NIS: Breeder Program - Cover

NIS: Breeder Program

Copyright© 2024 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 28

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 28 - Julie asked her mother to join NIS (Naked in School) AKA "The Program" with her. This year they are allowing eligible mothers who can bear children to join the program as "Breeders" in this social experiment/education program.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Teen Siren   BiSexual   School   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Daughter   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Spanking   PonyGirl   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Lactation   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Water Sports   Public Sex   Nudism   Illustrated  

ladieI tried to avoid the rocks as I ran along a rocky path in the wooded lot that Dewey was using for a shortcut. Some briars and bushes could have been a problem, but I avoided them (mostly). I didn’t feel Dewey was intentionally leading me this way. I think he just wasn’t like his sister and was simply going where he usually went on his bike.

I was told that I had to toughen up my feet by getting used to the hot asphalt. Mowing the grass in the hot sun, dealing with bugs, and now running on a trail through the woods was definitely accomplishing the goal.

I was also getting a pretty good tan with all the sun I was getting! I had to look on the bright side. I definitely wouldn’t have tan lines.

Despite the fact that I was constantly moving, I managed to somehow get bitten by mosquitos and have gnats in my face. We were nearing my house, but Dewey didn’t turn down the side street leading to where we lived. That meant I had further still to jog!

He went to Witkowski Park, which is just a small little park with a playground near our home. It was one of the reasons we chose the home when we first moved in. The kids used to play there all the time. It had a big empty grass field that could be used for impromptu football games and picnics during the day.

It also happened to be right across the street from the church, near my house (just on the other side).

“Please, Dewey? Not here?” I pleaded with my son to pick a different spot to fly the kites other than near the church.

“This is where I always fly kites. There are no power lines to get in the way, and nobody is around. Come on, it will be fun!”

I followed my son into the small park. He was right; aside from an occasional homeless guy or someone walking their dog, we had the park to ourselves. It was well-lit and wide open.

“I’ve always wanted to fly kites with you, Mom! Now, you basically have to because Julie said you did,” he smiled and started setting up the kite I’d been clutching all this time.

“Aww, Dewey! You could have just asked!” I felt bad that I couldn’t be around him now that I was spending most of my time with Julie.

“I do, but usually you have to clean up or take care of something,” Dewey reminded me. He was right. Dewey usually found the absolute worst time to ask me to go somewhere because I was right in the middle of cleaning the oven or doing laundry.

“So, is this payback?” I asked. I was thinking about Crystal’s family using her volunteering for NIS as an excuse to get even with her for being a bad mom. I imagined some of Dewey’s requests, like sniffing my butt and making me run across a busy highway only to run right back, felt sadistic.

“What?” Dewey was surprised.

I let it drop. Dewey wasn’t seeking revenge. He just wanted time with me. I felt guilty for even thinking that. The look on my son’s face told me that was not the intention.

“I am just having fun. You said you like performing reasonable requests for people. Are you mad?”

“I am not mad about anything, Dewey. I am just not sure why you made me run across Pike Avenue, only to cross again a few minutes later, and then through the woods, and now here in front of the church?”

Dewey scratched his head in puzzlement. “That’s the way I always go. I like the smell of fried chicken, and those woods are a shortcut. We were on a path and aren’t running on pine needles and jagged rocks. Are you okay?”


“The only payback I could ever do to you is for all the cool stuff you do for me, Mom!”

He was so sweet. He taught me how to fly his kite, and we got it up and flew in the cool evening air as the sun started to set. “I honestly thought you were going to tie this string to my nipples and make me run up and down the field or something like that?”

“That would be pretty funny! I love it when you do stuff like that, but I am not your Trainer, and Julie is not here, anyway.”

“You aren’t embarrassed when I do stuff like that?” I knew what kind of “stuff” he was talking about. The more humiliating requests, most likely. “I would imagine your friends might tease you because they ghosted me or saw me do something silly?”

“I wish I had buddies to tease me, but I’d still think it was pretty cool,” Dewey said.

“I wanted to talk to you about ghosting me earlier today,” I brought up an uncomfortable topic, but I felt we had to talk about it.

“Oh yeah, right over your butt? That was probably the closest I’ll ever come to having sex with a real girl!”

“First of all,” I frowned, “I AM a REAL girl,” I emphasized that while we walked around the park. “Secondly, it wasn’t sex; it was just me helping you get relief, and lastly, you are a cute and charming boy, Dewey. You have a long life in front of you, and you will definitely have sex.”

There are so many modern women like Ms. Collins these days. They saw sex as something as trivial to do with another partner as bowling.

“Yeah, maybe, but sex with someone you love, and you love me, and you love doing requests, and so it felt like we had a connection or something.”

I wasn’t sure how to respond to that. Dewey seemed to have a misguided crush on his own mom, and that should have disturbed me, but given the circumstances, I could understand it. “You are right, I love you, and I love performing requests, but it wasn’t sex. It was just a physical act that meant nothing.”

Dewey frowned. It meant something to him.

“That’s a poor choice of words on my part, Dewey. I am not as good with words as you are. I didn’t mean to offend you. I was just trying to point out that I don’t see the harm in doing it for you as long as you don’t?”

“Are you kidding, I loved it! I was afraid you’d sort of freak out because you think of me as this nice little boy who hasn’t matured at all and still plays with Legos.”

“You DO play with Legos, Dewey. I asked you if you wanted to get rid of those space Legos you have in your room last week, and you told me absolutely not.”

“I COLLECT Legos, Mom. I don’t really play with them anymore, and you always get me MegaBloks anyway,” Dewey said. We both laughed after he said that because it was funny.

I really didn’t know the difference between Legos and MegaBloks. They seemed like the same thing to me.

“I know you are growing up, Dewey. You are getting interested in girls, and soon you will be shaving, and you’ll probably have a girlfriend before you know it. It’s hard for me to accept you changing because you’ve always been my little boy. Is it hard for you to see me change into this?”

“No, because I see you as the exact same, only naked.”

“Awww, Dewey,” I hugged him really hard, and in the process, I forgot about the kite, and it crashed into the ground. “I am so sorry, Dewey, is it broken?”

We rushed over to the orange kite, and Dewey was able to fix the nose. It was fine after he dusted it off a little. “No harm, no foul! This thing is like you; it flies high, and even when it hits the ground nose first, this little baby always gets back up again.”

I blushed in silence, unable to even acknowledge his compliment.

“I am glad you brought up the ghosting, Mom,” Dewey said. “I was kind of embarrassed. My penis is weird looking, and I felt guilty that I jerked off to you. I kept thinking that after this is all over, you’ll still remember that I whacked off over you, and things might be weird between us?”

“That’s funny, I was worried that after I finish the Program, you would never be able to not see me like this?”

“That’s true, I love you like this, Mom! You are so much more adventurous and talkative than you used to be?”

“Is that with or without the pencil in my mouth?” I quipped.

“I just mean that I’ve never seen you so alive and excited all the time,” Dewey said.

“You MEAN that you’ve never seen me not wear baggy sweaters and tight bras?” I pulled my tits up and held them by my nipples.

“Yeah, I’ve always known you were hot! Reese’s friends always say they want to come over and flirt with you.”

I found that hard to believe.

“I just mean that since you started in the Program, you have had a glow about you, like you have a purpose. Your eyes start to gleam when you are given a request as if you are flattered that anyone would even make one of you instead of it being a privilege for them. Then, when some of them give you a particularly naughty request, you have this really sweet smile like you think it’s cool.”

“I didn’t know I smile at all?”

“You didn’t, but this past week, you’ve been smiling all the time,” Dewey said. He even showed me the pictures that he had taken of me on his phone. He was right; I was smiling like I knew a secret that nobody else knew, and I was keeping it to myself. It was the first time that I really realized that whenever I get embarrassed, I smile like a silly fool.

“That’s just what I do when I am nervous,” I admitted.

“Are you nervous, or do you actually enjoy performing reasonable requests?”

“A little of both, Dewey,” I admitted. It was getting late, and we needed to get back home. “Do you really want to see me fly the kite with my boobies?”

There was nobody around. It was dark out, and even though the park was surrounded by houses, we had been there for over an hour, and nobody even talked to us. I felt like I should do something special for Dewey. I’d probably have to do it if my daughter told me to do it, and even though it sounded silly, I was willing to give it a try. If it didn’t work, no one except Dewey would see me fail.

“Julie will probably spank you if you do something without her approval?” Dewey grinned from ear to ear.

“The worst thing she is going to do is spank me,” I shrugged. “I’ll tell her that I requested you to tie the string to my boobs and let me try to fly the kite.”

“You made a reasonable request of me?” he asked excitedly. He was already tying kite string around my tits before I could change my mind and say this was a bad idea. Butterflies emerged from their resting place to buzz around in my tummy. My stomach butterflies had evolved little electric zappers that liked to shock me now and again.

Dewey tied the string tightly to my nipples without even considering how sensitive they were. He handled them like they were just two flaps of skin – which is precisely what the Program teaches. “Okay, run!” he patted me on the butt.

I began running from one side of the park to the other, but I couldn’t quite get it to lift off the ground. I tried it again, and this time, I managed to actually get the kite up in the air for a few seconds before I slowed down, and it came crashing down. I was exhausted.

“Oh wow!” Dewey jumped up and down excitedly as we walked over to retrieve his kite. It had a little nose damage, but it was largely intact. Dewey untied my nipples.

“My first reasonable request performed!” he saluted me.

“You’ve given your sister backrubs before!”

“That’s right, my third reasonable request performed!” he saluted again, got on his bike, and rode away to the house without looking back. I had to jog behind and carry his kite home, slapping mosquitos and bouncing my tits as I ran behind him in the Arkansas night air.

When I got home, I was a sweaty mess and exhausted. I wanted an ice-cold glass of water. I opened the door, and much to my chagrin, my entire family was watching television.

We traditionally didn’t do that. Everyone had their own TV in their rooms and different tastes. The boys were seated on the couch, and Jim was in his recliner. My daughter was down in the breeding position with her ass and pussy facing the guys and her chin resting comfortably on her crossed arms. She was wearing her party hat again from earlier. She also had a party favor stuck in her butt. It was a little horn formed from a paper tube and rolled into a coil, which gave the impression of a rainbow-colored pig’s tail. I didn’t ask the reason. I was certain it was part of some reasonable request the guys gave her.

She looked up at me. “You guys were gone for a really long time. I was getting worried about you!”

I didn’t ask why she still had the party hat and party favor in her ass. I assumed she’d tell me that she was performing a reasonable request.

“Dewey took me to fly kites!” I responded.

“So, I heard,” Julie said ominously. I was worried I’d get in trouble, even though earlier, I had been flippant about it. “Dad requested I watch TV in the breeding position, and we’ve been watching this show on the NIS: Breeder Program. Get down here with me!”

Julie patted the spot right next to her on the carpet.

“May I get a drink of water first?”

“Yes, bring me one too, and ask everyone else what they want,” she said.

When I returned to the living room and passed out everyone’s drinks, the show was back on.


The image on the screen was of a swimming pool inside of a high school. There were frolicking teenagers, swimming nude, and having fun. “Hello, I am Nigel Bluffington. If you are just joining us, the subject of tonight’s show is the Naked in School Program. It’s become so popular globally that you can just say “The Program,” and most people know what you are talking about. It’s in 136 countries and is made of thousands of student participants in high schools, colleges, seminary schools, and even some middle schools are experimenting with it.”

I lowered myself down into the breeding position in order to watch the show with my family. My knees creaked a little, but everyone’s attention was too focused on the show to notice. I bent down next to my daughter, spread my legs wide, and leaned forward down onto my crossed arms.

“The Program is not universally the same, and culturally, it’s been adopted to serve the cultural norms of the host country. If you visit Japan, you’ll find fully nude high schools where it is mandatory for students to come to class naked. If you visit England, you’ll find NIS participation very low because, during summer months, everyone drops their kits and gets naked in the schools, including the teachers.”


The TV program showed an old red brick school in Great Britain in the wintertime with Brits in heavy coats and pants. It then contrasted it with the rolling green hills of the same school in spring, where the same Brits were completely naked and having fun.

“In the 2030s, cultural upheaval and political change led to the necessity to address the sexualization of our culture in order to develop healthy attitudes. Decades later, the results are in, and the majority of experts agree that it’s done far better than it ever could in harm. However, many still oppose it. The Vatican recently excommunicated an Adamite sect of Nuns that teach that everyone should give up their clothes in favor of a Garden of Eden approach to life.”

“When are they getting to the Breeder Program?” Jim asked.

“Shhh, Dad,” Julie hushed her father.

The images on the screen cut to panoramic shots of nude pregnant women from around the world in groups. There were some laughing at a supermarket and a few Hispanic ones working on a farm.

“The NIS Program continues to push the envelope of cultural standards of decency. Several years ago, they rolled out the Breeder Program in select Universities such as Berkley in California and

Oslo New University College in Sweden are some of the foundational bastions of the NIS Program, with some of the highest participation rates in their respective countries.

“Dang, they didn’t mention West Arkansas,” Julie groaned. I didn’t expect them to point out our backward state as much of a contributor to the NIS cause.

“Shhhh!!” Jim took a moment to shush his daughter the way that she just had. She snickered when he did it, and they tossed pillows at each other.

“The Breeder Program has produced over 590 children globally for families that are willing to pay the exorbitant endowment fee to receive one to raise as their own. Many of these Breeders are at-risk teenagers who were very sexually active and statistically likely to become single mothers.”

It occurred to me that Ingrid and Thelma were probably in that category. They both seemed kind of loose sexually, and it might be better for them to have a child for others with the means to raise them than it is to have one on their own with a teen father.

“The other key demographic is the mothers of these students. They are often nearing the time their own children will leave the nest and graduate and are still fertile but don’t want to raise children of their own.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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