NIS: Breeder Program - Cover

NIS: Breeder Program

Copyright© 2024 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 17

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 17 - Julie asked her mother to join NIS (Naked in School) AKA "The Program" with her. This year they are allowing eligible mothers who can bear children to join the program as "Breeders" in this social experiment/education program.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Teen Siren   BiSexual   School   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Daughter   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Spanking   PonyGirl   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Lactation   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Water Sports   Public Sex   Nudism   Illustrated  


Julie led me to our next class with Ms. Gallison. We had to shake our tits for a reasonable request given to us in the hallway between classes. One guy asked my daughter to let him “play with her butt.” She offered to let him do it to me, and he reluctantly said yes, as if he was getting a second-place trophy. I felt strangely humiliated that he really didn’t seem to want to play with my butt even though I was going to let this total stranger do that to me.

I stood there as students passed by and whistled or jeered while he squeezed and mashed my butt cheeks. It wasn’t quite a massage, but at least he didn’t put his fingers inside me. I felt like he was doing it only out of a sense of polite obligation.

When we arrived at my daughter’s next class, Tiffany and the rest of the class were watching Karen masturbating on the floor. Her legs were spread, and she looked intent on concentrating. She had her legs spread wide, and she was playing with her ass and pussy.

Karen’s nipples had been pierced the previous day, but now they looked sore and ragged like they had been whipped and stretched. She had applied a base powder to her body to cover blemishes; I assumed they were bruises. I could see the outline of several large patches and a few crop marks on her mother’s ass. Tiffany’s Mom bit her lip and cooed softly with pleasure.

A few people laughed while the woman writhed on the ground and played with herself. Karen’s expression was that she didn’t care that anyone was watching. It seemed like she might even be performing to impress us. I was fascinated that she wasn’t absolutely mortified.

“Good morning, Ms. Garner. Would you or your Breeder want to have some relief?” the teacher asked without looking up. It hardly seemed inviting, but I was intensely aroused, and watching Karen pleasure herself like she only had minutes left on Earth and this was her last chance was turning me on.

“Brittany, are you horny?” My daughter asked me loud enough that everyone could hear us. She had been whispering until then. It was obvious that “relief” was code for masturbation. This wasn’t a request either. Relief was offered as a release for sexual frustration as if it were a candy in a jar, and anyone could take one if they wanted it.

I was too embarrassed to say Yes, but I didn’t have to. My daughter felt my pussy and told me that in the future, I am to answer her promptly. She told me to bring myself to orgasm on the floor.

“Quickly, pay no attention to the people watching. We have a lot to cover,” the Instructor added. She asked Julie if she wanted to join me.

“I’ll sit in my chair and finger myself, thanks,” Julie sat down and casually fingered herself.

Meanwhile, I was down on the floor with Karen, and now I was expected to turn myself on. Unfortunately, I don’t work that way. I have to build up to orgasm. I was struggling to enjoy the opportunity even though I touched myself in all my favorite spots in my favorite ways. I was under bright lights and only too aware of the people watching and laughing.

“Do you mind if my Mom helps Brittany out?” Tiffany asked my daughter. Julie shrugged.

Tiffany had her riding crop with her and sliced into her mother’s pussy with a sharp crack that surprised everyone. “Stop, you dirty beast! Help Brittany get off!”

Karen spasmed and looked angry at her daughter for interrupting her while she was getting off. She didn’t complain, though. Karen rolled over on top of me and then began to finger me while maintaining eye contact. She leaned in close and put her lips to mine. I felt her tongue touch my lips. She was French kissing me! I opened my mouth and let her lick.

“Mm, you taste good,” she purred. Her daughter cropped her again to shut up, and Karen’s lips turned up in a slight smile as if she enjoyed it. She seemed so intense that it intimidated me.

I wondered if she tasted Jim on my lips. I tried to return the favor and massage or finger Karen, but her daughter smacked her butt with the crop. “You’ve had enough pleasure. You’ll have to earn more, Karen.” and then she instructed me not to touch her mom while Karen continued to masturbate me.

Julie seemed okay with this, so I let it happen.

I allowed myself to surrender to Karen and just let her play with me. It felt great. I didn’t orgasm, but I was close by the time the teacher interrupted. The fact that all the students might be watching made it intensely humiliating yet strangely intoxicating. I heard some tittering laughter, but no one freaked out.

Tiffany decided we both had enough, even though neither of us had reached orgasm.

“UP!” Tiffany sliced into her mother’s tits with her crop even as she was getting off of me. Karen popped abruptly into a squatting position, put her hands in front of her, and then let her wrists go limp like a begging dog. She opened her mouth wide and looked up at her daughter. I noticed the trace of a proud smile on Karen’s face as if she had just done a job well done.

Tiffany stuck a pencil in her mother’s mouth, and Karen bit down around it. She squatted in a very wide stance, and her pussy dribbled a little while she remained in that position. I wondered what motivated this woman to endure such humiliation and behave in such a crisp, obedient manner.

I tried to match her pose, but I wasn’t sure what to do with my hands. Julie didn’t tell me what to do, so I alternated between putting my hands behind my head, leaving them at my side or cupping my tits as class began.

Karen intimidated me. She really embraced the Breeder Program and she didn’t seem to care how humiliating any of it was. She also inspired me. If a beautiful woman like Karen could do this, I told myself that I needed to at least try. The hardest part about squatting in the position was that now my pussy was dripping and I was incredibly turned on.

It was humiliating to be watched while we played with ourselves, but it was even more so to be ignored once class began. We were two naked adult women squatting in class, and everyone ignored the fact that we were exposing ourselves on the floor and listened to the teacher’s lesson. I felt like furniture or ornamentation. It was dehumanizing, and the taste of pleasure I had received left me desperate to touch myself and finish the job.

I couldn’t make sense of the lesson plan. I really tried to listen when Ms. Gallison began the lesson. “To use trigonometric functions, we first must understand how to measure the angles. Although we can use both radians and degrees, radians are a more natural measurement because they are related directly to the unit circle, a circle with radius 1,” the bitter teacher drew a circle on the board and began explaining the process to measure it.

I felt like I was one of the dumbest people in the room since all the kids seemed to grasp the concept. Julie even answered a question correctly when the teacher called on her. I glanced over at Karen. We were side by side on the ground at our daughter’s feet.

I wondered what her motivation was. She had been fairly casual about the Program on the first day. On the second day, she looked a little haggard and tired. Today, she had a renewed vigor and obeyed in a crisp, almost eager way.

I didn’t know if I had read too much into it, but Karen snapped her mouth down and closed around the pencil as if she wanted to have to hold it in her mouth. Tiffany was brutally harsh and strict compared to Julie.

I began to theorize that it may be an act that the two of them are playing. I also guessed that maybe they were planning to win all the competitions, and the only way to do that was to embrace the expectations fully. Karen clearly lived a life of elegant refinement at home before she volunteered. She had a maid, and a lawn service. Why would she want to surrender that and answer to her daughter?

It might be what Jim was wondering about me, but I found it harder to believe that Karen truly wanted to be hit with the crop.

At the end of class, Edward Garcia made a beeline for the door. He was wearing clothes, and he didn’t seem interested in even looking in our direction.

“Typical guy, use you to get off and out the door,” my daughter smiled at me impishly.

As we left the classroom, I saw Tiffany paddle the backs of her mother’s thighs and bare feet as she forced her to crawl around in the classroom on her hands and knees.

“Is Tiffany mad at her Mom over something?” I asked.

“Who knows? They are both spoiled rotten by Tiffany’s Dad. What makes you think she is mad?”

“She talks so harshly to her,” I said.

“Brittany, I may have to speak harshly to you,” my daughter stopped and stroked my short black hair. I wished at that moment I had luxuriant, longer blonde hair like Karen.

“Yes, but Tiffany was ruthless as if she hated her mother.”

“I could never hate you. I love you,” she told me. In that heartfelt moment shared between mother and daughter, a big Football player approached and requested that we kiss.

My daughter sighed. I thought she was going to be irate because he interfered in a tender moment between us. She leaned in close and placed her lips on mine.

I don’t know who slipped the tongue first. If I have to be honest, I was horny, and Karen was an amazing kisser. I probably did initiate it. We both opened our mouths, and our tongues touched for just a brief moment, and then we parted.

The football player was holding his phone and recording the whole thing. Julie wiped her mouth after he left. “You are a very wet kisser,” was her only comment as she led me into the workshop area.

A few of the Trainer-Breeder couples had already arrived and taken the same positions they had the previous day.

“I want you in Breeding position, Brittany,” my daughter said curtly. I wondered if she was regretting the intimate kiss we shared. I wondered if I was a bad kisser. I got down on the floor, stuck my ass up facing her, and rested my head where I crossed my arms in front of myself. I had to lie on my nipples.

I felt Julie’s shoes on my back. She was using me as a footstool.

When the NIS Coordinator arrived, her hair was a mess, and her tits were red like they had been whipped. She wore a gold chain around her waist like a very thin belt. She had bigger rings on her pussy lips that looked heavier than the ones she wore the day before. Her nipples were also pierced.

“No one dropped out! I am so excited to talk today,” Jen clasped her hands as she looked around the room to ensure everyone was there. I have a little housekeeping to do before we get into today’s workshop meeting. Yesterday, someone recorded 36 shocks in one hour.”

I had almost forgotten about my shock collar.

“Care to explain?” Jen asked Tiffany and Karen. Tiffany removed the pencil from her mother’s mouth.

“My daughter and I had a disagreement, and I was being a selfish bitch. I am okay now. We just needed to talk things out.”

“I see? And is that what you think happened, Tiffany?”

“Yes, Karen made some unreasonable demands. She talked back to me. She insisted on having access to her dildos at home. She smoked and tried to drink wine, and I zapped her for each willful act. Eventually, the collar shut down on its own.”

“Yes, it’s Programmed to do that. Karen, if you don’t want to be here, you are in the grace period. You can stand up and go home right now.”

“No, you misunderstand, Ma’am,” Karen seemed a little aloof. “I wanted to relax and unwind, and my daughter expected me to cook and clean for her. It’s not something I really know how to do. My unreasonable demand was that we have something delivered and enjoy a little wine. However, my daughter reminded me that I agreed to this, and I must see it through. I am committed to continue.”

Jen seemed skeptical but wasn’t going to make the woman leave. “I notice you are holding your hands up in front of you like an eager puppy?”

“Pant for Ms. Collins,” Tiffany smacked her mother’s but with the crop. It wasn’t hard, but it was more of a quick reminder.

Karen stuck her tongue out and then began to pant in what looked almost like an absurd laugh.

“Very good. So, you are exploring pet play? That’s a very advanced topic,” Jen asked. It was obvious to me that Tiffany understood what “Pet Play” was, even though I didn’t.

“Tell her,” Tiffany sent a quick shock to her mother’s collar to get her attention.

“My daughter and I agreed that I will make a good Pet, and so far, I am enjoying it,” Karen said proudly. I wasn’t sure that Karen actually believed that. The way she answered seemed like she was saying what Tiffany wanted to hear. Karen’s shoulders were squared rigidly as she returned to panting and acting like a puppy. The woman was almost over-acting like a puppy to illicit laughter. Even I was giggling a little. Tiffany patted her head and told her she was a good doggy. “You are a pretty puppy! Yes, you are!”

Jen smiled and told us that what may seem like chaos to the fly was dinner to the spider. “We have a world of fetishes and sexual adventures or experiences we can experience in life. It’s all about deciding which ones, if any, that appeal to you. I encourage participating and trying things of this nature. Your relationships will all evolve from this point forward. No two of you will approach the relationship of Trainer and Breeder quite the same way. I encourage you to explore different avenues, and if you find that what you are doing isn’t working for you, then have the courage to try something else.”

She asked the rest of us a few of the same questions she had the previous day about whether we had any problems and still consented. “Remember, my little Cinderella, at the stroke of midnight tomorrow local time, the grace period is over. You can still leave the Program but at the risk of being expected to pay the school back for lost donations. We have to spend money on the collars and printing tickets for your events, and it is cost-prohibitive to have you drop out. The donors are under no obligation to honor their pledge if we do not produce a viable child for them. That’s money the NIS doesn’t have for next years funding. If you ARE going to drop out, do that before the initial three days of school. If something is difficult or dysfunctional, we can work on it, but if it’s untenable and you just can’t be bossed around or have a baby at this time in your life, make the decision.”

She let us think about that.

“Brittany, I see you are in the Breeder position,” Jen addressed me. As soon as I heard my name, an imaginary razor ran down the skin of my back. “Why is that?”

“My daughter told me to do this, Ma’am.”

“It’s just Ms. Collins if you aren’t in trouble, and you aren’t Brittany. That was a good answer. Why don’t you and all the Breeders stand up? I want you to all run in place. You can go nice and slow, but if you stop, then your Trainer will give you a quick shock to motivate you.”

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