NIS: Breeder Program - Cover

NIS: Breeder Program

Copyright© 2024 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 48

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 48 - Julie asked her mother to join NIS (Naked in School) AKA "The Program" with her. This year they are allowing eligible mothers who can bear children to join the program as "Breeders" in this social experiment/education program.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Teen Siren   BiSexual   School   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Daughter   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Spanking   PonyGirl   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Lactation   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Water Sports   Public Sex   Nudism   Illustrated  

FRIDAY OCTOBER 11th, 2047 –Lunchtime

I had to wear my chastity belt to school that morning. Julie liked to keep me completely naked because a lot of the requests involved touching my pussy or my asshole. However, since I asked her to be as strict with me as she liked, she had begun requiring me to masturbate myself to the point of orgasm, and then quickly lock the chastity belt on myself.

It made Dewey and Reese really giggle to watch how frustrated that I got, and honestly it made me feel great when I finally got to take it off.

We had just been examined for the week in Ms. Collin’s workshop by Dr. Randy. It was confirmed again that I was pregnant and healthy and had completed another grueling workshop. My daughter didn’t make me put the chastity belt back on. She led me to the lunchroom, where we sat with Astrid, Cookie, and Brunna.

I should clarify that I didn’t sit. She sat, and so did her friends.


I squatted with my back to them. Julie liked to place my bottle between my tits and make me suck it, while I kept my hands behind my back.

I had almost forgotten that Saturday would be my birthday. I had this silly idea that the bottle was making me forget things. I knew it was just paranoia on my part. I had access to a calendar on the NIS portal that I used to journal my activities and feelings. I should have known it was my birthday.

I chalked it up to just being an actual dumb bimbo. I never thought of myself as one until I joined the Program, but it had become increasingly clear to me that I really wasn’t as bright as I used to think that I was.

I wondered if my kids or Jim would do something for me. Jim usually gave me a modest gift and a card. The kids usually didn’t because they didn’t work or get an allowance. They used to make birthday cards for me, but as teenagers, they had grown out of that.

“Why do you not make Piggy eat off the floor like you do at home?” Brunna asked. She looked a little bored. She was wearing clothes which was unusual for her.

“It’s the school cafeteria. I don’t want to cause a big scene,” Julie shrugged. The fact that I was squatting nude only didn’t cause a big scene because somewhere in the vast room filled with tables were four or five other girls doing the same thing, depending on who was working the request booth.

A handsome young man approached, and Brunna hugged and kissed him. “Hello Jacob, these are my sisters Astrid and Cookie. This is Julie and Miss Piggy.”

I had seen Jacob before. He hadn’t given me any special requests. I was immediately disappointed in Brunna because the kiss on the lips was more than just a casual one.

“How come you aren’t nude?” he asked. The rest of us were, but he seemed only interested in the reason she was wearing clothes. Jacob was wearing clothes as well.

“I am on my period today, and I have a big bruise on my butt,” she told Jacob as if she was angry. I assume he was the one that put it on her butt.

“Well, you look good, sweetheart.”

Jacob seemed very flirty, and it was obvious something was going on between them.

“Thank you, baby,” Brunna took the compliment but did not seem prideful.

“Are we going to Homecoming?

“What is Homecoming?” Brunna asked like a genuinely naïve bimbo. She giggled and smiled.

The other girls laughed at her for being so naïve. They explained it was a dance that happened on October 26th.

“That’s so far away. I don’t have a party dress. Is it clothing optional?” she asked him.

“Yeah, it’s legal to go nude, but most people wear a really nice gown. I plan to wear a tuxedo.”

“Wear whatever makes you comfortable, Jacob. I will go with you,” she decided. I was livid that she would break Dewey’s heart. She seemed so fickle. Jacob was a much more handsome boy, and he was about Brunna’s height. They seemed more physically compatible, but Dewey was my son, and I didn’t want anyone to hurt him.

When Jacob left, Brunna swooned, and her sisters giggled.

“Permission to speak, please?” I asked Julie, although I addressed the table.

Julie stuck my dildo in my mouth, which meant that I didn’t have permission. She often did that when I asked for permission to speak, but I really wanted to ask Brunna what that was about.

“I thought you liked my brother,” Julie asked. I smiled over the dildo because I knew she had her brother’s back.

“I do like him.”

“But you are going to the dance with Jacob?”

“Yes, why not?”

“You aren’t concerned that it would hurt his feelings?” Julie asked.

Brunna seemed confused, and her older sisters spoke to her in Swedish.

“Oh? No, I don’t want to hurt Dewey’s feelings. I like to have fun.”

“I thought you wanted a boyfriend?” Julie pointed out that Brunna complained about that very thing.

“Yes, Eric is a boyfriend, Jacob is a boyfriend, Dewey is a boyfriend, and Reese is a boyfriend,” Brunna said. It was obvious that Brunna was not interested in exclusivity.

“Well, I hope somebody will ask me to go to the dance,” Julie replied hopefully.

“I was just going to take Cookie, and boys will want to ask us to dance,” Astrid said. “You could come with us if you want!”

“That’s a good point. I’d have to bring my mom,” Julie said, sounding disappointed that I would have to tag along. I suppose I wouldn’t have wanted my mother to tag along to my Homecoming. Then again, my mother wasn’t my pet, either.

“If Dewey’s not going, maybe he and Reese could babysit Piggy,” she said. She turned to me and patted my head. “How do you feel about that Piggy-wiggy? Piggy Wiggy-Boop, boop?” Julie teased me by poking my nose and pulling my tongue.

I nodded that would be okay. I’ve only been babysat by them for a few minutes, and Julie was always in the house at the time. Sometimes, my daughter just needed to disconnect and be alone in her room.

“My parents could watch her for you. They really like your mother. They talk about her a lot,” Brunna admitted.

“That’s awesome. They may be a better choice than my brothers,” Julie asked me what I thought and pulled the dildo out of my mouth.

“Whatever you decide, Ma’am.”

“Bah, I know it’s up to me, I wanted your preference, Cum-face!!” Julie popped my dildo back into my mouth.

After lunch, we had a private interview with Ms. Collins. It was pretty routine. I had to wait, squatting on the floor with my legs apart in the same front office where I signed up for the Program. School administrators largely ignored me while going about their work.

When Julie was done, she came out smiling and hugged Ms. Collins. I went inside, and she asked me how I was doing and whether I had any questions.

“I hear that your daughter is being strict with you?”

“Yes, a little,” I admitted. She wasn’t a constant oppressive ogre.

“Do you feel coerced, blackmailed, or under any sort of compulsion to allow that?” Jen asked a very standard question.

“No, not at all. I asked her to do it.”

“That’s what she told me. What compelled you to do that?”

“She said she’d love to treat me like Tiffany treats her mother. I had a long talk with CR and came to the conclusion that I was already going to have to do this. I might as well go all the way?”

“You know why I think you are lying, Piggy?”

I shook my head no.

“I think you are a giving, loving person who wants to do things selflessly for others, and when your daughter told you she would like to spice things up and increase the intensity, you did that to please her. I think everything else you said was justification for that because you think you are a selfish person. Is that fair?”

I wasn’t sure how to respond to that. “I don’t think I am selfish, but I kind of also enjoy being teased. My daughter doesn’t really treat me like CR. She tried the first week or two, but she’s been doing almost every request that I do at home, and she’s staying nude 24 hours a day.”

“Well, that’s because Julie is someone who does things selflessly for others, and she does not want to ask you to do things she wouldn’t do. At least, that’s my take on it based on your personality scores.”

I nodded in agreement.

She told me that the results of my medical tests were excellent. I’ve lost body fat while maintaining weight. The protein shakes have been helping with that. I have built up endurance, and my stretching exercises were obviously paying off. I felt good, and I told her I had more energy lately.

“How are things with Dewey? I understand he and one of the Astrid and Cookie’s sisters have a heated romance.”

“I am not sure. You know how girls can be fickle.”

“Yeah, Dewey is a special boy. He is exceptionally bright, but some of his grades are not where they should be. He applies himself when he is interested in the topic, but he has no interest in others. I know that you cannot effectively approach this issue in your capacity. I am sending home a note with Julie for your husband. I’ve also asked Julie to help tutor him. Is that okay with you?”

“Yes, why wouldn’t it be?”

“I just have to ask. There are some mothers who might insist that they are going to try to take a more authoritative approach at home despite their role as a Breeder.”

“How is Reese?” she asked. She wanted to know how my family life outside of school was. I told her he was fine.

“I understand from your daughter that your sons are telling you to crawl around the house. Can they give you standard requests without her permission? How does that make you feel?”

“It’s fine; Jim, Dewey, and Reese don’t really abuse it,” I asked.

“Don’t or don’t really?” Jen wanted me to clarify.

“They don’t. At first, it was like I was any new toy they ever got when they were kids. Now, they only give me about a dozen requests in the evening, give or take.”

Jen took note of that without commenting on whether that was too many or the right amount.

She asked if I had seen Debi Pauzer or her sons. I told them I hadn’t.

“My understanding is that Debi was arrested, and she pled not guilty. However, a judge issued a restraining order on their family to protect them. After reviewing the video, we also suspended her sons from the district.”

I was shocked by that bold decision. I wasn’t notified of the restraining order, but I haven’t been keeping up with or reading our mail lately. Jim was taking care of that. Julie said it was automatic in cases like this, and they don’t always notify the victims.

She asked how things were with Jim. I told her our sex life had improved tremendously.

“That’s outstanding. So, you don’t need me to come and give him a tumble after all?” she mused.

“You could. I don’t mind, now.”

I knew that Jen was just kidding at the end of our interview session. However, I really didn’t mind if he fucked the NIS coordinator. I was worried a little about what Jim might have been doing with Helena when he spent the night at her house. I’d rather know if he fucked her or not, but I was in no position to be jealous or possessive if he could overlook what I did on a daily basis.


The request booth wasn’t always manned every day before and after school or during lunch. It usually was, but the hardest slot to get volunteers was Friday after school and Monday mornings. Julie liked to sign us up for Friday after school for that reason.

Ms. Collins usually attended these sessions to perform as a cum receptacle and monitor the requests. There was often a line of a dozen or more students, and she could be there if anything needed moderation. Today, she wasn’t out there because she had to be at a teacher-parent conference.

That meant most of that jizz would be going into the sink. Julie hadn’t discussed the idea of me becoming a Cum Receptacle at school with me in weeks.

I had warned Dewey and Reese that they should take the bus home because we would be working the request booth. I also let the Karlson sisters know we couldn’t give them a ride because we’d be staying late, and they regularly counted us for a ride to and from school. They were very affable about it and didn’t mind riding the bus. I had a feeling the boys on the bus liked that very much as well.

I say boys because, despite a large number of lesbian and bisexual students, the Karlson sisters appealed almost exclusively to the opposite sex. They were like kryptonite to Superman with girls. They only received scorn and ridicule, and the few requests they got were for them to do something extremely humiliating for their amusement.

Cookie and Astrid were happy to do it, but often I think they didn’t realize they were the butt of the joke as they danced around and made fools of themselves for catty girls.

I had my share of those as well. The first person to make a request of me was Shelly Adler. She’s a heavy-set girl who mostly wears 80s nostalgia pins and t-shirts. “Tharrr she blows! It’s the white whale, Matey,” Shelly pretended to throw an invisible harpoon at me. “I got me the white whale.”

“Hello, Miss Adler,” I replied politely and prepared myself for whatever she wanted me to do. She was shorter and plumper than me, but I was used to students goading me with insults. I smiled warmly. My daughter was busy doing a walking on her hands to satisfy another reasonable request. It may sound silly to see a nude girl do a handstand, but Julie’s spread asshole and pussy was exposed while she did it. It was kind of sexy to see her walk on her hands.

“Are you ready to eat this hot, sweaty pussy after a long day?” Shelly pointed to her crotch. She was fully dressed and had asked me to go down on her before many times. I always refused.

“You know that I can’t do oral sex at school, Miss Adler.”

“I bet you eat pussy at home, don’t you?”

“I do eat pussy at home, and I suck cock, Miss Adler. I’ve told you that before. I am very sexually active at home, and it’s a healthy part of my lifestyle,” I told her the stock answer we were taught to give when students ask about our personal lives. I wasn’t sure what the rule was about talking about personal lives, but I had already admitted this to Shelly. I knew she liked to hear me repeat it because it humiliated me.

“Do you eat Julie’s pussy?”

I didn’t have to answer that, and she knew it. “Out of respect for my partner’s privacy, I can’t tell you the names of my sex partners.”

That seemed a little coy and evasive, but Shelly hadn’t asked me before if I ate Julie’s pussy.

“Do you live with any other women?”

“No, but I frequently do exchanges at other women’s houses, Miss Adler. I have a line of students that want to make requests. Do you mind making a request or allowing me to go to the next person?” I asked politely. I felt weird about that. Julie normally was the one who prodded Students who wanted to talk in the request line to make up their minds.

I tried to remain detached but polite, much like I had seen Julie and Ms. Collins do in the past.

Julie had recently told me not to interrupt her while she was performing a request because she’d have to start again, and it robbed the other person of their time. I was only to interrupt in case of an emergency. She told me to go ahead and do single, double, and triple requests for milk, lemonade, and fudge, ghosting, and allowing people to examine and touch my body for 60 seconds. Anything else would have to wait until she finished with the student she was performing for.

Shelly said there was a golf ball behind the request booth. I saw it but only nodded.

“Suck the golf ball into your mouth, lay on your back with your legs over your head like you guys do, and then spit the golf ball out so that it rolls down your belly and hold your puss flaps so that I can kick it in and make a hole in one!”

I’d never heard that type of request before. I’d say 90% of all requests are standard ones. I’d say that of the 10% that are not standard, we only reject about 5-10% of them. Usually, it’s because they are so outlandish or unsafe, or we simply don’t have the time to do them. I’ve been taught it was good for us to have to explain to the student what is unreasonable about their request so they don’t feel it is arbitrary. Julie was the one who usually did that and not me.

I was sometimes tempted to consent to the request even after Julie said it was not required, just because the student seemed so disappointed. In this case, I really didn’t like Miss Adler, and I didn’t want to do this. It seemed like something Dewey would have come up with, and Jim would actually like, though. He loves golf even though he is too cheap to pay to play it.

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