NIS: Breeder Program - Cover

NIS: Breeder Program

Copyright© 2024 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 20

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 20 - Julie asked her mother to join NIS (Naked in School) AKA "The Program" with her. This year they are allowing eligible mothers who can bear children to join the program as "Breeders" in this social experiment/education program.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Teen Siren   BiSexual   School   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Daughter   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Spanking   PonyGirl   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Lactation   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Water Sports   Public Sex   Nudism   Illustrated  

“What else do you do?” Jim asked suspiciously about the types of requests that I performed.

Reese and Dewey were only too happy to demonstrate what Milk, Lemonade, and Fudge actually were. He had already seen Milk. “Do Lemonade?” Reese asked. Julie gave me blanket permission to perform the standard requests. Jim had a hard time understanding the “slang” behind the requests.

My daughter explained that it was just a silly form of shorthand that had been adopted for some of the most standard dares.” You can still request someone play with their nipples so you can see how they get hard and elongate when you get aroused. It’s just easier to ask for milk when everyone knows what that means. It also makes it seem less clinical. I don’t know why people do it. It’s like asking why Starbuck calls it a Grande when it’s a Medium and a Venti when it’s a large. It just makes ordering easier if you know the lingo, Dad.”

I pulled gently on my clit and began to play with myself on the outside of my pussy. Jim watched as I tugged my labia and pulled on my pussy. He didn’t seem all that impressed, but he didn’t have a big attention span for foreplay in the bedroom.

I was told to do Fudge. I turned around, spread an ass cheek with one hand, and jammed a thumb in my ass.

“Damn, does that hurt?” Jim asked.

“A little, but I am getting used to it,” I admitted. At first, it had been really jarring, but after sticking my thumb in my ass for a few days, it really was getting much easier to do.

“Can you do Fudge and Lemonade at the same time?” Jim asked if I could use a hand for each hole. I stood with diagonally and shifted to continue frigging my clit and fingering my ass.

“That makes you happy, or does it turn you on?”

“A little of both,” I admitted. Jim was quiet. I don’t think he expected that response.

Reese started to explain Double Fudge, and when Jim pieced together that I was basically jerking someone off with Double Lemonade, he said, “BJ!” and insisted that I follow him into the bedroom.

I did. I wasn’t sure if I’d get in trouble.

Jim wasn’t interested in any more questions. He threw me down on the bed, and he wanted me – to be inside me.

“No, Jim, I can suck your dick,” I said.

“There is one way you won’t get pregnant unless you can make a butt baby! You take it up the ass! I never knew you would do anal,” Jim insisted. I could have fought Jim off of me, but I allowed him to flip me over on my tummy.

“You never tried before this, Jim.”

“I am trying now. Relax!” Jim sounded desperate and horny. I felt the tip of my husband’s penis enter me. I felt like I was betraying Julie and the Program. It felt good when my husband managed to squeeze his cock into my asshole. I had been primed all day, and I was so turned on that I couldn’t stop myself even if I wanted to. I let him lay on top of me until he got his cock a few inches inside. Then I shifted to the breeding position and began begging for him to fuck me. “Fuck me, Jim.”

The lights were on, and that was a new one for us. We never made love with the lights on, even when we first started dating. I could feel my husband’s hot breath on my neck as I begged for him to cum. “I want your hot jizz inside me! Make me your cum receptacle,” I said out of nowhere, and either it was a coincidence, or it just worked out because Jim held me so tightly. He was locked with me where his cock was stuck in my ass, and he wasn’t moving until he emptied his entire load of cum into my butt.

I’d never truly been butt fucked before. It was strangely eye-opening like I had been missing this major source of pleasure and sexuality for years. I always assumed it was nasty and would hurt and never initiated with Jim. Now, he was grunting and sweating on me. As Jim finished pumping his load, he collapsed on my back. I felt his cock shrivel out of my hole, and his warm sperm makes its way down my crack and into, of all places, my taint.

“Jim, I have to get up,” I insisted, but Jim was too euphoric to care. I ran into our bedroom and wiped profusely to ensure no sperm made their way into my pussy. I took a shower, shaved myself, and then went to Julie’s room to tell her what had happened. The thought of keeping this from her never crossed my mind.

Julie was wearing a towel. She had just come from the shower. She was writing in her own journal when I knocked. She gave me permission, and I went in.

“Dad is sound asleep and happy?” she smiled pleasantly, assuming I had just sucked her father’s cock.

“He took me in the ass, Julie,” I told her and explained quickly how it happened.

“Did you give Dad consent or not?” she asked at the end for clarification.

“Not at first, but after he was on me, I was begging for his cum.”

Julie wasted no time texting Ms. Collins, and then she called us to get the story straight. I heard Jen on speakerphone say, “I appreciate you being honest with me. I do have to file this; it is an incident. We will be checking to see if you are pregnant, but by tomorrow, there is no way to know for sure. I’d advise you to drop the Program now while there are no penalties. If we find out you are pregnant, then you will face financial penalties and be banned from the Program anyway. It’s very likely that Jim is going to want to keep doing this with you?”

“Yes,” I said.


“I believe you, but you bear some responsibility for allowing your husband to think you can be intimate at all. I think you need an appropriate punishment. I am just not sure what level of punishment, Brittany.”

“Ms. Collins?” Julie interrupted.


“I told my Dad there was a Blowjob exception for husband’s yesterday. He was getting jealous, and I thought he’d give us less of a hassle if I told him that wives were permitted to give oral sex on command ONLY to their husbands. I told him that it superseded my authority, and he could tell her at any time, and she had to go do it.”

“A clever lie,” Ms. Collins sounded impressed. “I wish there was an exception like that, but the reason there isn’t is because of what happened. A blowjob turns into sex, and suddenly the Breeder has turned back into a Pumpkin before Midnight. If it’s any consolation, I suspect that your mother isn’t the only one who is having relations with her husband and/or lovers. I have lots of friends who are swingers, and they run in tight circles in Little Rock.”

I immediately knew that Ms. Collins was talking about Darla Starling and her “Hot Wife.”

Julie told us not to worry. “Here is what I want you both to do. Julie, take your mom on a jog and do a few laps around your neighborhood or some well-lit park. I want you to think about what you want to do. There are two options. If you want to quit the Program, nothing bad will happen. It will not go on your record. You can come to school tomorrow wearing you what, and Brittany can go back to being a stay-at-home mom. That may be the better option for her marriage if her husband is insecure and is likely to want to have sex with her again.”

“What’s the other option?”

“If you continue in NIS, tomorrow I have to punish you both. You will need to be at the request booth an hour before school begins. You will work lunch, and you will stay after school for an hour. You will also be punished during the workshop and admit what you did to your peers. The problem is that your marriage is more important than this Program, and if your mother is already pregnant, then you are both out anyway. I want you to go outside, touch grass, and think about that.”

The phone call ended before we could ask more questions. I was surprised because normally, Jen would ask how we were feeling about things, and this time, she was very blunt. There were two choices and no middle ground.

“You heard the lady; what do you want to do, Brittany?”

“Go Jog!” I said excitedly. I wanted to clear my head. My daughter dropped her towel, put on her socks and shoes, and followed me outside.

“I am so sorry that I got you in trouble,” we both said at the same time. Then we both said “Jinx,” which is what we used to say when Julie was little whenever we both said the same thing at the same time.

“It’s my fault. I told Dad a lie and made you go along with it. I didn’t even ask if you consent to suck Dad’s cock.”

“I married him. I think I consented a long time ago,” I admitted. I thought Julie was going to jog alongside me. However, she made me wait until she got her old bike out of the garage and pumped up the tire. She rarely used it these days. I was surprised there was still enough air in the tires.

“I am sorry that I did this. I could have just told you that I sucked his cock, and you wouldn’t have been the wiser,” I said as I ran slightly behind my daughter. She went slow enough that I could keep up.

We immediately passed our neighbor’s house and waved at them. They watched us run down the street like we had lost our minds.

“Don’t you dare apologize for telling me the truth, Brittany? I would have eventually found out. Dad would have said ANAL really loud at tomorrow’s dinner, and off you two went. I had to explain to sit there awkwardly with Reese and Dewey and pretend I was just as clueless as they were as to what had just happened.”

“Well, then, I am still sorry for consenting. I begged your father for his dick. I’ve never done that before.”

“What is sex with Dad like?”

“Don’t ask me that,” I said.

“I am your Trainer, Brittany. You have to tell me everything, especially sex-related questions,” Julie smiled.

I admitted that her father was not the best lover. I always waited for him to initiate, and he cared little about foreplay. There were times he got right to it and didn’t even bother to warm me up first. We had always made love in the dark until tonight. I told him that we seldom spoke during sex, and usually, it was to ask about a towel or if he was finished. I admitted that I was so horny tonight that I was talking dirty.

In the meantime, cars drove past us on the flat-top road and slowed down to watch the naked teenager on the bicycle and the jogging fat-ass following her. My daughter’s ass sat perfectly on the bicycle seat, and it looked like it might be fun to sit on and ride. I could imagine how the leather banana-shaped seat might feel.


I had never imagined I’d be running naked through my neighborhood. It was strangely exciting, despite being intensely embarrassing. I had to get used to running in bare feet. That was probably the hardest part. At least, the asphalt was cooling down later in the day.

“No wonder you don’t realize you are one of the prettiest women in the Program,” Julie said. I didn’t have time to blush because I was huffing and puffing, trying to keep up with her. I waved at yet another neighbor that I knew.

“You didn’t realize you have huge knockers because you were hiding them in baggy sweaters and bras that never fit you in the first place. I figured that out when you look like a confused puppy every time people bring up your tits. You don’t see them like they are, do you?”

“They are big fat boobs, I know that. I just don’t see why they are so special. They sag and aren’t like Ms. Collin’s tits.”

“Ms. Collins had surgery to have tits half the size of yours, Mom,” Julie slipped and called me Mom. I didn’t say anything about it. “She could never naturally have what you have. Most women can’t. I never will.” She looked down at her own tits.

Julie was gorgeous, and she acted as if she didn’t know it. I tried to encourage her by saying, “If you don’t think you are beautiful, then don’t come telling me I am because you obviously can’t recognize beauty. You could be prom queen.”

“I barely made the Varsity Cheer squad, Mom. Tiffany is hotter than me, and she’s like maybe the 6th hottest girl in school,” Julie scoffed.

“You keep calling me Mom,” I reminded her after the second time.

“Yeah, well. I am starting to think our experiment may be over. Julie is right. You and Dad’s relationship isn’t worth completing the Breeding Program. I can get to college some other way. Obviously, I wasn’t a very good Trainer, and I promised Dad something that wasn’t part of the Program. I preach honesty, and then I go and tell lies.”

“If you quit this Program, Julie Garner, I am going to ground you until the end of the school year! You will be washing dishes washing clothes, and I’ll find a way to make you dig latrines!” I huffed in a half-joke. I had already exposed myself to my family, everyone at her school and the customers that shop at my grocery store in the most humiliating ways. There was no going back after this. I wasn’t going to let her quit because I knew my daughter wouldn’t let me quit if I started beating myself over a mistake.

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