NIS: Breeder Program - Cover

NIS: Breeder Program

Copyright© 2024 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 33

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 33 - Julie asked her mother to join NIS (Naked in School) AKA "The Program" with her. This year they are allowing eligible mothers who can bear children to join the program as "Breeders" in this social experiment/education program.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Teen Siren   BiSexual   School   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Daughter   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Spanking   PonyGirl   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Lactation   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Water Sports   Public Sex   Nudism   Illustrated  


After a grueling day at school, performing reasonable requests, and obeying my daughter, I was ready to return home and spend the night in my own house. My home was the center of my universe and while spending the night with the Karlson family was refreshingly different. I wanted to return to what was familiar to me. It felt “safe” at home.

Even though it felt familiar, things really had changed at home dramatically since I began the Program.My sons and daughter no longer had to do what I told them. I was never much of a taskmaster anyway and always asked them to do things. I’d often just do it myself because it was easier than asking them to do it.

My daughter was my trainer, and my husband now slept alone in his room. That was a surreal change for me because it initially felt like a novelty or something that wasn’t actually happening.

Now, reality had set in, and the changes were starting to feel real to me. My family, including me, had universally started calling our former shared bedroom “Jim’s room.” It was accepted that I’d be naked and squatting at the table for every meal. It was no longer shocking behavior around the house. It was truly my family’s “new normal”.

Yet, despite the changes, it still felt like “Home”. The place had the same “smell” to it. I couldn’t define it. It wasn’t the airy smell of fresh linen that permeated the Karlson’s well-decorated home. Our house felt lived in, and it smelled like “my house.” That was the only way I could describe it. It wasn’t a funky or bad smell. It just smelled like us there. The Karlson’s house smelled fresh, like linen and cedar.

The house was a little cluttered, and some messes were left out when I got home. I started taking care of those right away and making dinner. I had my dildo crossways in my mouth, which meant that I couldn’t talk to anyone.

Dewey was excited that I was home. He came up behind me at the stove and requested that I show him my taint. I smiled with the dildo in my teeth and reminded him by mumbling and nodding my head in the direction of his sister that he ask her instead of me.

“You go ask her,” he replied.

I wanted to argue that I was cooking and needed to get that prepared. I didn’t have anything hot on the stove yet, and I could take a moment to go find Julie and ask. I went upstairs and knocked on her door. “Come in, Brittany,” she said politely. When she saw me, she told me that I should take my dildo out of my mouth so that I could talk to her. I felt so silly. I don’t know why I didn’t think to pull it out of my mouth until I was told to do so. It seemed quite outrageous to walk around school naked with a dildo in my mouth when I thought about it. However, as I was doing it, I felt like it was my “new normal” and hadn’t even felt self-conscious about it. I must have looked like a total nympho.

I certainly felt like one – I wanted a real cock in my mouth. I hungered for it. I was dripping wet, and I could barely concentrate on anything except sex. I felt like a total air-headed bimbo, and strangely, I was starting to become okay with people perceiving me that way.

“How did you know it was me,” I asked with a grin.

“You are the only one who knocks or visits me; what is it?” Julie asked as she worked on her notebook. She wasn’t impatient, but she was brisk with me.

“Dewey wanted me to ask you if I could show him my taint,” I felt silly bothering her with the question, but I assumed I had to ask her permission.

“He made you walk all the way up here to ask me for something that trivial?”

“He asked me to ask you,” I told her.

“No, he told you to ask me, and you came up here,” Julie looked frustrated. “I think he was just goofing on you. I don’t know why our family can’t be more like Astrid and Ingrid’s family.”

“We aren’t the same people from the same place. I don’t mind coming to visit you. I am sorry I interrupted, Julie.”

“Go downstairs and tell him you will allow him to look for 5 minutes, but you need to continue making dinner, and that if he has more requests before dinner to come ask me himself.”

“In the future, if he tells me to ask you, should I tell him the same thing?”

“No, it’s fine, you are right. We are different than the Karlson family, and that’s just a little game Dewey likes to play. I just want to concentrate right now. You can leave your dildo out of your mouth but keep it close by.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” I said. I asked her what she wanted for dinner, and she told me what to make for both of us. I returned to Dewey. He was in the living room when I came downstairs. “Dewey, Julie said I can do your request, but it has to be while I cook, and it’s the last one I can do for you until dinner.”

“What about for Reese?” Dewey indicated his older brother.

“I think that goes for both of you.”

My sons followed me into the kitchen and watched me bending over at the stove and exposing the skin flap between my ass and pussy while I prepared dinner. They seemed amused, even though they had seen that part of my body many times already.

I felt less self-conscious about letting them look. It was all to satisfy their curiosity, and I was certain that my taint was not that much different than any other woman’s taint. This was all part of the deal when you joined the NIS Program.

When Jim got home, he seemed to think I had the day off on Thursday because I was at the Karlson’s house. “How was your little vacation?” he asked as I prepared his dinner.

“It wasn’t a vacation, but it was definitely different. I am glad to be home,” I walked over to hug him. Jim got a little erection when he felt my naked body against his body. I was flattered.

“How many dicks did you jerk off today?” he asked as he goosed my butt with his fingers when I turned around to return to the stove. I made a woo noise and told him that I really wasn’t sure. He asked me to guess. He didn’t seem upset or jealous. I think he was just surprised that I was willing to do my part in the Program.

“I guess, probably only a dozen or so?”

“There’s 1800 students, and only a dozen of them wanted you to stroke their cock?” Jim found that hard to believe.

“The Program isn’t just about jerking off boys, Jim. It’s one aspect of it, but I am also learning so much, and we don’t just do sex things.”

“What did you learn?”

I blushed and said that I learned how to deep-throat a dildo.

“I can’t argue with that, but how is it necessary for you to deep-throat a dildo in order to have a baby?”

“I think it reinforces my position as a Breeder, and I have to also demonstrate how to do it safely without choking. It’s kind of like when I get tied up. It’s educating people on a fetish so they will do it safely.”

“That sounds like a crock of horseshit. I’ll bet the guy that sits around and thinks this shit up is some dirty old pervert, and he comes up with reasons to get hot women and teenage girls to slip a dildo up their back door and show everybody. He makes everyone feel good, the girls get an A+ on their assignment, and everyone acts like it’s not just an excuse to bust their nut when they should be studying math and science.”

Jim was ever the pragmatist. There were many people who shared the opinion that the NIS Program was a sham that the participants collectively agreed provided value but was really just an excuse to see naked women. I didn’t think that someone would go to that much trouble to see boobs.

“They also study Math and Science, Jim,” I chuckled over his outlandish theory. My husband did have a point, though. There might actually be a fiendish pervert who architected the whole Program. “I am getting something out of it, and I think it’s mostly positive,” I countered.

“Yeah, well, can I see what you can do with that dildo? Show me how you deep throat.”

“You’d have to ask Julie,” I said as I flipped the hamburgers on the stove.

“Goddamn it, I am not walking all the way upstairs to ask my daughter if I can see my wife suck a rubber dildo.”

“It’s made of latex, Dad,” Dewey interjected.

“I don’t give a Goddamned rat’s ass if it’s made of Kevlar, Dewey. That’s beside the point,” Jim harumphed in frustration. I was about to tell him I’d go ask her when I heard my daughter walking down the stairs.

Julie came downstairs naked. She had been wearing a shirt when I visited her earlier. “What’s going on?”

“Ears burning?” Jim asked her if she had intuitively known he was talking about her. Julie shrugged. “Can you tell my wife to let me watch her deep throat a dildo? She said she learned how today.”

“Brittany has been practicing all week,” Julie corrected. That was true, but I hadn’t really managed to get it stuck down my throat until today. “Brittany, turn around, face Jim, and stick your dildo as far down your throat as you can without puking.”

I faced my husband. The hamburger grease was popping and stinging my backside as I pushed my dildo down my throat. I didn’t have the ease of some of the other mothers who could do it almost effortlessly. Darla was probably the best at it, next to Ms. Collins. I made a hurking sound, and it hurt my throat muscles, but I managed to get it in there.

“Well, Goddamn,” Jim exclaimed and said that he could see some value in the NIS Program after all. He was clearly impressed with my ability to take so much of it down my throat. I was genuinely pleased that it amused him.

“Can you leave it there while you finish making dinner, Brittany?” Julie asked me in a very encouraging way to see if I could challenge myself to throat the dildo for a long time. I nodded even though a small tear started running out of my eye. I wasn’t sad. The pressure from the dildo in my throat made my eyes red and my nose run.

“Dewey, if you want Brittany to bend over and show you her ass at home, just ask her. She has my permission to perform a simple request as long as it won’t cause her harm or interrupt what she is doing. Don’t send her all the way upstairs to ask for something that trivial.”

“Does that go for me, too?” Reese asked.

“Obviously, it goes for all three of you.”

Jim still felt he shouldn’t have to ask Julie to agree to any requests of me, but he nodded as well. “Double milk or anything more complicated; she still needs my approval. Can you leave Brittany be if she is making us dinner?”

“Sure,” Dewey smiled his agreement. They were genuinely pleased with the new rule. I didn’t mind. It would save me a trip to find Julie.

I set the table and made sure everyone’s plate was filled, and they all had drinks. Then I squatted at my daughter’s feet and sucked my dildo until she told me to remove it and eat my food. It was relatively quiet, and I was thinking about how things were different at the Karlson’s house.

“I want to thank you guys for putting up with me. I know my behavior kind of overshadows everything now. It’s probably a little weird constantly seeing me stick things down my throat and run around naked. I appreciate your understanding.”

Dewey and Reese said it was great, and they loved it. My husband echoed the sentiment.

“I know it’s fun and everything, but I just wanted you to know that I appreciate it. It’s not like I can just put my collar in a drawer and turn this off whenever I want. I just know it’s different now.”

“It’s better,” Jim smiled and looked down at me. “Take my works boot off for me, will you, Honey?”

Jim’s heavy boots were covered in cement and mud. He tended to wear them in the house and track dirt everywhere. I didn’t wait for Julie to tell me to do it. I assumed it fell under a small request. I unlaced his boots and took them off.

“That feels good; how about a foot massage?”

I looked at Julie. I wasn’t done with my dinner.

“If anyone is getting a foot massage, it’s me, and you need to let Brittany eat so she can go jogging later.”

“Ooh, can I take her out?” Dewey raised his hand and volunteered. I was flattered he wanted to go with me.

“Nope, you take Brittany out too long, and I want to get her back and work on some other things.”

“C’mon, it’s the weekend,” Dewey negotiated for my time.

“Hey, how about we play Pop the Booty when you return?” Jim asked me as I ate my salad. I replied that, as I always did, it was up to Julie.

“Yeah, we can play,” Julie said.

“We? Are you joining your mom down on the floor?” Jim grinned wickedly. He was teasing Julie because she had shown no interest the last few times we played.

“I might; why don’t you join her on the floor, and I’ll pop your butt!” Julie returned his grin with the same wicked expression. I liked how they got along.

As much as I enjoyed the harmony of the Karlson household, I was at home here with my family the way they were.

Julie took me out for a run, and I didn’t feel the need for sandals, so I didn’t ask to wear any. I ran barefoot on the hot asphalt. That was a mistake. Even though it was cool outside, the street was still hot. There were also tiny bits of gravel and rock on the street. I decided to just tough it out and endure it.


I had my butt plug up my ass and nothing else but my collar. Julie rode her bike naked but brought her purse. The sun was still high in the sky, and it was light out. I stopped paying attention to the catcalls, whistles, and comments from people who happened to catch a glimpse of my big titties flopping while I dashed down the road naked. However, one voice stood out.

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