NIS: Breeder Program - Cover

NIS: Breeder Program

Copyright© 2024 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 4

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Julie asked her mother to join NIS (Naked in School) AKA "The Program" with her. This year they are allowing eligible mothers who can bear children to join the program as "Breeders" in this social experiment/education program.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Teen Siren   BiSexual   School   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Daughter   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Spanking   PonyGirl   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Lactation   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Water Sports   Public Sex   Nudism   Illustrated  

“Holy crap, that’s a lot of reading,” Crystal said that she finished early and didn’t have a problem with any of the rules. She barely glanced through the packet we had to sign and initial.

“Any questions?” the Coordinator asked us politely.

“One question is, how come everything says it has to be done in public? Does everything have to be super embarrassing?” Crystal asked.

Jen explained that embarrassment for an extrovert is not being recognized or receiving attention. “It all depends on your frame of mind, whether being naked in public is humiliating. It isn’t to me. It would be to some who have been raised to believe it is.”

“Yeah, I don’t care about showing my knockers to strangers. I am talking about getting spanked on my big old fat butt like I am some grade school girl!” Crystal clarified.

Jen smiled warmly. “We have discovered that social pressure and the attention of peers when students misbehave can be a motivating factor in recidivism...” she began.

“In English, please,” Crystal interrupted with a chuckle to say that Jen was going way over her head.

“The reason that the punishments are performed in open view is quite simply for a number of reasons. The liability of instructors potentially being accused of abuse when the punishment is administered behind closed doors and the temptation for that to occur is one the primary reasons. We also do it out in the open as a lesson to other participants on the consequences of mischief,” Jen explained in terms even Crystal understood.

“Public punishments act as a deterrent. If another student sees you get punished for rule-breaking and mischief, then they are less likely to want to face those consequences. Hopefully, you will behave yourselves and not test the limits and end up constantly with sore butts?”

We laughed at Ms. Collins’s joke.

“What if we LIKE sore butts?” Darla’s mischievous smile suggested that she would like to have a rosy pink ass from a hard spanking.

“You wouldn’t like how I do it, Mrs. Starling, I can assure you,” Jen promised.

“We’ll see about that,” Darla smirked to indicate that she was looking forward to the challenge of enduring a harsh spanking.

“None of you will like how I spank a smart ass,” James promised, and then he slapped his hand down hard on the wooden bench that he was sitting on. The loud cracking sound startled us and made his point.

“A good spanking needs to leave a lasting impression, not a lasting scar. It should smart just enough that the sting helps the participant to realize what they did wrong, and the throbbing will act as a reminder. I am not a fan of negative reinforcement, so if your Breeder enjoys light spanking, then feel free to use it on them as a reward for good behavior,” Jen suggested. “Breeders will get harder spankings overall, but nothing that is going to be considered abusive will be tolerated.”

I was flummoxed. My daughter squeezed my hand again and tried to reassure me that she wouldn’t take things too far.


“Any other questions?” Jen asked.

“Yes, why do we have to go by only our first name?” Ingrid, the blonde Swedish girl, spoke up. She had been quiet for the longest time. I assumed she was the Breeder of the paired sisters.

Jen laughed and said imagine if all the Trainers shouted “Mom” when giving a command and mass confusion broke out. We chuckled at the mental image of that. “In the early prototyping we did of the Program, we experimented with what worked and what didn’t. In the early prototypes, we found that using the full name or titles would make sharp, quick commands almost impossible. It was also more of a psychological change for the Trainer to get familiar with the Breeder. It’s a very standard concept. Think of it as a nickname or a pet name.”

I nodded my understanding to the others. This was all so new and overwhelming, but the fact that no one else was freaking out helped me not to freak out about it. I felt reassured that we wouldn’t be the first ones to ever do this and that they had worked some of the bumps out of the Program already. I was also getting excited about trying something new.

“Think about livestock. They don’t have full names or pretentious titles. They are just Daisy or Buttercup. There is a psychological aspect to total power exchange when you have to give up who you were and become something else. Think of it like roleplaying. As you answer to your new name, you surrender something you are used to and give it to your Trainer. Accepting the name that they gave you is your gift to them and a sign of your acceptance of their leadership. It’s symbolic and reinforces a psychological change.”

“Kind of like when a man marries a woman, and she takes his last name?” Thelma offered smartly.

“Exactly, Thelma! That tradition signals to their community and world that she has joined his family and now belongs in his household. In some relationships, the man takes the woman’s name, and in others, no one changes their name. In this relationship, you will take the name that your brother chooses for you. We are giving everyone a month to try out names and see what works. The name should help transport you to a new headspace and leave your old persona folded up neatly so you can return to it after this is over.”

Jen told us that she wanted the mothers and daughters to practice first names. “It can be hard to transition from calling someone Mom for 16 years to just their first name. See if you can do that with a straight face before you move to anything more advanced. It’s a phased process. We can’t teach or introduce every concept today until you get comfortable just addressing each other on a first name basis.”

The realization that my daughter wasn’t supposed to call me “Mom” made my asshole pucker. I had read it in the rules, but now that it was happening, I felt a sense of loss like I should be freaking out about not being called Mom any longer. I knew coming in that something like that might be expected. I decided it was just me overthinking things again. Jen’s justification of going by my first name made perfect sense.

Ms. Collins could sense my discomfort. “You’ll still be Julie’s mother. She will just call you Brittany, and when she has chosen a pet name, she’ll call you that for the duration of the Program. Is that something that is going to upset you?” she asked.

“I am not sure,” I admitted.

“Then today, I would encourage you to let Julie feel free to use any name she wants without fear of reprisal or repercussions after it is over.”

“Right, no, I won’t have any hard feelings,” I assured my daughter. “My daughter and I talked about the fact that it would be wrong of me to use the threat of a punishment to keep her from doing her job as Trainer,” I said as I remembered an earlier conversation with Julie. I asked if I could still refer to her as my daughter.

“Of course, you can, and she can still refer to you as her mom. We are just asking that when she addresses you, she does so with your first name instead of Mom, and when you address her, you always do so with respect to reinforce her role as Trainer. Is that okay?”

“Yes,” I agreed and blushed. I didn’t like being the center of attention in the room, and I felt everyone was looking at me and wondering why I had interrupted. I wanted to slink into the corner and hide. My daughter squeezed my hand again to let me know that she was proud of me. I could tell from the look on her face.

“I already have a name for you,” James informed his sister.

“It better not be nasty,” Thelma spoke back to her brother in a sassy tone.

“Why not? You IS nasty!” James fired back at this sister.

“What is the name, James?” Thelma sighed.

“Cow Lips,” James decided. His sister did have very wide and plump lips.

“Now, James! You can think of a better name than that!” Thelma complained and asked Ms. Collins if her brother could pick that name. “It has to be like a livestock name, doesn’t it?”

“No one expects you to come up with a pet name today. Try out a few things and see what works for you. I would prefer it to be a term of endearment that also symbolizes your brother’s relationship with you. If he did choose Cow Lips, will that be a deal breaker for you?”

“No, Ms. Collins,” Thelma sighed and shook her head. She mumbled something about wishing he’d put more thought into it. “Don’t focus on my big old lips.”

“Who said I meant the ones on your face,” James teased.

I think if I had heard all of this alone, I might have walked out a long time ago. The fact that these other women read these rules and were still there had influenced me to stay. I couldn’t imagine my husband’s reaction to these new rules, but I doubted it would be favorable.

“Alright, I am going to ask the Breeders in the room to stand up now and shake it out,” Jen shook her hands and her entire body. Her tits didn’t jiggle because they were so firm, but they wobbled a little.

The other Breeders and I stood up and stretched our muscles. I was already a little sore and we had just begun. “Take a few deep breaths, that’s it. No stress. Just let all that go. Okay, I want you to do 10 deep knee bends for me, like this.”

We watched her bend at the knees, but as she did, her legs opened wide, and she exposed her pussy to us. The look on Ms. Collin’s face was that of a magician practicing a magic trick in front of us as if they expected us to be impressed.

We followed along with the move to various degrees. I wasn’t as limber as I had hoped, and several of the other women weren’t either. “It’s okay. Get a really good stretch. You will want to do this in the mornings and whenever you can. This will really help you hold this position. Here, let me show you.”

Jen arched her back slightly and squatted down on the balls of her feet. She raised her heels and spread her knees wide, while pivoting her hips forward so that her pussy and asshole was visible. Then she cupped her tits and held her mouth open slightly. The other Breeders and I tried to hold the position but found it difficult to keep our balance. She told us it was called the “observation” position and it would be a basic position we needed to learn today.

“This is the advanced form of the observation position. Imagine doing that for six hours of lectures every day in college. After 10 minutes, your thighs start to burn, your pussy gets dry or impossibly wet, you have to itch your nose, but you can’t, and you’ve got a dozen underclassmen staring at you, waiting for you to burp, fart, sneeze or fall over so that they can watch you get zapped by your Trainer,” she smiled as if she remembered the experience fondly.

“This is NOT expected of you,” she said, and we sighed and assumed a more relaxed version of the same position on the floor. I still felt extremely silly and over-exposed with my knees apart.

“You CAN voluntarily assume the position like this. It’s the proper way, but I understand at first, you may want to be more casual and move your arms around. Your feet can be flat as long as your knees are about this wide. You can move your hands around. I never knew what to do with my hands,” Jen demonstrated by looking around manically and moving her hands awkwardly in all different directions, trying to find a place for them. “I actually appreciated just hanging them here under my boobs. Remember, you can’t hide your nipples, but you can cup and lift.”

“I don’t think you have to do much lifting,” Crystal pointed out that Jen’s tits were naturally sticking out straight. “You are welcome to lift them and see how heavy they are anytime Crystal,” Jen said before telling us that we could move our heads around casually. “You don’t have to keep your mouth open. Obviously, if someone gives you a reasonable request and wants to see your tongue, then you show it to them with your Trainer’s approval.”

“Basically, they can see our outsides and our insides,” Crystal joked to herself. Misty glared at her mother for interrupting.

“What is the longest we have to hold our mouth open for a reasonable request?” Karen asked. She had a much more serious look on her face like she wasn’t particularly happy about this scenario.

“Your Trainer will tell you when to close your mouth, Karen. You have to trust them to set reasonable limits and boundaries and enforce them. The standard request is sixty seconds, but we’ll get to that later. It’s not a set in stone rule and you won’t find it written in any of our pamphlets,” she added.

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