NIS: Breeder Program - Cover

NIS: Breeder Program

Copyright© 2024 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 21

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 21 - Julie asked her mother to join NIS (Naked in School) AKA "The Program" with her. This year they are allowing eligible mothers who can bear children to join the program as "Breeders" in this social experiment/education program.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Teen Siren   BiSexual   School   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Daughter   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Spanking   PonyGirl   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Lactation   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Water Sports   Public Sex   Nudism   Illustrated  


In the morning, Julie was chipper and excited to start our day. She had never really been a morning person until now. “I want us to get up this early from now on and go for a jog, okay?”

“Yes,” I agreed. My daughter held up a pencil, and I opened my mouth and clenched down on it. Then, she led me through my morning routine of doing my hair and makeup and preparing everyone’s breakfast before we left. I left a little note for Jim. It read.

Jim, in case you do not recall, I told you I have to go to school early today. I have enjoyed waking up with you every morning for the last 17 years, and that will continue once this Program is over, as long as you love me as much as I love you. If you want me like you wanted me last night, I have faith that we can

sustain our relationship. Yes, I know I am asking a lot of you, and yes, I know this is weird. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done but the most rewarding thing I have ever done. Enjoy your coffee, think about me today, and we’ll talk again tonight!”

I signed it with love and put it where I knew he would find it. I paraphrased or outright stole a line from Ms. Collins’s speech about her time in the Breeder Program, about it being hard but rewarding, but it was true for me. Julie read the note and approved of it.

I drove to school with the pencil clenched in my teeth. I turned on the oldies station. It was a classic by Arianna Grande. I remember listening to that song when I was a little girl. I wanted to sing along but settled for bopping my head in the car.

It was so quiet without my sons and their constant questions and jokes. I missed them tagging along.

We arrived at the school and were able to park right up front. There was no one there. We were about 20 minutes early, and there was almost no one around. The same parking lot would be bustling with hundreds of students in less than an hour. It was such a strange, quiet time. I felt strangely free to walk around completely naked in a public place where nobody but my daughter could see me.

At any moment, someone COULD pop out and catch us. However, we basically had the school to ourselves before students started arriving.

She led me to the booth. I waited with my hands behind my back as she checked out the booth. It was a simple wooden booth. The kind that may have been a “kissing booth” where girls sold kisses at fundraisers back in my day. There were signs posted all around about NIS, reminding students not to cum on the participants. There were clearly labeled signs about forming an orderly line, limiting requests to 60 seconds and only one request per person to ensure everyone could take a turn.

A trash can with tissues and a portable sink were installed in the booth. There was a circular logo on the front of the can with the letters “CR” in yellow and black.

Underneath that, it was clearly labeled “Cum Receptacle – deposit ejaculate and bodily waste/clean up station”. I smirked thinking about Karen and her certification in the CR Program. It was such a really naughty thing to do. I couldn’t imagine agreeing to swallow loads of cum from total strangers. However, I couldn’t imagine doing some of the things I was doing now for total strangers, either. I wondered if she had been accepted as a Cum receptacle. I guessed that I would find out soon.

Inside the booth were coffee mugs and various items that puzzled me, including toothbrushes and clothes pins on lower shelves. They were protected from the elements, but I wondered how often they were cleaned.

There were also several oversized stopwatches that were set to count down from 60 seconds. All you had to do was press the button. They were sturdy as if they were designed to stay with the booth overnight, even when it rained.

Students started arriving after we did in small groups or one or two. Faculty also arrived and looked over at us as they headed into class. A few of them were assigned to supervise the incoming students arriving at the plaza. They paid no real attention to us and seemed to expect the booth to be occupied.

We got our first Reasonable Request after five or ten minutes. “Can I see you two French Kiss?”

“That’s my mom,” Julie told him. I later learned that, technically, this request was prohibited, and Julie could refuse it. However, many Participants kissed mouths or on the cheek, fingers, and even nipples. The school wouldn’t bend on the prohibition of kissing or sucking on the genitals or the anus.

“Even better!” he grinned wickedly.

Julie took the pencil from my mouth, leaned up on her tippy toes, and began to kiss me on the lips. I brought my hands from behind my back and embraced her tightly.

“I want to see some tongue,” he demanded. Julie used her finger to summon him closer, and she slipped me her tongue and even opened her mouth so he could watch us kiss. I felt a real heat in my chest, the kiss was passionate. The mantra of the Program was that it was just physical, and no emotion or affection was involved, but it certainly felt that way to me.

“Okay, now kiss me,” he said.

“Sorry, one request only,” Julie pointed to one of the signs.

“I am the only one here,” he complained. Julie shrugged dismissively, and the boy left.

“I am so glad you brushed your teeth well before that. You are getting better at kissing, Brittany. Try to suck the breath out of my mouth but not so much that I choke.”

“I’ve never kissed girls until this Program.”

“I couldn’t tell,” Julie said. “You’ve never eaten pussy before?”

“Nope,” I admitted. Julie seemed surprised. I assumed she had because she was very comfortable with the topic. We made three more requests from three more students for rapid fire after that. I don’t recall what they were, but they weren’t too hard.

I assumed we would be manning the booth by ourselves. Jen pulled up shortly afterward with her wife. The wife was a big woman with a bald head, a stainless-steel collar, and a white tank top. Jen had on clothes, and she looked completely out of place. She wore a “CR” armband in the same color and font as the logo on the cum receptacle bin.

“Wow, you guys are here on time!” Jen said as she quickly removed her shoes and skirt first when she walked up to the booth.

“We’ve been here for about twenty minutes, Ma’am,” Julie said.

“I like that, eager beavers, quite literally,” she looked at our bald pussies and finished stripping down naked. She had on a gold chain around her waist and a dog collar. She also wore a CR armband.

“I assumed you would come to school naked, Ms. Collins,” Julie observed.

“I often do, but the reality of the real world is that I can’t always do that. My wife likes to wear clothes in public, and she likes me to wear clothes,” Jen said as she removed the dog collar. “I put on my CR armband today because I need to start educating students on the designation. Karen was accepted last night.”

“That’s great,” Julie said.

“We’ll see. I am still not sure about Karen’s motives, and I encouraged her to take things slowly. You aren’t the only one in a little crisis. I visited Crystal’s house yesterday to assess what she said. It seems Crystal was fibbing a little. It does seem like their family is a little dysfunctional, and they have an ax to grind against Crystal. She was apparently not very attentive, lazy, and greatly cheated on her husband. I don’t think the family is getting payback on her. I think Crystal just doesn’t like being told how to behave at home.”

We were interrupted by a few students approaching to perform requests. Jen stood off to the side. “I am here to supervise and act as a CR. I’ll only perform requests if you get an overflow of students that back up.”

The first person wanted Julie to give him Triple Lemonade. Julie took his dick out of his pants and began dutifully jerking his cock. It was bigger than Jim’s dick and nice and thick. I was surprised. The next person was a girl. She stepped up and asked if I would blow in her ear and talk dirty to her.

Julie nodded that I should do it. The problem was that I had no practice with it. I held the girl close, blew softly in her ear, licking and nibbling on her nick and said dirty things like, “I bet you want me to eat your delicious pussy?” would you like me to take that kid’s dick and suck it right now?”

It was mostly questions about things that I would do to her, or she would do to me. Julie managed to make the boy next to me shoot cum all over her arm and hand in about a minute. He seemed very happy about that. Julie looked proud of herself as well.

“Very good, Julie,” Ms. Collins asked as she approached and asked Julie if she minded if she cleaned her up. Julie nodded, and Ms. Collins squatted down and began licking my daughter’s hand clean. The boy didn’t want to watch and zipped his pants and left. However, other boys in line did want to watch.

I finished with my task, and the girl said that I wasn’t very good at it and left unsatisfied.

“Dirty talk is hard, Brittany. Don’t worry. You can’t please everybody,” Jen said as she hungrily lapped up the cum on my daughter’s wrist. “This is my first taste of breakfast! Go ahead and take another while I clean you up.”

We took several more requests involving touching ourselves or others for the next thirty minutes. All the while, students poured in by the dozens and either watched, snapped photos, or ignored the spectacle entirely.

Darla and Staci showed up late and apologized profusely for being late.

“That’s fine, Julie and Brittany will take your shift today. However, you will take one of theirs next week. If you had been on time, I would have made them do both,” Julie said. She had a paddle behind the booth and proceeded to spank both Darla and Staci in front of the other students for being tardy.

“This is extra credit, but you can’t shirk your responsibility and show up late. Staci, this is not setting a good example for Darla.”

Darla insisted on being spanked and took the blame for being late. I knew it was because she liked being spanked. Jen spread the punishment out amongst the two of them.

Jen allowed us to continue doing requests while she dealt with the other girls. She told us if the cum could be saved to drip it into a coffee mug she kept in the booth. If not, direct them to use the bin.

I had to finally “Ghost” someone. He was a little guy, probably in 9th or 10th grade. I felt guilty because my husband wouldn’t approve. He wanted me to kneel and present my tongue to him like a target. I opened my mouth wide and looked up at him. He asked me to lift my tits up and hold them apart. I presented my breastbone to him along with my wide-open mouth.

Julie warned him not to “glaze me” which was slang for not getting cum on my skin or body. I was shocked this was so commonplace at school, but I was starting to realize that there was a lot that I didn’t know. The things like this that we considered scandalous or even outrageous when I was a teenager were done right out in front of everyone.

He begged me to give him more time because he was so close. He was furiously pounding his pud. I felt for him, but as I was about to tell him, I could only give him 60 seconds. Just as I started to tell him that, I noticed Reese getting off the bus with Dewey.

The boy shot his load on my tits and then began to breathe rapidly and apologize to me. “I am so sorry!”

Dewey and Reese walked over to us. I blushed so hard. I wasn’t sure what would happen.

Jen chastised the boy for not holding his hand in front of his penis. “You knew you were close! This is a new participant. Do you see a CR band on her arm?”

“No, Ma’am.”

“Brittany is not a cum receptacle you can dump your load in, Billy. I want you to wipe her down and apologize. If I catch you doing this again, there will be discipline involved.”

“Yes, Ms. Collins,” he agreed with contrition. He seemed more embarrassed than I was.

“I’d lick that off of you, but I don’t want to reward Billy for that behavior,” Jen looked at my tits, glistening with jizz like she was hungry to lap it up. Jen asked me how I felt about it and gave me the opportunity to take a break if I wanted to or even stop entirely. I told her I would continue.

My sons walked up to where I was at the front of the line. “Hey, Mom,” Dewey said.

“Oh gosh, your sons. I am sorry,” Jen apologized that they would see my tits covered in jizz. It was too late to hide it from them and it wasn’t Jen’s fault that it happened. I’d just have to roll with it.

“He knows what cum looks like, and it was an accident,” I admitted before addressing him. I played it off like it was no big deal, and so did Julie.

“Brittany got accidentally glazed. It wipes right off,” Julie shrugged.

“Hi, Dewey. You have to get in the back of the line if you want us to perform a request,” I informed him that he couldn’t just jump the line.

“Is it okay? You guys seem busy. You know what I want to see?”

“Our taints?”

“YES! He said excitedly. He skipped to the back of the line with his brother.

The boy who came all over me wiped up my tits, but he also explored them with his fingers while he cleaned me up. “I think I am clean now,” I said after he wiped me down with a tissue and then soap and water.

Jen quietly ate the tissue after he left. “Waste not, want not,” she smiled. “I’ve always loved semen since the first time I tasted it,” she admitted to us.

We had, at one point, twenty-four students waiting for us. My daughter and I worked as a team. She didn’t refuse a single request directed at her as long as it was reasonable. If they asked her to do something, she did it. If they asked for me, I did it. If they asked for us both, we did it together.

Dewey wanted to see our taints, and Reese asked us to double-fudge each other’s asses at the same time, so we killed two birds with one stone for them.

Jen congratulated us on a good job and said that we’d get to eat outside for lunch. “I am aware you don’t have any food allergies or dietary restrictions. Is that still the case?” she asked.

“None,” I said.

“Okay, Let’s take care of your spankings. I think I owe you 10 on the tits and ass, Julie. Do you think that is sufficient for lying to your father and involving your mother in it?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

I thought she’d get more strokes for that. I wasn’t disappointed, and I didn’t want Julie to suffer, but it seemed light.

“Thirty on your ass, cunt, and each tit, Brittany, for having sex with your husband, giving him oral sex, and colluding with your Trainer to deceive him into thinking he could do that and then lying to me by not reporting the blowjob in the Portal?” Jen asked me.

That was a lot more than my daughter got.

“I won’t do it again. I wrote a note for Jim today to ask him to wait for a month. Will we be able to have sex after I get pregnant?”

“That wasn’t the question, Brittany. Do you feel that is a sufficient punishment?”

“I trust your decision on what is sufficient, Ma’am.”

“What if my decision is 300 strikes with the cane?”

“You know how much a body can endure and what is appropriate for my transgression, Ma’am.”

“That’s a really good answer, Brittany. I am glad you showed up today. I assumed you both would be a no-show. I actually have a solution that may make things easier. I’ll be coming to your house tonight to meet your husband.”

“Do you think you should give me the punishment then?”

“Have your sons and husband witnessed you being disciplined at home?”

“No, not really.”

“Then I’d rather keep you for the first period and give you an excused absence from your 1st class. Who is it with?”

“Doctor Randy, Creative Writing, Ma’am,” Julie said.

“That’s a good class, I am sorry you will miss part of it. She spanked us while we counted out the strokes. Julie easily handled her spankings, but her tits and ass were nice and pink.

I cried out a little, and by the time Jen was done with my tits, they were turning orange from bruises. Jen alternated between wooden paddles and riding crops that she kept in the booth.

“One thing I do not recommend is to apply makeup base to your bruises. Karen does that. I’d rather see them and have a dialogue with a student who is curious about how you got them. It’s wrong to make people think you can be spanked intensely and still have pristine skin without any paddle marks,” she told us as we stood there smarting and rubbing our tingling body parts.

“I’ll walk you to creative writing. You’ll join me after Workshop back out here,” she explained.

My daughter put a pencil in my mouth, and I quietly followed her. Jen noticed and asked why we were copying Karen and Tiffany’s dynamic.

“We aren’t. This is part of our dynamic, Ms. Collins. I liked the aesthetic of the pencil because the Breeder could easily drop it, but they chose not to do it. If I used a full gag that was bound to my mother’s head, then the Breeder had no choice and had to comply. Brittany is choosing to comply.”

“How do you feel about that, Brittany?” Jen asked. I almost spoke before my daughter removed my pencil.

“My Trainer said she liked the way it looked in my mouth and that it was training me not to talk when I am not permitted to speak. I think it’s effective, and I would thank Tiffany and Karen for inspiring us, but I would say that I consented to this as part of our own rules.”

“Good answer, Brittany. You seem to be less wishy-washy and unsure today.”

“Good habits take practice, Ms. Collins, and holding the pencil in my mouth will teach me to choose my words carefully when I can speak.”

“Oh my,” Ms. Collins was thrilled with that observation. “You just made my asshole pucker with that response. I am impressed. It is important to learn from other people’s relationships. You can take bits and pieces of what you see in the dynamic of the other Breeders. I am sure Tiffany and Karen may feel you are copycatting them, but imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.”

“We’ll try it, and if it doesn’t work, then we’ll try something else,” Julie added. Jen seemed to approve of that as she brought us to creative writing.

My ass still stung, and my pussy was dripping wet from being spanked. I knew everyone would notice I was drenched when I walked into the class.

“The one thing that I do not like is that Karen never smiles because she is always clenching her teeth, and I think this makes it so I can’t smile.”

“That’s a great observation, Brittany,” Julie stroked my hair and told me she thought Karen didn’t smile because she was unhappy with something about her life and situation.

Jen put her thumb on her nose to indicate that Julie called it. “Not everyone is rainbows and sunshine all the time. I have a generally sunny disposition, but I can be dark too. Karen is a complex person, and you shouldn’t measure yourself against her, Brittany.”

We went through our morning classes quickly. In Calculus, Tiffany and Karen seethed when they saw me walk in with a pencil clenched in my teeth and take a position at my daughter’s feet. Julie was so horny that she asked the instructor to allow us to have relief during class.

The instructor was all too happy to oblige. Karen gave me an icy stare as I played with my tits and brought myself to a frothy orgasm. When I was done, her daughter removed her pencil, and without prompting, Karen said through gritted teeth, “Do you mind if I clean your fingers, please?”

I looked at Julie, and she nodded. I sat on the floor with my legs spread wide in the position I had played with myself while Tiffany’s mother thoroughly sucked my fingers clean but looked at me like she hated me.

I wanted to explain why we were using the pencil like we had to Ms. Collins. The teacher shushed me, and then my daughter stuck the pencil in my mouth and let Tiffany clean her hand the same way.

Fast forwarding to the Friday Workshop. Jen began by congratulating Karen on becoming the second CR of the school year. “I have competition now. I can’t be Ms. Pacman gobbling up all the semen,” Jen chomped the air like she was eating imaginary cakes of jizz.

We clapped for Karen, but she remained stony and impassive. Her daughter popped some gum in Karen’s mouth, and the woman began chewing in a way that reminded me of a dumb cow that chews its cud out in the meadows.

“Karen volunteered to be a CR, but she has two more SCHOOL days to decide if that’s what she wants. She’ll be offering to clean you up if you have cum on your body, and students can approach her, and she’ll drink their jizz. Karen is NOT allowed to go down on people in school or eat pussy, just in case you are wondering!”

Jen pivoted to asking us all if we wanted to quit the Program. “Has anything made you question your decision to the point you are ready to hang it up? This is the final day, and I thought I’d lose at least one couple. We have some stand-by candidates who have been approved and qualified. Does anyone need to leave?”

“Are you trying to push us out to make room for better candidates?” Darla asked skeptically.

“Nope, I want you to do what is best for you. You’ve had some time to try this relationship out. Almost every one of you has reported some kind of problem at some point. Are these problems insurmountable? Are they worth continuing? I want you to make that choice before you face a penalty, Darla.”

“Why would we face a penalty if you have somebody ready to take our places?” she asked.

“Good question because we’ve already invested in you with medical tests, collars, Portal accounts, and training. If you continue in the Program after today, I want you to understand there are consequences to quitting and take it seriously.”

That satisfied Darla.

“Okay, I have some other reasons you may decide today is your final day,” Jen said, holding up two items and quickly introducing them to us.

“This is a standard issue, NIS Chastity Belt. We’ve been using these since the Program’s inception. We’ve made some improvements over time, but the same principle remains. The body is on display, but penises can’t go inside anyone’s holes -girls or boys. That includes mouths, asses, and pussies. Fingers are okay with consent.”


Darla said the belt looked like a bicycle lock, and she was right.

Jen demonstrated by putting a finger up to the front screen that covered the pussy. This chastity belt was light, consisting of a corded ribbon that could be worn like a belt. The corded ribbon locked just above the pussy, and then connected to a mesh in front of the pussy that kept it on display but not touchable.

“Yes, you can pee through it,” she told us with a giggle.

The back had a small hole that looked big enough for Jim’s penis. Jen held up an optional screen for that back that popped in and allowed someone to see the butthole but not touch it. The metal circle in the back actually kept the butt cheeks parted when it was seated in the crack.

“This is a very simple, one-lock chastity belt. You can get it off with power tools. We have used this for NIS students who were masturbating too frequently for their own good. We have had students who had taboos about being touched and wanted extra protection. These always require parental approval.”

Jen told us that she had male versions of the same belt but that these were strictly for Breeders. “I’ll make an exception if any of you Trainers want to wear them to prevent touching, but I think all of you have proven you are okay with touching?”

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