NIS: Breeder Program - Cover

NIS: Breeder Program

Copyright© 2024 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 7

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Julie asked her mother to join NIS (Naked in School) AKA "The Program" with her. This year they are allowing eligible mothers who can bear children to join the program as "Breeders" in this social experiment/education program.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Teen Siren   BiSexual   School   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Daughter   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Spanking   PonyGirl   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Lactation   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Water Sports   Public Sex   Nudism   Illustrated  

“Now that you better understand the collars you will wear r, does anyone have concerns or questions?” Jen asked as we approached her and the other Trainers. She was giving them tips on how to be a leader while teaching them the finer art of spanking.

Surprisingly, no one had questions.

“How did you feel about jogging naked around a crowded gymnasium while it was in use?” she asked us in general.

Ingrid raised her hand to speak. “I love being naked; in Sweden, people spend all day naked in the summertime, commute in the nude, and work in the nude. It feels very natural,” she said as the cute girl reached behind her back and scratched her butt without thinking about it.

“Yes, I know you like being naked Ingrid. You went through the Program last year, and you went voluntarily nude around the school before you entered the Program. I was mostly talking to the non-students,” Jen clarified.

“I used to work in a strip club, so nudity doesn’t bother me,” Darla admitted. I had a feeling Darla had been naked plenty of times in the past. She reminded me of the kind of woman who probably won wet t-shirt contests when she was younger before public nudity became legal.

“Sex work is a little different because it’s dark and impersonal, and the only aim is to titillate. This is a little different, but I am glad you are comfortable,” Jen nodded and asked if anybody else had a comment or question.

“I have never been naked in public before. This was a real first for me,” I raised my hand.

Crystal raised her hand and said that other than some dares to skinny dip and streak through the neighborhood when she was a kid, this was a first for her as well. That was before public nudity was legal in all 50 states. “I used to be a VERY popular girl!”

Karen admitted coldly, “I’ve been nude in front of groups and at parties, but never in public. It was okay.”

“Do any of you imagine a problem doing this for nine months or even ten if it takes that long?” Jen asked us point blank. None of us did. I appreciated the many ways that Jen asked us if we consented and the opportunities that Ms. Collins gave us to change our minds. It seemed to annoy Karen and Crystal a little.

“I’ll tell you if I am uncomfortable, Jen,” Karen assured Ms. Collins in a passive-aggressive but polite manner that she would not need to be asked again.

“It is Ms. Collins or Ma’am to you from now on,” Jen smiled. I could sense there was an unspoken acknowledgment from Jen that Karen needed to dial back her stuck-up attitude. Jen politely put Karen back in her place. “The reason I cannot rely upon that for consent is that you must be informed BEFORE the exercise and grant consent, not after,” Ms. Collins said as she reached into a box and pulled out a small plastic clip that looked like something you would use to seal a bag of potato chips.

The clip was about two inches long, brown with a pink bow on it, and had a metal spring.

Keep in mind that a new class arrived while we were running and playing basketball. It was mostly girls, but they were able to see us standing off to the side with Ms. Collins.

“These are “Breast Trainers,” but we just call them clips or feeders.” She started passing out a set of two to the Trainers. “These go on a Breeder’s breasts and simulate the feeling of a mouth nursing, and it does bite, too. Who here has breastfed?”

“Does a guy sucking on our titty count?” Crystal raised her hand with a grin.

“The sex act of sucking on breasts is very intimate, and it’s a little more gratuitously pleasurable in nature. I am talking about the beautiful act of breastfeeding a child! Whether it was your own or another woman’s child. Has anyone breastfed?”

I raised my hand.

“Those babies were well fed,” Darla laughed as she looked at my tits. I really didn’t see the big deal. My mom and sisters all had relatively big boobs, so I grew up thinking that was the “normal” size, and I really never became aware of my body until I spent that afternoon naked and other people commented on it. I guess I never really thought about it.

Learning I had big boobs, was a genuine learning experience for me. They say that some bodybuilders don’t see their muscularity when they look in the mirror. I suppose I just never thought much about my boobs before because I sprouted early in life, and they’d always been there. Jim wasn’t much of a boob man, so they didn’t really appeal to him in the bedroom.

“There is nothing wrong with big breasts,” Jen took the joke rather seriously. “In this Program, you will see all shapes of breasts, lopsided, imperfect, small, puffy, medium, huge,” she indicated my breasts and then pointed to her own tits. “I could only dream of having knockers like Brittany. Even fake tits though can help educate participants on what they look like and how they feel compared to big naturals like the ones Brittany has.”

She also pointed to our pussies and said there were different shaped holes with different skin flaps, some innies, some outies, and all of them designed to do the same things, go pee have sex, and have babies. No body shaming. After years of seeing all the diversity of the human body in this Program, I am still sometimes amazed by something I’ve never seen before.”

We nodded our heads.

“Does anyone have a problem wearing these Breast Trainers for the next hour or so?” she asked.

No one did. My daughter attached the clips to my nipples and pressed the pink bow, which activated them. The initial bite of the clips biting into my skin felt like an ant bite. Then the sucking began, and it was hard to get used to wearing them. Every now and then, it would bite into me like a child might.

A few of the girls playing basketball had gathered to watch us standing there awkwardly in the nude with these little devices on our tits.

“Don’t you have something better to do?” James asked them.

“It’s okay,” Jen raised her hand and said that it was natural to be curious.” Girls, if you want to watch, you have to ask your coach. These are Breast Trainers designed to simulate the sensation of a baby suckling its mother’s tits. These women have volunteered to be in the Breeder Program.”

The girls watching us giggled and disappeared back to the court quickly. They didn’t return.

“James, I know you know this procedure from last year. Invite them to stare as long as they are not disrupting class. What’s the big deal?” she asked.

“I didn’t want them to give her reasonable requests until Thelma is in the Program for real.”


“James, that is quite admirable. Your sister could consent to reasonable requests before she was in the Program. Any student can. We have students all the time who come to school naked and try it out. We encourage that. Once your sister consents to be your Breeder, then it will be up to you if she has to fulfill reasonable requests.”

“Yes, but if it’s reasonable, She HAS to do it,” James countered.

“That is the key difference about being a Participant in the Program, James. If there is time, it is safe, and the request is reasonable, then you should tell her to do it. If someone wants to stop and ask you or her a question about the Program or requests, then you should make the time to talk to them. That hasn’t changed since you were in the Program last year, James.”

“I know, Ms. Collins. We can’t be arbitrary about it and tell people we just don’t feel like fulfilling reasonable requests when we are in school. My sister’s got to do them even when we aren’t at school?”

“Yes, James. That should be clear in the rule pamphlets. You are going to supervise your sister and determine if the conditions are appropriate and if the request is reasonable. Thelma is going to be naked at all times and available for requests. If she is sleeping or eating, she should be allowed a break just like here at school.”

“What if I am nude outside of school?” James asked.

“If you are nude, then just like anybody walking around outside, that’s up to you. You can choose to consent to anything you want to do outside of school as long as it’s safe, sane, legal, and consensual. The restriction only applies to your sister.”

Ms. Collins felt we all needed a “refresher” on reasonable requests. I was glad because even though I had heard about them in news Programs, I really didn’t know how they worked.

“I know most of the participants understand reasonable requests. Does anyone have any questions about them?” Ms. Collins asked, and no one raised their hand. She could tell from our faces that we weren’t 100% certain. “I’ll do a little overview, then.”

I wasn’t sure what they entailed, but I assumed I would get the hang of it once I started.

“Most of the Trainers went through the Program, and our first timer students are both seniors who have seen hundreds of requests, so they all know what is and isn’t kosher,” Jen said. She told us to rely upon the judgment of our Trainer because they all had to apply and get certified to be Trainers.

I didn’t realize Julie had gone through a certification process. She must have been really serious about this if it was anything like my day had gone.

“Most requests are standard requests we all know and love, like the single, double, and triple,” Jen explained. No one else in the room asked questions, and I was too shy to ask for clarification on what that meant. If no one had a problem with it, then I felt I wouldn’t either. “90% of all requests are going to be for those standard requests that you are familiar with. Much of our education is sexual in nature, but not all of the requests will be. The fact that you are jumping up and down on bubble tape in the nude may seem entertaining, but it isn’t sexual.”

That made sense, and jumping on bubble tape sounded fun.

“There are going to be about 10% of the requests that fall into the custom category. I still hear new ones that I’ve never heard before. That’s where good judgment is essential. We all know that some students, especially MALE students, are going to ask for lascivious requests that have little or nothing to do with educating them,” Jen admitted.

“Yeah, some teachers get a little handsy as well,” James said.

“When in doubt, if there is time, and it’s safe, then do it as long as you consented to it. You all know what level you consented to, but the students may not. You will need to remind them if it is or isn’t something you can or will perform. We don’t want to shut people down and make them feel bad for requesting things you won’t do. That doesn’t encourage good communication.”

That all made sense.

“We have set up an anonymous tipline. If there is any student who is bullying by making inappropriate requests, that also goes for any teacher who is acting inappropriately, report it. We’ll take it very seriously. You will all have that number memorized and in your phone. You can also talk to me in confidence if you want. The only thing I can’t promise if you tell me something in confidence is that if there is a threat of credible harm, someone is committing illegal acts or abuse, that I MUST act upon it. That is not-negotiable.”

“I don’t mind reasonable requests,” Ingrid said before stopping herself. “But some are a little weird.”

“Yeah, I suppose they can be strange, but as you have learned in your studies of fetishes and kinks, some desires, curiosities, and interests may seem strange to one person, and it’s a hobby and a normal Tuesday night for someone else,” Jen explained.

“What about booger eating? Is that a reasonable request?” Ingrid asked. She scrunched up her pretty face in disgust.

“Let me guess, that was Mr. Jimmy Halford?” Jen asked as if she knew him.

“I don’t know his name. Red-haired boy, with a lot of freckles, very short? Maybe freshman?” Ingrid described him, and Jen nodded.

“He’s in 10th grade now, and yes, he is fascinated with boogers, or at least he was fascinated last year,” Jen nodded. She asked what she did.

“He requested that I pick my nose and show it to him,” Ingrid explained with a curious expression as if she was trying to rationalize why anyone would request that.

“Anything else?”

“He wanted me to eat it,” she admitted and blushed.

“Did you?”

“Yes,” Ingrid’s pretty pale face began to redden even more.

“Did it hurt you? Was the booger poison? Any scars?” Jen asked. She was being facetious.

Ingrid smiled, adding that there obviously wasn’t.

“Anyone can request anything,” Jen began. “It is up to you to understand where your limits stand and what you are willing to bend on or try. In this case, it’s an ick. You don’t like boogers or snot. He does, that’s his kink. It’s no more or less valid than anyone else’s kink. Your limits should always be, at a minimum, what is required by the Program. You can always do more, but you can’t do less. So, who thinks that Booger eating was a reasonable request?”

Some responded yes, others responded no, and most of us remained quiet.

“Technically, you weren’t required to do it. However, the rules are kind of grey because most girls will happily finger themselves and lick their finger after to satisfy a reasonable request, so why is the nose taboo?” she asked.

“It’s just ... weird,” Ingrid admitted.

“Once you did it, did he keep asking you to do it?”

“No,” she said.

“Would you do it again if he made the request?” Jen asked.

“That depends on what Astrid said,” she said.

“Let’s say Astrid told you to do it, would you?”

“Yes, of course,” Ingrid admitted.

“Even though you didn’t want to do it?”

“Yes, probably,” Ingrid said.

“Probably? What is the part that makes you uncertain?” Jen dove deeper into the question.

“Nothing, I would do it,” Ingrid decided emphatically.

“That’s one of the takeaways that I want you to learn from this experience. It’s good to obey your Trainer, but if you are not comfortable obeying them because there is some probably or maybe in there, then you need to really think hard about signing up for this Program,” Jen said before asking Astrid if she would tell her sister to honor the request.

Astrid didn’t like being put on the spot. She furrowed her brow and thought about it. “He’s already seen it though,” she countered without answering the question.

“Is there a rule that says that once you perform a request for someone, they can never request it again?” Jen countered with a question of her own.

“No,” Astrid responded, “But you can’t keep requesting over and over the same thing, it’s annoying and boring,” she shook her head in frustration.

“It’s sort of an unspoken rule on campus that once a request is satisfied, the participant moves on to others to take their requests. We’ve had boyfriends “request” personal displays of affection from their girlfriends in the Program as a way to get around the rules against PDA.”

It was quickly explained to me that kissing and hugging was considered “PDA” and were actually against the rules in the common areas of the schools. I thought that was strange, considering how open they were with sexuality.

“Is it any consolation that Jimmy asked me to eat a booger at least once a week for the entire school year?” Jen asked with a wintry grin. Then she reached up into her delicate, beautiful nose, pulled out a little bit of snot, and looked at it. We all groaned in disgust as she tasted it and then ate it.

“You see? I am fine. I hoped Jimmy would grow out of it or get over it when he saw that I had no problem eating a little bit of snot. My guess is he himself is a little booger eater, and I really don’t mind. That’s my own personal limit, though. You aren’t required to eat boogers. However, as Breeders, you may be required to put your fingers in your mouths, pussies, asses, and even your nose for educational purposes or to satisfy a request. Do any Breeders have a problem with that?”

None of us said anything. I was a little apprehensive, but the fact that no one else spoke out made me think that I was overreacting. Ingrid joked “I do that for fun now, so why not?”

“True, you are just educating other students on things you already do that they are obviously curious about. There used to be a book back in the dark ages of repression with the title “Everything you wanted to know about sex but were afraid to ask,” she said adding “Well, no one should ever be afraid to ask. If they want to know, give them an answer.”

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