NIS: Breeder Program - Cover

NIS: Breeder Program

Copyright© 2024 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 16

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 16 - Julie asked her mother to join NIS (Naked in School) AKA "The Program" with her. This year they are allowing eligible mothers who can bear children to join the program as "Breeders" in this social experiment/education program.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Teen Siren   BiSexual   School   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Daughter   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Spanking   PonyGirl   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Lactation   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Water Sports   Public Sex   Nudism   Illustrated  

Jim didn’t immediately react to Dewey calling me “Brittany.” I thought he’d get upset immediately and see it as disrespect. My husband wanted to hear what the request was going to be. I felt like it made Dewey on the spot and made him nervous, but Dewey seemed oblivious to his father’s concerns about the Program’s requirements.

“Milk!” Dewey gave me another relatively easy one. I think because the nubs of my nipples were so fat and ripe, looking like plump cocktail wieners, it was probably the first thing my son thought about. I faced the family while I was cooking and looked at Julie for permission. I was frowning because I could picture Jim’s reaction, and I doubted he would be supportive or understanding.

“No, I don’t think Dad wants to watch that at the dinner table,” Julie denied the request. I was quietly impressed with the restraint my daughter had shown. She must have decided it wasn’t worth it to further shock her father.

“Oh, now I want to see what this one is,” Jim slipped his hands behind his head as he sat back in his chair at the dining room table. He placed his hands behind his head much like Dewey had when he sat in his father’s chair in the living room.

“Okay, it’s not a secret,” Julie nodded at me to go ahead. “I was just trying to spare you if you didn’t want to see it.”

I began to pull my nipples out and plucked them, rubbing them and pinching them while I performed “Milk” as a demonstration. I felt silly and awkward.

Jim chuckled a little more. “I thought you were doing real work down at the school, like teaching a class or something. You mean to tell me you just pull on your tits?” my husband scoffed at what I was doing. “What could anyone possibly learn from watching you do that?”

I was dumbfounded. I was too new to the Program, although I was certain that Julie would probably have a ready answer.

“Milk teaches men that the breasts can be an erogenous zone that can cause pleasure or pain. Brittany, touch your boobs the way you would if you were trying to get yourself turned on,” she said.

I had been milking my tits like a cow in a rhythmic manner. I blushed and caressed the bottom of my tits and spent more time on the areola around the nipples.

“Some girls like to pinch and pull, but not all of us, Dewey,” Julie explained to her brother before continuing. “It also helps break down taboos about the body because they are just boobs.”

“Fuck that!” I thought Jim was going to complain. “They are fantastic boobs,” Jim gave me a compliment. It was almost as if he was seeing them again like he had when we first married.

“So, if you don’t mind that, I’d like to have Brittany do a lot of this around the house to develop increased firmness and milk production,” Julie said to her father.

“And you really don’t mind standing there, tugging on your knockers around the boys?”

“It’s a little embarrassing, but I don’t mind because I trust the Program. I am not the only woman in the Program, and we all do it at school. Dewey and Reese see it every day.”

“Well, Goddamned, how do I enroll back in high school? I’ll repeat the 11th grade for a third time,” Jim laughed. The 60 seconds wasn’t up yet. I felt like I was being judged, and my knees were knocking a little with nervous anticipation of when I’d be done.

“How long are you going to do this for?”

“As long as Julie wants me to do it, but normally, most reasonable requests are 60 seconds.”

“I would love to be able to whip out my dick at work and start playing with it for 60 seconds,” Jim joked.

“Many employers are allowing nudity in their dress codes and allowing relief breaks at work,” Julie said. I had read about that, but it sounded like it was mostly in Tech businesses.

“Where I work, if you got caught with your pecker in your hand, I think they’d fire you,” Jim admitted. “Why do they call it Milk? I thought actual milk was going to come out of your titty.”

“Sing the Milk, Milk, song, Brittany,” Reese snickered. Julie already nodded her head so that I could do it and said it was far too soon for me to start lactating but that this type of activity helped my body to start doing it and improved milk production.

I sang, “Milk, Milk,” and touched my thumb to my nipples, “Lemonade,” I reached down and grabbed my clit and then turned around and stuck my butt out. “Around the corner, fudge is made!”

Jim laughed but failed to see the value in it. “I just don’t get it. What happens if someone wants you to do something you don’t want to do? You get detention?”

“I will do whatever Julie tells me,” I admitted with a slight grin.

“What if she tells you to drive off a cliff or run away with her to Vegas?”

“We are both learning what the rules are, and they are very strict on what counts as a reasonable request and what counts as an unreasonable one,” I said as I returned to cooking. I was putting cheese on their burgers. I liked mine plain. Spatters of the oil from the burgers singed my tits, but it wasn’t that bad without an apron.

“What if you disagree on what is reasonable, though?” Jim couldn’t understand how I could trust my daughter. I loved her and knew she’d never do anything to permanently harm me or jeopardize me. The spanking she gave me bruised my ego much more than the physical discomfort. I even got a little charge at the end when the endorphins kicked in.

“Well, I do not always agree with you, but I make it work, Jim. You are the head of the house, and as you said, this is YOUR house,” I replied curtly.

“You know what I meant when I said that,” Jim backtracked his earlier statement in frustration.

I apologized and told him that I had spent the last two days learning the basics, and I still didn’t fully understand. “It’s not simple, but if you want to know anything, just ask us. We can ask Ms. Collins and find out.”

Julie glanced at me with approval over my comments.

“I can’t imagine everyone else getting along and no one having disagreements singing Kumbaya and never getting upset. I got into a fight with a new guy at my job who was trying to tell me how to run a backhoe. He said I wasn’t using the stabilizer arms correctly. I told him I was driving a backhoe since before he was a squirt coming out of his daddy’s dick. Then it got heated.”

“We have the NIS coordinator and instructors there to help guide us,” I said as I started dressing the burgers. I knew the condiments everyone liked. I asked if anyone wanted their buns toasted.

Reese joked, “You had better toast all of our buns correctly, or you’ll get your buns toasted!”

I blushed.

“What does he mean by that?” Jim arched an eyebrow with concern.

“He was just joking, but we get spanked at school if we break the rules or do things wrong,”

“You are serious?” Jim laughed incredulously. “It would take three days to properly spank a butt the size of yours,” Jim said. It was a little hurtful, but I think he meant it in a good way. I do have a big ass. I nodded, and he may have regretted sounding so harsh. “Sometimes, the old ways work best. I am shocked that this new liberal progressive NIS Program uses the same things my daddy did to teach me right from wrong.”

“The punishments are never done out of revenge or meanness, and they are intended to reinforce the appropriate behavior with consequences,” Julie explained very openly and plainly.

“Yeah, have you been spanked yet?” Jim didn’t acknowledge Julie. He asked the question of me.

“Not at school, no,” I blushed as I quickly set the table and prepared a side dish in the microwave. Technically, that wasn’t true. I’d been spanked for demonstrations, but I hadn’t been punished. I was ashamed to tell my husband about that. I assumed Jim would freak out about it. I knew I should have been honest, but right now wasn’t the time.

“What about at home?” Jim seemed genuinely curious and probed a little deeper.

“Yes,” I think that my face drained of color instead of turning an even deeper shade of pink. I heard Dewey and Reese snickering as well.

“What did you do wrong?”

“I talked back to Julie, and I went into her room without asking permission,” I admitted. I left out the part about not shaving my pussy the first time I took a shower because I was too embarrassed.

“You are her Mom! You can go anywhere you please!” Jim clearly now saw the Program as an affront to the natural order of our family and society in general. “Why would you let Julie spank you for that?”

“It’s going to take some time for all of us to adjust to the rules. Yesterday, I was just getting used to them. Today, I was thinking that I’ve already come this far. I might as well give it a try and do it right.”

Once again, Julie appeared to approve of what I had said, and I felt good about that. I didn’t have the butterflies in my stomach. I told Jim the truth about my thoughts.

“Yeah, and now the boys are calling you Brittany, too!”

“I know, we talked about it, Jim. I don’t mind. Everyone else at the school calls me Brittany. They were the only two who couldn’t.”

“They get to punish you, Brittany!” Jim was outraged as he reminded me.

“Only I get to punish, Brittany. She’s also subject to the same rules and punishments anyone in the Program is, so she can be punished by school administrators,” Julie clarified.

“So, you get to go around spanking your mom’s big butt anytime you feel like it?”

“I am evaluated on my response to correcting and conditioning Brittany. She’ll be tested daily on what she is learning and compete with the other Breeders. That can net her up to $10,000 dollars if she wins! Punishment is just ONE tool. I also use positive reinforcement and acknowledge good behavior.”

“Julie, this is absurd! You can SPANK YOUR MOM! Do you know how crazy that sounds?” Jim insisted. I felt bad. He was right. I could understand my husband’s position and I hated conflict.

“I don’t have to spank her. I can punish her in other ways for minor things,” Julie demonstrated. She flipped a penny toward me. I caught it in my hand and smiled. She told me to stand in the corner and hold it with my nose. “if it drops, then you have to start again. You have five minutes!”

I did as I was told. It was humiliating. I remembered when my mother used to make me do this. She never made me do it completely naked though. My brothers used to laugh just like Dewey and Reese were laughing.

“I can’t believe this,” Jim sighed. “What happens when you want to quit and go back to how things were? Do you expect the kids to call you Mom and respect your authority if they cam walk all over you?” Jim’s question felt like a dagger made of ice hitting me in the chest. I had wondered about that question myself.

“We aren’t walking on Mom,” Dewey spoke up. His mouth was full of food, so he was less persuasive than if he had swallowed it first. “She said we could call her Brittany. If it upsets you, we won’t do it.”

“And how many other women are doing this?” Jim ignored Dewey. He looked at me as I poured him an ice-cold beer.

“There are three moms in the Program as Breeders besides me. Kim, Darla, Karen, and then two girls Brittany’s age named Ingrid and Thelma. Central High also has a Program downtown, and they are opening these worldwide, Dad.”

“I doubt very seriously these other women are taking it as seriously as you are. They probably don’t squat at the dinner table with their insides wide open,” Jim theorized. I assumed he might be right, but I also knew Julie expected me to obey the rules at all times.

“I agreed to this, Jim. I already consented and signed up,” I explained.

“I get it. I just think this entire thing is pretty crazy,” Jim admitted and shook his head to indicate he was not fully on board with it. I didn’t argue with him.

Once I had my family fed, I put my plate on the floor and squatted by my daughter’s chair. “They do home visits, and then I am told I could owe all the money I make from this back to them if I quit. I’ll just try not to do things wrong, and it shouldn’t be an issue, Jim.”

I was very self-conscious. My nipples were still engorged and stiff from when I played with them earlier. I was dripping wet while holding my legs open. I would have been absolutely mortified if anyone commented on my thighs glistening while I was under the table. I hoped no one would notice.

“That’s the spirit, Brittany!” Julie encouraged me. She had only punished me for demonstration purposes and felt I had been in the corner long enough. I was proud that I hadn’t dropped the penny once!

“It’s got to be a scam, Brittany. I don’t understand why they would pay you to squat like that in your own house, but I’m hungry and tired of arguing about it, and this hamburger looks good. Thank you, Sweetheart.”

My husband RARELY thanked me for my cooking, so I was genuinely pleased to hear him say that and told him he was welcome.

After dinner, I cleaned up, and Julie led me into my bedroom to talk to her father privately without the boys around. We caught him with his pants unzipped, but his dick wasn’t out. He was looking at pictures of women with huge tits, much bigger than mine. When he heard us, he tried to close the tab quickly, but it was too late. We both pretended not to notice.

“Dad, do you have a minute?”

“Yeah, sweetheart!” he said to Julie. She was clothed and had taken the paint off. “I know you had a lot of questions earlier. Did Brittany answer them all for you?”

“Yes, yes, fine,” Jim looked around for something he might be able to put in his lap. His pants were a little wet from pre-cum. It didn’t bother Julie. If my daughter noticed, she didn’t say anything about it.

“I had something delicate I wanted to ask you away from Reese and Dewey,” she said.

Jim collected himself and asked her what it was.

“Did Brittany tell you about the husband exception?”

I had no idea what Julie was talking about. I started to get a really nervous sensation in my tummy again. Jim obviously hadn’t heard of it either.

“I should spank you for this, Brittany! You told me that you told Dad last night?” she demanded. I stammered. She turned to her father and ignored my mewling. “The Breeder Program requires that the participants give up sex entirely until after Mom is fertilized, but they aren’t heartless.”

I wasn’t sure where this was going.

“You and Mom ARE legally married, right?”

Jim frowned and said emphatically that we were. He reminded her that she had seen the wedding pictures.

“I ask because it has to be a legal marriage. It can’t just be some boyfriend,” Julie acted like she was letting her Dad in on some important secret. “A husband can just say BJ or Blowjob to his wife as a Reasonable Request, and she has to go with him and give it to him whenever he wants.”

I blushed so hard, and Jim looked at me to confirm what Julie had said. I didn’t confirm or deny.

“I had a feeling that Brittany didn’t tell you last night,” Julie seemed angry with me. I felt like it was possible that I could have forgotten or not noticed that anywhere in the rules. “She doesn’t have to ask my permission; in fact, I can’t forbid it. It’s the one thing I can’t veto.”

“So, anytime I want?” Jim asked me. I looked at Julie for her familiar approval, and she gave it to me.

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