Sleepover - Cover


Copyright© 2024 by Peter Duncan

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Brenda, a thirty-three-year-old married woman who is starving for sex sleeps over at her married friend's house. After killing three bottles of wine with her friend Trish and Trish's husband, Brenda goes to bed and is surprised when Trish's naked father slides into bed beside her. After a night of glorious sex Brenda, charged by her experience of the previous night, goes home to her husband, Darrell, and gives him an ultimatum.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cuckold   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Father   Daughter   Analingus   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting  

Darrell admired Jim Correy when they first met. Though he was Trish Howell’s father and Gary’s father-in-law he and Jim had formed an unusually fast bond. Darrell couldn’t explain the friendship that had happened so quickly, he just liked the older man’s openness. He was also taken with the way Jim and his wife Martha seemed so open-minded and intimate with one another. It was obvious to him that Jim and Martha were an extremely sexually active couple, which made him feel inadequate.

He and Brenda seemed to have an acceptable sexual life, but he felt that his wife was a bit kinky—eager to take his penis inside her mouth which he found inappropriate as well as hinting, that she would like for him to put his mouth on her pussy, which he found revolting. Why can’t she be satisfied with just fucking? He loved putting his cock into his wife’s pussy and fucking until he came, which usually took more than four minutes. He was always satisfied with the outcome and thought she was too. Though the sounds Brenda made while he fucked her were sounds of enjoyment, she often said, “Please don’t stop, Darrell.” Sex for Darrell was enjoyable. When he came, he always felt relaxed enough to go right to sleep but couldn’t understand why Brenda asked for more. Having heard about nymphomania Darrell wondered if Brenda could be suffering from that. He wished he could to talk with someone and get some answers.

At one of the Howell’s gatherings where Jim Correy was present—this was months after Martha had died—he and Jim were having an in-depth conversation about marriage when Jim asked, “And how is your marriage, Darrell?”

Feeling intimidated by the question, Darrell wondered why Jim chose to ask it and said, “Bren and I are very much in love with one another, Jim. We’re quite happy together. Why do you ask?”

“Well,” Jim said, “As you know, Martha and I were quite happy, there was a real spark in our lives. And when I look at Trish and Gary, they seem to show the same spark. But, observing you and Brenda I don’t see the same kind of spark. Is everything okay between you two?”

“Everything is fine, Jim. She gets a little peeved at me because I work so late—and I am tired when I get home—so she gets annoyed that I want to go to sleep when she still has a lot of energy. But I work my ass off, Jim.”

Looking around the room Jim smiled at one of the wives who seemed to be staring at him, and said, “Tell you what, Darrell, do you think we could have breakfast in the morning? It’s Saturday and you’re not working, right?”

“I suppose I could, Jim. What’s on your mind?”

“You and Bren, Darrell.”

“We’re fine.”

“So, you say, but I don’t see the spark. And I get the sense that you might like to talk to someone.”

At first, intimidated by the invitation and the reason Jim seemed to be making it, Darrell was relieved at the opening. He had the strange sensation that a weight had been taken off his shoulders. “Well actually, Jim, there is something I would like to get off my chest. I would like to have breakfast with you. I’ve often wished we could talk privately.”

“Great, Darrell, I like talking with you too. Let’s meet at Ferrell’s. Eight-thirty, okay? Now, I’ve got to get across the room and talk with a lovely lady over there who’s been smiling at me all night.” He winked. “Never know when opportunity might be calling.”

As Darrell watches Jim walk to the attractive brunette woman he is speaking of, he sees them exchange greetings, both smile and shake hands he thinks, So sad that Martha’s gone. I know how much he misses her. He’s a horny old guy now. I wonder if he would really try to put the make on a married woman. I Wonder what Brenda might think about that. I wish I understood why sex is so important to everybody but me.

After ordering coffee and breakfast Jim said, “So, you must think I’m a horny old guy.”

Feeling as if he had been put on the spot Darrell said, “I don’t know why you would say that. Um ... I have a fairly good idea from watching you with Martha, God rest her soul, that romance is important to you.”

Jim shrugged. “I miss Martha terribly, Darrell, but I’m a realist who is greatly saddened by the loss of the love of my life. But I am not going to let it get in the way of pleasures that have always been paramount to me.”

“So do you think will try to find another woman?”

“To live with, you mean?”

“Yes,” Darrell said

“Finding another woman to live with would be a tall order for a man who has worshipped his wife for as many years as I have, Darrell. I’ve gotten used to being with a certain kind of woman. That kind of relationship takes time, and at my age, I’m not sure I have that kind of time?”

“But you talked about the pleasures that have been paramount to you. Do you think you will um date?”

Jim laughed and said, “Date? That sounds like such a young man’s word, Darrel. At this time in my life, I’m more interested in a woman I can go to bed with. I have been celibate since well before Martha died, and I’m ready to enjoy the life of a bachelor for a while. It’s been so long since I have had that and I want to get a taste of it again.”

“But do you think you can find a woman in your age bracket that you can enjoy that with?”

“Good grief yes, Darrell. I’ve been fending off women like that since a week after Martha’s funeral. But I’m not interested in women my age, even ten years younger. I’m more interested in women Trish’s and Bren’s age. I guess it’s the tight skin and perky breasts and asses.”

“DAMN, are you serious, Jim?” Darrell had eyed the woman, Carly Stokes, whom Jim went to speak with when they had finished talking last night.

“I’m a fortunate man, Darrell, I’ve already been approached by women that age, and I’ve also had conversations with women from thirty to fifty that I know that I have a clear path to enjoy. But I’m not interested in a woman just for the sake of sex. I can find that anywhere. I would like to at least be with a woman who, just talking with I can feel vibes that indicate her interest. In me as a person.”

“Like, Carly Stokes?”

Jim’s long stare told Darrell that he struck a chord. With a wry smile, he said, “I’m surprised you were paying attention.”

“It seemed that you two were hitting it off.”

“I’ll say, Darrell. Carly Stokes exudes sexuality and that vibe had me thinking.”

“But she’s married, Jim. Would you have an affair with her?”

“I’m not interested in an affair, Darrell, I want sex, from a one-nighter to maybe something for a couple of weeks. As far as her being married, that’s her problem.”

“But what about her husband?”

“Her husband? Her husband is brain-dead. Between his arrogance and naivety, he has already sent that woman on the prowl. Carly is too easy, Darrell, she’s no challenge. I like a little adventure in my fornication.”

“Do you think I’m arrogant and brain-dead, Jim?”

“Arrogant? Not at all Jim, you’re obviously in love with Bren, as she is with you—which I often question why. Brain-dead? I don’t know if you are brain-dead but it appears to me like you neglect your wife’s sexual needs?”

“How do you know that Jim”

“Bren talks with Trish and Trish talks with me. There’s trouble on the horizon, Darrell. Bren has accepted that you are totally committed to your job. According to Trish, she feels that you love your job more than you love her and that you are more married to your law practice than you are to her.”

Darrell sighed. “I might just be different than many other guys, Jim, but I have never thought of sex as being paramount.”

“I’ve only known you in the company of Trish and Gary, Darrell, and It has always appeared to me that unlike Martha and me as well as Trish and Gary, you and Brenda appear to show no evidence of intimacy. I know a lot of couples are secretive about those kinds of things, yet there is an aura of affection between them. You two never seem to touch. I’ve always wondered how a marriage could exist without that.”

“I’m not a touchy-feely person, Jim.”

“But Brenda is, Darrell.”

“What do you mean, Jim?”

“Bren is touchy-feely with me. When we meet, she responds warmly to my hugs and seems to want to extend them longer than just a greeting. She was the same way with Martha and is with Trish and Gary as well. When we talk, she is touchy with all of us. You, on the other hand, always stand apart, alone. You are interesting to talk with—fascinating really—but you appear to be your own island.

“I grew up in a family where we never outwardly showed our affection, Jim. We loved each other. But we just never made a big show of it.”

“I know there are families like that but I don’t understand it. Most women, including your wife, love hugs, and other displays of affection. They need to be confirmed and explored. What do you think about sex, Darrell?

Darrell blushed. “I don’t understand it. I’m not good at sex, Jim. I like it but I just want to get off and then get on with life.”

“What if I told you that if Brenda doesn’t get enough sex from you, she very likely will find it elsewhere else?”

“I know you will find my answer strange, Jim, but I often wonder if Brenda could enjoy sex with someone else yet stay married to me. I ... I’m not saying I wouldn’t have sex with her. She ... She’s always bugging me about it. And I ... I realize that she needs more ... and I’m not um motivated to do it as much as she seems to need it.” With a look of confusion, Darrell shrugged his shoulders and went on, “Have you ever heard of something like this, Jim?”

“Yes, I have, Darrell.” Jim wasn’t going to divulge to Darrell how he knew, but Martha and he had been swingers for much of their married lives. Doing threesomes in that scenario wasn’t uncommon. “Let me ask you this, Darrell, “Have you ever had thoughts of watching Bren having sex with another man?”

“Why, yes, Jim, I have ... not all the time but enough to make me think that I would rather watch Bren having sex with another man than have sex with her myself. GEEZ, Jim, you must think I’m weird.”

“In the first place, Darrell, there is so much about sex that is considered kinky or weird, depending on who is doing the considering. So, though you are different than most men, you’re definitely not weird. Have you discussed any of this with Bren?”

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