NIS: Breeder Program - Cover

NIS: Breeder Program

Copyright© 2024 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 12

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 12 - Julie asked her mother to join NIS (Naked in School) AKA "The Program" with her. This year they are allowing eligible mothers who can bear children to join the program as "Breeders" in this social experiment/education program.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Teen Siren   BiSexual   School   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Daughter   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Spanking   PonyGirl   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Lactation   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Water Sports   Public Sex   Nudism   Illustrated  

“Okay, did any Breeders sit on furniture last night?” Ms. Collins changed the subject.

“Does a toilet count?” Ingrid raised her hand and giggled.

“Technically, yes, but we kind of overlook that one. We also make an exception for beds, but your trainer may require you to sleep in their bed or even at the foot of it. Chairs are a big no-no. I want you to get used to being below your Trainer. In time, it will be second nature. Go ahead and shift into the Breeding position,” Jen instructed only the Breeders to assume the position.

Darla had already forgotten what that was and started to get into a different position entirely. Her daughter Staci shocked her quickly with the collar and corrected her. “Duh, sorry! Doggy style. That’d be easier if you said Doggy style,” Darla observed.

“There is a reason the terms were chosen, Darla,” Jen replied with a wintry smirk. She said we’d eventually learn them and needed to practice at home.

The Breeders shifted so that our butts were now raised and facing our Trainers. Our legs were apart. I had my arms crossed and rested my chin. My tits were touching the ground and keeping me from lowering my head all the way down.

“How many of you spent time like this last night?”

Darla sounded lusty as she joked about being ass up in a very fuckable position, “I wish!”

“Be careful what you wish for,” Jen said. “Tonight, your Trainers will start practicing positions with you. They’ll switch positions on you and get you used to learning them. There are seven standard positions you will be practicing today in the workshop.

Ms. Collins wrote them on the chalkboard and demonstrated each one for us before continuing.

1. Observation Position – Squatting low, legs spread apart, knees up, tits cupped, mouth open.

2. Breeding Position – Ass up, legs spread, chin resting on crossed arms (Doggy Style)

3. Diaper Changing Position – Butt on the ground, legs spread, possibly holding ankles, or using elbows to rest upon (Missionary Style).

4. Walking Position – Stand up, Tits out, chin up, hands clasped, and touching the bottom bone at the base of the spine, ready to walk.

5. Old Fashioned Spanking – Bent over slightly, back straight, looking down, hands on thighs just above the knee, butt sticking out, legs slightly apart. “The Old Fashioned”

6. Full Spanking – Bent over, touching toes, legs apart, mouth parted open slightly, fully exposed from the back, “Touch your Toes.”

7. Waiting Position – Stand up straight, with your hands and fingers interlaced behind your head, your legs shoulder-width apart, and your eyes straight ahead.

8. Casual - Stand up, relaxed body, hands at sides, or able to swing freely, able to move the head, shake arms and legs, and move around. Don’t move too far from that spot unless directed or permitted to do so by the Trainer.

“Oh wow, I didn’t know the waiting position was an actual thing. I saw girls do it last year and just thought it looked cool,” Tiffany observed. She put her mother through the paces of trying them out. The other Trainers put us through the same routine.

“Yes, everything after position five, I fully expect Trainers to execute when commanded by myself or a Teacher. Those can also be reasonable requests for you and your Breeder. We’ve had those positions for years, long before I joined the Program. The numbers don’t mean anything. I just added them to the board to make it easier to reference. Reasonable Requests can include ALL of those positions. Many of the students won’t know that they have an actual name. I expect you to help them when they describe it and not expect them to know our lingo,” Ms. Collins said before checking us to see if we were doing them properly.

“I don’t want trainers to think that they don’t have to make ANY requests this year. We don’t have a per-day quota, or anything complicated like that. However, you should, as a Trainer, be performing at least 3-5 requests per day on average. Some days, you may not get asked. Some days, you may do a few more. You shouldn’t delegate them ALL to your Breeder.”

“Why not?” James raised his hand.

“It’s just the spirit of participation. If you never do any requests, you learn very little. It’s important that you be willing to take some requests. This year, you are the only male in the Program. That’s a first for me. We normally have an equal number of males to females. There are going to be lots of questions for you, and your sister can’t show people how penises work.”

“She’s been around enough to know how they work,” James assured her. I saw the black girl ‘blush’ and bury her head in her hands.

“I’ll be grading you on participation, James. That includes doing a few requests now and then. Your Breeder will probably do at least ten a day. We wanted to give everyone a chance to ease into the Program and see how they approached the requests organically with minimal structure. So far, we haven’t seen any face slapping or yelling, so that’s a good sign.”

I imagined in the past that naked girls would get goosed by boys on the first day and react by slapping them.

“I’ll be passing around a sign-up sheet for the request booth,” Jen set down a clipboard on Tiffany’s desk to pass around to all the Trainers. There was an audible groan.

“Yes, the dreaded request booth. It’s back this year. It worked so well last year that we thought we’d bring it back,” Jen smiled. Everyone else knew what that was, it seemed. Jen explained it to those of us who didn’t.

“The demand for requests can be pretty high. Trying to satisfy them between classes can cut into study time and leave a lot of kids out simply because they weren’t aggressive enough to get noticed by the participants. In order to manage the majority of requests, we set up a booth in the plaza in front of the school every year. It’s manned voluntarily. You aren’t REQUIRED to man it. However, I would like to ASK that one Trainer-Breeder pair sign up for every shift. The shifts are before school, lunch A and Lunch B, and after school.”

Jen quickly summarized that the booth was a way to manage requests in a more orderly, first come, first serve fashion. The students line up for whoever is in the booth and can make requests.

“I also expect that Trainers will supervise Breeders, but if the line gets long, I want you to take some simple ones that are directed to you,” she said.

“Now let’s talk about Requests. I know all of you learned this in your Freshman orientations. I am just going to repeat it verbatim for the mothers and people who may need a refresher,” Jen said. Most of the students groaned because they knew what was coming when Jen pulled out a chart they were obviously familiar with.

“Breeders, switch to Diaper Changing Position,” she insisted while she set up her presentation. I shifted my position so that I was laying on my ass, leaning back on my elbows and sticking my legs up in the air spread. I was surprised that Astrid joined Ingrid on the floor to practice with her. The two sisters giggled playfully.

“The Program uses social engineering to impact societal norms,” Ms. Collins started the lecture very dryly. We use various techniques in education that include positive reinforcement, consequences, and peer pressure for greater outcomes. The Trainer-Breeder Program that you entered is the distillation of 16 years of research that tells us that with one Trainer able to apply those techniques on a 24/7 basis, the outcomes can be exponentially better. That is the theory, anyway,” she said.

“In practice, we saw that abuse of authority, bad intentions, lack of direction, and the inability of the Trainers or breeders to be mature enough to comprehend the subject matter were contributing factors to failure. We haven’t perfected the Program but are working to eliminate those elements. You’ll attend these daily workshops to gain a much greater understanding of the thought process behind the Program and why fetish and ritual were considered in the establishment of the Program.”

Fetish? I wasn’t sure what that reference was.

“We screen all potential participants, including Teachers, but people can be flawed. We’ve built-in systems for you to report abuses of authority or potential problems so that we can address them. We also understand the very real possibility that you may find that you don’t like what you are doing and false reports. The Program has seen and dealt with hundreds of scenarios, but every year, we are exposed to new situations and dilemmas that we could not have anticipated.”

Jen explained that Society was moving toward a moral collapse in the 2020s. “Social Media, OnlyFans, STDs everywhere. We cured most of the STDs in the 2030s, but people were dealing with so much repression that in some places in the United States, they had total bans on porn, and in others, it was the only way most of the people that lived there made a living. Sex work was the number one industry in the US, and it led to an economic collapse. America was no longer making anything. In addition, plentiful access to birth control led to a very carefree attitude about sex and a tremendous decline in birth rates.”

I remembered those days. It was illegal to be gay in certain states as well back then. It was very chaotic. We had one side trying to ban everything that they considered immoral, and another side trying to promote free love and sexual expression. It was a chaotic culture clash for many years.

“The pendulum swung hard in the direction of banning everything in some places, and in response, in other places, it became an anything goes free for all. The porn networks you see on TV all got their start in the 2030s. The clash of ideologies was a crucible to fundamental changes in society that led to reforms and protections of sexual expression and the removal of public nudity prohibitions. Consent was at the forefront, and people were free to do pretty much anything they wanted on their own property. You could garden in the nude or open a store that sold dildos without fear of retaliation from a repressive local ordinance. The shift was gradual toward allowing people to choose to be gay, trans, polyamorous, or any consensual relationship they chose openly.”

Everyone knew that, but Jen was very succinct in explaining it.

“The NIS Program didn’t start the shift; we simply helped move things along. Society was already moving toward embracing consent and body acceptance. The Program simply took the radical approach of teaching young people before they developed repressive desires and porn addictions. It was very hard to reach older people and change attitudes, but younger people were more malleable. In the beginning, the Program was nothing like it is today. It was much smaller and very limited in scope. Participants were only signed up for one week.”

“One week?” Staci laughed as if that hardly seemed worth the effort of filling out the paperwork.

“Students that weren’t in NIS had to adhere to a dress code and couldn’t go nude. That made no sense. Over time, the rules have evolved, and not every school district adheres to the same exact guidelines, but ours is following the standard practices for Arkansas State guidelines. The Program lasts one school year for most students,” Ms. Collins changed slides in her presentation and told us to change positions again.

“The core idea is and always was that nudity should be present and normal. That hasn’t changed. Over time, we decided to create the message that different body types, different lifestyles, and sexual desires were also acceptable, and no one should feel ashamed because they don’t want the thing that other people want,” Ms. Collins explained.

“The Reasonable Request has been central to that core. It is a much-maligned and often misunderstood aspect of the Program. I know most of you feel you know what is and isn’t a reasonable request, simply through Osmosis of seeing them performed in school or completing them yourselves. However, if you were to go to college and join NIS out there – it is an entirely different ball game. They are far more open and inclusive, and that goes to show you that there are different interpretations of what constitutes a reasonable request. I don’t have a problem with that because, as high school students, you may not be ready for the College definition,” Ms. Collins continued and told us to change positions again.

I wondered what that definition of a reasonable request really was.

“Let’s break down a request,” Jen used a wooden pointer to point to the chart. She read off each section to us.


· Capable of reasoning; rational.

· Governed by or being in accordance with reason or sound thinking.

· Being within the bounds of common sense.

· Not excessive or extreme; fair.


· To express a desire for; ask for. Often used with an infinitive or clause

· To ask (a person) to do something.


· A voluntary agreement to another’s proposition.

· To voluntarily agree to an act or proposal of another, which may range from contracts to sexual relations.

· To give consent, in the law, your choice must be knowing, intelligent, and voluntary.

· Knowing meaning you are informed.

· Intelligent meaning you understood the consequences of your choice.

· voluntary, meaning you were not coerced or otherwise forced.

“We all agree with this, right? Yet, out in the hallways, it’s a different story. Anyone can ask for anything, which may be their idea of common sense, but it is not yours. That is where judgment comes in. You will have time to question your limits, your boundaries, and what you are willing to do in this Program. This is especially true of the Breeders, who must trust the Trainer to decide if this is right for them,” Jen explained the reality of reasonable requests was that it wasn’t fully black or white.

“So, what should you do if the Trainer decides you have to honor a request that you really don’t want to do?” Anyone?” Ms. Collins asked.

I assumed that Jen was talking to only the Breeders, but some Trainers raised their hands. Darla raised her hand as well.

“Do it anyway, and then write it in your journal?” Darla answered eagerly.

“That’s certainly one option, but ask yourself, if you were willing to do it, was it really a limit?” Jen left that question unanswered. “You are uncomfortable, and that’s okay. You can be uncomfortable, but what about things that you REALLY just can’t do?”

Jen waited for anyone to respond before continuing. “Let’s say that you get a request to sit on a really big pickle at lunch,” she said.

Everyone laughed and giggled.

“Trust me, I have heard all sorts of requests. If you know that your asshole is too tight, and you can’t do it because it just isn’t going to fit. What do you do if your Trainer accepts the request on your behalf?”

“Ask for lube?” Thelma asked quite seriously.

“I like that, make it work, negotiate for something you can do to make it possible, but let’s say with all the lube in the world, you just know this pickle isn’t going up your butt. What then?” Ms. Collins encouraged us to dig deeper on the problem.

Jen seemed surprised the veterans of the Program didn’t know the answer. “What did we say last year?”

“Oh, I am sorry, but I can’t fit that pickle up my ass. Do you have something smaller?” Ingrid asked.

“Great, so for Trainers, you just politely explain that you have a physical or mental limitation and it’s not possible. Do you think that should apply to Breeders?” she asked.

I was surprised the general sentiment was no.

“Why not, Staci?” Jen called upon one of the Trainers.

“Mom’s a big girl. She can take it. She just has to trust me that I am not going to wreck her ass,” Staci shrugged without that much sympathy for her mother.

“Sure, once you get to know your Breeder, you should know what they are capable of doing, but as you feel each other out, that isn’t possible. Do you remember yesterday, when we tested you for pain tolerance and most of you didn’t even flinch?” Ms. Collins asked rhetorically. “Misty, how was it today?”

“Much harder, Ms. Collins,” Misty answered while in the waiting position, with the flat of a book precariously perched on her head. She was still being punished for her behavior earlier.

“Yes, we determined that most of you are ready for increased pain tolerance, but it’s likely you haven’t reached the MOST pain you can take. We’re going to teach you how to apply pain in a way that is strategic, needful, and doesn’t leave any lasting damage in future workshops. It’s not an overnight thing. The same is true about limits. We’re going to stretch everyone’s limits this school year but not break you,” Ms. Collins explained.

She let those words sink in.

“When a Breeder feels she truly cannot do what her Trainer tells her, she is to explain the reason, and if the Trainer feels that it is a fair reason, they should require something else that is appropriate or rescind the instructions.”

Ms. Collins showed us that it was written on another chart like a set of rules.

“If, however, the Trainer determines that it was a situation where you could do it, you were just uncomfortable, then you are to request an appropriate punishment from your Trainer. I know it may seem coercive to give you a consequence for refusing, but we discovered that with this power dynamic, if the risk of punishment is more severe than just doing what you are told, usually the Breeder will do as they are told, and everything is fine. The one thing I want you to walk away with, though, is to be prepared to accept punishment, journal about it, and we’ll address it in our 1:1 meetings and workshops,” She read the chart out loud before continuing.

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