NIS: Breeder Program - Cover

NIS: Breeder Program

Copyright© 2024 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 24

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 24 - Julie asked her mother to join NIS (Naked in School) AKA "The Program" with her. This year they are allowing eligible mothers who can bear children to join the program as "Breeders" in this social experiment/education program.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Teen Siren   BiSexual   School   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Daughter   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Spanking   PonyGirl   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Lactation   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Water Sports   Public Sex   Nudism   Illustrated  


Jen stood at the door, fully clothed and without her leather collar. She wore a simple red sundress with heels and looked every bit like the typical school administrator. She had showered and re-applied her makeup.

“Hello Brittany, is now a good time?”

“Yes, come in,” I said with a big smile on my face. I was nervous, but I tried not to look it.

“Hello, Mr. Garner? I am Jen Collins,” Jen affably introduced herself in her usual bright and sunny manner when she followed me into the kitchen. My husband shook her hand but didn’t get up. He looked straight into her tits when she bent over to introduce herself. His mouth was full of pizza. “Everyone else knows me from school,” she looked around and smiled at my sons and daughter.

They greeted her politely.

“I have heard a lot about you,” Jim said as he wiped his mouth.

“It’s not true, I assure you,” she joked in a charming way, and they both laughed. “I am here to do a formal visit and inspection of how Brittany and Julie are getting along outside of school. These are routine, and I’ll be doing them over the course of their term in the Program to assess their well-being and determine any adjustments that need to be made.”

“Brittany told me you were here because of some things she told you about us?” Jim confronted her. I was afraid of that. Jim doesn’t like to bandy words around and beat around the bush.

“That is another reason I chose to come by today. I was hoping we could talk about some marital concerns. Today is the final day for Brittany to rescind her application and exit the Program without any sort of penalty. After that, it gets a little complicated, especially if she were to get pregnant. If this Program jeopardizes her marriage, then it isn’t worth it. I’d like to mediate that with you.”

“No need, I get it. This makes Brittany happy, and happy wife, happy life, right?” Jim shrugged.

“That’s a very astute observation, Mr. Garner, but it isn’t what I expected to hear. Why the sudden change in attitude?”

“Nunya,” Jim said in a single one-word response. It’s always frustrating when I ask Jim a question, and he responds that way. I hoped Ms. Collins wouldn’t take it personally. I blushed. This time because, I was embarrassed of how Jim was being so callous toward her for wanting to help.

“I can respect the need for privacy, and you may also not want to discuss it in front of the kids,” Jen observed. She asked if Jim would feel more comfortable giving her a private interview after she finishes her inspection.

“Nope, whatever I have to say, I can say in front of them. It’s simple. Brittany was trying to do the right thing. She wanted join the Program to spend time with Julie. She wanted to earn some money to take us on vacation or do something good with it for us. She wanted to create a child for some lucky family. With her DNA, they’ll have one hell of a child, probably a Goddamned genius. I was the asshole. I also don’t know the rules. Every day, it’s something new, and all this change so fast was more than I could process. I flew off the handle. That enough, or do you need more?”

“No, that’s genuinely good to hear, Jim. Can I call you Jim?”

“Let me ask you a question, Ms. Collins. Why do you let boys call my wife Bitchany?”

“I thought you said you were okay with the Program. What am I missing here?” Jen asked. She and I continued standing while Jim sat.

“I am just curious. I was told today that some boys teased her and called her names. How does that educate? I can’t figure it out,” Jim was playing dumb intentionally because he wanted her to answer his question. He didn’t have to ask in such a mean spirited wy.

“We can’t have four Trainers running around yelling MOM all the time to get their Breeder’s attention. At first, we ask that the Breeders just go by their first name. It helps make them less intimidating. At a certain point, each Trainer will think up a nickname for their Breeder, and it can be a term of endearment like Bitchany if they really want. The reason we ask them to do that is that rituals, rules, and protocols help provide a necessary structure and a framework for the relationship they are building...”

“Goddamn it, I didn’t ask for a lecture. Can you give me a simple answer?” Jim cut her off in frustration.

“The NIS Program could have been structured where the Mother is in charge, but they already presumably know how to be an authority figure and a leader. It is all dependent on the type of relationship your wife and daughter build. We are teaching your daughter to be the leader, and to do that, being able to call her mom by a pet name makes it less intimidating for them. It sort of levels the playing field. It’s just like calling a teacher by their first name takes away a little of their power as an authority figure.”

“That’s why my wife isn’t allowed to call you Jen?”

“Exactly,” Jen touched her nose to indicate my husband hit it on the head with his answer.

“She called you Jen right before you got here. How would you even know what happens in our home?”

“I wouldn’t, but Julie should have corrected her.”

“I am sorry, Ma’am. They were in a conversation. I planned to address it later,” Julie added.

“It’s best to nip things like that in the bud because, given time, it will lose its immediate impact as a lesson,” Ms. Collins advised Julie. She said that, given the circumstances, she understood.

“I don’t understand it. I think that’s why I don’t like it. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. It makes my wife happy to participate, but I don’t see the upside to any of this. I offered Brittany her favorite pizza and asked her to sit down and enjoy ONE slice with me because I felt bad about what happened the last couple of days. You know what she told me?” Jim asked rhetorically. “She has to squat with her legs apart and eat because it is the rule. Who the fuck made these rules?”

“Over 200 Senior NIS Coordinators, both nationally and globally, convene to draft these Programs, review them, and then evaluate them after they finish and evolve them. It wasn’t just something I thought up one day,” Jen explained.

“They sound like real sadistic assholes,” Jim admitted. “If I told the guys at work they are going to eat their lunch squatting with their peckers hanging out, they’d hang me by the end of the day.”

“There are some aspects of the Program that even confuse me sometimes, Jim. I know it isn’t perfect, but part of what the Trainer Breeder Program teaches is a power exchange. Were you ever in the military?”

“No, but my old man is retired Air Force,” Jim said.

“In the army, there is a hierarchy. They have the generals at the top making strategic decisions, but the boots on the ground have to listen to their sergeants, right? They are the ones responsible for executing the operational and tactical aspects of the General’s plan.”

Jim’s face suggested he was starting to tune out of this conversation.

“The sergeant has the job of convincing their soldiers to follow them into dangerous situations. In order to do that, they build trust and establish themselves as the authority figure. Have you ever asked why the drill sergeants might dress down a new recruit, make them run 20 miles with a heavy pack in the rain, or tell them to call their mama and cry about it if the soldier complains?”

Jim nodded his head as if he was starting to get what she was talking about.

“Some of our methods seem sadistic and cruel. You mentioned names that may seem insulting. There can be some elements of humiliation in a power exchange. There can be some activities that involve degradation because those are fetishes and we are trying to demonstrate that they are just as acceptable as any other.”

Jim didn’t agree but he also didn’t interrupt.

“Today, I made your daughter and wife show up early to school to work a reasonable request booth in the front of the school. I made them come back for lunch and stay late. I also spanked both of them on the tits, ass, and, in your wife’s case, on her freshly shaved pussy. I did that because they lied to you about the Program. There is no husband’s blow job exception. There is no anal sex. The reason is that it often leads to vaginal sex, and your wife can’t get pregnant, not yet and not by you ... It’s like the main thing. That seems cruel, right?”

Jim didn’t answer.

“I told them that they should consider quitting the Program. If it comes down to a choice between a good and stable marriage OR being in the Program, Brittany should choose the marriage. I warned them that if they came today, I’d put them to work on some grueling tasks at school and punish them both. Do you know what they did? Showed up 20 minutes early, and when I told them how many swats they would get, they both agreed and took them like a champ. Was it sadistic? You could say yes, but in the end, they respected the process and the Program enough to tell me they broke a rule and faced a consequence, and if we didn’t have that structure in place, they probably wouldn’t have taken it seriously.”

Jim nodded. “How many swats did Brittany get?”

“30 on each tit, 30 on her ass, and 30 across her pussy, alternating with a riding crop, my hand, and a paddle. I gave 10 on each tit and 10 on Julie’s lily white ass because she directed her mother to lie to you the first time rather than coming to me to ask me to help solve the problem.”

Jen asked Julie if she would do it again. Julie blushed and said she wouldn’t.

“How come Julie got off so light for lying, compared to Brittany? It seems like the one in charge gets all the breaks. They get to sit at the table, they get less punishments.”

“Yeah, where do you think the General lives on their base? Those are the perks of the job. I felt it was an appropriate punishment, given Julie’s forthright behavior, to report the issue as soon as her mother told her you fucked her in the ass.”

Dewey and Reese blushed and made some funny but uncomfortable sounds. Jim looked a little uncomfortable.

“I am sorry, but you told me you wanted to talk about this openly.”

“You just seem so prim and proper and sound professional until you say something like fucked in the ass. Why not anal sex?”

“I see that Julie and Brittany haven’t been sharing their lessons at home? That explains why Dewey and Reese have so many questions as well,” Jen looked at the boys, and they squirmed. “Cuss words and vulgarity are a big part of breaking down taboos in the Program. Words like cunt and trouser snake only have the power to seem naughty until they are normalized. In Britain, Cunt is a perfectly acceptable and very common word. Here, it can send some of us into a tizzy. It used to have that power over me.”

“Okay, I do think Julie said something about that. I’ll be honest with you, Ms. Collins. I am not a smart man. I never went to college. I don’t have the kind of book smarts that Julie and Dewey have.”

“What about me?” Reese asked in a playful but jovial tone.

Jim ignored him, which was kind of Jim’s sense of humor. “A lot of what you are saying is going over my head. I am more of a visual, hands-on guy. I don’t understand why you are in the Naked in School Program, but you aren’t naked.”

“I am not in school. I am in your home,” Julie offered a plain explanation.

“Yeah, but my wife has to stay naked, and usually Julie hangs around naked until dinner. I don’t get it.”

“I am in YOUR house. I didn’t come here to offend you. I didn’t want to barge in here naked if that made you uncomfortable. Would you like it if I stripped?”

Jim became a little uncomfortable. He could see the outline of Ms. Collins’s body in the sundress she wore and knew she was incredibly hot.

“One of the other things I wanted to address since we are on the subject is that your daughter would like to be naked more frequently and perform reasonable requests around the house, but she is concerned that might upset you.”

Julie blushed.

“Why? Her mom is running around with those big fun bags jiggling, and I’ve heard about the requests but don’t really know much about those either.”

“Dad, you just said today that it makes you uncomfortable to see me flit around the house with my butt hanging out,” Julie quoted her father’s comment from earlier.

“That’s the truth, but I never said you can’t do it. You are naked right now. I didn’t say you can’t do it.”

“Yeah, but you give me dirty looks,” Julie admitted.

“That’s because you are my daughter, and I don’t understand what’s going on. You’ll perform Reasonable Requests of god-knows-what for total strangers, and even Dewey and Reese, but you’ve never asked me to give you one.”

“It doesn’t work like that. You have to ask me,” Julie said.

“Well, I don’t know that, and I would feel weird about it. What if I told you to squat down like your Momma and eat like her so you can see how it feels sometimes? Then you’d bite my head off and tell me that I am a misogynist who advances outdated stereotypes about female domestic roles or some shit because I liked watching National Lampoon’s Vacation.”

“Aww, Daddy, you were half listening to me when I explained that to you,” Julie smiled broadly at her father and seemed amused by his consternation. “You can always make a request, and as long as it’s reasonable, I’ll consider it.”

“And if it’s not, you’ll make me feel like a ding-dong or a pervert,” Jim said.

Reese and Dewey laughed about that.

Julie offered a self-effacing grin and admitted she was working on that. “Today, Ms. Collins pointed out that I’ve been making Dewey and Reese feel like assholes for giving me hard requests at the end of the day. I had some excuses for my behavior, but in the Program, I am supposed to be supportive and positive and not take it personally when students I know give me a request that I don’t particularly like to do. Would you like me to squat down with mom?”

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