NIS: Breeder Program - Cover

NIS: Breeder Program

Copyright© 2024 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 23

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 23 - Julie asked her mother to join NIS (Naked in School) AKA "The Program" with her. This year they are allowing eligible mothers who can bear children to join the program as "Breeders" in this social experiment/education program.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Teen Siren   BiSexual   School   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Daughter   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Spanking   PonyGirl   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Lactation   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Water Sports   Public Sex   Nudism   Illustrated  

Reese and Dewey patiently waited for their turn to give us a request. They were the last ones in line at the request booth.

“Hello, Dewey,” Jen greeted my youngest son playfully like he was her worst nemesis.

“Hello Again, Ms. Collins,” Dewey smiled innocently.

I assumed some context was there, about their relationship. It was obvious to me that Dewey probably made requests of the Coordinator before. Neither of them said anything more about it. He turned to Julie and asked if she would allow him to make a request.

“Why didn’t you dorks take the bus home?” Julie asked first.

“We wanted to make some requests,” Reese admitted.

“I’ll do some for you when we get home,” Julie promised. Jen arched an eyebrow in surprise but said nothing. I don’t think she approved of Julie refusing a reasonable request since they had waited in line. It wasn’t my place to tell Julie that.

“We weren’t sure if Dad would want to talk to Mom or anything like that,” Dewey admitted that they wanted to get in their requests before a confrontation occurred. I hadn’t thought about that. I hoped that he had read the note that I left. He may not have even seen it on his way out the door for work.

“Fine, what do you want us to do? Taint time again?” Julie was already turning her back to the boys so that she could bend over and show them.

“No, I’d like to request that you give each double Fudge,” Dewey grinned wickedly.

“You give me all the hard ones and let your Mom and Julie off easily,” Jen observed. Double fudge together meant we had to jam our thumbs up each other’s asses. That definitely felt taboo, especially coming from my youngest son.

“You asked me to give you a HARD one,” Dewey shrugged innocently to suggest Ms. Collins shouldn’t have asked for it if she didn’t want to do a hard request.

“Oh, I love hard ONES, Dewey,” Jen implied that she loved hard dick and then admitted what he had requested wasn’t that bad, and she appreciated creative and curious students. I still didn’t have any context on what that may have been. I was intrigued. I wondered if I would have a hard time performing whatever request Dewey gave Ms. Collins.

I waited for Julie to give me the nod of approval to perform the request before I removed my butt plug and started to turn around.

“What is that shiny thing in your butt?” Dewey asked immediately.

I showed it to my sons. The plug was a little creamy from being inserted in my back door and reinserted, but it didn’t have any brown smudges, and I was happy about that. “That’s my new butt plug.”

“You are going to be putting that up your butt all the time now?” Dewey seemed quite intrigued. I could tell that Jen and Julie quietly observed how I handled this conversation. I hoped Julie would answer me.

“I don’t know how often, but it’s part of my training,” I admitted. “It’s really up to Julie,” I added truthfully. I could imagine wearing it a lot.

“Do you have one, too, Julie?” he asked. Jen and Julie, both told him that this plug was for Breeders only. “I have a couple at home for personal use,” Jen admitted with a little chagrin. “The Breeders are going to be demonstrating them at school. Your mom will have to practice wearing it at home. It’s really easy once you get used to it and can be pleasurable.”

“What is it supposed to teach you?” Dewey wanted to know.

“Can we just do the Double Fudge so we can go home and explain in the car?” Julie asked her brother.

“Actually, this is a great question,” Ms. Collins insisted that I answer what I thought it was supposed to be teaching me.

“I think it’s supposed to just prepare me for when I am pregnant and my butt hole stretches, and also for all the requests that I have to do with my butt. It kind of keeps my hole open and sort of ready, so it doesn’t get too tight,” I blushed.

“That’s not bad, Brittany,” Jen congratulated me on my answer.

“Don’t you mean Bitchany?” Reese laughed about the name that one of my daughter’s ex-boyfriends had called me. He must have overheard the conversation.

“Hey, I can call Brittany whatever I want. You JUST got my permission to call her Brittany!” Julie insisted sternly that the same privilege didn’t extend to Reese. I really didn’t mind. I knew my Pet name would be chosen soon.

“Actually, anyone can refer to your mother as Brittany without your permission,” Jen countered. She told Dewey. “Women and men wear butt plugs often for hours and some for even days for a variety of reasons. It’s pleasurable to some and embarrassing and uncomfortable to others,” Julie said. She also clarified the butt plug’s purpose. “The idea of the Program is to normalize things sexual education and fetishes without kink shaming. Butt plugs may seem like a big deal, but a lot of people enjoy them yet seldom talk about how to care for them and use them properly. Your mom will be demonstrating it and as she gains understanding, she can educate you on it.”

Dewey asked why anyone would do something so embarrassing and uncomfortable. “I can’t imagine showing people what I put up my butt!”

His brother made a wisecrack that implied Dewey secretly put a lot of things in his ass.

Jen replied before the boys started teasing one another that she didn’t have time to tackle that topic today. She said there was nothing wrong with boys or girls putting things in their ass as long as they knew how to do it properly and the object was safe. She alluded to it being a much larger discussion. “In order to answer your first question, what is it teaching your mother? It is important to understand that this is just a sex object, a tool like a hammer, and a hammer can be used to build and create or to attack and punish.”

Jen swung my butt plug like a weapon to illustrate her purpose. “It’s included in the Program to teach others about ass play and how a butt plug fits in, but it was expressly chosen for Breeders because of the relationship she has with your sister. Did your sister tell you why her mom had the pencil in her mouth this morning?”

“Yeah, it’s like a gag,” Reese answered for Dewey.

“Let me guess, you said, does that mean something like a running joke?” Jen correctly guessed what my son’s juvenile reaction would have been before continuing. “Your mother has to choose to accept the pencil and be quiet when it’s placed in her mouth. The butt plug is like that, except not all the Breeders and Trainers adopted a Pencil gag. If the Trainer tells them to get their plug and insert it, then regardless of how they are feeling, they go and do it and wear it how long they are expected to wear it. I can assure you that prolonged usage of a butt plug will eventually make it feel like you have to go poopy really bad.”

Jen held her lower stomach to illustrate the point.

“You’ll think you’ve worn it long enough when you get to choose. However, a Breeder has to learn to trust the judgment of the Trainer and wear it for the length of time that the Trainer chooses. The plug, as a tool for this purpose, reinforces the balance of power between them and establishes a ritual for their relationship as a structure. Does that make sense, Dewey?”

“And you consented to this, Mom?” Dewey nodded that he understood but wanted to know if I chose it.

“Yes, when I signed up. I didn’t know the details, but I agreed to obey Julie and allow things to be put inside of me that won’t harm me.”

“Which is it for you? Pleasurable or embarrassing to have it in your butt?”

“I would say a little of both, mostly embarrassing now that we are talking about it,” I admitted truthfully.

“Sorry,” Dewey apologized.

“Don’t apologize, Dewey,” I remembered my first day at orientation. “This is new to me, and it’s the first time you are seeing one. No need to apologize. Staring at NIS subjects is perfectly natural and normal. Curiosity is nothing to be ashamed of, and there is nothing to apologize for. Do you understand?” I asked him.

I straightened my back a little and felt like Julie and Jen both approved of my question. My daughter and I bent over and performed “Double Fudge” on each other’s sore assholes while wriggling our thumbs.

Dewey and Reese both thanked us for putting on the show for about sixty seconds. We didn’t even press the button on the clock to start the timer.

Reese said he wanted us to suck our thumbs all the way home.

“That sounds like something Reese Garner would request,” Jen grimaced and looked at us to see how Julie would react to it.

“Yes, if it means we can go, and you won’t keep asking for requests after we get home?”

“Julie, do you do requests at home?” Jen asked.

“Sometimes when I feel like it,” Julie said.

“Good habits, take practice. One recommendation I have is if you are going to take requests, anytime you take them, don’t make your brothers feel like you are doing them a favor and that they should be ashamed of making requests. Imagine I am standing right there with the other administrators of the NIS board, and we are grading you for entrance into the Program. Show me the Julie that blew our socks off, so to speak, when you applied for the Program last year?”

I had no idea the lengths my daughter had gone to be approved into the Program. It sounded like she had really applied herself to get into the Program.

“Yes, Ma’am,” Julie frowned and apologized to Reese. “I’d be happy to do that, Reese.”

“Come on, sis. You can act a little more convincing than that,” Reese said.

“If it’s any consolation, Reese,” I spoke up. “We are tired, we’ve been putting things in and out of our pussies and asses, we are sweaty, tired, and your sister was punished today for misbehavior that is really entirely my fault. If she seems disinterested or reluctant by the time we get to the car, know that we both started the day an hour early. We got here even earlier than we had to because we were eager to perform requests. Your sister REALLY does love performing reasonable requests and even volunteered to use her Randy Ellington,” I held up my own dildo to illustrate for them to see it.

“Please be understanding, you asked her for a request that exceeds 60 seconds, and she knows your father may be home and wondering where his dinner is. I am happy to perform any REASONABLE request you make of me that your sister approves,” I added. I usually wouldn’t cuss around my kids, but in the Program it was normal to say pussies and asses when referring to my body. I had been saying those words during requests all day. It was getting easier to cuss like that around total strangers. It was still difficult around my sons.

Then I sucked my thumb, the one that had been in her butthole. It tasted good, like Kraft American Cheese or maybe Velveeta. I smiled. I wasn’t sure if it was my defense mechanism for humiliating situations or because I had done something humiliating without any reluctance like Ms. Collins would have. I may have been smiling for a bit of both reasons.

“You just earned yourself a cookie when we get home,” My daughter patted my butt gently. “That’s what I should have said, and I am sorry, Dewey and Reese. I don’t have to do requests outside of school; I do them for you because I know you are curious. I just ask that you show a little appreciation?”

Dewey and Reese grinned. My daughter and I cleaned up the booth quickly with one hand while sucking our thumbs after they had been in our asses. I smiled through the humiliation as the guys watched us clean one-handed and snickered.

We left our thumbs in our asses for the entire time we cleaned, even though it took longer than 60 seconds. I kept waiting for Julie to tell me to stop. It was the end of the school day, though, so she must have felt it was fine to give them a little extra time.

I was so surreal that my boys were watching their sister and me do things like this, much less making requests of us to do these things. I wondered if they would continue making requests after my time was up in the Program. That was a long way away, though, so I tried not to concern myself with thoughts like that.

“I actually do love being nude and performing requests. I’d do it at home a lot more, but I think it would make Dad uncomfortable, and I’ve appreciated you guys toning things down around him,” Julie admitted. “It’s not worth arguing with him about why I am naked.”

I assumed Jen would have a hard time with that because she was the advocate of all things nude and open honesty.

“I am actually a big believer in that,” Jen said. “The reason you saw me come to school in clothes today is because I believe in my own house, I can do what I want, but if I visit someone else’s house then I have to respect their boundaries. Your father is new to this. One thing we could work on is explaining to him what you want to do and why. He may be more reasonable than you think?”

Reese, Dewey, and Julie laughed at the idea of their father being “reasonable.” I knew Jim could see reason, but he did have a tendency to want it his way or the highway.

Jen told us that we could only try and hugged and kissed us both on the lips with no tongue to say goodbye. “I’ll see both of you outstanding ladies later,” she said. Then she playfully offered a cold “Boys, smell you later” and began to put on her leather collar. She folded up the clothes she left outside and stood by the sidewalk to wait for her ride.

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