NIS: Breeder Program - Cover

NIS: Breeder Program

Copyright© 2024 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 5

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Julie asked her mother to join NIS (Naked in School) AKA "The Program" with her. This year they are allowing eligible mothers who can bear children to join the program as "Breeders" in this social experiment/education program.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Teen Siren   BiSexual   School   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Daughter   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Spanking   PonyGirl   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Lactation   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Water Sports   Public Sex   Nudism   Illustrated  

No, I changed my mind again. Stand up,” Ingrid insisted as she squatted down next to her sister and hugged her. She told her sister that she would continue as they had initially planned with her as the Breeder.

I wasn’t sure if Ingrid was just being fickle. She didn’t show strong emotions about her reluctance. She treated the decision almost like taking the back seat in the car when you’d rather sit in the front seat. Her reaction was very puzzling to me.

Astrid didn’t appear relieved to remain the Trainer. It seemed she might be just as happy having been the Breeder. I chalked it up to these girls being unaware of the gravity of having a baby.

I think the one thing that struck me as odd was that despite their beauty, they both seemed rather modest and humble. They weren’t like most American girls who were that good-looking.

Ingrid seemed to almost always be smiling and in a good mood. Astrid seemed to have a very flat, almost pedantic expression most of the time. Yet, not only did they look alike, but they had similar body language and mannerisms outside of their facial expressions.

I wondered how my daughter would react if I put her in the same position and changed my mind right now about the Program.

There were several times I had thought I was getting in over my head, and we had only just begun.

I wouldn’t back out, though, because I’d do it before I made her do it. It wasn’t about the money to me anyway. There were other reasons I thought this was going to be a good idea. The first was that I got to bring a new life into the world. The second was that I got to spend time with her.

Jim never touched me in bed when he had the chance. I felt that he might miss me now that he couldn’t. It wasn’t the reason I was signing up. I had read the brochure, but I didn’t know all of these other stipulations. Jen wanted it to be clear in our minds and my first thought was that Jim would probably complain even though we rarely had sex now.

“Once we get pregnant, our husbands can have sex with us again?” I asked.

“Yes, once it is confirmed,” Jen clarified.

“I won’t have to ask my daughter for permission to screw my husband?” I asked more bluntly. Julie blushed and looked down at me with a grimace.

“You only have to adhere to the guidelines we are teaching. You will each define your power exchange roles differently depending on what works for you. That’s what makes all BDSM relationships work. Each of those couples or polyamory households is a unique snowflake created around a framework of common understanding of safe, sane, and consensual relationships. They may have different hierarchies where everyone’s limits and boundaries are respected but are different. They may define them very well or have a more flexible and malleable understanding of them.”

Most of what the NIS coordinator said went over my head, but I listened intently.

“If you feel that your Trainer should decide whether or not you sleep with your husband after you become pregnant, that would be wholly appropriate because they may prefer you sleeping in their room or somewhere else in the house.”

“Somewhere else?”

“I slept in a doghouse in my sorority’s backyard for about a month,” Jen smiled. I knew now that she had been a Breeder. Jen seemed so confident, outgoing, and decisive that I imagined Ms. Collins would be more of a Trainer. She addressed my question by saying, “The Program can’t survive tearing apart marriages. If your husband has an issue with not using your pussy for the first month, then we can do counseling and try to find some accommodation that works for you both.”

I was pleased to hear that, although shocked by the extreme nature of her story – I knew colleges hazed sorority and fraternity members, but this sounded far more extreme.

“Can a Trainer double up and have two Breeders?” James asked.

Thelma told him that their cousin “Mykesha” wouldn’t be interested in the Program. He held up his hand and silenced her. “I could do two girls as well as one.”

“Even the colleges haven’t introduced polyamory yet. That’s a much more advanced dynamic because of jealousy and how you manage your attention between each other. Do this well, and it will serve as a foundation for future relationships, James. You may decide that monogamy is not for you after you graduate. This is a chance to practice giving a single person your entire focus.”

“I have another question,” I raised my hand and apologized for asking so many questions. Jen assured me that there could never be too many. I doubted that. I sensed that some of the others wanted to get started. The physician who was supposed to examine us had been waiting off to the side for a few minutes.

“Let’s say that my daughter wants to go on a date with someone,” I chose my words carefully. Julie may have been joking about being over men, but I didn’t want to assume she wouldn’t date a girl. “She wants to have a personal life. Am I supposed to tag along?”

“That is an excellent question, Brittany. Let’s table that for deeper discussion and start the examinations. The short answer is that both of you can have a life, but that your Trainer must make sure you are supervised at all times. We’ll talk about how that works when we get into more advanced topics. You’ll attend workshop training classes, and we’ll get into topics like that.”

“Just hire me a babysitter and put me in front of the TV,” Crystal made a wisecrack.

“It will actually work a little like that,” Jen smiled before pivoting to introduce “Doctor Raymond.”

“Ladies, it’s nice to see some of you again,” he joked dryly as he snapped on gloves and asked Ms. Collins and the school nurse to help him administer the tests.

The Doctor was an older man in his fifties. He was dressed in a very informal shirt with a tie and corduroy pants. He carried a clipboard and stethoscope. The school nurse wore regular street clothes as well.

They quickly took our blood and vital signs while reviewing our medical history with us. We were weighed, and our measurements were taken. I blushed a little when I saw how much I weighed. I am tall and full-figured, but seeing my weight in pounds was a little depressing.

The school nurse asked the same standard questions as the doctor, and they recorded our answers. The questions related to everything from the history of pregnancies, including miscarriages or other health issues.

“Do you have any venereal diseases?” he asked.

“No,” I replied.

“Would you like a few?” he laughed at his own joke. Then he pretended to write something down on his clipboard “Patient exhibits a minimal sense of humor. Recommendation, see doctor’s penis,” he looked up at me to see my reaction. I found it unprofessional that he was so raunchy, but no one else commented on his remarks so I just smiled nervously.

I think he assumed my smile meant I wanted him to continue telling jokes.

He told me that I had a pretty smile and slid me a plastic cup. He told me to fill it up. I started to stand up and go to the sink to fill it with water. “No, silly, I need a pee sample.”

“Right here?” I asked as I looked around. There were no curtains. I was right out in the open in front of all the other girls. Doctor Raymond laughed and asked me if I was shy.

“Kind of,” I admitted.

“You are going to have to get over that with a quickness if you are going to do this,” he advised me to just squat down over it and piss into the cup right in front of him. “If you are going to do something, do it all the way. Don’t half-ass, don’t quarter-ass. Do that thing like it’s the one thing on earth you were meant to do, or don’t even bother.”

It was good advice. I saw Darla and Karen piss while squatting over their cups and not using their hands.

I remained partially standing to fill the cup and returned it to him. It was embarrassing enough to be observed. I didn’t want to squat and pee in front of everyone.

“No, it’s a taste test. You drink it,” my doctor instructed quite seriously.

I stood flat-footed and shocked that anyone would expect me to drink my own pee. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do or say when the Doctor asked me to drink my own urine.

“Everybody hates a comedian,” the Doctor took the sample back from me, capped it, and wrote my information on it. “Okay, now the fun part,” he rubbed his gloved hands together and applied some lubrication. He had me lay down on one of the benches with my legs hanging off so that my pussy and ass were exposed. My tits were pressed into the wood.

“How often do you have intercourse?” he asked as he started fingering my pussy. I wasn’t alarmed because he was doing it as part of an examination, and he seemed like a legitimate physician despite his jokes. They were understandable, given the circumstances.

“Not very much?” I asked.

“That’s a shame,” he said as he felt my clit and lifted my tummy so that he could get better access. “That’s going to change. Are you easily stimulated clitorally or through penetration?”

I wasn’t sure. I admitted that either method was about the same.

“They just aren’t doing it right,” he said as he pinched my clit until I gritted my teeth. He pushed his thumb down on it like he was crushing it. Then he inserted his fingers all the way inside my pussy and started wriggling his fingers up until he had all five fingers up to the wrist. He began to push for my cervix.

He told me to “tighten up”. I assumed he meant that I should try to squeeze his fist and grip it with my pussy walls.

I did my best to tighten my pussy around his hand as he pushed towards my cervix. “Is that as tight as you can get it?”

I heard Karen and her daughter giggle when I whispered “no” and tightened my pussy walls more. It was extremely humiliating to know that they were watching as they waited their turn.

I suddenly remembered seeing Karen when my daughter was a cheerleader last year. I rarely went to Julie’s practices, but I watched her at home games. She and her friends (including Tiffany) were on the cheer squad. Karen was one of those cutthroat dance moms who told the cheerleading coach what they should do and inserted herself into every aspect. I never really thought about it, but it was a contradiction to how quiet Karen was now. Karen seemed bored and chewed her gum as if she could care less about any of this. I wondered if she’d start trying to tell the NIS Coordinator how to run the Program.

“Good traction, nice muscle control,” the Doctor smacked my butt with his hand as if he was done but left his hand inside me. He began to slowly pump, and I instinctively fucked myself back down on his arm while he fisted my pussy. It was like a piston just driving him deeper inside of me until I felt like he couldn’t go any further.

Despite the intense humiliation of doing this in front of total strangers and my own daughter, I was turned on, and I couldn’t help my reaction.

“Oh, oh, oh gawd,” I may have made some involuntary animal sounds. The last thing I expected was to have an orgasm on the bench in front of the other women and my own daughter. “Definite preference for penetration,” he assured me as he pumped his fist in further. I’d never been fisted and didn’t even realize how much of his hand was inside me until I turned my head, and saw him pull it out. I gasped and blushed. I was wet!

Then I felt his second hand around my asshole. I wasn’t used to anal with my husband. This was very new to me. He probed and tapped on my asshole like it was just my elbow or knee. I was so embarrassed he was touching the most private and intimate part of my body. I knew he was a Doctor, but he was so callous as he pinched it and examined it.

“Just relax, don’t tighten up your hole,” he advised calmly. That was such a vulgar word to use instead of anus! His comments only made me clench instinctively. He laughed and called me a “turtle,” going back into her shell. The others in the room found it AMUSING when they overheard his joke.

The Doctor’s gloves were lubricated, but he had trouble sliding two fingers into my ass. “Do you have anal very often, Brittany?” he asked casually as he slowly penetrated my butthole. I relaxed and unclenched and allowed it to happen.

“None of your business,” I gritted my teeth as I responded.

“I am afraid it is my business. If your vagina is out of commission for a few months, you may want to get a little more anal action,” Doctor Randy said rather cavalierly.

“Brittany, when you are in the Program, if a student or teacher asks you if you have anal, politely say yes or no. Never make them feel bad for asking. Answering questions is a big part of the job,” Jen warned.

“How about you, Jen? How often do you take it up the poop chute,” Doctor Randy joked.

“Thank you for asking, Doctor. That’s a perfect example of a juvenile question one of our students might ask. My response to them would be the same as the one I gave you. I love anal sex and have it frequently with a partner and by myself when the mood strikes me.”

Jen seemed so well composed when she responded to such a surreal and vulgar question. I assumed she had to deal with questions like that all the time as part of her job.

Randy wanted to change the subject back to me. He directed Jen to look at my bottom. He had fingered my ass with his two gloved fingers so slowly that I barely noticed he had managed three fingers, four fingers, and to get most of his wrist into my asshole. They both told me to relax when I tensed my back. It was too late for me to wriggle off of his hand. I’d have to say there like this until he withdrew from my body.

I was so embarrassed. I knew that the Breeder program required total nudity, but there was something so vulgar and debasing about the butthole. I wondered why it was so important to stretch me out like this and look inside me. I felt like a fish on a hook that couldn’t free herself.

“What do you think of Brittany’s anus?” he asked as he withdrew his gloved hands and left me with a gaping asshole. I could smell my backside, and after he withdrew his hand, I wished he hadn’t left me so exposed.

“I think all assholes are beautiful and natural,” Jen said rather diplomatically before commenting on mine in particular by saying how she liked the shadow of dark skin and light skin around the anus. “I’d like to see it shaved to make it easier to observe, but that’s up to your Trainer.”

“I have hair back there?” I was surprised.

“Long, wild hairs,” Jen confirmed for me. “Do you mind?” she asked as she reached down and plucked one and held it out. I winced, because it stung. I hadn’t given her permission. “Can I pull this out and show your mother?”

I realized that she was asking my daughter, and I blushed when I felt a shot of pain from the long, slender hair being pulled out by the root. Jen held the black hair under my nose so that I could examine it. “There is nothing wrong with women having pubic hair; it’s perfectly natural, but I expect your Trainer to make you follow basic hygiene standards and remove excessive hair while you are in training,” Jen said with slight disdain in her voice.

I didn’t want Jen to find me disgusting, so I only grunted an agreement. I didn’t have sex with my husband that often, and he never ate me out. I had very little motivation to shave or trim my bush before any of this began. I felt like the rest of the girls in the room were laughing at me because I was such a hairy beast.

“Flip over, Chewbacca,” Doctor Randy quipped. Karen laughed really loud when she heard him call me that. I did as I was told, but I was mortified. He squeezed my tits and kneaded them like pizza dough. “Do you bruise easily?” he asked.

I wasn’t sure.

“Bruising at your age is perfectly natural,” he said and told me I had a couple of moles that might be problematic in a year, but otherwise, he didn’t find any lumps or cancer. He said I showed signs of being able to lactate and a made a little joke about having to build an ark for the flooding I might cause when I did (implying my tits were too big). I frowned. I still didn’t think my tits were all that huge, despite the many comments I heard when I was naked to the contrary.

The Doctor squeezed my nipples and plucked them like a cow’s udders. Then he had me open my mouth, and he used a tongue depressor to gag me until I nearly threw up. I felt like I was going to retch in front of everyone. My abdomen and throat muscles were both sore. I felt like I had undergone a type of torture. The Doctor seemed mildly amused by my reaction. That didn’t feel me with great confidence about his ability.

He tugged the hair on my head. I wasn’t sure if he was checking to see if it would fall out easily or not. He didn’t say. He even tested my vision and hearing before moving on to Karen next.

“Good job, Brittany,” Julie smiled proudly at me when the doctor moved on to Karen. He told her some of the same jokes that he used on me, and she fake-giggled her amusement. Karen even looked down upon the Doctor.

“It’s going to be hard getting used to you calling me Brittany,” I admitted.

“But you WILL get used to it,” she assured me. “I am so proud of you for going this far in the process. If they don’t select you, I will still be really proud.”

“You think they won’t select me?” I asked.

“Are you hoping they won’t?” she countered.

I wasn’t sure, and I admitted that. “This is the strangest day of my life, Julie. You seem to be taking this really well. Nothing seems to shock you.”

“I spent three years in this school, and these are my classmates. I know them, and I know the Program, so the things they expect of me aren’t that different from past years. I didn’t know everything they expected at the high school level. Tiffany and I have watched some YouTube videos of the college Program, and I knew it wouldn’t be as hardcore as that.”

“They put this kind of thing on YouTube?”

“Yeah, do you know how many NIS videos there are on YouTube? Millions. You can get a lot of clicks with the right headline.”

I groaned that I didn’t want to end up going “Viral.” I wanted to adjust my pussy and clean myself up. I was so wet and horny after getting reamed by the Doctor. There weren’t any towels around, though.

“Can I get some toilet paper and go wipe myself off now that he is done with me?” I asked my daughter. I assumed as my Trainer, I would have to ask.

“He isn’t done, and no, you may not,” Julie responded firmly but politely. I didn’t expect my daughter to say that. I assumed she would tell me that it wasn’t a problem. I had never had to ask anyone’s permission to clean myself up, and I was certainly never told that I couldn’t. This was new for me, and I was a little frustrated. I reminded myself that I agreed to do what my daughter told me and this was part of that agreement and counted to three in my mind.

“Squat in the observation position, and you will be told what is next.”

I was reluctant and a little frustrated. It was a strange new feeling of losing control over myself. I knew the observation position that we were taught. I squatted down and spread my knees. Julie seemed disappointed with how I held the position because I was more casual. I assumed that I might be in the position for a long time, and I didn’t want to over-exert myself on the first day.

“Is this okay?” I looked up at her. I could feel the slime of my pussy juice dripping down my thighs because I hadn’t been able to clean up, and it made me feel really dirty.

“Do you think that is the position you are supposed to be in, Brittany?”

I squared my shoulders, pushed my tits out, and spread my legs a little more. I pivoted so that my asshole was probably visible from the front. I must have looked like a proper target to come along and kick.

Julie looked down at me and said nothing.

I reached up to my tits and cupped them, pushed myself on the balls of my feet like I was standing on tippy toes, and then parted my lips.

“That’s much better,” Julie patted my head. “That’s how I want you to practice it. Practice doing it right before you reinforce doing it really sloppy.”

“Cantth I talkthhh?” I tried to speak without moving my mouth and the words came out sounding silly.

“You can move your mouth to speak to me,” Julie regarded me as if I was being silly for thinking it would be any other way.

I had to watch as she got examined. The examination wasn’t quite as intensive because the doctor didn’t fist her, but he did insert some fingers into her and did everything else he did to me. He even told some of the same jokes.

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