NIS: Breeder Program - Cover

NIS: Breeder Program

Copyright© 2024 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 13

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 13 - Julie asked her mother to join NIS (Naked in School) AKA "The Program" with her. This year they are allowing eligible mothers who can bear children to join the program as "Breeders" in this social experiment/education program.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Teen Siren   BiSexual   School   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Daughter   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Spanking   PonyGirl   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Lactation   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Water Sports   Public Sex   Nudism   Illustrated  

“That was a lot to take in. How come you have never told me what goes on at school?” I asked as I walked behind my daughter.

“What do you mean?”

“You watch boys masturbate in class. You can walk up to naked people and tell them to do double lemonade and touch them?”

“Yeah, it’s been like that here for years. It’s just normal. Don’t you ever watch the news or anything?” Julie was shocked that I didn’t know that. She had been going here for four years and to her this was perfectly normal behavior at school.

I was disappointed in myself that I had not kept up with my daughter’s education. Things had changed so much at school since I went to high school. All the other students and the mothers seemed to think this was normal. Julie must have assumed that all of the things she saw at school were actually quite typical of the high school experience.

When I was a little girl, I thought High School was going to be like the movie “Grease” starring John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John because I had watched that movie with my mother. I thought girls would wear pink jackets and break out into musical numbers. I thought boys would wear leather jackets and sing about “Rama-Lama-Ding-Dong.”

Not walk around with their actual ding-dong out! I laughed a little as I imagined how different the movie Grease would have been if all the actors were nude. Julie looked at me as I was nuts while I chuckled to myself.

“Have you ever requested to give a boy double lemonade?” I asked.

“You are thinking of triple lemonade. That’s when you jerk them off. Double lemonade is when they jerk it while you watch. Sure, I have. I was curious and I wanted to see what it was like. I didn’t have to go on a date. I didn’t have any awkward back and forth. I didn’t have to break up with him when I was done. I tried it and thanked him and then washed my hands. What’s the big deal? It’s just a cock. I wanted to stroke one and hold it. I wanted to see if it felt powerful like a mustang or just like a raw hot dog,” Julie admitted.

My daughter had been insatiably curious all of her life. She would sometimes do things that made no sense to me just to see how it felt. I remember once watching her run around in the rain as a little girl and try to catch raindrops with her open mouth while she got soaked. It really didn’t surprise me that she had given reasonable requests to other students in the Program.

“Do you think your brothers have done that to girls?” I asked.

“Reese? Probably, he’s a perv. Dewey? I doubt it. It’s his first couple of days at school. They don’t have this in Middle School. I think it’s legal for them to perform some requests, but the age of consent is 14. Nudity is legal, but when I went to middle school, I almost never saw a student or teacher walking around naked. The administration definitely wouldn’t let anyone do anything like touch one another in middle school. They just aren’t mentally mature enough. At least, when I went to the same middle school the administration didn’t allow that,” Julie shrugged.

“It’s got to be a huge culture shock to come here from Middle School and see all these boobs and butts,” I said as my daughter led me into the lunchroom. It was filled with about six hundred students, all talking at once. There were rows upon rows of tables that were all connected in straight lines. I saw teachers and students that weren’t in the Program completely naked, and quite a few topless girls sitting and chatting.

My daughter led me into the line with her to get her food. It felt strange just to be in a school lunch line again as an adult. The smell of the baked pizza cut into squares, and the cheap hamburgers gave me nostalgia for my high school years. I never liked the taste but it was food and obviously THAT hadn’t changed since I went to school here.

It would have been a scandal if a girl flashed her tits in the lunchroom back then. Now, I was standing in front of a teenage boy and his friends as they checked out my ass.

“How old are you?” their leader asked. His name was Jeremy DelaRoche. My daughter turned us around to face them, but we kept our place in line. She prompted me to answer with a harmless vibration of my collar.

“Thirty-seven,” I answered curtly but as politely as I could. Where I was raised, you don’t ask women their age. The NIS Program believed every question was a valid one.

“Thirty-seven? I didn’t ask about your IQ. I asked how old you were,” Jeremy snorted. His friends laughed at his audacity.

I frowned and tried not to take offense. I knew boys could be boys, and even in my day, they were often very rude. He probably thought I was stupid because I had agreed to the Program, and I kind of didn’t blame him for that judgment. I was wondering if I could handle this myself.

“Do you have a request, or are you taking a poll on ages, Jeremy? I am 16, in case you are wondering. Write that down somewhere,” my daughter talked down to him. She seemed fearless, and I loved that about Julie.

“I know you aren’t going to do a request for me, and I am not sure I want HER to do one,” Jeremy said as he pointed to my tummy. I suddenly felt very fat. I was much taller than all the boys and Julie, and I had a little meat on my bones compared to even some of the teachers. Being nude made it hard to hide all the little flaws and curves on my body.

“What makes you think I won’t do a request?” Julie asked.

“Because you are a bitch,” Jeremy said rudely. I wanted to smack the snot out of him. I was turning red, but this time not for embarrassment. I didn’t like him speaking like that to my daughter. Julie could clearly handle herself, though.

“Because I wouldn’t go on a date with you? Suit yourself, Jeremy,” Julie gave him the cold shoulder and turned around.

“Okay, Double lemonade,” he blurted out as if it was a magic word and he was trying to cast a spell.

“What about it?” Julie turned around slowly.

“I request it,” he said.

“Okay, go ahead,” Julie shrugged like it was no big deal and stood there like she was bored.

The boy dug for her pussy and began frigging her as fast as he could. It looked like he was trying to grate a block of cheese against her pussy.

My daughter yawned and told him the time was up.

“You didn’t like that?” he seemed completely clueless why it had failed to please my daughter. Even I knew he was masturbating her wrong. My husband could do better than that and he was only half-tried in bed.

“Not particularly, but did you enjoy it?” she asked him as if she could care less. His friends were starting to laugh at him, and the boy was folding.

“Look, I Am in the Program. I have to perform reasonable requests. If you want double lemonade, I’ll let you have it, but I think you could do it a hundred times, and you still would have trouble locating the clit. Mine is right here,” she lifted up her hood and showed it to him. “Watch! Nice and slow circles like this. You don’t have to go fast. It’s not a penis, even though it looks like a tiny one. Go ahead, try again.”

I was shocked that my daughter was so patient and supportive of someone who had been rude to her. She stood there biting her lip and closed her pretty blue eyes while the boy took his time and patiently rubbed her pussy the way she preferred.

“That’s better,” she said after he finished. I was positive she let him go a little longer than a minute because she stopped him just as we reached the cashier.

“Are you wet?” he asked.

“If you have to ask, then I am not, Jeremy,” Julie didn’t turn around. I think she was a little turned on but didn’t want to give him the satisfaction.

There is a PIN device at the cash register that Julie could use to enter and buy food. I had wondered how we were going to pay for our lunch. My daughter had a little purse, but I wasn’t sure if she had money.

The boy actually offered to pay for our food as a gesture to make up for his earlier rude behavior. Julie said she also had to buy my lunch because I didn’t have an account.

“Give me double fudge, and I’ll buy you lunch!” he nodded at me like he was flirting. I looked at my daughter, and she gave me a look of approval. I was worried that he was going to tear me a new asshole and go rough on me.

I turned around and faced my butt toward him. My daughter said that requests were free, and she didn’t want his charity. He insisted on paying for our lunch despite my daughter’s refusal to accept payment to perform a request. Julie insisted she’d pay after all, but eventually relented politely when he wouldn’t take no for an answer.

“You gotta hold your cheeks open for me,” Jeremy scolded me for not knowing the protocol. He quickly entered his PIN code to pay for our lunches while I faced my ass toward him and pulled my cheeks apart. I didn’t have any sort of clock so I didn’t know how I’d tell when sixty seconds was up. I assumed he’d stop or Julie would tell me to stop.

I was still miffed about his insult about my intelligence. I smiled and blushed, though, because I didn’t want any confrontation. It felt increasingly humiliating to allow a boy who just suggested I had an IQ of 37 touch me where my husband didn’t even touch me.

I spread my ass cheeks, and my daughter led me slowly down the lunch line like it was perfectly normal to hold them open. I could hear the boys snicker and knew they were looking at my butt. They made vulgar comments and observations about the darkness of my skin back there and how wide my butthole was. I cringed but said nothing and blushed. I kept my hands on my ass cheeks the entire time I was in line instead of just 60 seconds because Julie never told me to stop.

I have to admit, a part of me was thrilled that I could do something this nasty right out in public and boys would want to look at me. A bigger part of me knew that I was raised to believe that this hole was where I went poop and that I shouldn’t be showing it to anyone except for my husband in the bedroom.


However, the Program stressed that it was just skin, and even if boys make vulgar comments and are amused, they are learning something. I told myself that I signed up for this and resolved to just accept the embarrassment with a smile.

They joked that later they’d come back and see what I “had for lunch,” implying they could see through my butthole into my stomach. I imagined that they would see the butterflies that had gathered to storm around my tummy and pinch my insides to let me know that I probably should be freaking out. I smiled and remained calm outwardly while I showed them my deepest, darkest, most intimate private parts. Ms. Collins would say they were public parts now, and so they were.

No one else seemed all that shocked I was spreading my ass cheeks. Julie certainly acted like this was simply expected of me, and that made it easier to do it. If the entire school had freaked out, I would have probably melted in a puddle of my own embarrassment.

Julie picked out our food while the boy occasionally fingered my butthole. I assumed he could keep doing that, which was the point of “Double Fudge”. Despite his roughness, it wasn’t entirely unpleasant. He put the same finger that he used on my daughter’s pussy into my asshole, and he rubbed it around in tiny circles with the same maneuver she had just taught him. It made me blush even more because he could probably tell how wet he was making me.

His friends laughed as he got his finger really far up my ass and wriggled it around. Julie let him do it until we got to the very end of the line. “Thanks, Jeremy! Wash your hands before you eat,” she reminded him and then carried our lunch tray toward a table. I had to walk behind her without being led by the leash since my daughter’s hands were full. I kept my butt cheeks spread because I wasn’t told to let go of them. I felt even more humiliated as people stared while I walked through the lunchroom. It was bad enough that I had to walk with my hands behind my back while almost everyone else could walk normally. I felt like my tits were constantly bouncing when I did that (they were) and people were constantly ridiculing me as I passed by. I felt a little like a stable pony being led by her owner.

My daughter called him “The Roach” after Jeremy was out of earshot, but she had been all smiles to his face. She didn’t explain why, but it was obvious that she didn’t like him.

It was obvious that the table we were sitting at was Julie’s regular table. I recognized a couple of her friends. They all wore clothes except for Tiffany. Tiffany’s mom was on the floor at her feet with her legs spread open, and a bottle of milk stuffed in her mouth. She was sucking it down and swallowing as fast as she could while a little dripped down her chin.

I felt humiliated for her, and blushed because I knew I’d be doing the same thing soon.

I squatted down at my daughter’s feet, and she stuffed a bottle in my throat the same way. I felt so debased and denigrated. The girls barely even batted an eye when they saw me do that. This Program was new. I expected them to think it was weird. I was kind of confused why they didn’t gawk or ogle me.

I assumed they had been shocked at first when Karen started doing it, and now they just expected to see us in the observation position like this.

“I would have babysat your mom for you,” Tiffany assured her that she didn’t have to take me through the line.

“That’s very nice of you, Tiffany, but we are good,” Julie replied. I was thankful. Karen had looked untouchable and high and mighty the day before. She had a plastic quality to her, like a painted-up perfect Barbie just out of the box. Today, Karen was still snooty and arrogant. There was a different quality about her. She seemed less powerful and willing to be ordered around.

One of their friends, Jessica, said excitedly, “I can’t believe you guys really did it! You joined the Program, and you got your mothers to join!”

“I told you my mother would be interested,” Tiffany didn’t return the excitement. She sucked on a straw in her milkshake. “I thought you said you’d do it with us?”

“My mom wouldn’t go for it. I gave her the brochure and everything and made a case, but she just wasn’t willing to go that far,” Jessica admitted.

“What about you Gretchen?” Tiffany asked. It surprised me that these girls had discussed recruiting their mothers into the Program. It shouldn’t have been that much of a surprise. It made sense that they would talk about it first, and it hadn’t been some spur of the moment decision. It was kind of flattering to know that I was one of the “cool moms” who had gone all the way and Julie’s friend’s moms had not.

“My mom was almost sold on it when I told her that your mom would do it, but my dad forbid it. He said he’d divorce her!”

“Ouch, harsh,” Julie said. “My dad didn’t like it, but Brittany stood up to him,” she said.


“No, she’s going to have to give him head whenever he wants it to keep him happy,” Julie joked. Then she patted me on the head and asked, “Isn’t that right, Brittany?”

I blushed and nodded. In that moment, I locked eyes with Karen, who was squatting across from me at her own daughter’s feet.

“Breeders, turn and face away from the table. Please, I don’t want you two giving each other goo-goo eyes,” Tiffany instructed us sternly.

“Hey, you can’t order around my Breeder,” Julie countered. She didn’t seem entirely serious.

“Oh, Jeez, possessive?” Tiffany dismissed her friend’s concerns.

“I just want to do this correctly,” Julie replied. She told me in the same tone to turn around and face away from the table. Suddenly, I was now facing hundreds of students in the opposite row while squatting and sucking down a bottle. I had to look up for the liquid to flow down my throat, but I could still see everyone walking past and looking down and laughing.

Occasionally, a boy or girl would stop by and make a reasonable request of one of someone that was nude, but the girls politely told them they were on lunch and to try another time. They could have made Karen or I perform the request, but they chose to give us a break.

I was thankful for the reprieve.

Suddenly, I saw a beautiful, thin girl with straight brown hair, she was completely naked except for a very large purse, and she had very small boobs. She walked past us briskly.

I heard another student ask her for double fudge.

“Fuck off, creep!” she gave him the finger and continued walking.

“These posers really give the Program a bad name,” Julie cringed when she saw how rude the naked girl had been. She wasn’t in the NIS Program and the student who made the request probably didn’t know that. I got the impression the nude girl enjoyed the power of turning down a request at will.

“Yeah, it’s like if you are going to walk around the school butt ass naked, at least take reasonable requests,” Tiffany agreed.

“We used to walk around school naked and not take requests,” Jessica reminded them. I felt guilty eavesdropping. I was turned around to face away from the table so that I wasn’t part of their conversation. However, it was news to me that my daughter was going to school naked before she was in the Program. Once again, it made sense that she’d be curious about it and want to try it before she joined the Program. That was how Julie was. I just felt bad that she never asked me if she could, or at least told me that she was doing it.

“Yep, Brittany. I know you heard that in my 9th and 10th grade year, I used to come to class naked, and I never told you and Dad. Cats out of the bag, now,” Julie admitted bluntly. Then added a sarcastic “Thanks, Jessica!”

“What’s she going to do? Punish you?” Jessica asked flippantly. I used to like that girl. She used to come to my house when she was little for my daughter’s birthday parties.

“No, but you didn’t have to tell her,” Julie chided her friend. She turned around on her stool and looked down at me. “I have always wanted to be in the Program. I had a chance last year, but I was actually embarrassed that Reese would spill the beans at home. This year, I got up the courage to ask you guys if I could do this, and I am so glad you chose to join me.”

I smiled, and some of the milk spilled onto my tits. Julie reached down between my boobs and dabbled a little on her finger. She touched it to her lips and made a disgusted face. “Ooh, it’s worse than jizz!”

The other girls laughed. They returned to talking about other matters, boys, music, hair, other girls. The typical stuff that teenage girls discuss. Tiffany invited the girls over to her house after school. The other two agreed but Julie said she wanted to focus on training me.

“I understand that,” Tiffany said. The lunch period was just long enough for me to take in the entire bottle of goopy milk. It left me quite satisfied. When the bell rang, my daughter told me, “Take all our trays to the garbage, empty it, and come right back.”

I smiled and did as I was instructed. I didn’t mind cleaning up after Julie or her friends. I heard the girls giggle as I walked away, but I wasn’t sure if they were laughing at me. In retrospect, they may have been. I didn’t feel humiliated by cleaning up though, because someone had to do it.

If I had to obey Julie, I’d rather clean up and do something useful.

I dashed back to where my daughter was waiting for me. She had stowed my empty milk bottle into the small purse she kept with her. “Don’t mind those girls. They are cunts,” Julie said as she grabbed my lead. I followed her obediently out of the room with my hands clasped behind my back. My asshole was still a little tender and sore from being fingered by Jeremy. I wasn’t used to things like that.

“Why are you walking that way?”

“What way?” I asked.

“You seem to be waddling like a duck, side to side?”

“Sorry,” I apologized.

“It’s fine, it’s kind of funny,” she giggled and took me through the halls. Julie probably thought I was used to having my asshole fingered. I couldn’t remember my husband ever trying that. I probably would have let him do it though. It wasn’t that bad.

On the way to her next class, we were stopped by two boys who wanted us to “touch titties.”

My daughter found the requests amusing. They looked somehow even younger than Dewey. She turned around and bumped chests with me so that the tips of our nipples collided. “Good?”

“No, do it longer!” the first boy sounded like he felt ripped off. The second boy was more gracious and asked nicely if we would do it for longer.

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