need slammed into him. Even as it continued pulsing, he grinned. Gina also recalled the fun they’d had when she’d worn a similar miniscule, straining swimsuit. And after he’d removed it.

With a very slow and obvious bend, Anna dropped her towel onto a lounge chair. The suit’s black string disappeared between firm buttocks.

“Jesus,” hissed from Aiden.

While he couldn’t have overheard, Rory caught his gaze. After flashing Aiden a knowing grin, he waved, then said something to his wife. With reddening cheeks, she glanced through her dangling auburn tresses at Aiden. Each gentle swirl of that shimmering hair dazzled him with its golden highlights. And still she remained bent at the waist.

As Aiden’s pulse soared, the world wobbled. With the ring’s power surging, he released a long exhale while clamping his mind around the flaring metal circle. But its strange rumbling intensified.

“Really? Another Catherine,” he murmured before closing his eyes and settling lower in the bubbling steamy water. “No, thank you. I don’t need that in my life again.”

As the night wore on, the couple’s playful giggling became low moaning. Soon, Anna’s moans grew louder. From the change in sounds, sharper when they faced the hot tub, they were trying to tease Aiden. Or put on a show. Or both.

After a lengthy sip of whiskey, a chuckle slipped from Aiden’s lips. It died when a much deeper groan echoed across the patio. It had been a long time since he’d made anyone that horny. A wavering sigh hissed from him.

When the groans at last died, Aiden opened one eye before rolling his head to find them. Although in a tight embrace at the center of the sparkling blue pool, both were staring at him. Each clasped a half-empty glass. As his chest tightened in surprise, they jolted at being caught looking at him.

Just then, the wind shifted, carrying Rory’s quiet voice across the water. “Go ahead. I dare you. You know you want to.”

“No, I don’t,” Anna replied.

Except, despite the shake of her head, her glimmering eyes remained fixed on Aiden. When Rory whispered into her ear, her cheeks flared crimson. At first, she again shook her head. But once Anna drained her glass with a swift gulp, she handed the empty to her husband. After a furtive kiss on Rory’s lips, she pushed from him and paddled for the steps.

At the ring’s incessant rumbles, Aiden gulped. Although he tried to grip it tighter, the ring wouldn’t be silenced. It was late. Soon, they’d return to their apartment. The husband was simply...

When he returned to Rory, he flashed a smile at the pale man still hovering in the middle of the glittering water. After reclining, Aiden let his eyelashes close. She was just toweling off. Any second and her husband would join her.

Then they would depart. Leave Aiden alone in silence. Where he belonged.

But as wet footsteps approached, Aiden’s muscles stiffened. With its intense rumbling shaking his teeth, the ring shoved and rolled in his mind’s grip.

“No,” he hissed.

When a wave of bubbling suds glided into his chest, he opened his eyes. Everything but Anna’s wide-eyed visage faded into a blurry inkiness. Cheeks bright red, she sank into the foamy waves until only her face remained above the swirling surface. Time slowed, then stopped as their gazes locked. At the fleeting tap of her leg against his, the ring lurched from his grip. As Aiden shook his head, he raced to stamp out its roaring flames.


Too late.

Before he could slap the flaring circle, wreathed in flames, into its dark corner, Anna’s long eyelashes flicked wider. With a growl, his mind snatched the ring, dousing its fires. It had only been a brief second. As his mind crumpled the cooling metal, Aiden inspected her. Only the faintest of images slipped into him. It was enough, though. His gray eyes. In ecstasy, she was riding him, not her husband.

Only then did he look for Rory. He didn’t have to search far. Intent on them, the man was leaning against the near side of the pool. With a grin, he’d rested his chin on his crossed arms. From beneath low brows, his amused gaze shifted between his wife and Aiden.

At a sudden sharper image, Aiden’s gaze returned to Anna.

“Hmm, you’re right. That bikini.” In a flat tone, words flowed from deep inside his core, intertwined with the still-rumbling, pulsating ring. “It leaves nothing to the imagination, Anna. You might as well not be wearing anything.”

At first, she froze. But when her jaw dropped, both eyebrows shot higher. After a quick snort, she covered a giggle before turning to her husband.

“Honey, Aiden said exactly what I told you about this swimsuit.”

At her gasp, Aiden started. Eyes white-rimmed, her gaze flew back to him. As she covered her mouth, her eyes flooded with realization. She’d never spoken those words to Rory. Aiden kept still as a tremor rippled through her. With her head tilting slowly to one side, her eyes narrowed.

Yes, he knew. Aiden had viewed her dream.

As she returned to look at her husband, he also glanced at the paddling man. Although Rory wore a puzzled expression, he cupped his mouth with his hands.

“Well, you might as well then,” Rory called out.

Even as her husband’s voice echoed, the ring’s rumble became a thundering roar. The tiny patch of skin where her leg had touched flared with heat. As Anna shuddered, the pool darkened and everything except her sparkling gray-green pools slipped into a wavering blur.

“Uh, w-what?” she replied.

From her dream, images, though faint, whispered through Aiden. As he tensed, ready to leave the tub, she dragged her glistening tongue around her full red lips. In her eyes—confusion. Behind them—desire. No, more than desire—hunger. And curiosity.

“Like we agreed. Go ahead. Take off your top, honey.” When Rory laughed, she flashed her gaze to him. “Show Aiden those gorgeous tits of yours. It’s not as if he hasn’t already seen most of them, anyway. Go on. Dare you.”

Although she shook her head while sucking on those shiny, full lips, the ring’s rumbles deepened. When towering flames erupted, its ghostly flickering tendrils slashed out to surround her. Not touching, just encircling. A hammering drum in his chest, Aiden’s heart raced.

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