NIS: Breeder Program - Cover

NIS: Breeder Program

Copyright© 2024 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 32

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 32 - Julie asked her mother to join NIS (Naked in School) AKA "The Program" with her. This year they are allowing eligible mothers who can bear children to join the program as "Breeders" in this social experiment/education program.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Teen Siren   BiSexual   School   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Daughter   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Spanking   PonyGirl   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Lactation   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Water Sports   Public Sex   Nudism   Illustrated  

I was surprised that CR (Karen) would be rude to my daughter after she helped her out. However, CR had acted stuck up when we first met her. I thought this experience in the Breeder Program would humble her and make her appreciate kindness. It certainly did me.

I recognized one of the boys who approached us to make a request. He had given me a request to jam my thumb up my ass on my first school day during lunch. He was interested in dating my daughter a few months ago, but she wasn’t interested in him, and he had a bit of an ax to grind with her.

“Hello Julie,” he showed up with two of his friends while we stood in line.

“Hello, Jeremy, end of the line is that way. No cuts, no buts, no coconuts,” Julie repeated a nursery school rhyme that I remembered from when I was a kid about not cutting in line.

“I see two BIG butts and four lovely coconuts,” Jeremy poked his fingers towards Julie’s nipples but stopped short of touching them.

“What do you want, Jeremy?”

“I want to see you and your mom kiss. I heard you like doing that,” Jeremy offered a perverted grin. His friends chuckled behind him.

“Take your Randy out,” Julie told me. I removed the dildo, and French kissed my daughter deeply. The practice that I had made me a much better kisser. My daughter and I embraced for about 30 seconds, sharing a really hot kiss. I just had to imagine she was anyone else besides Julie.

“That’s not a full minute,” he complained.

“You didn’t say how long, and I need to get my lunch, Cowboy. We are having pizza. End of line is that way,” she pointed about 30 students away and handed me back my dildo. I put it in my mouth. Julie looked up at me and complimented me. “You are doing really well today, Brittany. You are also kissing MUCH better than before.”

I nodded my thanks. My daughter refused any other requests since it was optional to do requests while eating.

“I carried my daughter’s lunch back to the table and joined her friends. Gretchen and Jessica giggled when we walked up but stopped when my daughter sat down. I faced away from her on the floor in a squatting position as she had told me to do in the past without asking how my daughter wanted me.

“I want a kiss,” Jessica leaned over and looked deeply into Julie’s eyes.

Her friend Gretchen smiled and said she did as well while she peeled an orange.

“Sorry, can’t accommodate you on lunch, but if there is time after, why not?”

Julie and Gretchen seemed disappointed that Julie wasn’t horrified to kiss them. They were both pretty girls. Tiffany offered her mother, and her catty friends declined.

“Suit yourself, CR; Crawl into the Breeding position under the table and kiss my feet since no one wants to kiss your ugly face.”

The words seem hateful, but Tiffany’s mother seemed to expect them. CR was stoic and passive instead of haughty and snobbish, like when we first met.

“Yes, Ma’am,” Tiffany’s mother didn’t blush, she didn’t wince, she didn’t seem to take any of that personally. CR simply obeyed.

“Karen’s name is CR?”

“Yep, she’s a cum receptacle, so that’s her new name. CR,” Tiffany boasted while her mother removed her daughter’s expensive shoes and began to seductively lick her feet. “You always wanted to lick my tootsies, didn’t you mumsy?”

CR didn’t immediately respond until Tiffany kicked her face. That seemed really harsh. “I didn’t think about your feet, Ma’am, but I wanted to eat your delicious pussy. Your father knows that, and he can confirm it.”

“You nasty bitch,” Tiffany smiled as if she were proud of how openly deviant her mother had become.

I was fed my bottle and allowed to drink a bottle of water and eat a salad. At the end of lunch, Tiffany watched as my daughter French kissed both of her other friends. Then Tiffany asked for a kiss. Julie smiled and said she had to get to class.

As Julie led me by the lead around my neck behind her through the hallways, her calm demeanor faded, and she began to complain. “Why do I hang out with those bitches? We all secretly hate each other; well, no, it’s not a secret. We all KNOW we hate each other, and yet we are all too terrified of what the others will say behind our backs, so we leave the friend group.”

“Let them stare and say what they want, Julie. They can’t think any less of you than they do now because they hate you,” I advised.

Julie stopped and stroked my hair and told me that I was special. “I appreciate the advice, Brittany,” she said before apologizing and returning my dildo to my mouth to shut me up.


Julie advised my husband and sons that we would not be coming home that evening. I no longer had access to my cell phone. I never really used it anyway, and Julie was almost always around if anyone needed to contact me. She had a phone. They weren’t happy that we wouldn’t be home. We’d been having fun and growing closer as a family every night with all the activities that we were adding due to our participation in the NIS Program.

It meant Dewey and Reese had to ride the bus. I left them some lasagna with instructions on how to heat it up.

After a long day of school, my daughter and I were doing our first “sleepover” exchange. Astrid and Ingrid lived in a nice house in Arrowhead Manor, which wasn’t far from where we lived.

“It’s strange to go sleep at someone else’s house and not pack a bag,” I said to Julie as we arrived.

“Are you nervous, Brittany?”

“Always,” I admitted with a grin.

We knocked on the door. I realized a little too late that we might have the wrong address and be showing up naked on a total stranger’s doorstep. That might have been funny. Fortunately, we were at the right place.

Ingrid answered the door in the nude and greeted us. “Välkommen!” she said as she opened the door wide.

Astrid and Ingrid’s house was much bigger and brighter than mine. I immediately noticed how open the floor plan was and how modern the furniture was. It looked like a model home.


Rolf and Helena looked so young and fit. Their entire family exuded a relaxed confidence around us and were incredibly welcoming.

Ingrid immediately introduced me to her family. They all had blonde hair except for Brunna. Ingrid first introduced me to her Mother and Father. Her mother was strikingly beautiful, and it was hard to tell her apart from Astrid or Ingrid. They could have been sisters as far as I could tell.

Her father was tall and had a square jaw. He was very muscular, and looked like he was well-educated. He could have easily been a Hollywood actor or a model, but I gathered he was an Engineer working on a project in the United States. He was probably working down at the old military base.

The one big difference between Americans and Swedish people that I noticed right away was that they called their father “Pappa!” and their mother “Mamma!” when addressing them. I found it quaint.

“It’s nice to meet you, Rolf and Helena,” I said as I nodded awkwardly to them. They were both completely naked as well. Helena wore her hair in twin braids just like her daughters frequently did.

“Hej! Jag heter Brittany,” Helena shook my hand, and as she did, her tits bounced. She smiled brightly and seemed eager to have me in her home. I didn’t understand what she was saying.

“Use English, Helena,” Rolf had a thicker accent than his wife.

In turn, they introduced us to their other four kids. They had three girls, Katia, Annika, and Brunna, and then one son named Arvid. Arvid was the youngest, and even though he was two years younger than my oldest son, he was probably a little bit bigger than him.

All of the girls were tall and healthy-looking. Brunna had tits almost as big as mine. Hers hung down and then jutted out like a backward L hanging off her body.

The entire family was completely naked. At first, I thought they did that to make us more comfortable. However, they explained they were full-time nudists when the weather permits. Everyone in the Karlson family had a towel that they brought with them to sit down on.

“Do you want towels?” Helena asked me. My daughter was wearing school clothes. She stood out in a room full of naked people as the odd one.

“One for me, yes,” Julie said as she started to undress. “Brittany will squat.”

“Oh yes, of course,” Helena smiled graciously. They were incredibly welcoming when we arrived. The Karlson family seemed very wholesome but were also quite accepting of the peculiarities of the Program. No one seemed perplexed that Ingrid and I were the only ones who had to squat down.

Ingrid could barely keep a straight face around her siblings. She giggled with them, and they spoke in a mixture of Swedish and English. I noticed even the men shaved off their body hair. No one in the family allowed their pubes to grow. They were all either completely shaved or had a small patch of neatly trimmed pubic hair around their genitals.

Their family also had two paired white dogs that they called “Elkhounds.” I wasn’t sure what breed that was, but they looked like really furry German Shepherds to me. They had the unlikely names of AppleJack and Scrabble. However, they tended to call the first dog simply “Jack.”

The dogs were at eye level with most people’s crotches and made a habit of sniffing everyone’s butts and crotches. No one made a big deal about it, and if the dogs sniffed for longer than a few seconds, the family would shoo the dog away. However, they reacted to it like a minor annoyance, the same way I would have if I were wearing jeans.

It’s hard to describe the first time a strange dog boops you on your bare ass with their cold nose. That took some getting used to for me. The Karlson family seemed perfectly well-adjusted at home with the dogs and their nudity. At my house, the guys never walked around naked, and even when I jerked them off, they usually only unzipped their pants or allowed me to take their pants down a little.

Here, everything was right out in the open, and their family nudity seemed very natural and organic. No one was forced, and everyone just accepted it as the norm.

There were no requests made by anyone and no teasing. My kids had always had a little friendly sibling rivalry, but the younger siblings treated Astrid and Ingrid like rock stars. They doted on them and fawned over them. Astrid was the oldest, and she kept the others in line, but they were so well-behaved that I doubted it was very difficult.

“We will make a traditional Swedish dinner if that is alright?” Helena offered.

“Can I help in the kitchen?” I offered. My daughter smacked my bottom with a crop, and Helena chuckled playfully.

“Your daughter has the right idea. You are a guest in our house. Please, make yourself at home! Enjoy!”

I squatted next to my daughter while she sat on the couch. We observed the family laughing and joking around. Everyone pitched in to help make dinner, even Rolf. I was really shocked.

They had a really long dining room table, and each of them sat on either side. The mother sat Rolf’s left hand instead of sitting at the other end of the table. They insisted my daughter sit at the other end of the table as the guest of honor, and I squatted at her feet. Ingrid squatted near me. No one kicked under the table or poked. They were all so well-behaved.

Helena made homemade egg noodles, and those were delicious. We had delicious potato dumplings, salmon, and meatballs.

“Can Brittany have wine?” Helena asked Julie.

“No, and we are getting stuffed! This is so much food. How do you stay so thin?”

“Thin? We are so fat! You have Americanized us over here!” Helena said playfully. The men were fit, and all the women were very beautiful and healthy. They weren’t rail thin, but there was hardly any fat on any of them.

After dinner, I tried to volunteer to wash dishes. I was once again struck with a riding crop by my daughter and told absolutely not by Helena. She and her kids sang traditional Swedish songs while washing up the kitchen in harmony. I thought Rolf was off smoking a pipe or something, but he was out walking their dogs.

He brought them in, and they ran over to me and started smelling my pussy because I was still squatting. One of the other dogs did the same to Ingrid, and she giggled and let him kiss her face.

“Stop it, Jack! Get down!” Rolf insisted sternly. Jack pulled away from me and returned to his master. “Come on, Scrabble. Leave the girls to their games!”

It was amazing seeing how supportive the family was of Ingrid and Astrid. I was also fascinated that they all pitched in to do housework and never complained. I was certain that Julie noticed as well.

After Dinner, Helena told me that she wanted to join the Program, but she did not believe she could have another child. “Ingrid is such a kind soul. She told me that she wanted to have a baby for me since I cannot get pregnant any longer. I was never so happy as when I was pregnant with my children. I won’t get to raise the baby, obviously, but I’ll know that my grandchild is with a kind family!”

Helena’s face shined so brightly when she spoke about her kids. She was so proud of them.

“I would miss you too much, Dear Heart,” Rolf hugged his wife close. I noticed that neither Rolf nor Arvid got boners at random times around all these girls. At home, it wasn’t like that. The guys thought nothing of getting a boner around me.

“I would be home every night,” Helena romantically kissed her husband’s hand. The kids didn’t tease them for being openly affectionate, and it was a very touching moment.

“Okay, girls, what homework do you have tonight?” Helena asked. Her other daughters ran off to get their homework to show their mother. Rolf worked with Arvid at the dinner table on his math homework.

“What about you, Astrid? What is the assignment tonight?”

“Dildo practice, rope bondage, and yoga,” Astrid thought nothing of saying that to her mother.

Helena seemed very sweet, and somehow, I thought she’d find that offensive. However, she didn’t blink an eye. “Okay then, have fun!”

Astrid took Ingrid for a run. Instead of riding a bike, she ran alongside her sister. Julie chose to run alongside me. The people in the upscale neighborhood were surprisingly welcoming to the girls when they ran past. Many of them called them by name and waved hello. They waved right back.

“You get a lot of friendly comments,” Julie said. She and the other girls hadn’t broken a sweat, but I was already plodding along. I had to run in bare feet because I forgot to bring sandals. Astrid and Julie wore shoes and socks, but Ingrid did not.

“We just ignore the negative comments,” Astrid replied pragmatically.

Once we left the immediate neighborhood, we turned on the sidewalk to a larger avenue. The friendly comments ceased. Cars on the busy road would occasionally slow down to follow us. Most of them were men who were leering at our bare asses. Astrid and Ingrid waved like Disney Princesses, greeted by adoring fans, and the car would eventually speed up again.

The girls walked into a McDonald’s just off of MacArthur Drive. No one else in the restaurant was naked, but the friendly staff greeted them as if they expected them. The girls took water cups and drank. I waited for Julie to give me permission before I took mine. We had some water and then jogged back home.

Once inside, we toweled off, and started practicing what we learned in the Program. It was fascinating that the rest of the family, including young Arvid, could walk into the living room without making a wisecrack or staring at us like we were nuts. Their dogs came and tried to lick the sweat off of my legs (And sniff my butt), but Astrid shooed them away.

Ingrid sat on her dildo and calmly fucked herself while having a conversation with her mother entirely in Swedish. Astrid hog-tied her sister after that, and she, too, had a serious conversation with her father about homework and current events as if this were something they always did around the house.

My daughter and I followed along and performed the same things that Astrid and Ingrid did.

Their family was so well-adjusted that nothing seemed to flap them.

“Do your parents ever have an issue with anything you are doing in the Program?” I asked politely.

“No, why would they?” Astrid furrowed her brow in confusion.

“It’s just that some of what they want us to do this year with the Breeders is a lot different than last year. My mother is just asking if they had any concerns about it,” Julie spoke for me as if she was translating my intention. I didn’t mind that.

“No, they read the pamphlet and the rules, and we talked about it as a family. They know this is fun and safe for us; they have no concerns,” Astrid answered for them both.

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