NIS: Breeder Program - Cover

NIS: Breeder Program

Copyright© 2024 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 3

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Julie asked her mother to join NIS (Naked in School) AKA "The Program" with her. This year they are allowing eligible mothers who can bear children to join the program as "Breeders" in this social experiment/education program.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Teen Siren   BiSexual   School   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Daughter   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Spanking   PonyGirl   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Lactation   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Water Sports   Public Sex   Nudism   Illustrated  

Karen dipped down low to her knees and squatted with her legs apart so that her pussy was visible to anyone who looked down at it. “Like this?” she asked very boldly. Tiffany’s mother didn’t seem the least bit concerned about decorum or modesty.

“Knees wider.” Tiffany used her foot to prod her mother to spread her knees even wider to expose herself, including her asshole, as she squatted before taking her seat next to us. “Shoes off, Karen!”

A terrifying thought occurred to me: that squatting was somehow the default position for the Breeders to sit in. It was definitely not lady-like, and everything Karen had was on display to anyone who wanted to look ... Karen didn’t seem to mind. If anything, her haughty expression suggested that since she went to the trouble of exposing her pussy, she wanted everyone to turn their heads and look at it.

She was chewing gum dumbly and quickly accepted the very unnatural position.

I could already smell the musky scent of Karen’s bald pussy from where I sat. She looked almost bored, as if this were passe’ to he ... She was beautiful and had obviously gone to great lengths to do her makeup before coming in, but she acted almost disinterested in being there.

Tiffany took a seat next to my daughter. She could have permitted Karen to sit next to me. There was no one else using it.

“Oh shit, look at them,” Tiffany confided in a whisper to get my daughter’s attention. Two black teenagers walked into the room completely naked. They had fairly dark complexions; the boy had tight braids, while the girl had a more natural short afro.

My eyes immediately went to the boy’s genitals. He didn’t have the monster cock that I expected black men to have. It was probably still an impressive eight or nine inches when it was fully erect. He was semi-flaccid. His pubes were trimmed up high and tight, and he had an athletic build. He probably played sports and worked out.

The younger girl that he was with had very natural-looking boobs. The breasts themselves were a slightly lighter shade than the rest of her body, but her nipples were almost completely black. I couldn’t tell if she had pubic hair from a distance. I could, however, see a sliver of bright pink open and close like a crease between her legs every time she walked, which reminded me of chewing gum. She had a very big, beautiful ass, and when she turned around, I could see not only purplish pussy lips from behind but also a strawberry pink butthole peeking out of her darkened ass crack.

I’d never seen naked black people in person before, and it was captivating. Jen recognized them and greeted them warmly from across the room.

“I can’t believe she got James Rucker to be her Trainer,” Tiffany whispered to my daughter. I had no idea who he was, but I assumed perhaps he was a big man on campus.

“It makes sense; Thelma had to pick someone who could supervise her at school or home,” my daughter replied in a whisper. I assumed Thelma was the black girl’s name. I was fascinated by her body. A fine sheen of cocoa butter or moisturizer all over her made her skin glisten with an oily sheen and highlighted her musculature.

“Yeah, but her own brother as her Trainer?” Tiffany scrunched up her pretty nose in a look of disgust.

“We are training our moms,” my daughter reminded her friend in a whisper. My spine tingled uncomfortably as I processed how casually my daughter said she was “training” me. I could feel fresh goosebumps work their way around my boobs and stand up.

“Could you imagine if Reese or Dewey trained you?” Tiffany clearly knew my son’s names. She implied they were weird without saying that part out loud.

“Point well taken. I guess if you trust the person to have your best interests at heart and not to abuse authority, then it’s probably better to have somebody you know that loves and cares about you instead of a total stranger,” my daughter admitted. I wanted to defend Reese and Dewey but I couldn’t imagine either of them having the maturity to do what Jen was doing with me.

I was starting to become increasingly worried that I was getting in way over my head with the Program.

Jen approached us with the two black teenagers trailing her. She smiled as she approached and looked right at Karen when she spoke. “I appreciate your enthusiasm to get started, Mrs. Green!”

“It’s just Karen,” Mrs. Green corrected while remaining in the position.

“Oh my, it sounds like somebody read the college Program manuals last night.” With a smile, she asked the two of them. “You have both entered into very advanced power exchange territory. I am going to ask that you dial things back a bit until we cover the basics, okay?”

Karen continued to chew gum with a glossy stare, and her daughter nodded.

“Great, let’s head to the orientation, and I’ll introduce you to the other applicants.” Jen reminded me of a spirited stewardess leading us through the safety drill presentations at the start of a flight. She was cheerful but efficient, leading us out of the office and down a great hall next to it that connected to classrooms.

I wanted to take my clothes with me, but my daughter told me to leave them there, and Ms. Collins assured me they would be fine when I got them back.

“You may not want them back after the orientation,” she teased.

I could imagine the vast halls of the high school filled with teenagers standing arm to arm, butt to butt, and pushing their way to their lockers and classrooms. I could imagine being naked and crushed by their bodies.

I was fortunate that it was between classes and that we were able to walk relatively unnoticed to the orientation room in the gym. Once inside the gym, there were boys without shirts and boys with shirts playing basketball on the court. They immediately noticed the gaggle of mostly women walking naked.

We walked more as a group because we weren’t in a line. I kept looking down and seeing butts, and then trying to avert my gaze elsewhere so that I wouldn’t get caught staring.

“That’s what I was trying to illustrate to you earlier, Mrs. Garner.” Jen looked over at me and startled me out of my thoughts. I wasn’t sure what she might be talking about. “Those boys shouldn’t be shocked to see naked people in the gym. Every year, we have new students who have very little experience with the program. They either transferred in from somewhere else or are freshmen. You can expect some awkward giggles.”

“No one will laugh awkwardly at my sister or my black ass,” James proclaimed.

“You were in the Program last year, Mr. Rucker. You know how this works. If they laugh, then you tolerate it and let them stare. I didn’t think I’d need to remind you of the rules.”

“Fine, I’ll tolerate a small amount, but if they begin to laugh at Thelma, I might just make a reasonable request to snap my foot off in their ass. I’ll call it Quadruple Fudge!”

I didn’t get the reference to fudge, but I could tell James wasn’t to be trifled with when it came to his sister.

“James! We talked about this!” Thelma took her older brother’s arm and cautioned him not to start talking tough and making threats.

“A barking dog seldom bites, Ms. Rucker.” Jen alluded to the fact that she didn’t think that James meant what he said. “That being said, I am supportive of your brother being your Trainer because he has been through the Program once, and you live in the same house,” Jen said as she stopped our procession toward the orientation.

Ms. Collins turned to James. “If you can’t fulfill your duties as Trainer and your attachment to Thelma prevents you from ensuring that she responds appropriately to reasonable requests, then you will be replaced by someone who will do it. We have a very extensive waiting list. There will be no feet in asses, and no quadruple fudge. Is that understood?”

James nodded and apologized.

We continued until we reached a locker room. There was no indication of whether this was a female or male locker room. There were showers and the familiar smell of teenage sweat, but I was unsure if this was the boy’s locker room, the girl’s locker room, or if they had gone “co-ed.”.

Once inside, there were rows of long benches between the lockers. The others were waiting for us completely naked, and we were all quickly introduced, even though the students seemed to all know each other.

I met Staci and Darla Starling. They were both attractive blondes. They reminded me of the Mandrell Sisters or those 80’s starlets Judy and Audrey Landers. They had big hair and relatively big boobs. Staci looked like a much younger version of her mother. Darla seemed calm and contemplative, fully comfortable with her own nudity.

I imagined Darla might have been a former stripper who peaked a decade earlier. She parted her lips slightly and looked like she was about to blow everyone a kiss.

I also met two Swedish students named Astrid and Ingrid Karlson. They had long blonde hair, and I could only tell them apart by the different elaborate braids they wore. I wasn’t entirely sure if they were twins or not. They only had a slight Swedish accent. They both seemed pleasant but very laid-back. They had beautiful tight bodies, and they both sported matching belly button piercings.

Lastly, I met Crystal and Misty Gibbons. Crystal was a little tubby, with big, fat tits and a chubby ass. She seemed a little bit like a curmudgeon. Her daughter Misty had long, straight blonde hair, and one boob was lopsided. She was tall and lanky. Misty looked like a tomboy that would be home in the outdoors.

Her mom was a little crass, but she didn’t seem outwardly hostile. She was kind of like Karen in that she seemed to be looking forward to getting on with things and getting this over as soon as possible. Crystal did mention that she had been getting bored and having second thoughts about the entire thing.

“Patience is something that you will have to learn in this Program, Mrs. Gibbons. You have 9 months after impregnation to wait, and you will be actively participating in the Program 24/7. If that’s something you are not comfortable with, you are free to go right now. No one should be here against their will.”

“I didn’t say it was against my will. It’s just we’ve been waiting like this for a long time. It’s fine, but let’s do something, not fiddle-fart around,” Crystal complained. I found her colorful language kind of endearing.

“Everything in due time. We don’t begin any exercise until everyone has consented and is fully educated on their role and the rules of engagement.” Jen looked directly at Tiffany and Karen when she made that comment, but she was talking to all of us. “Informed consent is when the participants fully comprehend what is expected, and the consequences of their actions. We will never trick you into the program, and we will never force you to do anything you do not want to do. However, there are consequences for non-compliance and that can involve removal from the Program, academic failure, corporal discipline and financial penalties in some cases.”

Jen made sure everyone understood Informed Consent versus just agreeing to do something before continuing. “We can’t show you everything you are ever going to do in this Program. We lack the time, and you must have time to process the core principles before anything more advanced is introduced. I can assure you that by the end of your grace period you will have the basics down and will be able to make an informed decision about whether you wish to continue into the more advanced lessons.”

We all agreed and Jen recorded our responses. She didn’t seem like she would be the least bit concerned if anyone left, and I felt no pressure to stay. I was genuinely curious and I was already naked. It had been hard enough jumping that hurdle. I wanted to stay and find out about what the Program had to offer.

“The examination and orientation is not going to be a quick process. It will span an entire day, culminating in your introduction to the entire student body. Many of the students are unaware of the new Program, so you will be asked to demonstrate a few of the basic things you have learned in orientation if you are accepted into the Program.”

Crystal remained quiet as Jen helped us understand how it all worked.

I wasn’t so sure about this. Julie seemed to anticipate my discomfort and squeezed my hand to help inspire confidence.

“Everyone, get comfortable; this is going to take a little time, and I want your undivided attention. One good thing about the Naked in School Program is that there are no pockets for cell phones to distract you.” Jen’s eyes twinkled with a little mirth.

Tiffany immediately raised her hand and when Ms. Collins called on her she asked “Trainers are allowed to bring small purses around with us?” She showed hers off, because it was obviously expensive.

“Yes, as long as the strap is thin and nothing is covered. That’s perfectly acceptable. Breeders will be fully nude, from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet,” she told us.

Jen asked us to spread out with our respective trainers and form a circle around her. Karen looked at her daughter as if waiting for instructions.

“You can squat if that makes you comfortable,” Jen clarified for the mother-daughter team. Karen’s daughter nodded her head as if to tell her to squat silently. Karen adopted the wide-open squatting position she had been in earlier.

It looked very uncomfortable and extreme. I think the others were a little shocked as well, but overall nobody commented on how she was squatting at her daughter’s feet. The rest of us took up nearby benches.

“Every Breeder will have a partner to train them and put them through exercises. Trainers will lead their Breeder in demonstrations at school. Ordinarily, the NIS Program ends at the end of the school day unless the students want to extend it voluntarily,” Jen began to explain.

“As this is a Breeder Program, and Breeders will be pregnant 24/7, there is no clocking in or out while you have your bun in the oven. You are a Breeder full-time. That begins today after you sign the final paper and attend the introductory pep rally. Is anyone uncomfortable or unwilling to fulfill that role?”

No one said anything. Jen addressed the Breeders in the room next.

Your assigned Trainer is your partner. All of you are related. The Trainer’s responsibility to you does not end when the school day ends. They must continue to support and guide you. They have an obligation to maintain the relationship for the entire course of the pregnancy. You will both have an obligation to continue in the Program for each other. You can’t leave your partner hanging, so think very hard today about whether or not you want to participate. You will also have another life depending on you, and that is one of the most important lessons you will come away with. The Breeder has the life inside of them, and the Trainer has the Breeder.”

She paused for questions. Crystal sighed impatiently, but Jen ignored it and continued without comment.

Tiffany raised her hand and got permission from Jen to speak. She turned to me because she could tell that I wasn’t fully grasping the concept. “I’ll explain it to you like I did to my mom last night. You will do what your Trainer tells you for nine months. Just like when you go to the doctor, you won’t second-guess or negotiate with them. You will comply with what they prescribed because you have faith in their expertise. You will eat what we tell you, go where we tell you, and do what we tell you. You can turn off your brain and just use your baby maker.”

I was shocked by how casually everyone else seemed to accept what I was being told. A lot of this was in the pamphlet I read, and no one seemed to have major issues with any of it. If someone else had raised concerns I might have as well, but I was a little bashful about raising my hand and talking.

“Well, that is one interpretation,” Jen said, adding that she hopes everyone engages their brain and objectively learns from the experience.

“I just meant that the Breeders don’t have to make choices or think for themselves. It’s easy mode,” Tiffany countered.

“I want to dispel the myth right now to anyone who thinks being a Breeder is easy mode. I am sure all of the women here who have already given birth can attest that the process wasn’t easy,” she said.

Crystal raised her hand. Cigarettes and whisky had tempered her sexy voice. “I took drugs for the pain when I had Misty! It was easy-peasy!”

“You will give birth to a birth to a natural child unless there are complications that endanger you or the fetus. Is that going to be a problem?”

“For $50,000 bucks? I’ll birth a baby out of my bee-hole for you,” Crystal joked. Some of the others laughed as well.

Jen allowed a little levity and got back on track. I took away from the initial lecture that Breeders would have to be naked 24/7. I finally understood why Jen joked that I might not want the clothes back because I wouldn’t be wearing them home. I wondered what it would be like to drive naked.

The Trainers, on the other hand, could stop being nude after school and were permitted to voluntarily be nude at any time outside of school grounds or at school grounds. That was in keeping with the NIS Program rules from the previous year.

The Trainers expected the Breeders to attend classes with them and adhere to their school schedules. Ms. Collins explained that a few hours a day would be reserved for training us at school, and she would “guide” those sessions. The NIS Coordinator also asked if any of us had jobs that might make attending class every day impossible.

“None that pays worth a shit,” Darla joked.

“Obviously, we expect you to be on time and not to be absent. We understand that situations arise, but frequently and flagrantly violating any rules will result in your expulsion from the Program.” Jen let that sink in before continuing.

Ms. Collins reiterated what she had told each of us when she processed our initial paperwork and downloaded our medical records. “You will have three days from today to change your mind, that’s Friday at Midnight. Withdrawing before then will count as an excused withdrawal from the Program. We would like to hold an exit interview, but if your mind is made up not to participate, then we will not pressure or coerce you to continue.”

She paused and let us think about that. It was Tuesday, and I learned a lot during those three days. In some ways, I wished she told me that today was the final day to decide and took the choice out of my hands. I could imagine Jim or my sons talking me out of doing this. Worst of all, I could imagine talking MYSELF out of participating in the Program.

“There are valid reasons why you may have an excused withdrawal from the Program after that. That includes circumstances such as losing the baby through no fault of your own or if having the baby threatens the mother’s life and you want to exit the Program. In that case, we will collaborate with your partner to reassign them. If we can’t find another partner for your Trainer, it’s likely we would convert them to a standard Program, and that will result in a reduction of benefits.”

In other words, instead of a full ride to a university and 12 college credits, my daughter might get some tuition assistance and 3 college credits for completing the year if I were to withdraw.

“If you want to quit at any time, for any reason, you may. However, if you leave the Program without a valid reason, it will be considered an unexcused withdrawal. The Program may seek compensation for the lost revenue from the donor that sponsored your child and custody should you decide you do not want to allow the adoption to proceed.”

“Damn, stop telling us all the ways this can go wrong,” Crystal insisted angrily. She seemed very crabby and ready for confrontation, but Jen didn’t let it affect her attitude. The NIS Coordinator remained bright and sunny despite the negativity.

“I know this all sounds like legal mumbo jumbo, but I have to be clear and upfront with you at the start. We don’t want you in the Program if you do not want to participate, but at the same time, we have to protect the expense and effort we put in in order to have you in the Program. We only have a few slots this year because the Program is new and untested at the high school level. Next year, we may have a few more if everything goes well. However, if we have Breeders or Trainers in the Program that do not adhere to the guidelines, we must remove you. That would result in an unexcused withdrawal.”

Jen waited for us to acknowledge what we just heard. She passed us some reading material and then went over every section. The first section was for all of us.


Compulsory nudity at the high school level.

· No Breeder or Trainer may attempt to cover or hide any part of their body with their hands or arms, nor with books, book bags, or other devices. Long hair arranged as concealment will be rearranged on the first offense but may be trimmed to prevent concealment should a subsequent offense occur. Participants who continue to attempt to conceal themselves with their hands may have their hands restrained.

· Participants are required to stay in public areas of the school during school hours. The school allows participants to take up to three (3) bathroom breaks per day, with each break lasting no more than five (5) minutes. During any breaks beyond this, the participant will continue to be subject to reasonable requests. All bathroom use and all gym preparation (showering, removal of jewelry, shoes, et cetera for participation in physical education or athletic activities) shall be performed in the facilities provided for the opposite sex. If facilities have already been mixed in the school, the participant is to remain accessible to the opposite sex if possible.

· Participants in the Program must be expected to assist teachers and instructors in the performance of their lesson plans. Participants shall cooperate with their teachers.

· Because of the educational value of said assistance, teachers and instructors may ask for participation and demonstration beyond that described under Reasonable Requests. Participants may not decline unless the request involves sexual intercourse, the insertion of a foreign object, would result in physical harm, or would pose the danger of imminent physical harm to themselves or their classmates.

As per the charter of the NIS Program, and the code of conduct, no body shaming, or discriminatory behavior shall be tolerated. Students who engage in such activities as a member of the Program may face expulsion as well as removal from the Program.

Those were relatively boiler plate rules that were broad enough to cover everyone. There were also six levels of consent in the vanilla program, but they had been modified for Trainers and Breeders.

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