NIS: Breeder Program - Cover

NIS: Breeder Program

Copyright© 2024 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 30

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 30 - Julie asked her mother to join NIS (Naked in School) AKA "The Program" with her. This year they are allowing eligible mothers who can bear children to join the program as "Breeders" in this social experiment/education program.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Teen Siren   BiSexual   School   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Daughter   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Spanking   PonyGirl   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Lactation   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Water Sports   Public Sex   Nudism   Illustrated  

During the workshop, Ms. Collins explained that bondage was a tool, just like spanking, to motivate, encourage, or refine positive behaviors and reduce negative ones. “Bondage is very complex. It’s like golf. You can play every day for ten years and never be any better at it than when you started. You must start with the basics before building upon those fundamentals and learning more advanced techniques. I do not WANT or AUTHORIZE you to use your discretion and go beyond what I explicitly teach you, EVEN IF your Breeder consents.”

I didn’t fully understand what Ms. Collins was teaching us because I also didn’t play golf. I assumed she simply meant that you could do the same thing every day.

“You can learn how to apply restraints or enjoy being restrained, but there is a bigger point to bondage than just pleasure and sexual release. There is control, and being controlled, dominating, and being dominated, and in this course, you will begin to understand through doing. There is nothing I can tell you that will explain it better than trying it out for yourselves,” Ms. Collins added.

Jen started the lesson that way by bringing out braided rope, duct tape, and handcuffs. “You aren’t INFORMED enough to consent, and I know many of you may have experienced advanced rope play, Shibari, fire play, sensory deprivation, and the like, but I will take very seriously any bondage that I did not show you in this class.”

She had our attention and called Karen up to be her training dummy to demonstrate on. Karen was only too happy to dash to the center of the class and stand next to Jen. Karen was chewing gum loudly, and Ms. Collins held out her hand to ask her to spit it out.

Karen placed the little bit of green gum in Jen’s hand, and Jen promptly stuck it to Karen’s nose for the duration of the lesson. We giggled about that.

“Bondage is ONLY part of reasonable requests if a Student asks to watch a trainer apply it to their Breeder. Students should NEVER be allowed to tie, fasten, or bind Breeders. Are we understood?”

“What about our family members?” Crabby asked while raising her hand. I assumed from how quickly she asked the question that it was possible that they would engage in bondage with her. It was reassuring that other people wondered what the boundaries were.

“Nope. Breeders and you, there are just too many ways that can go wrong. That also includes babysitters,” Jen explained. “You can bind them up in front of them, and they can touch, but don’t allow them to participate in the bondage.”

Jen also demonstrated on Crabby (Crystal). She called her up to the front and had her get down on the ground and lie on her side. She tied a rope to Crabby’s ankle and then pulled her leg backward to help her limber up. “One of the uses for bondage can be to help your Breeder limber up for Yoga exercises. I’ll be teaching those over the semester as we progress. Stretching without breaking is a key. Does that hurt, Crabby?”

“A little,” Crabby answered quite honestly. I got the impression that Crabby had experience with bondage just from how she carried herself when the topic came up.”

Once Crabby was limbered up, she was allowed to stand and stretch a little on her own before being placed back in the squatting observation position. Crabby was fully compliant, and even made cute little faces to indicate how comfortable she was with the scene.

Ms. Collins showed us all how to attach a leash to our collars. I could imagine going on a walk behind my daughter like a dog. That would be extremely humiliating.


“Good, a little isn’t too bad. Here, hold this cord over your shoulder nice and tight until I tell you to stop,” Jen made Crabby hold the rope binding her tits tightly around her neck and shoulders.

Ms. Collins continued to talk about bondage, but all I could think about was being taken outside like a dog. I hoped that wasn’t going to be required. What would my neighbor think about that?

“One side effect is that your Breeder can’t go anywhere without your permission. This rope physically reinforces that control and manifests it in the physical and not just the mental realm in your relationship. Submitting to rope bindings voluntarily establishes trust between you and your Breeder. It is a nice tool; it can also be used for corrective action when your Breeder fails to meet expectations or needs reinforcement of who is in charge. The true purpose of bondage should be obvious.”

Everyone nodded in understanding. It wasn’t obvious to me, but I considered myself an airhead, so I continued listening. Crabby mumbled a little under her breath about the difficulty of holding the taut position. Ms. Collins frowned because she thought Crabby was overacting for attention. “Your Breeders may try to act out for attention while they are bound. Don’t give it to them, or if you do, give them negative attention. This is a time for them to be contemplative and remain still. You’ll be demonstrating BDSM and bondage as a fetish, and you don’t want to make a joke out of it.”

Crabby got serious and stopped goofing around, but her tits did continue to swell, and her nipples engorged and stiffened. It was strangely beautiful and very erotic to me.

“The true purpose of bondage is to keep a Breeder in a particular position and limit or restrict their movement entirely. Today, I am going to teach you to hobble your Breeder to slow their movement and some basic techniques to tie them up so that they cannot move. I don’t want you to leave your Breeders alone while bound until after we hold our first competition. I don’t want you to bind them in the same position for longer than an hour.”

Tiffany raised her hand and asked, “What if I’ve already been tying up my mother, and she is fine with it for several hours?”

It shouldn’t have surprised me that Misty tied her mother up before any of this began. Crabby seemed very comfortable with the concept of bondage. Yet, it did shock me. I couldn’t imagine any reason for that unless they were sexual partners together. No one else said anything about it or giggled. I assumed it was common enough these days that it didn’t raise a lot of eyebrows.

“As I said, one hour. I know Karen is very experienced, but I am not convinced that you are,” Jen said. Tiffany pouted, but her Mother remained expressionless. “All you have to do is prove you are experienced enough to me, yourself, and your mother, and those early restrictions will be eased.”

As Jen taught us how to tie proper knots and bound Crabby’s feet together, she asked Julie to ask the questions she had wanted to ask earlier.

“Are Breeders ever allowed to make Reasonable Requests of anyone else?” Julie asked.

The room echoed with tittering laughter as the others found it amusing that the question would even be asked.

Jen remained calm and collected as she adjusted the rope bindings between Karen’s legs, demonstrating how it made her walk and how fast she could go.

“No, they should not be making requests of you or any other participant in the program. If there is something that they want to see or be educated on, we can go over it in the class if they are reluctant to try it themselves.”

“I mean, like of a non-participant? Can Brittany ask my brother to do something around the house?”

I could see from the reactions of the others that they also didn’t know the answer to this question.

“If you specifically told your Breeder to perform an action, and they turn around, and request someone else do what you just instructed them to do, I would say no. If they are asking them to do their homework, that’s fine. I don’t think that’s a reasonable request, though, by our definition. What did your Mother ask your brother to do?”

“Tie her nipples to his kite and see if she could fly it around the park,” Julie’s delivery was very flat and calm, but the room erupted into laughter. Even Jen and Karen found that amusing.

I wanted to crawl into my shell and hide. I felt like the world’s worst mom again. It was just a goofy thing that I knew my son wanted to do, but I sounded like a bad mom when Julie explained it.

“Very adventurous, Brittany,” Jen commended me and suppressed her grin. “I want to know if it was Dewey or Reese?”

“Dewey,” I answered. I thought about providing some context about how we were all alone, and Dewey asked me first, but I knew that story would be too long to repeat.

“You can ask the people in your life to do things but try not to TELL them to do it. I am sure Dewey has enough wild ideas on his own without you making suggestions. If you make another reasonable request, I would advise your daughter to punish you.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

Julie admitted she didn’t punish me because she knew that I thought Dewey would enjoy it.

“Did he?” Ms. Collins asked.

“Oh, definitely. My little brother wouldn’t shut up about it when he got home five minutes before Brittany made it back on foot from the park.”

“You shouldn’t leave your Breeder alone like that to walk home. Where were you?” Jen asked.

“I was watching YOU on the NIS show. Dewey asked to take my mom out for a run, and I thought that was okay.”

Jen nodded but seemed skeptical. She demonstrated how to use the hobble to start a hogtie on Karen. Jen tied Karen’s wrists and then bound her ankles to her wrists and showed everyone what she did. “Think of the hips like a pully system, and the more you pull the rope in this direction, the more the legs will swing open.”

Ms. Collins asked Julie to ask her second question.

“What should we do when we go out to restaurants? They usually have no problem with nude dining, but people will stare if our Breeder starts to squat.”

“Let them stare, that’s fine. They will, anyway. I told you on Friday night that when I go into other people’s houses, I wear clothes until I know their feelings about my nudity. The difference in this situation is that it’s public, and public nudity is legal. People eating with me should expect nudity when they go out. It’s my right to be naked just as it is theirs not to look.”

I was surprised by how blunt the NIS Coordinator’s response was.

“If you are concerned about upsetting their dining experience, ask if there are outdoor tables, or feed your Breeder outside of the restaurant and have them stand during the meal. I’d rather you not make exceptions and allow them on furniture. However, while there is no law against squatting or standing, the restaurant may find it disruptive. In which case, you should use your judgment and permit your Breeder to sit for the duration of the meal.”

Julie admitted that was what she had done and told her she was concerned it would upset the management and patrons.

“You can find other ways to reinforce your authority over your Breeder. You can make them sit a certain way,” Jen demonstrated by sitting with her legs VERY wide in one of the chairs. She suggested telling the Breeder when she could eat or drink and telling her to stop now and then and wait for permission to continue. “You should not make a habit of dining out every night, but it can be a fun experience every now and then.”

It sounded harsh, but I could understand why Jen didn’t want us to use it as an excuse to circumvent the rules. It seemed like she was saying that we’d need to trade one form of discomfort for another if we wanted to sit in chairs. I felt guilty for sitting in that booth on Sunday.

Jen continued the bondage lesson once she was sure there were no other questions. She allowed us to touch ropes made of different materials. Jen explained that some waxy ropes have very little give, while braided ropes tend to be scratchier. They each have a different sensation against the skin. She mentioned that sweat mixed with struggling could allow someone to escape a binding from one rope, but not a more rigid rope.

Our Breeders practiced tying our hands behind our backs, hogtying us, and tying us to a chair. Astrid asked if this would become part of reasonable requests.

“This is more for practice at home. You should incorporate this into your training, practice your knots, and get comfortable with each other’s bodies enough to understand how much your Breeder can handle and for how long. You can demonstrate at school but remember that students should not be tying the knots.”

“Can I tie Crabby’s hands behind her back at school so that she can’t grab or hold anything unless I untie her?” Misty asked. Crabby looked sad about it but didn’t argue.

“You could, and you could also just hobble her around school if you don’t mind moving slowly around campus but build up to all-day tolerance. Check on your Breeder and make sure they have a few minutes to relax their wrists and get the circulation going.”

“Crabby here is no stranger to being tied up, are you?”

“No, Ma’am,” Crabby admitted dourly.

“I usually tie her up like a Piñata at home and let her swing a little in the garage, and then make her do chores with her hands cuffed behind her.”

“Okay, I understand that. My concern is at school, many students have not been exposed to any rope play and may want to emulate the more extreme examples. As long as your Mother consents at home, there is nothing wrong with tying her up within her tolerances, but I’d like you to scale back to one hour at a time and relearn the art of rope bondage through me, okay? At school, there is probably not going to be a time you will need to hogtie Crabby, but I want you to practice anyway at home.”

“Yes, Ma’am!”

When the bell rang, Crabby was untied, but Tiffany kept Karen hobbled and marched her out of class slowly while softly whipping her butt with the crop.

My daughter stuck her crop in my mouth so that she didn’t have to carry it. She kept my Randy dildo in her purse, along with her phone and her own dildo. Julie didn’t use hers to perform requests though. Julie had signed us up for lunch duty at the request booth, so we escorted Ms. Collins to the teacher’s lounge to get her fruit tray.

“You had a lot of great questions today. It sounds like things are working out well at your house?” Jen asked.

“Yeah, I think so. We did perform a lot of requests this weekend for my Dad and brothers. I did exactly what you said and really applied myself to performing them just like I would at school,” Julie said.

“That’s great! I am so glad that I recommended you for the program!”

“I had a question about bondage. Can people request to do it on us?”

“Even for consent level six, that isn’t required. Is this related to the kid that likes to apply duct tape and pull it off?”

“No, my Dad and brothers asked if I’d play a game where they tied me up and then started popping me with my riding crop while I knelt on the carpet. I didn’t see the problem, but they made me wear a party hat, and giggled the entire time like it was funny. It really kind of humiliated me.”

I was surprised to hear that my daughter was CAPABLE of being embarrassed by performing requests. She confidently shared that with her coordinator, and I eavesdropped, though. I wasn’t really included in the conversation. Julie and Ms. Collins talked about me as if I wasn’t there.

“Let me guess, it was Dewey’s idea that you wear a Party hat?” Jen smirked mischeviously. She clearly found that amusing and on point for what she knew about Dewey. At the time, I felt like a clown to be ridiculed, but it did actually make the scene more entertaining for everyone.

“Yes, and put a party horn in my butt.”

“Did he think you were going to blow the whistle with it If you farted or something?” Jen giggled, put her hand to her face, and made a sound similar to a party horn with her mouth.

“Actually, he DID think that, and I told him that girls do fart, but we can’t do that,” Julie explained.

“Every year, we get one or two boys who are obsessed with butts, poopy, and farts and ask a lot of questions because they’ve probably never seen a girl’s asshole up close and don’t realize it works basically the same as a man’s. They usually grow out of it after they’ve investigated enough.”

“Yeah, I am not sure Dewey will grow out of it. Almost all of his requests center around our bottoms,” Julie admitted with a little chagrin. I think she found it slightly amusing but also a little creepy.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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