NIS: Breeder Program - Cover

NIS: Breeder Program

Copyright© 2024 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 19

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 19 - Julie asked her mother to join NIS (Naked in School) AKA "The Program" with her. This year they are allowing eligible mothers who can bear children to join the program as "Breeders" in this social experiment/education program.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Teen Siren   BiSexual   School   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Daughter   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Spanking   PonyGirl   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Lactation   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Water Sports   Public Sex   Nudism   Illustrated  

“I’d like to see your Taints again,” Dewey grinned because he knew he was being a little annoying. It was the same smile that Dewey made whenever he farted silently and thought nobody knew he was the one that did it.

“Our taints look the same as they did this morning, Dewey. Are you sure?” Julie sighed. She was already bending over to show him, and I followed her lead. My daughter knew the rule was that if it’s a reasonable request on school grounds, she has to do it unless there isn’t time or it’s not safe. It was the end of the school day, and we were still in the parking lot. It was safe and there was plenty of time.

I used my fingers the same way that I saw Julie stretch her pussy lips down so that the little strap of skin between asshole and pussy, was more stretched out and prominent.

“They look different, wet,” Dewey observed studiously. He even rubbed his chin as he started at Julie’s pussy flaps. I imagined my son as a young gynecologist performing a visual exam on his sister.

“That’s because we can get wet during the day, Dewey,” Julie explained to her little brother.

“Do people squirt water on your taint?” Dewey asked naively.

Reese was going to laugh at his brother and explain women’s bodies to him, but Julie stopped him. Reese wasn’t exactly an expert either. “Dewey, when girls get aroused, our brain sends a signal to our cunts to start squirting fluid that will make a penis go inside us much easier and help the man cum. It’s like lotion.”

“So, you are turned on right now?” Dewey asked excitedly.

“You know how you wake up in the morning with an erection, and you didn’t touch yourself or do anything dirty?” Julie asked rhetorically. “There are times our bodies get turned on, like when I pinched my nipples. I knew I wasn’t going to have sex, but the stimulation still sends electrical impulses to start the production of liquid. I get goosebumps, and my heart starts racing, my brain sends the signal to start secreting adrenaline through my body, and the arousal is involuntary on my part.”

“So, WE turned you on?” Dewey concluded that their request had been the catalyst to our excitement. He and his brother seemed quite proud of themselves that they had the ability to arouse girls. I had to hand it to my son. He could seem naïve, but he was very quick-witted.

“Kind of,” Julie may have short-changed Dewey about 10 seconds of his request to look at our taints. Julie stood up, wiped her pussy with her finger, and sat down in the car. I heard the sound of her wet pussy gliding on the seat as she sat down. There was definitely a light sploosh sound. My pussy was wet as well. I was definitely ruining the front seats of the car, but there was nothing I could do about that. I surmised it would be this way every day from now on.

“We have to stop at the grocery store,” I said to Julie as I pulled out of the Student Parking Lot.

“Are you asking me or telling me?” she asked.

“I am asking if we can go. I brought my credit card. It’s in the glove box.”

“Yes, we can go. Hurry because I don’t want Dad mad at us.”

“If you get to call her Brittany, why can’t you call him Jim?” Reese asked from the backseat.

“It’s all about consent. Mom consented to be called Brittany because that is how the Program works. It’s what she answers until I think of a new Breeder name for her. She consented to let you two squirrel-faces call her Brittany because she didn’t want you to feel left out. Dad didn’t consent.”

“What’s Brittany’s new name going to be?” Dewey asked.

“I don’t know yet, Dewey,” Julie said. I was curious as well. I didn’t want to interject into the conversation and ask as well.

“I think it should be Peanut,” Reese said.

“Why Peanut?” Dewey asked.

“I don’t know. It just sounds good.” Reese shrugged. That made me laugh a little. I kept it to myself and focused on the road. I was planning to drive to a grocery store that was much further away than my usual one because I knew so many people at the local Kroger.

“I would call her Arwen,” Dewey suggested a pet name for me.


“Arwen Evenstar, the daughter of Elrond, Queen of Gondor?” Dewey asked Reese if that sounded familiar. I had no idea what my son was talking about.

“Is that some Dungeons and Dragons shit?”

“It’s from Lord of the Rings,” Dewey scoffed. The two boys started arguing amongst themselves.

“Brittany, where are you going? This is not the way to Kroger?” Julie noticed that I was heading to Downtown Little Rock.

“I thought I’d take us to Downtown Little Rock, where people are likelier to shop naked. North Little Rock is still very conservative, Julie.”

“You thought you would? And who is in charge?” Julie was livid with me. She threatened to stop the car and spank my ass on the side of the road. I immediately turned around before I reached the Broadway Street Bridge. I drove back to Pershing Street, which was close to our house and the school, and all the while, I felt ashamed after being dressed down in front of the boys.

“Ooh, Brittany is in trouble,” Reese teased me playfully. It didn’t make it any less serious, though.

“I am sorry, Julie,” I apologized.

Julie told me she knew it was hard to adjust but that I would be naked for a while. “We aren’t going to drive an extra 20 miles simply because you don’t want people to see those big, beautiful boobs of yours bouncing around Kroger.”

I offered her a wintry smile of acceptance and turned on the radio.

“Hey, how come you don’t just tell Brittany she has to give you the keys and let you drive? You have your license, right?” Reese asked.

“Why would I want to drive when I can be chauffeured?” Julie asked. She changed the subject. “Hey guys, can I make a reasonable request of one of you?”

“What is it?”

“How about one of those shoulder rubs?”

Dewey dove at the opportunity to rub his sister’s shoulders and relax her muscles. “Good habits take practice,” she quoted the NIS coordinator and told him that he would get better each time he gave her a massage.

“Are you going to the grocery store naked?” Dewey asked as he leaned up.

“I might, why not?” Julie shrugged and asked for less talk and more back rub.

When we arrived at the grocery store, I had to take a deep breath. It was still broad daylight, and the store was clearly quite busy. I got a shopping cart. “They won’t mind that I am barefoot?” I asked as I walked inside the Kroger.

“It’s public law that they have to accommodate nudity. Shoes are clothes. Technically, those stores that have those “No shoes, no shirt, No service!” signs that ban public nudity are in violation of Federal Law. We have a right to be anywhere in our natural skin and nothing else,” Julie said as she followed me in the nude.

I was impressed with her bravery. Julie seemed fearless. She was cute, intelligent, well-spoken, and outgoing. I felt with all of my heart that she would be able to do anything she set her mind to when she graduated college.

Julie had once dated a guy who worked at the store last summer. I expected we might see him there. He was a handsome 19-year-old named Hunter. He had a square jaw and a nice military haircut. The age of consent in Arkansas had been reduced to 14 decades earlier, but Jim was still against her dating an older boy with a car.

Naturally, that only made Julie want to date him even more.

Julie directed me in the store to pick out certain things and put them in the basket, but I also picked out some things without asking her permission to buy them. I wasn’t sure how deep my daughter’s supervision went. I wanted to do things the right way. Jim seldom questioned what I bought at the grocery store, so I assumed as long as my daughter was watching me while I did it, I was fine.


My sons insisted on taking a picture of me while I shopped in the nude. It was rare anyone did that at this Kroger, but I’ve heard in big cities people shop naked all the time. I smiled and posed for the picture.

“Can I have this cereal?” Dewey excitedly held up a box of sugary cereal. He looked at me and then at Julie to see which one of us gets to decide.

“Technically, I can’t tell you how to spend your money, but I wouldn’t buy it for him,” Julie said. I put it back.

“I rubbed your shoulders!” Dewey insisted as if he had just been short-changed.

“Yes, and I showed you my taint TWICE today,” Julie said. She said it loud enough for other people walking around the store to hear. We were the only naked people in the store, and we were already getting a lot of strange stares and attention as we shopped.

“You have to do that, though! It’s part of the Program.”

“Brittany makes your breakfast every morning, delicious homemade biscuits, crisp bacon, country ham, sausage, fluffy pancakes, and fresh eggs. EVERY morning! Why would you need that cereal?”

“It has a cool prize in it!” Dewey mentioned some doodads or gadgets you get when purchasing cereal.

“You are going to miss Brittany’s cooking when you get older. You have no idea how good you have it. You know how you love how Karen shook her tits? Tiffany’s mom doesn’t know the first thing about cooking. She has expensive pots, two ovens, and a refrigerator that is stocked for her by a maid, and she only makes microwaved food,” Julie defended me.

I was so pleased with what she said, and I blushed because I had a hard time getting that kind of praise. I had to hide my smile because I felt like I should be humbler about it. I just did what I thought was right, and cooking Southern food was something that my mother had taught me and her mother before her. I imagined what it would be like to have TWO ovens and a new set of pans. The pans I had were the same ones I had before I married Jim, and they needed to be replaced.

We continued around the store into the produce department. Dewey picked up two cantaloupes and put them in front of his chest. “Hey Brittany, who am I? I am you!”

“No, it’s more like this,” Reese tried to heft two big watermelons, but he couldn’t quite manage them. We had a giggle about that.

“My tits aren’t that big,” I replied.

“Mom put them down here,” Reese pointed to the watermelon. I didn’t ask Julie for permission since we were joking around. The watermelon was much bigger than my boobs, but I could see the comparison.

A livid old woman came up behind me while I was bent over the produce cart with the melons. She was seated in a red hover around scooter, wearing cat’s eye sunglasses, and an American flag t-shirt. She had a very lemony disposition and she called me out.

“Young lady! How dare you expose your bottom like that in this establishment. Do you not know that everyone can see your private parts?” she confronted me angrily.

I was stunned and wanted to pop my head back into my shell like a turtle and hide until this angry woman was gone.

“I did know that my bottom is exposed, and my parts aren’t private. I am in the NIS Program,” I explained and told her that the acronym stood for Naked in School.

“Bullshit, You are much too old to be in school,” The woman sneered. She looked sidelong at Julie and realized she may be in school, but she didn’t believe that I was part of the Program.

“I am in the Program with my daughter,” I stood up and turned around to face the woman. “It’s legal for us to be naked in public.”

“It’s legal but is it moral?” the woman asked angrily. She didn’t expect an answer.

“It’s moral because this is my natural body, the skin I was born in, and I am not doing anything unethical or scandalous. I am buying vegetables and fruit.”

“I saw you bending over that cart of melons like you were ready to take it up the tailpipe!” the woman accused me of intentionally showing off my asshole. I didn’t want to start a confrontation in the store because I naturally avoided them.

“What seems to be the problem here?” I heard Hunter’s voice from behind me. He was taller than Jim and wearing an apron. Hunter always reminded me a little of the actors that play Superman. He had short black hair that he kept combed the same way that a mild-manner Clark Kent would, and he wore glasses that he probably didn’t need as a fashion statement.

Hunter quickly placated the customer and redirected her. He smiled at us and said, “Hello Julie, Hello Mrs. Garner,” before greeting Reese and Dewey by name as well. We greeted him pleasantly. I wasn’t sure of the details of their breakup. I just knew that Hunter and Julie stopped seeing each other. We greeted him back in a friendly and polite manner. Reese and Dewey, in particular, seemed to like him.

“I see you finally joined the NIS Program like you said you would or is this just you out sporting a new look?” he asked Julie.

“I am in NIS,” Julie seemed suddenly at a loss for words.

“I was too when I went to North Little Rock,” he told us. He was very supportive and seemed pleasantly surprised. I could imagine his athletic build completely nude. He asked if Ms. Yasmine was still the Coordinator of the Program.

“No, we have Ms. Collins now,” Julie said. I could tell this was awkward for them. I wanted to give them space, but I wasn’t sure how to excuse myself.

“Ms. Yasmine was really strict. My butt starts burning every time I think about her.”

“You got spanked?” Reese asked.

“Yep, almost every day!” Hunter admitted it as if he missed it. “Do they still do Discipline lessons every day out in the Quad when they raise the Flag and Lower it?”

“No, I don’t think so,” Julie said.

“The girl I was dating at the time signed up to educate students on D/s relationships. I signed up as well. I guess they don’t have the D/s Program any longer?”

“No, now we are doing Trainers and Breeders.”

“WHAT is that?” Hunter sounded excited to hear about it.

“One partner is in charge, and the other is the Breeder.”

“They are actually going to BREED you? To have a baby?” Hunter asked.

“No, not me. My mom is the Breeder. I am her Trainer,” Julie seemed more at ease explaining things.

“That’s far out. I couldn’t imagine you as a Trainer. Mrs. Garner, when is the baby due?” he looked at my stomach.

“I am not pregnant yet,” I admitted, and I felt bad because he applied that my chubby tummy made it look like I might already be with child.

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