NIS: Breeder Program - Cover

NIS: Breeder Program

Copyright© 2024 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 10

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Julie asked her mother to join NIS (Naked in School) AKA "The Program" with her. This year they are allowing eligible mothers who can bear children to join the program as "Breeders" in this social experiment/education program.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Teen Siren   BiSexual   School   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Daughter   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Spanking   PonyGirl   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Lactation   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Water Sports   Public Sex   Nudism   Illustrated  

My ass and pussy were throbbing, and I was feeling those familiar tingles after my spanking was over. I have to admit that I didn’t enjoy being spanked, but the warm feeling when it was over was kind of pleasurable.

I also felt a surge of confidence after my conversation with Dewey and my daughter. I knew that everything had become topsy-turvy in the order of things at home. I didn’t see it as the “tables turned” on me even though that’s how Jim phrased things. It was more like responsibilities at home had shifted and I was still doing everything I always did – just in the nude.

At least It didn’t feel like random chaos, which was my initial fear when I signed up. I assumed I couldn’t be an effective mother. Everyone in the family acted pretty much as they always did around me. I also wasn’t concerned about Jim’s reaction to my nudity because he was snoring on the bed and in deep sleep.

I went into my bathroom and briefly considered masturbating. There was no way for Julie to know if I had. I decided I would wait and “earn” it. I took out my shaving stuff. I had some old bottles of Neet hair remover from years ago that looked like they would still work. It stings, but it does the job.

I methodically clipped my pubic hair with scissors after applying the Neet to my legs. If Julie wanted me to shave myself bald, then I would. I wanted to see her face when I went back into her room after she had the audacity to insist that I shave myself completely. I was angry at her, but at the same time, angry with myself. I had AGREED to obey her, and now I felt like a petulant child throwing a tantrum.

My tits used to be high and tight when I was younger. They had softened, and now they were much bouncier and rounder. They weren’t as dense, and as a result, they had expanded naturally. I had always been self-conscious and hidden them away in tight-fitting bras and under baggy sweaters for so long that I really had never noticed. I lifted my tits. They were heavy!

I was secretly proud I had something many women envied. That made me feel special.

I stopped playing with my boobs and got back to work trimming and cutting my pussy hair. It was thick and matted. I had to chop it with scissors, shave it down with an electric trimmer, and then finally used shaving cream to make sure it was smooth.

All the while, I kept looking at myself in the mirror, modeling and smiling. I kept thinking, “Damn, I kind of AM a sexy mom after all,” as I pulled my labia out and shaved those down as delicately as I could. I managed to avoid cutting myself, but only just barely.

My legs started burning, and I knew it was time to remove the NEET foam. I did all of that, trimmed my toes and fingernails, and then painted them as well. I put my foot up on the sink so that I could paint my toes and admired my bald pussy. The red marks were now much more visible where my daughter had spanked me.

Orange and brown splotches were starting to dapple my ass and pussy from the bruising. It didn’t feel that bad, though.

By the time I had finished, my initial wave of anger had passed. I felt petty and ashamed that I was angry in the first place. Julie was shaved, and every other woman and teenager in the Program was fully shaved. I told myself she was just reacting to my defiance and decided it would be better to go along with what she told me to do.

I had already shaved everything anyway and liked how it looked. There was no gluing the hair back on because I changed my mind. Being hairless drew my eyes down to my pussy, and I felt made it look much bigger. I suppose I always had a big pussy. I could just see it more clearly now. The shaving also exposed my clit hood, but I felt sexy and adventurous. This was all new for me. I had never completely shaved my pussy in my life. I smiled. It wasn’t so bad after all. I kept checking myself out in the mirror. I’d never really thought of myself as “Big breasted,” but from certain angles, I could see why people kept saying that.

Once I was satisfied with my appearance, I dashed, grabbed my dildo, and dashed through the bedroom. I didn’t want my husband to catch me with the dildo, much less notice that my pussy was bald and sore.

My husband was fortunately still asleep; I could feel my pulse race as I escaped out of my bedroom and out into the hallway.

“Mom?” I heard my son’s voice behind me.

“Hi, Reese,” I said without turning around. I felt like I was caught red-handed, the same way I had caught my husband jerking his pecker to porn earlier that day. I was anticipating his questions once he saw me with a shaved pussy. It would be inevitable that he would, but for some reason I felt like I should hide it from him.

“Where are you going?”

“To your sister’s room,” I didn’t want to tell Reese too much. I didn’t think he could handle it.

“Your butt is very red,” he observed.

“It’s a rash, I think,” I lied.

My son laughed and said, “Sure it is! I’ve been going to that school for a year. I know what those marks are.”

“Well, then, why did you ask?” I turned on my heel and faced him without thinking.

His eyes went wide as they zeroed in on my swollen, freshly shaved pussy. I still had a few red blotches and bumps from the near-knicks I had accidentally given myself. He also saw the purple dildo in my hand, but he was too stunned to say anything.

I turned and walked into my daughter’s room. She was still sitting on her bed, wearing only a night shirt now. She looked up from the notebook she was writing in and asked, “Excuse me? You barged in here?”

“Reese was following me,” I held up the dildo as if it were secret evidence that couldn’t fall into the wrong hands and justification for rushing into her room to hide from my son.

“Brittany, you are in the Program now. You aren’t supposed to hide that you have needs. Go out into the hallway and invite Reese back inside my room.”

I was terrified, but I did as I was told. Reese was about to go into his own room when he saw me walk out. “Julie would like to talk to you, Reese.”

Reese thought this might be good, so he sauntered to my daughter’s room after I invited him. I hovered at the door. I think I was subconsciously intending to block Reese from going in but I didn’t stop him.

“Mom has a dildo in her hand,” Julie said plainly, like it was no big deal.

“Yes, I saw,” Reese shrugged.

“She was worried you would think she was naughty because she has needs like everyone else,” Julie said, directing her conversation to him as if I weren’t present.

Reese laughed. “Take care of your rash,” he said cryptically as he started to leave.

“Did you tell Reese that the marks on your butt were a rash instead of from a spanking?”

“Yes, I thought he wouldn’t understand and maybe think you were being unfair,” I said. I didn’t think it was any of Reese’s business.

“I know that people in the Program get spanked at school when they misbehave. I just didn’t know YOU get to spank mom at home,” Reese grinned at Julie with envy.

“I HAVE to spank her when she misbehaves, no matter where it is. You lied to Reese, apologize,” she demanded.

“I am sorry, Reese, I didn’t want to tell you the truth because I was worried you would think your sister was being unfair,” I said defensively.

“No, you didn’t want to tell him the truth because you were afraid that he would laugh about it. Like he is now?” Julie asked as my son snickered.

“Yes,” I admitted. That was too dead on the money for me to lie.

“Hands behind your head, 10 swats to the tits! For lying, Let’s even this out,” my daughter swung the crop a few times. I stood at attention and placed my hands behind my head. Julie invited Reese to stay or told him he could leave if he wanted. I was mortified that my son could watch this punishment. I had been spanked in front of the other Participants in the Program. Ms. Collins told us we would get public punishments but now that it was happening in my own house, I wasn’t ready.

Reese watched me count 10 swats to my tits, and by the end, they were red, sore, and my nipples were extremely puffy. He didn’t seem that impressed and left shortly after. I was so ashamed of myself for letting him watch this. I wasn’t angry with either of them. I felt it was my fault and I’d just do what I was supposed to do in the future and avoid these embarrassing swats.

“You see, Brittany? The Program is about educating others and learning things about yourself. You are learning your limits. You are learning to address shortcomings, to try new things, and to be obedient and do as you are told. That’s just the first night. Are you still willing to be my Breeder for the full term?”

“Yes, Ma’am,” I responded instinctively without thinking.

“Good, I am willing to be your Trainer, but don’t embarrass me like that again with Reese. I didn’t plan to punish you in front of him, but since you lied to him, I felt it was important that he saw that you faced real consequences. Do you agree?”

“Yes, Ma’am,” I replied. “May I put my arms down now?”

“No, stay that way, and let me inspect you,” my daughter examined my body closely. She checked my armpits, behind my neck, my legs, and ass, all around my pussy. Reese continued watching. He seemed shocked and amused at the same time. I trembled but held still. My son eventually got bored and left. I thought he’d stay the entire time.

I was relieved and at the same time puzzled why he wouldn’t stay for the entire spectacle. If this happened to my own mother, I probably wouldn’t have left the room like it was boring. I didn’t blame him for watching it happen though. It was like a train wreck. You can’t just ignore it when you see it happening.

“Overall, you did a good job. There are a few blonde hairs on the top of your feet. Since you will be going barefoot, I want those gone tomorrow when you shave again. You will shave every night until told otherwise. Do you understand that?”

“Yes, Ma’am!” I knew I had to say Ma’am while being disciplined. I didn’t want a repeat of what just happened, so it was easier to call Julie Ma’am.

“Do you want sexual relief?”

“Yes, Ma’am!”

Julie set a timer on her phone for five minutes and told me that I had that long to use my dildo and have an orgasm. It took me five minutes just to get started in the bathroom.

“Right here?”

There had been an entire section of our orientation devoted to self-pleasure and sexual relief and my daughter had watched me masturbate, and I had seen her do the same. It still felt awkward to do it alone in her room while she watched.

“Yes, you can assume any position that works for you,” Julie insisted. It was obvious she wanted to watch me in my most intimate moment, pleasuring myself. I felt awkward and tried to find a way to sit on the floor that worked. I was used to sitting on the toilet and masturbating that way with the dildo between my legs as I sat over the bowl. That way I didn’t wake up my husband in the middle of the night masturbating in bed.

“You don’t put your finger in our butt? Or play with your own tits? Squeeze your clit?” she asked as she watched me slowly masturbate with the dildo.

“No,” I admitted. I felt like I didn’t have much imagination.

“Hold down your clit, push on it like you are trying to squish it,” she said. I thought she was being mean, but it was good advice. I imagined my clit was made of silly putty and I began to flatten it with my thumb.

“That’s it, that works for me, good. Now flick it, or pinch and pull it a little, keep fucking the dildo, Brittany” Julie talked me through a very exciting but extremely brief masturbation session.

“I am sorry, I didn’t cum,” I admitted.

“That’s okay. You will eventually learn to pleasure yourself quickly so that you can turn on others. You understand you are going to be bred, right? You need to be appealing and accommodating. You’ll continue to practice. I want you to promise me that you won’t masturbate without my permission ever, okay?”

“Yes, okay,” I promised. If she wanted me to get better, I’d have assumed she’d let me do it all the time. I felt like I wanted another go at it.

“I bet you were tempted to frig yourself when you were in the bathroom shaving your pussy?”

“A little, yes,” I blushed.

“You are to tell me if you go down on Dad. You had BETTER never have sex with him. We’ll be out of the Program. You can’t get pregnant before the Program and you are completely off birth control, right?”

“Yes, Ma’am,” I replied. That was in our information packets. We had to test negative for birth control. I hadn’t been taking it because Jim and I rarely had sex. I also didn’t have to say Ma’am. It just kind of slipped out.

“If you are ever tempted to masturbate, I want you to ask me for relief. I want you to learn to trust me to decide what you need and give you permission. If you start lying to me, you are going to have a very sore ass,” Julie promised.

“Now, go lock the front door and come back here. I want you to sleep on my bed tonight,” she instructed.

I dashed out of the room, down the stairs, and checked the front and back doors. I turned out the lights as I did. My tits were bouncing. I felt like I was streaking in my own home. I avoided Dewey and Reese and knocked on my daughter’s door. “May I come in?”

“Better,” Julie said through the door before inviting me in. I closed the door behind me and entered her room. Julie was naked, which surprised me since she had been wearing a nightshirt. “What? You didn’t know that I like to sleep nude? I enjoy being naked on my own terms, when I want to do it.”

She told me to stand at her laptop and login to the NIS portal. My login and password were written down for me on a sheet of paper that she had laid out. “Don’t go to any other websites. You have two hours to finish. When you are done, turn out the lights.”

She told me there was a USB charger by the computer and told me to plug it into her laptop and my collar. I did as she requested. It was a little humiliating to voluntarily charge up a device that I knew would be used to give me shocks, but it also monitored my information.

I felt a little silly standing up straight at my daughter’s computer. It was one of Jim’s old hand-me-down laptops from years ago. He’d bought a better laptop for Reese, but Reese is a gamer and probably his daddy’s favorite. I didn’t see a problem with that because Julie only needed a computer for school. It had irked me that Jim skipped her as the oldest and bought him a newer one, but I didn’t say anything to him at the time.

The Portal downloaded statistics from my collar, and asked me questions about my mental health, and physical health. It asked me if I still consented to various things I had already agreed to consent to. The Portal also asked me to identify anyone that was bullying or abusing me and assured me of confidentiality. I could at any time request help from a chat agent, schedule a meeting with Ms. Collins or her boss, and it was all very professional looking.

I was done in about 45 minutes and my collar was fully charged.

It still had ‘Windows 12’ on it. That’s how old this computer was. I remember using that O/S when I was a little girl in school. I connected to the Portal. It asked me to write about what I thought went well, what I thought went poorly about the day.

It was a very simple question, but one I had to really ponder. I couldn’t think of any way to say that I thought it went “well” or “poorly”. There were times I had butterflies in my stomach forming a big parade and marching while playing trombones and tubas and waving flags. There were times when I was excited about the adventure ahead of me and the prospect of doing something with my daughter.

There were times I was humiliated, and times I was proud. I couldn’t say that any of it went better or worse. It just was it was. I did my best on the assignment and submitted it. The system also requires you to answer some standard questions about your mental state and happiness levels. It’s very comprehensive and obviously it was designed to ensure that we weren’t feeling isolated and depressed. That was very reassuring.

I finished much earlier than the allotted two hours.

At her direction, I turned off the light. “This is and always will be my room. It’s not your base or safe place to run when you want to hide. You will be sleeping here some nights when I invite you, but you will always knock and wait for an invitation to enter.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” I acknowledged.

My daughter allowed me to get into her twin bed at the foot and curl up at her feet under the covers. I am a big woman and that was difficult at first, but once I tucked my feet under me, I found that it was cozy at her feet.

It was nice not being woken up to the sounds of snoring that sounded like a big pine tree being sawed in half.


In the morning, I got up at my usual time. My daughter slept peacefully. She was hugging an old teddy bear. Her bare tits were visible in the blankets, and she looked so comfortable. I decided to risk letting her sleep and not asking permission since I usually got up at this time to prepare breakfast.

I started my husband’s coffee and began preparing the morning meal. I was tempted to put on an apron, but I hadn’t worn one the night before and decided it would be fine without it. I was hairless now in the front, and that meant it wasn’t likely I’d get my hair in the food. I giggled about that.

I almost made myself a cup of coffee out of habit. I knew we wouldn’t have thirty minutes for me to slowly drink the bottle of protein. I sucked a little milk out of it at a time and cleaned the other two bottles and prepared them according to the instructions. The powder smelled worse than it tasted.

“Oh, my gawd! Mom, you don’t have any hair?” Dewey pointed immediately at my crotch in shock and dismay when he noticed my bald pussy in the bright light. I was a little wet and there was no hiding the glistening on my pussy lips. I blushed and nodded as I looked down. My son is an early riser like me and usually is the first one after me to join me in the kitchen.

“Yep, do you like it?” I wasn’t sure what else I could say. I asked the question if he liked it as if was a new hairdo I got at the hairstylist.

“Yeah, that’s awesome!” Dewey asked if he could help with breakfast. I told him I had everything handled and he sat down and waited. He offered sometimes, but I never let him help. It made me feel useful to make breakfast for the family.

Reese and Julie joined us next. Reese was dressed for school, and Julie was as well (For NIS). She was naked, wearing only sneakers and socks. She walked in like she had been doing this for months and had all the confidence in the world that it was normal. The boys snickered a little but largely ignored it.


Julie sat down at the table on her bare ass and waited with Reese.

I asked everyone what they wanted to drink and poured it for them. This was nothing new for me. I’d been doing it that way for years.

“How come your butt sits up high and tight, and your cheeks close, and Mom’s butt hangs down and kind of open? And you can see her dookie hole when she moves fast?” Dewey asked.

“Dewey, do you want serious answers, or are you just asking questions to get my goat in the morning?”

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