NIS: Breeder Program - Cover

NIS: Breeder Program

Copyright© 2024 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 9

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Julie asked her mother to join NIS (Naked in School) AKA "The Program" with her. This year they are allowing eligible mothers who can bear children to join the program as "Breeders" in this social experiment/education program.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Teen Siren   BiSexual   School   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Daughter   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Spanking   PonyGirl   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Lactation   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Water Sports   Public Sex   Nudism   Illustrated  

I was waiting by Julie’s feet in the living room in the squatting position. I held my tits and mouth open slightly and looked straight ahead. I had lots of reflective time in that position. It was also fun to laugh and listen to the singers with my daughter as we watched the American Idol show together.

My daughter squeezed my hand when she heard her father’s car roll into the driveway. I was so nervous. “Does Jim have to see like this when he walks in?” I didn’t want my husband seeing me squat in such a vulgar manner.

It was hard for me to contain my physical excitement being nude in my own house. My nipples were extended and my pussy was wet. I felt really turned on by it, even though it was just Julie and I in the living room. I also felt very guilty and aware that I should be humiliated by squatting like I was. I could only smile through it all.


It felt very natural to just plant a big old grin on my face and do what I had agreed to do.

My daughter looked down into my eyes, and she smiled. “Go ahead and greet him at the door. We can address your positions later.”

That was great. I felt like I had earned a small reprieve. It might have been too shocking for Jim to see me in the new observation position before we had a conversation. It didn’t really matter anyway. I greeted him at the door, and he looked at me with disgust.

“Are you a dog now?” he said as he noticed my collar and lead.

“No,” I replied as he briskly walked past me into the house.

“Are you intentionally trying to let the neighbors see you?”

“No, but you knew that I would be naked as part of the Program.”

“I thought it was just at school. How come she isn’t naked?” Jim pointed at my daughter. “This was all Julie’s idea!”

“She’s a Trainer. She just has to be nude at school,” I explained. Jim had a right to ask questions and be angry that things had changed which he hadn’t fully approved.

Jim dismissed my explanation and looked me up and down. I felt like he was being critical of the cellulite and chubby parts of my body that weren’t perfect any longer, like when I was younger. “You don’t care that Reese and Dewey can see your body?”

“They are going to see naked women at the NIS Program in school. There are prettier girls to look at besides their mother,” I replied without actually answering his question. I still wasn’t entirely comfortable with them looking at me, but I wasn’t going to let Jim make me into a villain.

“I don’t know what has gotten into you. I can understand wanting the money, but they put a collar around your neck?” he asked as he took hold of my collar and examined it. “What does wearing this have to do with having a baby?”

“It’s part of the Program, Dad,” Julie responded from her chair. “It’s capturing GPS and heath information.”

“I am asking your mother,” he shot down our daughter’s question and expected me to answer him.

“As she said, it’s part of the Program. There is a whole reasoning behind why there is a Trainer assigned to every Breeder. There are three other mothers in the Program, and then two girls from high school, and all of them have been assigned Trainers.”

“If they will let a high school student in the breeding Program, why didn’t Julie sign up to be bred?” Jim asked. I will say that, to his credit, he wasn’t raising his voice. He was clearly unhappy, but he wasn’t yelling.

“Because she asked me to do it with her, and I said yes,” I answered for her since Jim wanted me to answer. I couldn’t imagine my daughter making that sacrifice and having a baby at her age.

“I am trying to support you, Brittany. I just really don’t understand the point of any of this,” Jim was done fuming. He could smell the Pot Roast. I had also made bacon, and I knew that was one of his favorite smells. His mood lightened a little when he got closer to the kitchen.

At dinner, I made sure everyone had their plates full. “Dewey, Reese, what do you think of your mom’s new house wear?” Jim asked if they approved of my being naked from now on at home, but he was trying to be funny. Instead, it came off as cynical.

“It’s cool,” Dewey was the first to respond to Jim’s jibe.

“It’s weird, but Mom has always been a little weird,” Reese shrugged his shoulders.

“Did the other boys tease you when they saw your mom naked for the first time?”

“No,” they answered. Reese had specifically told me they had. I wasn’t going to contradict him in front of his father.

“If boys are anything like they were in my day,” Jim took a bite out of his food and added, “they definitely will. Why don’t you sit down and eat, Brittany?” he asked.

I looked at Julie. There was an empty seat at the table. She knew what I was asking.

“Mom, are you going to sit like you did before Dad got home?” Dewey asked before my daughter got a chance to tell me if I could sit on the chair.

“Oh? How did she sit?” Jim raised his eyebrows in mock surprise. He didn’t like where this was going.

“All of the Breeders have to practice the observation position and not sit in chairs,” I blushed as I spoke. I could feel the redness drifting up to my ears.

“I was wondering if I was going to find snail trails all over the chairs,” Jim said vulgarly as he wiped his mouth with his napkin.

“Go ahead, Brittany,” Julie indicated she already had one of the pre-mix bottles with the formula of vitamins and protein ready for me.

“Yes, go ahead, Brittany,” Jim narrowed his brows at me as if he was daring me to do it in front of him so that he could complain about it.

I nervously took my place at Julie’s feet, spread my knees about three-quarters of as far as I would have normally, and looked up. I didn’t want to look at him, but I caught his gaze immediately.

“Haw-haw,” Jim laughed at me. I think he was laughing at the pitiful face I was making. I remembered what my daughter had said about making people feel bad about my situation.

I felt like Jim thought I was a brainless bimbo and, he was laughing at my shame and humiliation. I wasn’t angry with him. I was acting like a brainless bimbo.

“This is so we don’t take up a chair in the classroom. The attached desks won’t accommodate us when our bellies get full, so we sit on the floor,” I explained.

“Is it really necessary for you to sit like THAT, though?” he looked right at my pussy and asshole. I doubt he had seen both without the cover of darkness in years. We usually made love with the lights out whenever we actually did.

“Yes, this is the observation position. I am supposed to practice it at home. All the Breeders are doing it. You spread your legs like a butterfly, and squat down.”

“If all the Breeders jumped off a bridge, would you?” Jim asked rhetorically before asking, “So, while I am out trying to make a dollar, you are out showing the entire world your winker and your stinker?” Jim could be particularly vulgar. That’s where the kids got some of their more colorful language, especially Reese. The boys laughed when he used those terms.

“Jim, I didn’t design the Program, but no one at school seemed all that shocked when we demonstrated it,” I said.

“Where did you DEMONSTRATE it?” Jim became furious that I showed my naked body to the entire school.

“At the pep rally!” Dewey said proudly. He seemed either oblivious to his father’s darkened mood or like he was attempting to defend me.

“So, the entire school saw you spread like THAT?”

“Girls have been doing stuff like that for reasonable requests since I’ve been going to North Little Rock, Dad,” Reese explained. “We can give them reasonable requests, and they’ve got to show us everything.”

“I wish it was that easy in my day. Just snap your finger and make a reasonable request and see some titties pop out?” Jim snapped his fingers for effect. Then he added, “I’ve got a reasonable request? How about you put some fucking clothes on, have some self-respect, and go back to normal?”

“That’s not how reasonable requests work, Dad,” Julie said.

“Explain it to me like I am a toddler then. Use words like goo-goo and gaa-gaa, to make it easy for me to understand why on earth a student Dewey’s age could tell your mom to show him her pussy and she has to open up like that and let him look like he is Goddamned Jacques Cousteau exploring the deep dark seas?”

None of the kids got the reference to Jacques Cousteau, but their father made his position clear. It was actually kind of funny. I found it hard not to laugh imagining Dewey in a little submarine staring inside of me. It was easier to laugh and smile than it was to express shame, so I had a goofy grin on my face. I am sure it sent a mixed message but I was fighting off a giggle. My husband could be accidentally funny when he made comments like that and usually made me laugh when he was actually trying to complain.

“Dad, it’s like there are rules for reasonable requests, but they aren’t set in stone. Everyone in the Program, whether they are a girl or a guy, has to perform the standard requests, but they can only be for certain things,” Reese explained in my defense.

“That still doesn’t explain WHY they have to do them. Is it just some crazy world where you can tell a girl to suck your dick, and she just says, ‘Okay! I guess if it’ll teach you about blowjobs or something, hurk-a-hurk!” Jim imitated a dumb bimbo sucking an imaginary penis.

I have to admit, that it was kind of funny. We all laughed at his impression. It added some much needed levity to the conversation.

“No, Dad. It’s not like that,” Dewey said. “If it was, I’d still be at school!” he joked. He explained that blowjobs were actually off-limits. “I know, because I asked!”

I nearly fell over laughing, and everyone else chuckled heartily.

“It was all in the rules I brought home, Dad. The educational value of the reasonable requests is to normalize nudity, dispel myths and old wives’ tales about how the body works, and yes we teach about the sexual nature of our bodies. We are teenagers; it’s perfectly normal to be curious,” Julie added.

“In my day, if you were curious, you sweet-talked a girl until you could get her alone in a backseat or behind the bushes, and you learned that way. It worked for me, and I turned out fine,” Jim said.

“A reasonable request is kind of like a dare, except they HAVE to do it as long as it’s within reason, Dad,” Reese shrugged.

“Yeah, like when we reasonably requested that Julie spin in circles while rubbing her tummy, patting her head and making herself dizzy,” Dewey laughed.

“You made your sister do that?” Jim was shocked.

“Sure did!” Dewey didn’t see any problem with boasting about it to his father. He was clearly proud of himself and quite amused by the fact his sister had satisfied his request.

“How in the fuck does doing that educate kids? Shouldn’t you be learning the three R’s?”

“What are the three R’s?” Reese and Dewey asked simultaneously.

“Jesus, they don’t even teach you what the three R’s ARE?” Jim asked incredulously.

“Arr, Arr, Matey! Shiver me timbers,” Reese joked with his father, which made Jim’s harsh exterior crack a little and lighten up.

“The three R’s are Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic,” Julie remembered what I had told her earlier in the car.

“That makes no sense. Only one of those words starts with R,” Dewey observed with a grin.

“I know! Right?” Julie smiled, and her eyes twinkled as she did.

I felt like I was like a fly on the wall or a piece of furniture squatting on the floor in the nude while my family went on with their conversation.

“Not all reasonable requests serve a specific purpose. It isn’t like teaching algebra, where I am asked to explain how to graph something that can be defined in a book. It’s more like if someone is curious about something, they can ask a question or ask to see a demonstration. The silly requests are the outliers, and you just have to put up with them,” Julie explained.

“And you were okay with your brothers making you do that at school?” Jim seemed skeptical.

“Sure, it wasn’t my favorite thing to do, but it was easier to just do it, and get dizzy than it was to stand there and argue about it,” Julie seemed to harbor no ill-will towards her brothers for making the request.

“This all sounds pretty far out. It’s hard for me to get my head around,” Jim admitted. After dinner, he left his dishes on the table, like he always does, and went to use his laptop. I was positive he was looking at porn because I’ve caught him many times with his pants down around his ankles.

“Thank you for not making me suck down my bottle in front of your father,” I said as I ate another spoonful of roast. The gravy had dribbled down my chin and onto my tits, as my daughter fed me under the table.

“Oh, I actually just forgot about that, but yeah, it probably would have freaked him out,” Julie said. “We have to go to the grocery store and get some Kale and stuff to make salads. You need to increase your magnesium, Vitamin D3, and K2. I’ll probably start you on an iron supplement.”

The thought of going to my grocery store in the nude sent a shiver around my spine. I shopped at the Kroger in Indian Hills all of the time and the many of the cashiers and bag boys knew me. “Maybe we could go to a different grocery store?”

“For nine months?” Julie chided me for making the request. “Look, you are going to be nude all the time and seen in public. It’s just a matter of putting on your big girl panties and sucking it up, metaphorically, of course.”

“Now open up, like a good little Breeder,” Julie teased me sweetly, and pushed the bottle as far into my throat as she could and nearly gagged me with it. The thick paste in the bottle tasted more like Elmer’s glue than it did anything related to milk. My daughter left me that way for 30 minutes and checked on me periodically. Dewey did as well. He waved at me once while I was under the table and I waved back -awkwardly.

I felt like it was probably unfair to blow his mind, yet Dewey seemed to find the whole thing amusing and didn’t seem freaked out about it at all.

It was my husband who was being the fuddy-duddy about it. After I put away the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen, I asked my daughter for permission to take a shower and dry off. I instinctively wanted to wear my robe out of the bathroom and get myself a cup of coffee but then I realized that both of those things were now forbidden for me.

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