NIS: Breeder Program - Cover

NIS: Breeder Program

Copyright© 2024 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 31

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 31 - Julie asked her mother to join NIS (Naked in School) AKA "The Program" with her. This year they are allowing eligible mothers who can bear children to join the program as "Breeders" in this social experiment/education program.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Teen Siren   BiSexual   School   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Daughter   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Spanking   PonyGirl   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Lactation   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Water Sports   Public Sex   Nudism   Illustrated  

“God damned, that was fucking fun! You are a natural at that game, Honey!” Jim kissed me on the lips and played with my nipples as they started untying me after the game was over.

“Who won?” I asked. I had a tremendous rush of endorphins and excitement; even though all the pops from the backs of hairbrushes and slaps stung, it was genuinely fun. I assumed I was more of a ‘game board’ and not really a player in this game. I just wanted to know if Dewey, Reese, or my husband won.

“I think we all won,” Reese admitted, even though he didn’t know.

“Dewey had 540 points, Reese had 173 points, and Dad had 790 points,” Julie rattled off their scores. I was surprised there were actual rules. The game had been so free-wheeling and consistent mostly of hand slaps, grab-ass, finger poking, and pinching.

“Fuck yeah, in your face Reese and Dewey,” Jim jokingly trashed talked his sons, and they laughed about that as well. I felt warm all over. It wasn’t endorphins, and I really didn’t hurt from any of it. I was a little high on adrenalin and felt I could have kept going for a while.

“I can’t believe I scored so low,” Reese seemed disappointed. I wanted to tell him it was just a game. I didn’t want anyone to feel bad after that experience. I was still high on endorphins from hopping around and getting my booty popped.

“You kept popping Brittany in the boobs,” Julie reminded him. Reese accepted that and said he thought they were worth more points.

“No, only one point,” Julie corrected.

The guys decided to make my tits worth two points each to make it more sporting next time.

Later that evening, after I finished my work in my portal and spent some time with my butt plug and chastity belt, my daughter and I were alone in her room. She asked me how I really felt about Pop the Booty after I had some time to think about it.

“I didn’t mind it,” I admitted and admitted that it was actually kind of fun. “At first, I thought I was supposed to play the game, but then I realized I was more of the actual game itself.”

“I wish I was like you, Brittany!” she smiled. “You are fearless.”

I was so flattered that I couldn’t speak, but I wanted to say that she was my role model and inspiration, and I was terrified half the time. “I couldn’t do this without your support. I think some girls would be embarrassed if their mothers came to school and jerked boys off.”

Julie laughed. “I noticed you have a little crush coming by every day.”

“Oh yes, Hugo?” I admitted.

“He’s so cute when he walks up to you. His hands start shaking, his eyes get all googly, and he starts getting nervous,” Julie imitated the boy’s face when he saw me.

“Oh, stop, he doesn’t go that far,” I blushed.

“Yeah, he’s all about those big old mommy milkers,” Julie pulled my tits and said he looked like he wanted to suck on them.


I was busy scrambling eggs, making bacon, and biscuits. I had grown accustomed to cooking in the nude, and little splashes of hot grease on my tits were tolerable.

“Good morning, Brittany,” Dewey walked into the kitchen and greeted me warmly.

I had my daughter’s riding crop in my mouth, so I couldn’t talk. I assumed it was just like the pencil, and the same rules were applied. I pointed to it and smiled at him while clenching it in my teeth.

Julie and Reese joined him a few minutes later and sat at the table. My husband sauntered into the kitchen and kissed me. He patted my bottom, and I handed him his cup of coffee. I had already added the sugar and milk just the way he liked it.

“Just to let you know, we are going to have to host some other Trainer-Breeders from the NIS Program for an overnight visit,” Julie told the guys.

“What? They are just going to expect me to feed two more mouths on my own dime?” Jim’s immediate reaction was that the school could go to hell.

“It’ll even out because we’ll be going to their house for a night, and Brittany’s protein shakes are included in the Program,” Julie said.

“Dad, don’t you get it? We get two more hot girls over here all night who do requests to play Pop Your Booty with!” Reese smiled.

Jim thought about that and took a sip of his coffee without saying a word. He regarded me as I joined my family and squatted at my daughter’s feet. “How do you feel about that, Honey? Are you going to get jealous if a different woman gives me a triple Lemonade?”

I still had the crop in my mouth, so I didn’t answer. I knew Jim was just goofing on me and not trying to be mean. My daughter removed it so I could speak. “No, you are very understanding about me doing it to others; why would I mind? You ask Julie for Triple Lemonade, don’t you?”

“Actually, no, I have never got it from Julie. I think that’s probably a line that a daughter and a dad should not cross,” he admitted.

“Oh my god, I’ll do it for anybody, Dad. I’ve jerked off Reese and Dewey several times. Do you want me to do it now?” Julie started to get up.

“Not before I go to work. I’ll want to go back to bed and miss my shift. If you are okay with it, I’ll think about it,” Jim admitted.

Later, when we were in the car, Julie admitted to me that she thought it was weird her father had a hang-up about that. “He’s made plenty of requests for me to touch myself. Why draw the line there?”

“I guess, like Jen says, it’s an icky or something that makes him feel weird, not a physical limitation?” I admitted. The guys joined us shortly after, and we stopped talking.

I had to because my daughter put the riding crop in my mouth.

“So, is the riding crop the new gag?” Dewey asked.

“Whatever I put in Brittany’s mouth is the new gag,” Julie decided.

“Can we gag her?”



“Nope, and in case I wasn’t clear last night, you can’t tie her up and play Pop your Booty with her. Any request you make besides little ones has to go through me.”

“Yes, Boss!”


At the next Workshop, Jen arrived a little late with some cum dripping on her nose. She quickly rubbed it off with her finger and licked it. “Sorry! A CR’s job is never done!”

I was a little confused at first because Karen’s pet name was now “CR” and the job of cum receptacle was also called a “CR”.

I hadn’t been thinking for myself very much lately, and my brain felt a little foggy. I had to remind myself that Jen was talking about the job of being a “CR” and not Karen. It was getting harder to focus, because I was relying on Julie so much for instructions on what I should do next.

The NIS coordinator had each Trainer demonstrate they could tie the basic knots, hobbles, and hogtie us. Then she taught them how to lace up our tits with rope. “You don’t want to cut off the circulation. This is a good time to use the Breast Trainers, and I’ll show you some other ways to bind the nipples in the future. However, for this, just keep it simple. Cross the tits, put the rope around each one, and then run it around behind your Breeder and either tie that between their legs and make a waistband or bind their tits to their wrists behind their back.”

It was all very interesting, and we were just scratching the surface of the concepts of rope bondage. Admittedly, I didn’t get to actually tie any knots. I was just a training dummy, and Julie did all the hard work to tie me up.

Jen also asked everyone to talk about what they did the night before. Astrid tied Ingrid up and decorated her like a Christmas tree. Crabby said she was tied up like she always was. Her husband ties her up by her collar in the kitchen like a leash, and she can only walk 20 feet in any direction. I wondered how she went to the bathroom, but nobody asked, and I was too bashful to ask the question.

Darla said she was tied up but gave very few details. “I thought you’d be excited by that. You told me you love rope bondage.”

“I like it when other men tie me up; my own daughter isn’t exactly my cup of tea,” Darla confessed.

Staci elbowed her mother and said she seemed to like it last night.

“Your father and his friends were watching. I didn’t mind it. This just isn’t scratching my itch, baby. I am sorry,” Darla explained apologetically.

“Let me stop you right there, Darla. Your daughter is going to find a pet name for YOU. You are to address her as Darla or Ma’am or even Ms. Starling if she so desires. There is no baby or Honey or nicknames. If it happens again, Staci, I expect you to discipline your mother.”

“Where in the rules does it say that?” Darla seemed aghast and a little confrontational.

“It’s good practice, just like it’s good practice to sit up straight when crouching, but you are slouching,” Jen corrected Darla’s posture and directed her daughter to spank her.

We observed as Darla got 30 spankings on the ass, pussy and each tit. Darla didn’t look like she enjoyed it, and by the end, she was a lot more contrite.

“Yeah, I tied the bitch up last night, Hogtied her outside while my Uncle and I had a barbecue and fed some of the neighbors,” James admitted. Thelma blushed. It was interesting seeing a black woman blush. I didn’t think they could.

Tiffany just had to top everyone by mentioning she suspended Karen (CR) and gave her complete sensory deprivation by blindfolding her and putting headphones on her ears while gagging her and then periodically whipping her while leaving her in the garage.

“As I said earlier, I’d like you to tone your rope play down and constantly supervise your Mother when she is in bondage,” Jen warned. Neither Tiffany nor her mother seemed happy about that. CR’s facial expression registered as the self-entitled, stuck-up money bags I knew her to be. I expected her to complain, but she simply stared daggers at Jen.

“What about you two?” Jen asked us to tell the story. I looked at Julie, and she told me to tell the class about the game we played. I was nervous and quickly went over how the Pop the Booty game worked and how, by the end, we were all laughing. I didn’t want anyone to think that my family was cruel and that I was suffering. It wasn’t like that at all.

If anything, the game helped make getting tied up seem less weird. There was a purpose to it all other than just Julie practicing the knots she was taught and me getting used to not being allowed to move around.

“So, you didn’t get hogtied last night, Brittany?”

“No, but I was tied up a little,” I admitted awkwardly. I didn’t want to get my daughter in trouble.

“You need to play fewer games and practice more,” Jen chastised Julie before continuing.

The rest of the session was spent with “Randy” performing what Ms. Collins called “Yoga.” I’d call it “Erotic Yoga.”

We began by stretching out and limbering up. Even the Trainers were encouraged to do it with us. They weren’t required to use their Randy, but some of the Trainers like Astrid and Misty did. They clearly enjoyed a little time sitting on Randy and playing with themselves.

They also weren’t shy about masturbating in front of everyone. I couldn’t imagine being that bold when I was their age.

“Give your Randy a good lick on the base,” Jen demonstrated how we could lick the base and then stick it to the floor or a wall using suction. You could easily mount it and fuck it on the floor or the wall.

A few of the starter poses were not very sexual at all. We had to hover around our Randy and execute the Downward Dog pose. It was basically coming up from a crawling position and sticking your ass in the air while putting your head down.

Jen used terms like relax and breathe, but all I could think about was the sight of a dozen assholes spread around me in any direction.

Then, we performed the Tree Pose. This was relatively innocuous. All I had to do was stand up straight, bring my leg up, and have my foot level with my crotch. It sounds simple until you try it and stumble, and everyone laughs at you. I was about as graceful as a cow.

The last of the vanilla poses was called “The Triangle,” and I had to pivot my hips like a triangle and try to touch an ankle. There was no way I could do it, but many of the younger girls in the Program were that limber.

Then, we began the Yoga Squats, which continued for quite some time. You start by raising your hands over your head like you are going to perform a jumping jack. Then you squat down into the observation position with your knees spread over your Randy and fuck yourself on the dildo a few times until you can get to the floor.

CR (Karen) took hers up the ass at her daughter’s direction and managed to touch the floor.

We did that for a really long time, and despite the surreal nature of being in a room full of mostly nude women fucking themselves, I got off on it. It wasn’t an explosive orgasm, but I was dripping wet by the time they gave us the next exercise.

The next pose we did was a modified Plank. The idea is to start out perpendicular to the floor and almost perform a push-up, except that as you lower yourself down, you open your mouth and suck on Randy.

“You don’t have to deep throat, but you should try and make Randy cum in your mouth each time you dip your head,” Jen explained with a smirk. She asked Tiffany if CR needed to clean her dildo first, and the answer was no.

I tasted my own pussy drippings on the dildo as I performed about 8 Planks before I gave up. Jen allowed me to do the rest on my knees, but she spanked my bottom with her paddle while I did them as she walked around and checked us.

We also performed what is called the Plow Pose. “This is meant to keep your spine flexible,” Jen seemed energized by the Yoga, but everyone else was having trouble keeping up. Even CR seemed to struggle with it.

We were expected to keep the dildo in our pussies and lay flat on our back. Then push our hips up over our heads so that our eye line was even with our pussies and our feet were over our heads.

“This one is more for the boys, James. You know what to do.”

“Miss Collins, I thought Trainers didn’t have to do this?”

“In Workshop, you do, and if you get a reasonable request, I’d expect you to try it. You know what you taste like. C’mon, let the ladies see how boys do it.”

James grumbled a little, and as he brought his legs over his head, he sucked his erect penis and then dropped his feet back down to lay flat on his back. He continued doing it like he was performing upside-down sit-ups.

“James, I never knew you were so good at sucking dick!” Thelma giggled. James glared at her and asked for a break to spank his sister for talking back. Jen told him to finish his exercises, and he could.

We finished with Happy Baby, which is where you pull your legs apart while lying on your back and expose your pussy as much as you can. It’s strange, but by its end, I felt much more limber and extremely turned on. I had to spend the rest of the afternoon dripping wet until I was allowed to masturbate in Science class.

At home, I began performing Yoga around the house, and the boys and Jim were fascinated. Dewey asked to take me for a run but had to promise not to take me out to Pike Avenue again or run through rough terrain. I was permitted to wear sandals again.

At the end of the night, we played another game of Pop the Booty, and Jim won again. It was a lot of fun even though Julie didn’t play.

I was getting used to sleeping at my daughter’s feet on her bed. It was actually very cozy and a relief not to be kept up by my husband’s snoring. I felt more energized when I woke up because I had actually slept better curled up on the end of the bed.


My daughter signed us up to perform a morning session in the reasonable request booth. That meant we had to get there early, and once again, Dewey and Reese chose to ride the bus to school. Ms. Collins waited for us when we arrived but assured us that she had just been dropped off herself.

She frequently wore high heels, and assorted collars. They weren’t practical like mine. They were usually simple chains or leather collars with no health monitoring or shock function. She also liked to wear belly chains. I wasn’t sure if she was required to be nude as part of her job. I don’t think a requirement was necessary in Jen’s case because she seemed to love to be naked more than anything.

We had a little time to talk before the rush of students making requests began.

“Do you drive, Ms. Collins?”

“I used to, not anymore.”

“Why not?” Julie asked. She knew Ms. Collins was an open book and would answer any question other than the ones that were confidential due to student privacy issues.

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