NIS: Breeder Program - Cover

NIS: Breeder Program

Copyright© 2024 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 22

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 22 - Julie asked her mother to join NIS (Naked in School) AKA "The Program" with her. This year they are allowing eligible mothers who can bear children to join the program as "Breeders" in this social experiment/education program.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Teen Siren   BiSexual   School   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Daughter   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Spanking   PonyGirl   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Lactation   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Water Sports   Public Sex   Nudism   Illustrated  

“When in doubt if you can perform the request, deny it and consult with me later. That’s a very creative request, and I think I know who asked you for that one. He likes to test boundaries. Have you ever had duct tape ripped off? It does sting, and it can take hair with it.”

“Yeah, like waxing my pussy,” Staci said.

“Very similar to that sensation, yes,” Jen agreed. “I would say that it is reasonable for me, and I’d probably enjoy it unless he wanted to gag my face with it and tape my hair. I have been gagged with duct tape wrapped all the way around my head, and that’s no bueno,” Jen frowned.

“What about for us, Ms. Collins?”

“As there is some pain involved, unless you plan to allow others to do it to you, I would say that you shouldn’t accept, but you could have deferred it to Darla. It’s very mild. What did you do?”

“I let him do it to my mom, and she got pissed.”

“Did she tell you that was a limit?”

“No,” she said.

“When in doubt, get explicit consent from your Breeder, and a great rule of thumb is if you would never do it to yourself in private, don’t make her do it in public. I understand you may not want to be on the hook to keep being duct taped by a serial requester, but if you think you couldn’t hack it at home in your bedroom alone, then don’t make your mom do it.”


Jen went to see if Darla had a real problem with being duct-taped. Darla said it was a shock and didn’t really do anything for her, but she was okay with it.

The bell rang, and Jen told us to wait, and she’d walk to the request booth with Julie and me. She wanted us to make a stop on the way first to pick up some supplies. “I’ll show you where the fruits and veggies are. Today’s lesson will come in handy.”

Jen took us to the teacher’s lounge and told us we could leave our chastity belt there. “Take the butt plug and Randy with you. Carry this too,” she said to me and pointed to a tray of fruits and veggies.

I started to put the plug and the dildo on the fruit, and Jen reminded me there was an easier way to carry them. It took me a minute to get it.

I sucked the butt plug and inserted it carefully back into my asshole. I didn’t think Randy would hang in my pussy while I walked. Technically, I had two sex toys in my body at one time. It was kind of exhilarating but surreal. The strangest concept was that no one at school seemed all that shocked by the spectacle of seeing me carrying fruit while sucking on a dildo.

“Just suck on Randy like a big fat cigar. He’s not going to mind,” Jen offered encouragement. I wondered if that former student knew that so many girls called their dildo “Randy” because it was shaped like his prick. I assumed he’d be flattered to know that it bore his name and likeness.

I carried the tray of bananas, oranges, apples, whipped cream canisters, ginger, and carrots out to the Request booth during our normal lunch period.

“Are we making smoothies?” Julie asked Ms. Collins.

“Something like that,” Jen smiled and asked Julie if she had ever come out to the request booth during lunch before.

“No, I never gave many requests. I had a few friends in the Program, and I’d do it every now and then, but it never interested me. I like performing requests more than I do giving them.”

“You should have thought of that before you became a Trainer, Ms. Garner,” Jen mused. My spine shivered because I thought for a moment that Jen was talking to me as Mrs. Garner, and instead, they both thought of me as just plain Brittany.

“You brought Brittany’s bottle for her protein shakes?”

“Yes, I have it in my purse. Are we going to have time?”

“We’ll have to make time in her next class if she doesn’t get it down,” Jen said, talking about me as if I wasn’t present as I followed the two of them.

“Tonight, I’ll come by your house and lock your mother in the chastity belt with the screen for the weekend. You don’t have to be the bad guy. She’ll have to take it off daily to clean it, but I think that’s the only way to keep your father from taking what he feels is his and Brittany from giving it to him.”

“If you think so, Ms. Collins,” my daughter agreed.

I found it intensely humiliating that now they were making plans to lock up my pussy up in front of me without consulting me, and they were talking about how little self-control I had. Yet, strangely it seemed appropriate because I had agreed to do what my daughter told me to do and I had already broken the rules a few times.

I couldn’t talk very well with Randy in my mouth. A few students passed by and saw me holding him in my mouth. They laughed at me as they ran past.

“Will your father respond well if I tell him that you were both punished for lying to him?”

“Honestly, I do not know. It depends on how you tell him, Ms. Connors. He seems to think us getting punished is fun for us and something we want to do because we are doing it to get our jollies or for attention. I really can’t say for sure.”

“Believe it or not, there have been some students who intentionally get in trouble just so that I have to spank them. I can see why your father may think you enjoy the attention. I’ll feel that out when I talk to him,” Jen assured her. “I want to be honest with him, but some things that he isn’t ready to hear or understand will just make the situation worse. Now, Brittany, a question for you,” Jen said.

I was startled that I was being included in the conversation.

“It’s not part of my official duties as part of the NIS Coordinator, and I am offering this off the books. I don’t know Jim and how he will react. If sex is the issue, and Jim is primarily interested in satisfying his needs until you can have sex with him, would it help if I offered to fuck him? I couldn’t stay all night, but I could come by once a day for a while. Is that something you think would smooth things over?”

I was in a sudden panic. There was no way I wanted this beautiful redhead to take away my husband. He’d never look at me again after he had HER! I couldn’t talk clearly, so Brittany removed the dildo from my mouth so that I could.

“You don’t even know what Jim looks like. You would offer to fuck him anyway?” was my first question.

“It’d be a favor to you, and I don’t care what he looks like. As long as he has a dick. I take it. Do you want that on the table?”

“Not really, no, but is it up to me?” I inferred that I had to obey Julie.

“This is something I’d only offer if you think it would make things better. You say you want in the Program. I like you both, and I want you to be in the Program. If the blocker is that your father needs to get his nut, he can put it in me until you can be available. If it’s going to cause jealousy and drama, and it’s something you don’t want, then I wouldn’t do it. As I said, this has nothing to do with the Program. I am talking as a friend.”

“I’ll think about it,” I said. What I really meant was that I wasn’t going to say yes to that. I just didn’t feel comfortable saying that outright.

Jen let the matter drop and told us that she would feel out the situation, do an inspection of the house and what we do, and then have a conversation with him. “I’ll recommend you resign from the Program tonight if I think you are heading for an insurmountable hurdle, but even if not, there are more hurdles ahead as the Program evolves and you both grow in your roles. Ultimately, only you can decide, Brittany.”

Several boys were already lined up for requests when we got to the request stand. I would say that 90% of boys and 10% of girls make requests. Girls usually come together in groups of two to four and dare each other and giggle to make weird requests. Boys usually come alone or, at most, with one other boy. The boys usually egged each other on to try dares. A few of the boys come in larger numbers like a little pack of wolves with a single charismatic leader.

I was permitted to remove the butt plug and dildo and wash it in the sink provided for the booth. It was strange taking a sex toy out of my ass in plain view of other people. It was something I’d have to get used to doing because it was obvious this was just how things were at the school. I blushed and tried to pretend it was perfectly normal.

One of the first requests I received was to slide a blue baton between my boobs. The boy making the request knew it was located under the wooden counter. I immediately realized he wanted to see me fuck my tits with it. Everyone standing behind him had a good laugh while I stroked it between my fat tits for 60 seconds.


Ms. Collins and Julie, both told me that I did a good job performing for him. Jen knew him by name and told us that he always asks for the same thing. She wasn’t doing requests herself. She was just there to supervise us and offer support.

The next boy simply requested that I eat a banana. It seemed odd to me (at first).

“It’s lunch, so we are going to feed you,” Ms Collins said as she pointed to the fruit I had brought. I didn’t understand at first until the first person picked up a banana and told me to eat it. Jen assured us she’d participate and help guide us through the food requests. “Food can be erotic.”

My daughter gave me immediate approval. I peeled it slowly and sexy, but he hurried me up and told me to get to the good part. I was trying to be sexy.

Jen took the banana from me, deep-throated it effortlessly, and handed it BACK to me after it had been in her throat. I tried to put it down my throat, choked myself, and began to gag on it.

The boys watching actually laughed while I choked and spit up.

“You can’t deep throat?” Jen asked me. I shook my head no. My ribs felt inflamed from coughing, and my face was intensely red. “I somehow thought you could deepthroat. I guess you just look like you would know how.

“Julie?” she asked. Julie shook her head no, but demonstrated by giving the first couple inches of a peeled banana a blowjob like she was licking an ice cream and periodically putting it into her mouth.

“Here, will this amuse you?” Jen took Julie’s banana and deep-throated it. Then she made herself gag and spit it out on the table. Then she bent over and slurped it up like it was the yummiest banana goop that existed.

The guys applauded. “Thank you, Ms. Collins, you are the best!”

“I aim to please,” Ms. Collins said. “Okay, we’ll practice together on a few of these requests. Follow my lead?”

Julie was only too happy to learn from Ms. Collins. The next guy wanted Julie to fuck herself with a carrot.

“Brandon, she’s new, and she’s not opted into doing that. It’s either Brittany or me. Who do you want to see today?”

“You!” he said emphatically. I really couldn’t compete with Ms. Collins when it came to looks. I wished he would have acted like it was a tough choice to spare my feelings. I was finding that I sometimes enjoyed being the center of attention.

“Which hole?” she asked.


Jen stuffed the carrot into her mouth and got it wet, then she turned around and spread her ass cheeks wide. “Guys, hold my ass cheeks,” she told us both. I took one cheek, and my daughter took another.

She didn’t negotiate. She didn’t hesitate. She seemed like she couldn’t wait to show him how a carrot went up her ass. It may have been humiliating for her but you would never know it by looking at her face. Ms. Collins made it seem like she enjoyed it immensely.

Jen pushed the dildo into her asshole, almost up to the green. Once it went in as far as it would go, Jen looked up and made a face of pure bliss, like the carrot tip had hit a special button that turned her on. She closed her eyes and began to fuck It in and out. A few other boys crowded around to watch.

When Jen finished butt fucking herself, she withdrew it. There were light streaks of creamy brown on it because she pulled it from deep within her own bowels. Ms. Collins recognized the guy who was with Brandon and asked if his request was for her to eat it.

“You know it!”

“Okay, it’s your nickel,” Jen acted like it was routine to eat a carrot. She pulled out of her ass and began taking small bites out of it.

After he left, Julie asked about the hygiene aspect of eating things that had been in our rectums or vagina.

“The carrot tasted a little earthy, but I love eating ass, including my own. It’s really not that bad. If it was covered in poopy, I wouldn’t have eaten it. However, leaving a stainless or latex surface out and letting it get bacteria that has only been cleaned by saliva is a different story,” Jen told us it was perfectly safe in small doses as long as it was relatively clean. You probably consume animal manure as fertilizer and dirt on most vegetables without ever realizing it, anyway.”

Jen took almost all of the requests for us. A boy came up and told her to “eat an apple and shit fruit salad.”

He was being facetious, obviously. I think he had practiced that line before he made the request. He got a big laugh from the other boys waiting to make their requests, and even Julie and Ms. Collins snickered with amusement.

“I’ll sit on one and try it. Is that good enough?” she asked sweetly. I thought he was rude, but Jen seemed infinitely positive and constantly looking on the bright side.

He was surprised she would agree to that.

Jen sat down on a small apple, forced it up her ass, then bent over and showed it to him. It was stuck in her asshole halfway in and halfway out. “Ass play can be fun, but if you were to lose this apple inside your bowels, it could be a visit to the ER to get out,” she farted out the apple and let it fall on the ground at our feet. A subsequent request was for her to eat the apple. She didn’t eat all of it. She gave him 60 seconds like she did all the others.

They weren’t all fruit or veggie related. I got the impression that many of these students were what Jen called “Serial requestors” and frequently asked for the same thing or some variation. One student wanted Jen to use her toothbrush. “Okay, this is a good one for Brittany. She asked him if he minded if she taught me how to do it.

Jen rinsed two toothbrushes from under the table. They looked frayed and well-used. She handed me one, and then she put the other one up to her clit and held it sideways. “Do what I do, and tell me if you know this song? Oh crap, how does it go, Nathan?”

The students began singing the song like a commercial jingle for toothpaste. “We’re gonna clean our teeth with a Brusha Brusha Brusha ... Dunna.Dunna ... Nuh...” he carried on the harmony but not the lyrics.

“Oh right, I’ve done this enough for you, I should have it memorized. “Okay,” Jen seemed amused by what she was about to do. She took a deep breath and pressed the button on the stopwatch.

Then she began pressing the brush to her clit and pushing up and down. It was scratchy and hurt.

“We’re gonna clean our teeth with a Brusha Brusha Brusha!” She sang like an old 1950’s style commercial. “And a dabba dabba toothpaste, don’t wanna rusha rusha! Gentle and slow, that’s the way to go!”

Jen slowed down and flipped her clit up and down and mashed it down. I tried to follow along and sing.

“When you Brusha Brusha Brusha with your Brusha Brusha Brusha.” Jen changed her voice to a high baby voice, “I brush the outside, the inside, the top, and the bottom.”

Ms. Collins demonstrated by brushing her clit twice, putting it in her pussy and brushing, and then continued singing to the same tune, “All the little bits of food by brush them when you got ‘em!” She sang the next part in a silly voice: “I even brush my tongue down and up, up and down, and take a sip of water and swish it all around. Wet, Wet, Wet! My mouth is all Wet!”

I was laughing too hard to continue singing but I tried anyway.

Jen switched into a duck voice, like Donald Duck quacking. “Spit, spit, spitting, that’s what I like the best. Spit the water in the sink, and then you’ll help the rest.” And then switched back to her normal voice to sing, “We’re gonna clean our teeth with a Brusha Brusha Brusha!”

She asked the kid, “How was that?”

“Marvelous!” he said and left a few bucks on the counter.

“What’s this?”

“We collect tips at the request booth but it’s rare. They go toward the NIS Program funding,” she said.

Ms. Collins explained quickly that many of the requests are silly like that. “They want me to humiliate myself, but the way I deal with that is that I love being humiliated, and the sillier they want it to be, the more fun it is for me.

“Did it hurt?” Julie asked.

“Oh yeah, that’s probably the idea as well. Oh shit, here comes one of my favorites. Hello, Doctor Randy,” she smiled as the teacher approached. There were no other students in line.

He seemed like he was just stopping by to check on us. “New recruits for the Request Barn, eh? Great!”

“Where do you want me to put it today, Randy?” Jen asked as if she was incredibly bored and wanted him to skip to the chase.

“Why, Ms. Colllins, I do declare, you seem like you don’t like satisfying reasonable requests.”

“Randy, you are anything but reasonable,” Jen was joking with him.

“That can be true, and yes, in your delightful buttocks. Can you slice off a piece for these two lovely ladies?”

“No, they definitely don’t have to do this,” she said as she pulled out a small paring knife with the tip broken out from under the counter. I was worried that she’d use it on herself. However, she began peeling a piece of ginger with it. It smelled pungent.

“Oh c’mon, they ducked out of Doctor Randy’s class today. That’s sufficient for a punishment,” Doctor Randy implored the coordinator to reconsider.

“Have either of you been pegged with Ginger?” she asked. I said no because I didn’t know what it was, and my daughter said no as well.

“You see Randy? There is no way. You are lucky I am crazy enough to do this for you.”

“Oh, you love it,” Doctor Randy leaned against the counter like it was a cocktail bar, and he was ordering drinks for everybody.

Jen asked us once again to pull her ass cheeks apart nice and wide when she bent over and then began to fuck herself with a piece of ginger. Her beautiful face started twisting into pain and agony.

“Let me see your face,” Doctor Randy smiled while the Coordinator suffered.

A tear ran out of Jen’s eyes, and her nose looked like it was going to run. She looked at him, and he snapped some pictures of her misery. “Oooooh, this fucking sucks!”

Randy seemed to delight in Jen’s suffering. It was obvious it was real. “16 seconds left, Hang in there!”


“Mmm, 10... 9... 8...” Randy counted down, but he had jumped ahead in the countdown. He waited until he got to 3 and said, “Oops, miscount, 5... 4...”

“Fucker!” Jen blurted out, and then when he said zero, she pulled it out quickly. She stood up and held the ginger root like it was a wooden knife. She had a triumphant look on her face and seemed fired up. Her eyes were wide, and she looked like she had just tasted victory.”

“Thanks, Jen!”

“You sadistic turd!” Ms. Collins shouted at him in anguish. Her pussy and ass were dripping but her face twisted in pain and suffering.

“See you tomorrow?” he asked sweetly, as if he was oblivious to her anger while walking away.

“You know it,” she smiled through the discomfort. “Same bat time, same bat channel!” It surprised me that she was willing to perform the same grueling and humiliating request again for him. However, it seemed that despite the pain, Ms. Collins was willing to endure it.

I was so impressed with how she accepted the pain with a smile after it was over. I could tell from her reaction that she was still feeling the sensation of the ginger.

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