NIS: Breeder Program - Cover

NIS: Breeder Program

Copyright© 2024 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 18

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 18 - Julie asked her mother to join NIS (Naked in School) AKA "The Program" with her. This year they are allowing eligible mothers who can bear children to join the program as "Breeders" in this social experiment/education program.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Teen Siren   BiSexual   School   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Daughter   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Spanking   PonyGirl   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Lactation   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Water Sports   Public Sex   Nudism   Illustrated  

“Good job so far, Breeders and Trainers, for keeping your girls moving. I’ve heard about some very diverging relationships today as each of you personalize the experience and figures out what works best for you. We encourage healthy experimentation, and not every idea that you have will work. I am, however, a little concerned. It’s only your second real day in the Program, and some of you have delved into very advanced topics before developing the fundamentals of a total power exchange.”

She told us to take things slow and to communicate. “You should OVER communicate your feelings with each other, and make sure to sign up for private counseling with me before you get in over your heads with much more complex power exchanges. You should be in the honeymoon stage right now where everything is simple, and you are both just feeling things out.”

That was reassuring. Ms. Collins introduced her planned topic on her agenda for today’s workshop.

“What I am going to teach you now is going to be common knowledge for most of you. I still want your complete attention. It’s important to have a refresher. There are some things that you need to hear, even if you think that you already know them.”

Jen told us that words are at the root of our language and that communication is essential to ANY relationship.

I wished Jim had heard that. His silence spoke more about his attitude than his words ever did. My family once took a four-hour drive, and Jim only spoke a few times to ask me if I had to go pee. I didn’t mind because Jim was driving, and he doesn’t talk a lot, but he wasn’t very communicative. I guess it’d be worse if I was a chatty Cathy and wouldn’t shut up the entire trip.

“Rules, Rituals, and Protocols are part of our Trainer and Breeder Program and provide a necessary framework for building a functional relationship that works between you symbiotically. You aren’t equals. You were never meant to be. However, that doesn’t mean that just because one person has all the authority, they are also the ones having all the fun or getting all the rewards. I am a natural submissive to my partner. She and I have been together since before college.”

She proudly tugged the big heavy pussy rings in her labia. “I don’t know if anyone noticed that my rings are bigger today? My wife wants to stretch me, and I am comfortable with her decisions,” She looked at Crystal. “My cunt hurts, it’s swollen, and after being tickled, poked, and fingered all afternoon, it isn’t comfortable, but I am comfortable with my pussy being used to educate students because that is my calling, and she is okay with it as well. That is what I meant, Crystal, by reaching a point of acceptance. You get comfortable with it. Are you comfortable with answering to your husband and sons for the next nine months?”

“They already kicked my ass once, I guess it isn’t that bad,” Crystal admitted.

“Ideally, you are looking for something that tickles your heart in a way that feels right. This relationship isn’t permanent. In 9 months, it dissolves, but you will still know one another and likely be in each other’s lives for years. You can go in any direction you wish. You’ll know at the end of this school year if dominance or submission is something you would like to incorporate into your relationships. It is one path of hundreds. When you find what works for you, I encourage you to stick with it and hang on to it.”

“In my life, at home, I have rules, rituals, and protocols. We have a chore board, we have a punishment board, and we have a reward board. My rules are on the fridge for any visitors to read, and they are printed clearly. If we have visitors, I make them aware of what those rules are. That structure is not required for every relationship. Some people prefer to play things by ear and be spontaneous, but it gives me the trust to wake up knowing exactly what is expected of me, and when I surrender a decision, it’s not a loss to me. It feels like I was freed of the burden of making a choice I didn’t want to make. That’s what works for me. It won’t work for everyone, and so as we explore this relationship, I can offer personal experiences of what is in the NIS coursework and lesson plans.”

I was listening, but not really paying attention to what I was doing while I jogged. I slipped a little because I am so top heavy and out of shape. My daughter was quick to give me a slight shock through my collar, and I corrected myself and continued running. Sweat was running down my ass crack, and I felt disgusting, but I kept jogging at a very slow pace.

“You’ll get there Brittany, just keep at it,” Jen smiled with a very cheerful and encouraging expression.

“I don’t know where she is going to get; she ain’t running nowhere,” James laughed, and most of the others did as well. I didn’t mind being the butt of their joke. It was funny. I smiled along with everyone else.

“I want you to start thinking about your own rules, structures, and protocols, and we’ll add new ones we expect everyone to take on and incorporate in very broad ways. As an example, Brittany’s rule is that she has to pass the salt without asking Julie. They defined the granularity of a request that is worthy of getting Julie’s approval. That’s the first step in the process of identifying rules that work for you.”

I was pleased that Julie received some recognition for her idea.

“Now, let’s talk about language. Has anyone worked on pet names?”

Tiffany suggested “Cunt” for her mother, and Karen looked unsurprised.

“Cunt, Split Beaver, Tuna Factory, Pucha, Cum hole, Slit, Piss flaps, I’ve heard them all. All of these words mean the same thing and can seem vulgar and offensive. However, in NIS, we take the power away from these words. We remove the taboo and repression that comes with them. You can call me a cunt. This is a twat,” she pointed to her pussy and pulled her rings. I want you to use these words freely when describing your bodies to students because the more normalized they are, the less harm they can do.”

Ms. Collins went into a litany of words about boobs, tits, honkers, knockers, itty bitty titties, and then asshole, stinker, fart-box, shithole, dumper, turd-cutter.

It made sense to me now why she would often pepper her speech with vulgarity. I expected the NIS coordinator to be prim and proper. It really surprised me when she used some cuss words I had never even heard before. I was certain that my husband would love this woman’s vernacular.

“You can call Karen a Cunt, but I doubt it will have any impact, and with most of us in this room having big fat cunts, if you say her new name, you could be referring to anyone of us or our body parts,” Julie said.

Tiffany looked a little dejected by that.

“I didn’t mean to discourage you. I want you to put more thought into personalizing the name. This should be something you can and will say outside of school and all the time.”

“Oh, I’ll call Karen a Cunt. Are you a cunt, Karen?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“I am a cunt as well, with a juicy, stinky, pissy cunt, too,” Jen had no problem saying that. She said she was sometimes envious of guys because they are born with a cock, and they can just wipe it off and keep going. “I need to feed mine with interesting objects to get off, and clean it, deal with UTIs, periods, and I think I’d just like to be able to stand up and piss while holding it like a bottle rocket,” Jen pretended she had an imaginary cock and was taking a piss. We chuckled.

“Anyone else?”

“Jameela,” James said that it means beautiful in Swahili. We swooned at how nice that was. “I don’t know if my people came from Swahili, but I like that name.”

“You like it because it sounds like James,” Thelma admitted. She was not even breaking a sweat while jogging.

“That as well,” James admitted with a cocky smirk.

“We have time to work on names. Start trying them out and don’t make them official. In a week or so, I’ll ask you to have the name decided, and we won’t change it for the rest of the year once you make it final. If the name means something, or evokes an emotion, or you just like it, give it some value. It can be silly and frivolous, but it could be a wasted opportunity to add something to the relationship and establish a familiarity with one another. I’d expect you to stop using your Breeder’s first names once the Pet name is chosen. I’d also expect you to be supportive of your fellow Trainers and Breeders by using the Pet names they were given to address the other Breeders. Everyone else can continue to call them whatever they are comfortable with.”

“Now, let’s talk about some more standard requests. Yesterday, I told you about Milk, Lemonade, and Fudge and Doubling them. Who here has been asked for Triple Milk, Lemonade, or Fudge?”

Ingrid raised her hand immediately. Thelma raised her hand, Karen did next, and Darla did.

“Great. Does anyone have a problem with it?” Jen asked. I still didn’t know what it was.

“I wasn’t sure what to do with the jizz that got all over my hand?” Darla asked.

“Let’s talk about that, but first, let me tell the others what a Triple is. Obviously, a regular one is when you touch yourself. A double is when they touch you. A triple is when you touch them back. It’s not as common, and it mostly comes from students who choose to wear no clothes to school.”

Jen explained that public nudity laws allow students to attend class in the nude and not be in the NIS Program. “It gets confusing for other students because they will walk up to a naked student expecting that they are going to perform Reasonable Requests. There are some who will. I know this may not make sense to some of you who haven’t attended North Little Rock, but the school actually frowns upon PDA (Personal Displays of Affection) between students EXCEPT when they are performing reasonable requests.”

She paused to let us think about that before illustrating a scenario. “A girl who likes her boyfriend and wants to hug him in the hallway can attend class nude and then perform a reasonable request for him to give him a hug or a kiss. As long as they don’t go overboard and have full penetration in the hallways, we’ve always overlooked it. Those students aren’t bound by NIS rules, and there is one key difference - That is consistency.”

Jen explained to us that they can pick and choose who they want to perform a request for without any sort of criteria other than their own, as long as it doesn’t exceed what NIS students can do in public. “There are requests we expect you to perform in the NIS, like the basic milk, lemonade, or fudge, as long as there are no time or safety constraints. We expect that whether it’s the most popular kid in school asking or the most pimple-faced, quiet, weird kid, you’ll treat them with the same consideration. Regular students don’t have that limitation.”

It seemed everyone knew that, and no one looked surprised.

“Trainers were encouraged but not required to do something like double fudge on request. How many Trainers have done it?”

All but James raised his hand.

“Were you asked, James?”

“Yes, and I said hell no.”

“That’s your decision. However, for those of you who do it for one student, you have to do it for all students who request it as long as there is adequate time and safety. There is no favoritism or saving it for a boyfriend or girlfriend. Breeders, that’s a choice you don’t have, but your Trainer won’t refuse someone just because they don’t like them. That’s a big no-no in the Program. We are INCLUSIVE and not EXCLUSIVE.”

“Now, Triples are the same thing. Once you do it for someone, then that’s it; be prepared to do it again. You have effectively opted into level five consent, which is one down from the highest level of consent you can give at the high school level. As I told Crystal earlier. Do you just find it icky and don’t want to touch someone’s balls? Or do you have true limitations? Trainers have a choice, but Breeders don’t. Are we clear on that?”

Everyone nodded and agreed.

“Good, now about cum. I saw some ghosting earlier today,” Jen looked at Julie and Ingrid. “Ingrid had quite a few Ghost affairs. Who here is unfamiliar with Ghost sex? It’s sex without touching. There is no emotional attachment, no affection. It’s purely physical. It’s almost always going to be a boy who asks for this, and they are almost always naked.”

“Are we required to do it?” Crystal asked.

“Everyone here is required, even James. There is no touching. There is no physical contact, so it’s sort of the original bending of the rules as far as they can bend before they break. Let me demonstrate, James. Will you be my guinea pig?”

James stood up and walked over to her. Jen told us to imagine he just requested Ghost Head. “They can say Ghost BJ, Ghost Blowjob, Ghostie, it’s really just slang for looking at you while they masturbate. It just sounds less creepy by calling it a Ghost job. You may clarify what they want when they ask for Ghosting, but 99% of the time, this is what you are going to do. You can also remind them that getting semen on you is not acceptable and report it to the nearest teacher or bring it to my attention.”

She demonstrated by responding to James as if he had just given a reasonable request to her. “Sure, I’d love to give you a Ghostie, James, but I have to warn you not to touch me and not to cum in my face or on me.”

She waited for James to acknowledge her and then went down to her knees in front of James cock. “I like to put my hands behind my back like this, but you can play with your tits or pussy. Breeders, your Trainer may have a specific way they want you to do this,” she said as she opened her mouth extremely wide and opened it up. She looked up at James, and he got hard instantly. The teenager’s big black cock expanded right in front of her face.

Jen laughed a little and apologized. “Sorry, that’s a nice cock, James. I apologize for laughing. Continue. You don’t have to go to completion.”

James pounded his cock inches away from her face while the NIS coordinator presented her mouth like it was a target for his spunk. She said, “You can get closer, right at my nose,” and she encouraged him to do that. James put his dick right in her face and then started to spunk. He caught it in his hand and held it. James looked surprised he came so fast.

Jen seemed proud of herself. “Boys typically have a tissue or ask the teacher for a tissue and throw it away in the garbage. A few teachers would prefer they flush it in the toilet because their waste basket starts to smell like a pair of my old panties,” she smiled.

“Darla, you got a boy’s jizz on your hand when you were giving him a triple Lemonade?”

“Yeah, I assumed I was supposed to jerk him off, and it spilled all down my hand,” Darla admitted.

“Okay, so what you would do in that situation since it is an accident, is just get a tissue from a nearby teacher. We have receptacles all over the school and in the bathrooms as well to wash your hands and clean up. It’s a typical accident, no harm, no foul. If he may have done it on purpose, and many of them do, I’ll be honest. Then, your Trainer or you will tell a nearby instructor or teacher, and they will handle it. Then you go and wash up. May I ask what you actually did when the student finished on your hand?”

“I didn’t want it to go to waste, and it was just a little bit, so I licked it off my fingers,” Darla said before adding that Staci said she could.

“Staci?” Jen said. She told Darla to sit down in her daughter’s chair and made Staci stand up and start running in her mother’s place. “You didn’t tell your mother that’s a big no-no?”

“She loves cum. She said she did,” Staci pouted at the unfairness of being called out for telling her mother to do something she said she loved.

“I love cum too, and I drink it in my morning coffee. However, I am a Cum Receptacle, so it’s different for me, isn’t it?”

Staci was already jogging in place, and she nodded to accept that what she did was wrong. She reminded me of a toddler that just got caught with their hand in the cookie jar and had their slapped.

“Get your knees higher than that, tits bouncing, Staci. You did your mother dirty, and there could be serious repercussions. I am going to chalk it up to her not knowing the rules and you not thinking.”

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